ENGLISHFAL /TERM 3/TASK6&7/PROJECT AUG/2021 Letterhead TERM 3 - TASK 6 & 7 PROJECT GRADE 4 ENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE TASK 6 & 7: PROJECT 26 JULY 2021 – 20 AUGUST 2021 MARKS: 40 FILL-IN QUESTION PAPER DURATION: 26 July 2021 – 20 August 2021 (4 Weeks) Learner’s name & surname: ____________________________________ School: ___________________________________________________ TERM 3 PROJECT 1. Task 6 - Stage 1 Research 2. Task 6 - Stage 2 Writing TOTAL MARKS 10 30 TOTAL 40 3. Task 7 Stage 3 Oral 20 1 LEARNER’S MARK ENGLISHFAL /TERM 3/TASK6&7/PROJECT AUG/2021 Background Projects are tasks in which learners illustrate or apply knowledge that they have gained in class. There is one creative writing project per year per Grade in Term 3. Projects may involve aspects of investigation and/or research. Learners can do projects individually or in groups, but with some support and guidance from the teacher. The teacher directs the choice of the project, usually by providing the learners with a topic or brief for the investigation. Teachers can assess different stages of projects separately, or the entire project. Assessment of projects should be based on the understanding of content, application of skills and values applicable in a relevant context and may vary in extent. Projects may be done over a period of time. Issues of inclusivity should be factored in. Assessment tools of projects could be a combination of rubric, memorandum, checklist, etc Task 6: Stage 1 Research – Oral: (10 Marks) (12. 08.2021) Learners do research on their project. Learners do research on their project. -Assessment Tool – Memorandum. Task 6: Stage 2 Writing (30 Marks) (By 20. 08. 2021) (Learners engage in the write – up of their project) Follow the writing process. (First draft and Final draft) Assessment tool - Rubric Task 7 Stage 3 Oral: Oral presentation of creative writing project. (20 Marks) • Appropriate Structure: introduction, body and conclusion • Presents central idea and supporting details • Shows evidence of research/investigation • Uses appropriate body language and presentation skills, e.g. makes eye contact, volume. • Assessment tool - Rubric NB. Use additional writing materials and resources to complete the project 2 ENGLISHFAL /TERM 3/TASK6&7/PROJECT AUG/2021 Task 6: Stage1- Research: Read a prescribed genre and complete a book review provided to give the summary of the text read. Book review Title: _____________________________________________________________ Author ___________________________________________________________ Genre: Tick√ Reader Short story Folklore Drama Poem Characters of the story: _________________________________________________________________ (2) Summary of the story (Number sentences 1 - 4) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ (4) What was your favourite part of the story? Why? 3 – 4 lines. ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 3 ENGLISHFAL /TERM 3/TASK6&7/PROJECT AUG/2021 (2) Do you like or dislike the story? Why? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ (2) BIBLIOGRAPHY / RESOURCES Book LEARNER MARK Author / 10 4 ENGLISHFAL /TERM 3/TASK6&7/PROJECT AUG/2021 Task 6: Stage 2 Writing Topics: Choose ONE topic. 1. Write a paragraph of 4 – 5 lines (50 words) about the setting of the story. 2. Write a paragraph of 4 – 5 lines (50 words) about the main character of the story. First draft Final draft 5 ENGLISHFAL /TERM 3/TASK6&7/PROJECT AUG/2021 3. Draw a picture or make a collection of pictures to show: the setting of the story OR the main character of the story. 6 ENGLISHFAL /TERM 3/TASK6&7/PROJECT AUG/2021 ASSESSMENT RUBRIC FOR TASK 6: PROJECT Marks: 30 Category 30 Marks Marks Use of correct format. Marks Use of language structure s in context Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 4 Successfully uses the correct format. 3 Correct format is used most of the time. 8-9 Good use of a range of language structures in context; correct and varied use of vocabulary 2 Some correct use or format. 6-7 Some use of language structures; some language structures used incorrectly; limited vocabulary 0 -1 Little or no use of text type. 0-5 Poor or nonexistent use of language structures or language structures are used incorrectly; very limited vocabulary 0-5 10 - 11 Excellent use of a wide range of language structures in context; correct and varied use of vocabulary. Marks 10 - 11 8-9 6-7 Content Ideas are expressed creatively; all content is relevant to the topic, and is well organised. Ideas are expressed creatively; most content is relevant to the topic, and is well organised Marks Writing Process 4 Shows sufficient evidence of using the writing process: prewriting/planning , drafting, revising, editing 3 Shows evidence of using the writing process: prewriting/planning , drafting, revising, editing 7 Lacks creativity; content is sometimes relevant to the topic, poor organisatio n of content 2 Shows some evidence of using the writing process: prewriting/ planning, drafting, revising, editing Lacks creativity; content is mostly not relevant to the topic, little or no organisatio n of content 0 -1 Shows little evidence of using the writing process; prewriting, drafting, revising, editing. ENGLISHFAL /TERM 3/TASK6&7/PROJECT LEARNER MARK AUG/2021 / 30 TASK 7 PROJECT: Stage 3 - Oral presentation of Creative writing project Topics: Choose ONE 1. Give an oral presentation of the setting of the story / play. 2. Give an oral presentation of the main character of the story / play. 3. Give a book review of the story / play you have read. Use cue cards to refer to the main points of presentation. (Learners may use A4 pages divided and cut into 4 – 6 equal pieces to write their main points.) INSTRUCTIONS Stage 3: Oral Give attention to the following: Appropriate structure, central idea and supporting details, picture clues, demonstrations, connections, fluency, audibility and relevant content. Learner name: ________________________ Date: ____________________ ASSESSMENT TOOL: RUBRIC MARKS: 20 CRITERIA MARKS (20) Preparation Appropriate structure: Introduction, body and conclusion. Content (Presents central idea and supporting details) Voice projection and posture. (fluency, clear voice, tone, pauses, eye contact and gestures(body language) Shows evidence of research / investigation. Use of notes and visual or other aids/ cue cards etc. Audience awareness. Uses appropriate body language and presentation skills. (Makes eye contact.) LEVEL 4: 4 MARKS LEVEL 3: 3 MARKS LEVEL 2: 2 MARKS LEVEL 1: 1 MARK More appropriate structure: Introduction, body and conclusion needed. Limited knowledge of the topic. Outstanding appropriate structure: Introduction, body and conclusion Good appropriate structure: Introduction, body and conclusion. Reasonable appropriate structure: Introduction, body and conclusion. Impressive work. Sufficient work done. Some evidence of research is done. Poor evidence Outstanding confident speaker. Good speaking skills. Adequate confidence and insufficient use of gestures. Finds it difficult to speak and tends to shy away. Outstanding use of aids. Good use of aids Limited use of aids No attempt Engages very well with the audience. Excellent rapport. Appropriate rapport with the audience. Adequate rapport with audience. Comments 8 Little audience rapport ENGLISHFAL /TERM 3/TASK6&7/PROJECT AUG/2021 Total Marks: STAPPLE / PLACE /ATTACH YOUR CUE CARDS FOR ORAL PRESENTATION HERE 9 /20 ENGLISHFAL /TERM 3/TASK6&7/PROJECT AUG/2021 10