FLEX FUNCTIONAL STRENGTH rpe 8 10 SETS 3 Weighted Pull-Ups* APR. 17 - APR. 23, 2023 AEROBIC CONDITIONING rpe 6 AMRAP x 20 MINUTES 35 Cal Bike* 100m KB Farmer Carry (Mod-Heavy) FUNCTIONAL STRENGTH *Option to increase weight or use the same weight across for all 10 sets. Pull-Ups must be performed unbroken. *Roughly about 2:30-3:00 worth of effort at mod pace. -Rest as Needed b/t Sets- (No Measure) (Score is Weight) GOAL: RPE 6 | Sweaty and sustainable. Breath and grip. -Rest as Needed b/t Sets- GOAL: RPE 8 | This should not be a 3-rep Max. Looking to challenging sets for most of the 10 assigned sets but you should have something left in the tank. BODYWEIGHT FLOW (Score is Weight on Squat) rpe 9 1.) 3 SETS 10 Seated DB Shoulder Press (Mod-Heavy) 30 Straight Arm Banded Push-Down -Rest 1:30 b/t Sets- *Option to wear 20lb vest (No Measure) -Rest 1:30 b/t Sets- GOAL: RPE 8 | Upper Body (Score is Slowest Set) 2.) 3 SETS 10 DBL DB Bent Over Rows (Mod-Heavy) 30 Empty Barbell Curls GOAL: RPE 9 | Turn up the heat a little bit here. Push hard to try to beat your time each round. rpe 8 Goal today is to give your body what it needs – full rest or active recovery. Active Recovery should be low intensity movement for 10-30min. This is not a workout! GOAL: RPE 8 | Think more about the intention of the pause than the loading...but this should be challenging. Hold tension in each position then stand with purpose. BODYBUILDING rpe 8 1.) 3 SETS 10 DB Romanian DLs (Mod-Heavy)* 30 Glute Bridge-Ups* *:03 Pause in Down Position *:01 Pause in the Top Hold -Rest 1:30 b/t Sets(No Measure) EXTRA CREDIT -Rest 1:30 b/t Sets- REST DAY or ACTIVE RECOVERY... *Pause in the down position with tension held for :03 **Pause in the top and bottom position of the lunge for :03 3 SETS* 15 Burpees 75 Double Unders 50 Air Squats 25 Push-Ups 15 Burpees BODYBUILDING rpe 8 5 SETS 5 Pause Box Squats (Mod-Heavy)* Immediately Into... 10/10 Front Foot Elevated Lunges** GOAL: RPE 8 | Lower Body None. Rest and Recover! (No Measure) 2.) FOR QUALITY* 3:00 Wall Sit 3:00 Plank 2:00 Wall Sit 2:00 Plank 1:00 Wall Sit 1:00 Plank GOAL: RPE 8 | Upper Body 3.) FOR QUALITY 100 Weighted Sit-Ups (No Measure) EXTRA CREDIT *Athlete must hit the full time for each time period. If you break, the clock stops and only resumes when back in the position. FOR RECOVERY Perform a Full-Body Yoga Session GOAL: RPE 8 | Lower Body / Midline Pick 10 Positions and Hold Each for 2:00...rest about :30 b/t positions. Start and end the session with 10 'box breaths'. Inhale for :03-:05, Hold Full for :03-:05, Exhale for :03-:05, Hold Empty for :03-:05...repeat pattern until 10 reps. EXTRA CREDIT (No Measure) Pick 10 Positions and Hold Each for 2:00...rest about :30 b/t positions. Start and end the session with 10 'box breaths'. Inhale for :03-:05, Hold Full for :03-:05, Exhale for :03-:05, Hold Empty for :03-:05...repeat pattern until 10 reps. FOR RECOVERY Perform a Full-Body Yoga Session (No Measure) FUNCTIONAL STRENGTH rpe 7 FOR QUALITY* 10-9-8...and so on down to 1 Bench Press Strict Pull-Up Strict Dip *Extra challenge...all reps for all movements must be performed unbroken. FUNCTIONAL STRENGTH rpe 7 EMOM x 20 MINUTES 2 Power Cleans* REST DAY or ACTIVE RECOVERY... Goal today is to give your body what it needs – full rest or active recovery. Active Recovery should be low intensity movement for 10-30min. This is not a workout! *Start Moderate and build after every 5th set... Set 1-5 = Mod Set 6-10 = Mod-Heavy Set 11-15 = Athlete Choice Set 16-20 = Athlete Choice (Score is Weight on Bench Press) (Score is Weight) GOAL: RPE 7 | Not for time! Athlete choice whether you want to use DB bench or Barbell bench. Around bodyweight would be a great test for this workout. BODYBUILDING rpe 7 1.) 3 SETS 5/5 DB or KB Turkish Get-Up (Mod-Light)* 1:00/1:00 Side Plank *Perform the movement from the ground to the standing position. Optional to return back to the ground under tension or reset back down without the 'get-down'. GOAL: RPE 7 | Low rep EMOM that turns into 40 great reps in 20min. This is a fantastic way to stay time efficient and get your lifting in. Keep the weight moderate for first 10 sets...then increase as needed. BODYBUILDING Pick Your Poison...Choose One! OPTION 1.) ON A 30:00 RUNNING CLOCK... Weighted Outdoor Ruck* *Walk continuously for 30min with a weighted pack or weighted vest. -Rest 1:30 b/t Sets(No Measure) (No Measure) GOAL: RPE 7 | Full Body 2.) 20-16-12-8 DB Alt. Curl (Increase Weight Each Set) Diamond Push-Up Hollow Rock OPTION 2.) 5 SETS 100m Heavy Sled Push (AHAP) -Rest as Needed b/t Sets(No Measure) GOAL: RPE 7 | Upper Body / MIdline OPTION 3.) EMOM x 15 MINUTES MIN 1 - :50 Heavy DBall Hold MIN 2 - :50 Jump Rope MIN 3 - :50 Strict Hanging Knee Raise EXTRA CREDIT (No Measure) FOR RECOVERY Perform a Full-Body Yoga Session EXTRA CREDIT (No Measure) None. Rest and Recover! Pick 10 Positions and Hold Each for 2:00...rest about :30 b/t positions. Start and end the session with 10 'box breaths'. Inhale for :03-:05, Hold Full for :03-:05, Exhale for :03-:05, Hold Empty for :03-:05...repeat pattern until 10 reps. (No Measure) © 2023 NCFIT, INC.