Orchestra Games Dynamics Game The ‘it’ person has to go outside and close their eyes, then an object is hidden somewhere in the room. The ‘it’ person comes back in and has to find the object by using dynamics clues from the rest of the group who are playing on an open string. Louder = closer Softer = further away Mystery Technique Students have to play song/scale together, each student playing as best as they can - good posture, bow hold, intonation etc. Teacher has a secret technique that they are focusing on and the student that shows that technique the best wins. Sharps / Flats / Naturals Students divided into three teams: Sharps, Flats and Naturals A volunteer from each team will come up and write a sharp/flat note on the whiteboard , and then they will ask another member of the team to name it. Then another team member will be asked to play it on their instrument. - Named correctly = 1 point (Both writing and naming team members must agree on note name) - Played correctly = 1 point - Named/Played incorrectly = no points OR – 1 point Time Signature Rhythms (*Whiteboard) A specific time signature is chosen (4/4, 3/4, 2/4, 6/8, 12/8, 5/4 – get progressively harder) and students take it in turns to come up and write a rhythm on the whiteboard that fills one whole bar of that time signature. - Rhythm patterns can only be used once - Student who writes the rhythm must be able to clap/play it on an open string in order for it to be accepted. - Variation: students to fill two bars or four bars Music Term Hangman Normal game of hangman but using musical words. If the student who guesses the word correctly can explain what it means, they win a bonus point. (Guessed correctly = 1 point , Guessed and explained correctly = 2 points)