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Parts of a Simple Paragraph: English Module

Content Standard
Performance Standard
Learning Objectives
Demonstrates an understanding of writing as a process
Demonstrates an understanding that word meaning can be
derived from different sources.
Uses a variety of strategies to write informal and literary
Uses different resources to find word meaning
Parts of a Simple Paragraph
Recognize the parts of a simple paragraph
As a student you may have read stories about seasons or weather. What is your most
preferable weather when you stay outside to do some activities? Read the paragraph aloud.
The warm weather allows me to play outside. I
play under the sprinkle with my brother. We run
through the water and scream each time! At night, I
play hide and seek with my friends. I usually hide
behind a big bush. I love it when the weather is warm,
What is the paragraph about? ________________________________________
What are the things the writer can do in a warm weather? _____________________
What is Paragraph?
Paragraph is made up of sentences. It is consist of 5 to 6 or more sentences.
Each sentences relates to a single idea about the main topic. It explains and describes
the topic or the topic sentence.
 A paragraph has three major structural parts.
1. Topic sentence
2. Supporting details
3. Concluding sentences
What is a topic sentence?
It is usually the first sentence in the paragraph. It is introductory, meaning it should not include
details, rather, it should introduce the main idea which will be supported by the rest of your
paragraph. Summarize the main idea of the paragraph to create a topic sentence. It includes
the topic and the main idea.
Everyone should wear a life jacket when they are on the boat. Life jackets have been
proven to save lives. No one can predict when an accident might happen. There may not be
enough time in an emergency to put on a life jacket. But if you are already wearing it, it may
save your life
The topic sentence in the example is underlined. The rest of the sentences in the
paragraph supports the topic sentence. The paragraph clearly talks about the importance of
wearing a life jacket.
Exercise 1. Independent Practice!
Direction: Read each of the paragraph below and encircle the topic sentence.
1. Sydney is an exciting city to visit. It is the financial, industrial, shipping and cultural center of NSW,
Because of the busy waterfront, it has become a major world port and has had population growth.
There are beaches within the city limits, and it is just a short drive to the Blue Mountain.
What is supporting Sentences?
This is where the detailed sentences go to support the main idea which will be supported by the rest
of the paragraph. They come after the topic sentence. They make up the body of the paragraph. They
give details to support the main idea. In writing supporting details give support facts, details, and
examples. It uses signal words such as “next”, “however”, “first”, “second”, and “in addition”.
My hometown is famous for several amazing natural features. First, it is noted for the Wheaton
River, which is very wide and beautiful. Second, on the other side of the town is Wheaton Hill, which
is unusual because it is very steep. The third amazing feature is the Big Old Tree. This tree stands
two hundred feet tall and is probably about six hundred years old. Finally, these landmarks are truly
amazing and make my hometown a famous place.
The supporting sentences are the underlined. It clearly gives more details about the
sentences. The italic words are the signal words used in supporting sentences.
Exercise 2. Independent Practice
Direction: Read each paragraph below and underline the supporting sentences.
1. Robots are being used in sumo wrestling contests. Two players try to score points by holding each
other down or pushing each other out of the ring. Robot sumo uses robots instead of humans. The
robots that scores most points win. Students use robots for sumo competition.
What is Concluding Sentences?
This is where the writer relates the ideas in the current paragraph to what is coming next. Transition
words like “Finally”, “therefore”, “as a result” and “I conclude” are useful.
It is found at the end of the paragraph.
Anna is an excellent student. She is intelligent. She is responsible. Anna always does her
homework, and she is never late for class. As a result, she becomes one of the best students in
The concluding sentence is underlined. It is the last sentence of the paragraph and repeats the main
idea in the topic sentence. It also uses the signal word “as a result”.
Exercise 3. Independent Practice
Direction: Read each paragraph below and encircle the concluding sentence.
1. Walking is the best exercise. First, walking is free, so people don’t need to buy a gym
membership to do it. Secondly, people can walk wherever they live. Third, studies show that
walking outside not only burns calories but also helps a person feel happy and optimistic.
Therefore, walking is an excellent form of exercise.
Activity 1. Direction: Read the paragraph below and encircle the topic sentence using color RED,
then underline the supporting sentences using color GREEN and draw a square for the concluding
sentence using color YELLOW. Do it neatly.
My Favorite Pet
Cats are wonderful pets that’s why I love cats so
Much. They are very cute and sweet and very
gentle too. I have many friends who have cats as
Activity 2. Direction: Read each sentence. Determine which part of the paragraph does each
sentence belongs. Write TS if it is topic sentence, write SP if it is supporting sentence and write CS if
it is concluding sentence. Write it on the line.
_________1. In conclusion, my father is in better shape and in good health.
_________2. First, he is in excellent condition because he stopped smoking cigarettes.
_________3. There are several possible reasons why my father is in excellent health.
_________4. Also, he stopped eating the wrong kinds of foods.
_________5. He is also in good physical shape, for he exercises a lot.
Activity 3. Direction: Now it’s your turn! Use the hamburger paragraph organizer to write about an
animal of your choice.
You have buns on top bottom
Topic Sentence
Closing Sentence / Conclusion Sentence
You have the burger in the middle
Supporting Details
How long is a paragraph?
5-6 sentences in total
1 topic sentence
1 closing/transition sentence
3-4 supporting details
Details # 1:
# 2:
# 3:
Concluding Sentence:
Rewrite your outline in a paragraph form. Be sure to include the title and don’t forget to include signal
words. Write it neatly.
Answer the questions in 1-2 sentences.
1. How do you write a good paragraph?
2. As a student, do you think it is important to learn how to write a paragraph?
https://www.study.com, https://www.k12reader.com, https://www.education.com