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ADDC Electricity Asset Protection Guidelines

Guideline for Protection of Electricity ADDC Asset – Rev. 02–2018
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CABLES ........................................................................................................................... 9
LV Cable Trench Details ............................................................................................ 9
HORL & VERL Clearance Details Between Proposed Lv Cable &
Existing LV Cable ....................................................................................................... 10
HORL & VERL Protection Details Between Proposed LV Cable &
Existing MV Services ................................................................................................. 11
HORL & VERL Clearance Details Between Proposed LV Cables &
Existing MV Cables.................................................................................................... 12
HORL & VERL Clearance Details for Proposed LV Cables &
Existing OHL (11/22/33 kV) .................................................................................. 13
Typical Clearance/Protection Details for Proposed Machinery
Working Under Exisitng OHL (11/22/33 kV) ................................................... 14
STD PROTECTION Details Between Proposed ADDC Cables &
Existing HV Trough/Duct Bank............................................................................ 15
HORL Clearance Details for Machinery Working Under Exisiting
HV OHL (132kV & 400kV) ....................................................................................... 16
HORL/VERL Clearance Details Between Proposed Water/
Sewerage Pipeline and Existing ADDC Cables ................................................. 17
HORL/VERL Clearance Details Between Proposed Etisalat/DU
Cable and Existing ADDC Cable ........................................................................... 18
CABLES/JOINTS) ..................................................................................................... 19
HORL/VERL Clearance Details Between Proposed MV Cables &
Exisiting LV Cables.................................................................................................... 20
HORL & VERL Clearances Details Between Proposed ADDC
Cables and Exisiting Services ................................................................................ 21
Standard Protection Details for MV Services (11/22/33 kV) ...................... 22
Standard Protection & Crossing Details for MV Services
(11/22/33 KV)............................................................................................................. 23
STD. Protection & Crossing Details Between Proposed MV Cables
& Existing HV 132/220/400kV Trough/Duct Bank ...................................... 24
Typical Clearance/Protection Details for Proposed
132/220/400kV Under Exixting ADDC OHL ................................................... 25
Vertical Clearance & Protection Details Between Proposed
Gas/Fuel/Water/Severage/Severage Gravity Services ................................. 26
(11/22/33 KV) ........................................................................................................... 27
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Typical Clearance/Protection Details for Machinery Working
under Exisiting MV OHL (11/22/33 kV) ............................................................ 28
STD. Protection & Crossing Details Between Proposed MV Cables
& Exisiting HV 132kV Trough/ Duct Bank ....................................................... 29
Typical Clearance/Protection Details for Proposed Machinery
Working under Exisiting OHL (11/33 kV) ......................................................... 30
PROPOSED ROAD WORK – ASPHALT HIGHWAY........................................ 31
Proposed Road Work Asphalt Highway Cross Section Sample ................... 32
Existing Asphalt Highway and Proposed NDRC for Crossing
ADDC Cables ............................................................................................................... 33
ROAD (TO VILLA/PLOT/MAIN ROAD) ............................................................. 34
Right Way Sample Cross Section at Asphalt Access/ Service Road.......... 35
Proposed/Existing Asphalt Carriage Way and Proposed ADDC
Cables ............................................................................................................................ 36
PROPOSED ROAD WORK – INTERLOCK PARKING ................................... 37
Right of Way Sample Cross Section at Proposed Asphalt Parking ............ 38
Proposed Interlock Parking and Proposed/Existing ADDC Cables ........... 39
/ASSETS …………………………………………………………..…....................... 40
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Guidelines for Protection of Electricity ADDC Assets
The purpose of this guide is to provide guidelines to assist Electricity
Network Operators to:
Ensure public safety.
Protect the Electricity Network assets from damage.
Minimise the likely impact of structures or other impediments on
electricity easements and infrastructure.
Maintain unimpeded access to electricity easements and infrastructure
for the purposes of the Electricity Network Operators.
Working Near ADDC’s Ground Mounted Infrastructure And
Underground Services (Underground Power Cables)
Contractor shall receive and review details of ADDC’s services in the
vicinity including this guideline;
In certain circumstances it is often in the best interests of all concerned
that persons are prevented from doing anything within the proximity of
network assets that may create a risk while not physically interfering
with the assets.
Even though there are basic depth requirements for installation of all
utility services, plans supplied by utilities may not provide the depth at
which the underground service is buried. This is due to the fact that
over the years these may have been changed or altered, the ground
contours may have changed due the addition or removal of earth during
road or other construction works over the underground service.
Action: A service may be laid with protection such as concrete
surrounding it, to provide extra protection against excavation. In other
cases, warning tape, concrete slabs may be laid over the service. The
service could also be installed in conduit or pipe work.
Before commencing any excavation work, reference shall be made to
the details or plans of the utility or private services in the proposed
excavation area. The location of underground services provided by a
service or utility provider may not be accurate for many reasons.
Action: As complete accuracy cannot be guaranteed, the position of
underground services must be proven by hand excavation or equivalent
safe, non-destructive excavation technique.
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A cable locator may be used to positively locate any cables in lieu of
using any mechanical equipment. Hand tools providing an appropriate
level of safety, or equivalent non-destructive excavation techniques,
must be used to prove the location of cables buried in the ground where
a locator is not utilised. These services must be located prior to the use
of any excavation equipment. (Note: any damage to underground
services, no matter how minor, must be reported. If not, the service
may deteriorate and lead to serious and costly damage at a later date.)
It shall ensure that no more than 1,200 meters of excavated trench is
kept open at any time and a watchman shall be provided for every 600
m. of open trench.
The trenches shall be kept dry during cable installation operation and
shall deal with and dispose of water so as to prevent any risk to the
cables and other materials.
The required control measures shall be developed and implemented
while performing the works and more importance will be given for
public safety and environmental issues.
The necessary safety barricades and warning signs shall be provided/
fixed on site according to the company policy as well as municipality
10. Contractor shall take all the necessary precautions to prevent damage
to the road or ground surface due to a slip or breaking-way from the
side walls of the trench including the pedestrian safety also
11. Where ever the cross of existing services/ Utilities shall be protected
with the utmost care with the prior permission of concerned authorities
and approved methods. shall obtain the necessary approvals from the
client/Consultant/Concerned Authorities according to the scope of
work of the project.
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LV Cables are laid in an aligned corridor at a specified depth, within Right of
Way. Therefore during laying activities it is required to protect ADDC
existing assets as per specified standards.
LV Ca bl e T r e nc h D e ta il s
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H OR L & V ER L C l ea r a nc e D et ai l s Be t w e e n Pr o p o se d L V C ab le &
Ex ist i ng L V Ca bl e
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H OR L & V ER L Pr o t e ct i o n De t ai ls B e t we e n Pr o p o se d L V C ab le &
Ex ist i ng MV S er vi c es
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H OR L & V ER L C l ea r a nc e D et ai l s Be t w e e n Pr o p o se d L V C ab le s &
Ex ist i ng MV Ca bl e s
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H OR L & V ER L C l ea r a nc e D et ai l s f o r P r o p os e d LV C ab le s &
Ex ist i ng O HL ( 1 1/2 2/33 k V)
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T yp ic a l C l ea r a nc e/ Pr o te c ti o n D et ai l s f o r P r op o s ed Ma c hi n e r y
W or ki n g U n d er Ex i s it n g O H L ( 11/ 22/ 3 3 k V)
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STD P R OT E CT I O N D et ai l s Be t w ee n P r o p o se d AD D C C ab l es &
Ex ist i ng HV T r ou g h /Du ct B a nk
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H OR L C l ea r a nc e D e ta il s f or Ma c hi n e r y W or ki n g U n d er Ex i s iti n g
HV OH L ( 13 2kV & 4 00kV)
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H OR L/V ER L C l ea r a n ce D e ta il s B et w e e n P r op o s ed Wa t er /
Se w er a ge P ip e li n e a n d Ex is ti n g ADD C C ab le s
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1. 1 0
H OR L/V ER L C l ea r a n ce D e ta il s B et w e e n P r op o s ed E ti s al a t /D U
C ab le a nd Ex i st i ng ADD C Ca bl e
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The great demand of energy requires MV voltage (MV) cables to transmit
electricity from transmission electrical lines/substations to pocket stations
and finally to the end users, MV cables laid underground to accommodate
different voltage ranges 11 kV, 22 kV, and 33 kV to meet customers’ needs.
MV cables lay in approved corridor within Right Of Way, therefore during
laying activities it is required to protect ADDC existing assets as per
specified standards.
Laying of Medium Voltage (MV) Cables: Site Photos
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H OR L/V ER L C le a ra n ce D et ai l s Be t w ee n Pr o p o s ed M V C ab le s &
Ex isi ti n g LV C ab le s
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H OR L & V ER L C l ea r a nc e s De t ai ls B e t we e n Pr o p o se d AD D C
C ab le s a n d Ex is it i n g Se rv ic e s
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St a nd a rd P r o te c ti o n D et ai l s f o r M V Se rvi c es ( 1 1/2 2/3 3 k V)
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St a nd a rd P r o te c ti o n & C r o ss i ng D e ta il s f o r M V Se rv ic e s
( 11/2 2/3 3 K V)
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STD . Pr o t ec ti o n & C r o ss i ng D et ai l s B e t we e n Pr o p o s ed
C ab le s & Ex is ti n g H V 1 32 / 220 /4 00 k V Tr o ug h /Du c t Ba n k
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T yp ic a l
C le a ra n ce /P r ot e ct i o n
D et ai l s
132/ 220 /4 00k V U n de r Ex ix ti n g ADD C O HL
Guideline for Protection of Electricity ADDC Asset – Rev. 02–2018
P r o p os e d
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Ve rt ic a l C l ea r a nc e & P r ot e ct i o n De t ai l s Be t w ee n P r o p os e d
Ga s/ Fu e l / Wa t er /S e ve ra g e/S ev e ra g e Gr avi t y S er vi ce s
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(11/22/33 KV)
The great demand of energy requires (MV) cables to transmit electricity from
transmission electrical lines/substations to pocket stations and finally to
the end users, MV OHL cables are installed on overhead structures i.e.
wooden or steel poles constructed on concrete foundations to transmit MV
power for long distances. MV OHL are utilized in approved corridor within
Right Of Way, therefore during laying activities it is required to protect
ADDC existing assets as per specified standards.
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T yp ic a l C l ea r a nc e/ Pr o te c ti o n D et ai l s f o r M a c hi n er y W o rki n g
un d er Ex i si ti n g MV O HL ( 1 1/2 2/3 3 kV)
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STD . Pr o t ec ti o n & C r o ss i ng D et ai l s B e t we e n
C ab le s & Ex isi ti n g HV 13 2kV Tr o ug h / Duc t B a nk
Guideline for Protection of Electricity ADDC Asset – Rev. 02–2018
Pr o p o s ed
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T yp ic a l C l ea r a nc e/ Pr o te c ti o n D et ai l s f o r P r op o s ed Ma c hi n e r y
W or ki n g u nd e r Ex is iti n g OH L ( 11 /33 k V)
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The purpose of the asphalt highways are to facilitate the movement of the
motorists/travellers/road users and to accommodate large volumes of traffic
with the road design speed in accordance with the geometric design. Roads
have different classes (Freeway, expressway, primary arterial, secondary
arterial, collector and local roads). Each road has a distinct function,
character and level of access control.
Asphalt highways are constructed within Right Of Way therefore during
construction activities it is required to protect ADWEA existing assets and to
lay ADEWA ducts for future requirements (if required) as per specified
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Proposed Road Work Asphalt Highway Cross Section
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Existing Asphalt Highway and Proposed NDRC for
Crossing ADDC Cables
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The purpose of the asphalted access road is to tie in/out the service road to
the main road which providing the access to plot/villa/farm or individuals
properties and to provide a parallel road to an arterial or similar main road,
which provides land access, parking and limited movement (generally one
way) for through traffic.
Access/Service Road are constructed within Right Of Way therefore during
construction activities it is required to protect ADWEA existing assets and to
lay ADWEA ducts (if required) as per specified standard.
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Right Way Sample Cross Section at Asphalt Access/
Service Road
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Proposed/Existing Asphalt Carriage Way and Proposed
ADDC Cables
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Interlocked parking lot is the area, remote from the road designated for the
parking of vehicles. The road may contain Parking lanes which are the areas
on the pavement, perpendicular, inclined or parallel to but outside the
travelling way. Each parking lane contains several parking bays in which
the area are marked out for different sizes of vehicle parking.
Interlocked Parking can be in one or both sides of the road within the Right
Of Way, therefore during construction activities it is required to protect
ADEWA existing assets as per specified standards.
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Right of Way Sample
Asphalt Parking
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Proposed Interlock
ADDC Cables
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The Minimum Clearance/Distances Between Residential
Plot Lands and Existing ADDC Electricity Services/
The distance between the land and the existing ADDC low-voltage
underground cables shall not be less than 1 meter when the
cable is at the front side of the land/plot where there is allocated
and dedicated approved services/connections corridors.
The distance between the land and the existing ADDC highvoltage underground cables shall not be less than 1 meter when
the cable is at the front side of the land/plot where there is
allocated and dedicated approved services/connections corridors.
Minimum horizontal clearance from center line of 11KV & 33 KV
poles to the edge of plot shall be 7m (for all future plots: The
same to be sent to Municipality via official letter).
In case the above specified min. horizontal clearance of 7m
cannot be achieved between existing poles and approved
allocated plots, then the min. vertical clearance between the
existing conductors and any trees or structure/boundary wall
shall be not less than 6m. Accordingly, the below conditions shall
be fulfilled/complied & confirmed by the owner of the plot (can be
sent to the owner via conditional Design NOC):
a. The final height of the boundary wall (beside/near the OHL
side) shall be no more than 3 meters.
b. Any trees / green area (within the first seven meters from the
center of 11KV/33KV OHL pole) shall maintain the same
height of 3m max.
c. Any future building/structure(within the first seven meters
from the center of 11KV/33KV OHL Pole) shall maintain
necessary offset from the boundary wall (at OHL side) inside
the plot to fulfil the six meter vertical clearance from the
conductor (seven meters from center line of OHL).
d. Before starting any site activities, new construction NOC shall
be obtained by the contractor from ADDC with detailed
method statement and risk assessment report to control and
mitigate the risks of working near ADDC Live Assets/OHL as
per ADDC Specifications and Procedures.
Minimum horizontal clearance from center line of 33KV Towers to
the edge of the industrial plot/farms shall be 12.5m – Please
verify this 12.5m clearance with respect to ADDC HSEQ
requirements & End Users at OHL feedback regarding the max.
existing length of 33KV OHL cross-arm/33KV Tower foundations(for all future industrial plots/future farms: The same to be sent
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to Municipality via official letter) while 33KV Towers are not
allowed to be at urban planning areas with residential plots.
The min. distance between the plots and the existing Feeder
Pillar/Service Turret shall not be less than 30cm, taking into
consideration all necessary protections and precautions required
to ensure that FP & ST is not affected during the construction/
excavation of the boundary walls of the land. Moreover, no any
part of plot/boundary wall foundations is allowed to be projected
from plot limits.
The distance between the plot Lands and the approved land for
the distribution Substation in open areas shall not be less than
3m from side & back sides while 2m clear distance is required
around the existing 11KV Package Units. In some special certain
congested areas/cases, ADDC may accepted 1.5 meters clear
distance around the 11KV PU.
The approved plot size for ADDC Distribution substation is 13m x
16m for the 22KV SS (especially when substation between two
plots) while 12m x16m plot size is approved for the 11kV SS with
Switchgear. The approved plot size for 11KV RMU substation is
11m x 16m.
If the clear distance (Sikka/3m clearance) between two plots will
be merged with the adjacent plots and combined together and in
the presence of existing ADDC Services/Assets (case number 1 &
2), then the request shall be rejected in accordance to
Municipality’s Circular.
10. In the event that the transfer of services for a single land has
been requested with the passage of services on the other lands at
the same time the request shall be rejected according to the
circular of the Municipality.
11. The side/back distance required between the limits of the plot
lands and the electricity services in case of land separators
(Sikka/3m clearance between tow plots) :
a. Distance not less than 30cm between the cables and the side
limits of the land if no approved dedicated service corridors.
b. If the existing cables are between 30cm and 100cm from
side/back limits of the plot, then all necessary protection and
shoring of the soil shall be considered and fulfilled before
starting any site construction activates/excavations for the
boundary walls of the land. All such excavation near existing
electrical services shall be done manually and with all
necessary safety precautions. If the same cannot be achieved
and confirmed/ensured, then the cables must be protected
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through split concrete ducts or relocated in approved safe
power service corridor.
c. If the cables are more than one meter away from the limits of
the plot land, then there is no objection to giving NOC subject
that the client/customer will confirm full compliance and
adherence/fulfilling all relevant safety precautions before
starting any site activities/excavation and construction.
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