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Вијетнамска породична терминологија

1. Father’s side
 Ông bà cố nội (great-grandparents)
Ông cố nội (great-grandfather)
Bà cố nội ( great-grandmother)
 Ông bà nội (grandparents)
Ông nội (grandfather)
Bà nội (grandmother)
 Ba – Southern ; Bố - Northern (dad)
 Bác trai (older brother – uncle)
Bác gái (older brother’s wife – aunt)
Chú (younger brother – uncle )
Thím (younger brother’s wife – aunt )
Cô (older & younger sister – aunt )
Dượng (older & younger sister’s husband – uncle)
 Cháu nội (both male and female grandchild)
2. Mother’s side
 Ông bà cố ngoại (great-grandparents)
Ông cố ngoại (great-grandfather)
Bà cố ngoại ( great-grandmother)
 Ông bà ngoại (grandparents)
Ông ngoại (grandfather)
Bà ngoại (grandmother)
 Mẹ – Southern & Northern (mom)
 Cậu (older & younger brother – uncle)
Mợ (older & younger brother’s wife – aunt)
Dì (older & younger sister – aunt)
Dượng (older & younger sister’s husband – uncle)
 Cháu ngoại (both male and female grandchild)
3. Both sides
 Anh chị em họ (counsin)
Anh họ (Male counsin {older brother + wife / sister + husband}’s son)
Chị họ (Female counsin {older brother + wife / sister + husband}’s
Em họ (Both male and female cousin {younger brother + wife / sister +
husband}’s son or daughter)
 Anh chị em ruột (siblings)
Anh trai (older brother)
Chị gái (older sister)
Em trai (younger brother)
Em gái (younger sister)
 Ba mẹ: parents
 Ba mẹ chồng (husband’s parents)
Ba chồng (husband’s father in law)
Mẹ chồng (husband’s mother in law)
 Ba mẹ vợ (wife’s parents)
Ba vợ (wife’s father in law)
Mẹ vợ (wife’s mother in law)
 Chị dâu (older sister in law)
Em dâu (younger sister in law)
 Anh rể (older brother in law)
Em rể (younger brother in law)
 Con dâu (daughter in law)
Con rể (son in law)
 Chồng (husband)
Vợ (wife)
 Con gái (daughter)
Con trai (son)
 Cháu (grandchildren)
Cháu trai (Nephew / grandson)
Cháu gái (Niece / granddaughter)
Chắt (great-grandchildren)
Chắt trai (great-grandson)
Chắt gái (great-granddaughter)