Uploaded by Christian Galos

English 10 Film Analysis Worksheet

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
N a t i o n a l C a pi t a l Re g i o n
Sc h o o l s D i v i s i o n O f f i c e o f La s Pi ñ a s C i t y
Name___________________________ Date______________ Score______________
Learning Objectives:
Properly sequence a series of events
Determine how connected events contribute to the totality of a material viewed
Learning Inputs:
Films are similar to novels or short stories in that they tell a story. The methods you
use to analyze a film are closely related to those used to analyze literature. Here are the
elements to be considered when analyzing films: film facts, genre, setting, plot and
structure, conflict, characterization, narrator and point of view, imagery, theme, and
cinematic effects such as soundtrack, use of the camera, lighting, and editing.
DAYS 1-5
Learning Opportunity 1
Directions: Recall a film or a movie that you have watched recently. Relay the events
that took place in it through a graphic organizer like the one below.
DAYS 1-3
Learning Opportunity 1
Directions: Write a review about a film or a movie of your choice. Consider the following
guidelines in writing your review.
1. Introductory Paragraph. Provide basic information about the movie and a sense
of what your review will be about. Include:
Brief introduction to the movie
Title and director of the movie
Publication information such as year released, length of movie, etc.
Genre of the movie (i.e., comedy, animated, drama)
Movie's thesis / theme / purpose
2. Body. There are two main sections for this part.
The first is an explanation of what the movie is about.
The second is your opinions about the movie and how successful it is with
examples used to support your opinion.
Give a summary of the plot in which you identify the main characters, describe
the setting, and give a sense of the central conflict or point of the movie.
3. Analysis and Evaluation. In this section you analyze or critique the movie. Write about
your own opinions; just be sure that you explain and support them with examples. Some
questions you might want to consider:
- How did the director achieve his or her purpose?
- How did the elements of the movie (camera techniques, angles, sound, etc.)
contribute to the totality of the work?
- Is the acting / writing / music effective, powerful, difficult, beautiful?
- What are the strengths and weaknesses the movie?
- What is your overall response to the movie? Did you find it interesting, moving,
dull? Why?
- Would you recommend it to others? Why or why not?
4. Conclusion. Briefly conclude the review by pulling your thoughts together. You may
want to say what impression the movie left you with or emphasize what you want your
reader to know about it. Be sure to include a grade, A-F, in your review with a recap of
why it earned that grade.
Source: https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrwXxRVfMteYmUAtgXfSQx.;_ylu=X3oDMTByYmpmZjA4BGNvbG8Dc2czB
Quarter: 1_
Weeks: 3 and 4
MELC: Appraise the unity of plot, setting and characterization in a material viewed to achieve
the writer’s purpose
(Government Property. Not for sale)
Learning Objectives:
 Observe the steps in writing an insight
 Express insights based on the film viewed
Learning Inputs:
Insight is the capacity to give an accurate, deep, intuitive understanding of something
read, heard, or viewed. Compelling insight statements should be structured around five
key principles, as follows:
1. Setting the context by explaining the background of your insight.
2. Communicating the dilemma by showing your understanding of the barriers that
people may have in achieving what they want in life.
3. Articulating the why by focusing on the possible reasons why something is
4. Capturing the motivation by dealing with the frustration that surrounds any given
experience as this would show the core motivating factors.
5. Envisioning the ideal by conveying how one would like the world to look and feel,
and what the ideal experience should be.
DAYS 1-2
Learning Opportunity 1
Directions: Think of a feature film that was based on another literary work (e.g. novel,
play, etc.). Present their similarities and differences through a Venn diagram similar to the
one below. After which, provide a one-sentence feedback for each key principle of an
Write your feedback here:
1. Setting the context
2. Communicating the dilemma
3. Articulating the why
4.Capturing the motivation
5. Envisioning the ideal
Quarter: 1_
Weeks: 3 and 4
MELC: Compare and contrast the contents of the materials viewed with outside sources of
information in terms of accessibility and effectiveness
(Government Property. Not for sale)
DAYS 3-5
Learning Opportunity 2
Directions: Read a comprehensive critique about a film or movie you have already
watched before. Write a three-paragraph compelling insight about the article by focusing
on its accessibility and effectiveness. Follow the format below.
Your output will be graded based on the following rubric.
Quarter: 1_
Weeks: 3 and 4
MELC: Compare and contrast the contents of the materials viewed with outside sources of
information in terms of accessibility and effectiveness
(Government Property. Not for sale)