My Learning Portfolio Guiding Question: How can I best document and reflect on learning? Overarching Goal: I can create, develop, maintain, and present an academic digital portfolio. Learning Target: I can create a digital file management system. Language Objective: I can write the names of my classes and class assignments on my files and folders. Google Drive – Learning Targets I can access Google Drive by typing the URL: I can access Google Drive from the Google Apps menu on the Google Chrome browser I can create files, folders and subfolders. I can format folders (to color code them). I can add, delete and rename files and folders I can follow best practices when naming digital files. I can transfer files into or out of folders. I can share a file or folder and select the appropriate permissions. I can retrieve a file or folder from my digital file system. How to name your academic files: lastname-firstname-assignmentname Example: fonseca-ana-science-fair-report © – The Online Substitute My Learning Portfolio Guiding Question: How can I best document and reflect on learning? Overarching Goal: I can create, develop, maintain, and present an academic digital portfolio. Learning Target: I can create a digital file management system. Language Objective: I can write the names of my classes and class assignments on my files and folders. Google Drive - Set Up In the Google Chrome browser ● Open a new tab. ● Click on the Google Apps icon ● Select Google Drive. In Google Drive ● Create a folder. ● Name the folder: My Learning Portfolio - Your Name Last Name Example: My Learning Portfolio – Student Name ● Share with teacher: ● Open the folder (by double clicking it.) ● Create three (3) folders inside the Learning Portfolio folder and name them: ● First Name (put all non-academic files here) ● ICE-In case of emergencency ● 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th ● Open grade folder (by double clicking it). ● Create folders for each class inside the grade folder. ● Math ● Science ● History ● English ● Music ● Art ● Informática ● Physical Education ● Spanish ● Add all academic work to the respective folders Ongoing Assessment/Grading - Folder check © – The Online Substitute