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Astronomy Worksheet: Planets, Stars, Seasons, Eclipses

These questions relate to the Specific Learning Outcomes for Astronomy:
1. A planet, like Earth, orbits a ____ and cannot create its own ______.
A star, like the Sun, is in a fixed position in space but is orbited by _______. A star creates its
own _____ by nuclear reactions.
A moon is a natural satellite that orbits a _______.
A satellite is an object made by ____, that also orbits a _______.
2. The inner planets are ____ and made of ______, while in contrast, the outer planets are _____
and made of ______ (bar Pluto).
3. Scorpio has been drawn for you. Add Crux (the Southern Cross) and Orion.
4. Use equipment to project an image of the sun and explain why it is used.
5. The planet is a globe in space. Only ___ of the Earth can face the Sun at any time. Because
the Earth takes ___ hour to make 1 full rotation. We have roughly __ hours of light and __
hours of darkness.
6. Describe and explain the cause of the seasons and their annual sequence.
The Earth is on a _____ of 23.5°. As the Earth orbits the Sun the tilt brings in some places of the
globe closer to the _____ as the Earth rotates. There are four different positions in a Year, and
these are our Seasons:
7. Describe the moon’s phases and surface features and explain the sequence of phases.
8. Describe and explain the cause of eclipses and distinguish between solar and lunar eclipses.
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