NUR 152 Patient Information & Preplanning Student Name Marlee Asher Date of Care: 4/7/22 Admit Date: Admitting Diagnosis: Acute Cholecystitis Occupation: Harbison-Walker/RHI Refractory □ DNR: □ Advanced Directive/Living will □ DPOA: Relationship Insurance: Aetna Medicare Advantage; Medicaid; Blue Cross Support services (RT, PT, OT, ST, SS, Chaplain): Gender: Room #: Marital Age: Male 114 Status: 77 Race: S M White D W Stage of Growth and Development (Erickson): Egointegrity vs Despair Height: 5’8 PT/OT; Social Services; Surgery Consult Admission Weight: 84 kg Current Weight: 74.4 kg Isolation: □ Yes □ No Type: Allergies/Reactions/Intolerances: NKA List Treatments (Dressings, Ice, IS, etc.): Diet: Regular diet Dietary/Fluid Restrictions: Incision dressing change □ Tube feedings N/A N/A Assistive Equipment (cane, walker, crutches, prosthetics): □ Aspiration Precautions □ Dentures/Partials □ Requires assistance with feeding □ Fall Risk Score: □ Braden Score: Providers Activity orders: Smith, Claire As tolerated with assistance Walker/ gait belt Other (HOH/Hearing aids, Visual deficit/Glasses, Speech deficit, etc.): Ask your client: “What is your goal for tomorrow…?” Surgical Procedure(s) this admission (briefly describe) and surgery Date: 4/8/22 Cholecystectomy Laparoscopy with operative Cholangiogram Past Medical History/Chronic Illnesses/DSM 4/TR 5: Acute gangrenous cholecystitis with cholelithiasis Chronic anemia Dementia Borderline low B12 levels Hypertension Dyslipidemia Constipation Weakness Past Surgical History: N/A Patient Information (Complete PRIOR to Clinical Day) Current Medical Diagnosis: Acute Cholecystitis Textbook Signs and Symptoms (from textbook): Intense, sudden pain in the upper right part of your belly. Pain (often worse with deep breaths) that spreads to your back or below the right shoulder blade. Nausea. Vomiting. Fever. Yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice)Loose, light-colored bowel movements. Belly bloating. Presenting Signs and Symptoms (from pt. chart): Diffuse abdominal pain more on his right upper quadrant, the pain was burning, intermittent, started 4/7/22. Also c/o R sided chest pain, states he had some chills, denies nausea, vomiting, cough, SOB, palpitations, diarrhea, or dysuria. Admitting Vital Signs: 97.9 71 16 109/43 100% Risk Factors: Being female. Pregnancy. Hormone therapy. Older age. Being Native American or Hispanic. Obesity. Losing or gaining weight rapidly. Diabetes. Potential/Actual Complications: Untreated cholecystitis can cause tissue in the gallbladder to die (gangrene). It's the most common complication, especially among older people, those who wait to get treatment, and those with diabetes. This can lead to a tear in the gallbladder, or it may cause your gallbladder to burst. Injury to the bile ducts draining the liver (may occur after gallbladder surgery) Pancreatitis. Perforation Pathophysiology for this diagnosis (what happens at the cell level in student words): Most often, cholecystitis is the result of hard particles that develop in your gallbladder (gallstones). Gallstones can block the tube (cystic duct) through which bile flows when it leaves the gallbladder. Bile builds up, causing inflammation. Acute cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder that occurs due to occlusion of the cystic duct or impaired emptying of the gallbladder. Often this impaired emptying is due to stones or biliary sludge. Reference (APA format): NCBI - Acute Cholecystitis. (2021, September). National Library of Medicine. Retrieved April 20, 2022, from Etiology (Cause of condition): Gallstones. Most often, cholecystitis is the result of hard particles that develop in your gallbladder (gallstones). Gallstones can block the tube (cystic duct) through which bile flows when it leaves the gallbladder. Bile builds up, causing inflammation. Tumor. A tumor may prevent bile from draining out of your gallbladder properly, causing bile buildup that can lead to cholecystitis. Bile duct blockage. Kinking or scarring of the bile ducts can cause blockages that lead to cholecystitis. Infection. AIDS and certain viral infections can trigger gallbladder inflammation. Blood vessel problems. A very severe illness can damage blood vessels and decrease blood flow to the gallbladder, leading to cholecystitis. Reference (APA format): NCBI - Acute Cholecystitis. (2021, September). National Library of Medicine. Retrieved April 20, 2022, from Think about it: How do the past/current medical-surgical diagnoses r/t current hospitalization/problem? Are they a factor/cause? Could they represent additional risks? (You may concept map): Psychosocial and Spiritual Assessments Questions in white may be completed by visiting with the client prior to and/or on the clinical day Questions in gray must be completed at the end of the clinical day Patient/family strengths and weaknesses: Health Promotion/Education Needs for patient/family and community resources: Spiritual/Psychosocial beliefs that help the client cope with stress? and/or What gives your life meaning? Role of Faith/Belief in health/illness/diagnosis: Have your beliefs influenced how you take care of yourself in this illness? Spiritual Cues: Spiritual/Psychosocial Support (person or group) identified: Do you belong to a spiritual/religious community? (i.e.: church) Are they a source of support to you? Spiritual/Psychosocial Interventions Provided and reflection: How would you like me to address these issues in your health care? Include your perception of the interactions between the patient, family, and staff. Examples could include but are not limited to civility, abuse and neglect. Generic Name of Medication (Include all scheduled meds; PRNs administered within last 24 hrs; Diabetic Protocol meds; Resp meds) Dose, Route, Time Classification Calcium channel blocker HTN Amlodipine 5 mg PO 0900 Atorvastatin 40 mg PO 2100 HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor High cholesterol HX Water soluble vitamin Anemia Cyanocobalamin 1000 mcg PO 0900 50/8.6 mg PO 0900 1700 10 mg PO 2100 Stimulant laxative Constipation Cholinergic: cholinesterase inhibitor Dementia 12.5 mg PO 0900 Thiazide diuretic HTN 25 mg PO 0600 1800 15 g PO 0900 1700 Beta blocker HTN Osmotic laxative Constipation Docusate + Senna Donepezil Hydrochlorothia zide Metoprolol Polyethylene glycol Reason Ordered for Client (Therapeutic effect) Nursing Considerations (Side Effects, Patient Teaching, Labs, Nursing Implications – SE, PT, L, NI) SE-swelling LE, dizziness, irregular heartbeat L-liver function, AST, ALT PT-monitor BP/HR, change positions slowly, wkly BP NI-monitor BP/HR; monitor labs SE-rhabdomyolysis, constipation, heartburn L-AST, ALT, serum cholesterol, CK levels PT-Report unexplained muscle tenderness or pain, diet restriction (alcohol), cholesterol NI-Administer with food, monitor labs SE-headache, heart failure, diarrhea, hypokalemia L-folic acid, vitamin B12, iron, hgb, hct PT- Encourage patient to comply with diet recommendations of health care professional. Explain that the best source of vitamins is a wellbalanced diet with foods from the four basic food groups NI- administer with meals to increase absorption, monitor labs SE-electrolyte imbalance, abd cramps, nausea L-n/a PT-encourage fluid intake, avoid straining NI-administer with a full glass of water, don’t administer within two hours of other laxatives SE-diarrhea, nausea, headache L-n/a PT-may cause dizziness, take same time everyday, NI-administer in the evening just before bedtime, administer with or without food SE-hypokalemia, dizziness, drowsiness L-K+, BUN, creatinine, uric acid, bilirubin, Ca, mag PT-change positions slowly, use sunscreen NI-administer in am to prevent disruption of sleep cycle, give with food or milk to minimize GI upset SE-heart failure, decreased BP, decreased HR L-BUN, creatinine, AST, LDH PT-report dizziness NI-check BP, HR within 30 min admnistration SE-abd distention, abd pain, nausea, fatulence L-n/a PT-may mix in juice or water NI-assess for abd distention, bowel sounds, last BM Generic Name of Medication (Include all scheduled meds; PRNs administered within last 24 hrs; Diabetic Protocol meds; Resp meds) Dose, Route, Time Classification Reason Ordered for Client (Therapeutic effect) Nursing Considerations (Side Effects, Patient Teaching, Labs, Nursing Implications – SE, PT, L, NI) SELPTNISELPTNISELPTNISELPTNISELPTNISELPTNISELPTNISELPTNISELPTNI- Generic Name of Medication (Include all scheduled meds; PRNs administered within last 24 hrs; Diabetic Protocol meds; Resp meds) Dose, Route, Time Classification Reason Ordered for Client (Therapeutic effect) Nursing Considerations (Side Effects, Patient Teaching, Labs, Nursing Implications – SE, PT, L, NI) SELPTNISELPTNISELPTNISELPTNISELPTNISELPTNISELPTNISELPTNISELPTNISELPTNI- IV Medication Only Generic Name of Medication (Include all scheduled meds; PRNs administered within last 24 hrs; Diabetic Protocol meds; Resp meds) Heparin Rate of infuDose, sion & Route, Total Time infusio n time Reason Ordered for Client Classifi-cation (Therapeutic effect) 5000 units IV 0600 1800 anticoagulant DVT PE prevention Compatibi lity with all IV meds/ Soln. (Medicatio n/ IV fluids) Nursing Considerations (Side Effects, Patient Teaching, Labs, Nursing Implications – SE, PT, L, NI) SE-hemorrhage, ecchymoses, thrombocytopenia L-prothime, PTT, INR PT-report any bruising or unusual bleeding NI-assess for s/s bleeding SELPTNISELPTNISELPTNISELPTNISELPTNISELPTNISELPTNISELPTNI- Laboratory Studies White: Complete PRIOR to Clinical Day Gray – Complete DURING Clinical Day Values Complete Blood Count w/Diff. Lab Component WBC RBC Hemoglobin Hematocrit Platelets Abs Neut Abs Lymph Abs Mono Abs Eosin Abs Baso Abs Imm Gran Normal Range Adm or Preop Date: Pre-plan Date: Clinical Date: Rationale Why ordered? 8.9 MONITOR INFECTION 3.3-11.7 3.74-5.70 4.85 MONITOR O2 LEVEL 11.1-17.7 9.8 MONITOR BLEEDING/O2 34.1-49.7 31.2 150-450 205 BLOOD DISORDER/DEHYDRAT ION CLOTTING ABILITY /SIGN OF INFECTION 1.2-8.0 8.3 MONITOR INFECTION 0.4-3.7 0.4 MONITOR INFECTION 0.2-1.0 0.2 MONITOR INFECTION 0.0-0.4 0.0 MONITOR INFECTION 0.0-0.1 0.0 MONITOR INFECTION 0.0-0.1 0.3 MONITOR INFECTION Laboratory Studies White: Complete PRIOR to Clinical Day Gray – Complete DURING Clinical Day ABGs Values Normal Adm or Pre-plan Clinical Rationale Lab Range Preop Date: Date: Why ordered? Component Date: pH pO2 pCO2 7.32-7.42 N/A ASSESS FOR ACIDOSIS INFECTION 23-31 N/A ASSESS RESPIRATORY FUNCTION/OXYGENA TION 4-51 N/A ASSESS RESPIRATORY FUNCTION 24.0-28.0 N/A 83 N/A ASSESS BASELINE METABOLIC ACTIVITY RESPRITORY FUNCTION ASSESS BASELINE OXYGENATION LEVELS/RESPIRATORY FUNCTION ASSESS ACIDITY/BASE OF BODY HCO3 SatO2 Base Excess N/A Nursing Action(s) for abnormal: What is the nurse going to do for abnormal? Monitor labs, dietary considerations high iron Monitor labs, dietary considerations high iron Nursing Action(s) for abnormal: What is the nurse going to do for abnormal? Laboratory Studies White: Complete PRIOR to Clinical Day Gray – Complete DURING Clinical Day Values Complete Metabolic Panel or Basic Metabolic Panel Rationale Lab Adm or Pre-plan Clinical Why ordered? Normal Component Preop Date: Date: Range Date: Glucose 115 BLOOD GLUCOSE MONITORING 21.7 ASSES FOR HYDRATION LEVEL KIDNEY/LIVER FUNCTION ASSES FOR HYDRATION LEVEL KIDNEY/LIVER FUNCTION 82-115 8.4- 25.7 BUN 1.44 Creatinine Sodium Potassium Chloride ALT AST 0.72-1.25 138 MONITOR HYDRATION LEVELS ASSESS NA IMBALANCE 3.9 MONITOR HYDRATION/ ASSESS FOR K INBALANCE 102 MONITOR HYDRATION /ASSESS FOR CL IMBALANCE 11 ASSESS LIVER FUNCTION/LIVER DISESE 18 ASSESS LIVER FUNCTION/LIVER DISEASE 78 ASSESS FOR GALLSTONES ABILITY FOR BONE GROWTH LIVER ASSESS FOR STATUS OF RBC /JAUNDICE/ BILIRUBIN LEVEL 136-145 3.5-5.11 98-107 0-55 5-34 ALK Phos 40-150 Bilirubin 0.2-1.2 0.7 3.7 Albumin 3.4-4.8 Calcium 8.8-10.0 8.8 47 GFR >60 ASSESS FOR MALNUTRITION MALABSORPTION KIDNEY FUNCTION ASSESS FOR MALNUTRITION MUSCLE/ NERVE/ HEART FUNCTION <60 ASSESS FOR ALTERED KIDNEY FUNCTION CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE <15 END-STAGE RENAL Nursing Action(s) for abnormal: What is the nurse going to do for abnormal? Daily weight, I/O, dietary considerations, assess for anemia Laboratory Studies White: Complete PRIOR to Clinical Day Gray – Complete DURING Clinical Day Values Miscellaneous Lab Component Normal Range Admission or Preop Date: 2.5-4.5 N/A 1.30-210 1.45 11.5-14.8 N/A Phosphorus Magnesium Protime N/A INR PTT TSH 23.3-36.2 N/A N/A Pre-plan Date: Clinical Date: Rationale Why ordered? MONITOR MALNUTRITION RENAL FUNCTION LEVELS ASSESS RENAL FUNCTION MG LEVEL ASSESS BLOOD CLOTTING ABILITY/ BLEEDING DISORDER ASSESS BLOOD CLOTTING ABILITY/ BLEEDING DISORDER ASSESS BLOOD CLOTTING ABILITY/ BLEEDING DISORDER THYROID FUNCTION 0.4-4.2 Laboratory Studies White: Complete PRIOR to Clinical Day Gray – Complete DURING Clinical Day Values Urinalysis Rationale Admission Pre-plan Clinical Why ordered? Lab Normal or Preop Date: Date: Component Range Date: pH Leukocytes Nitrates Nursing Action(s) for abnormal: What is the nurse going to do for abnormal? N/A ASSESS ACIDITY HYDRATION & KIDNEY FUNCTION N/A ASSESS FOR UTI N/A ASSESS FOR UTI N/A ASSESS RENAL / KIDNEY FUNCTION N/A ASSESS INSULIN PRODUCTION / DIABETES N/A ASSESS RENAL FUNCTION 5.0-9.0 NEG NEG Protein NEG Glucose NEG Blood NEG Sp. Gravity 1.0011.04 N/A Nursing Action(s) for abnormal: What is the nurse going to do for abnormal? Laboratory Studies (Any other labs drawn go here) White: Complete PRIOR to Clinical Day Gray – Complete DURING Clinical Day Values Any other labs drawn go here Rationale Adm or Why ordered? Lab Normal Pre-plan Clinical Preop Component Range Date: Date: Date: 80-100 64.3 BLOOD LEVEL MCH 26.0-33.0 20.2 BLOOD LEVEL MCHC 31.0-36.0 31.4 RDW 11.0-15.0 17.0 BLOOD LEVELS HEMOGLOBIN IN GROUP RBC ARE FRAGILE RBC SIZE MPV 6.5-12.0 9.6 NUCLEATED RBC /100 0 NEUTROPHIL % 42.3-79.8 93 INFECTION LYMPHOCYTE % 10.7-43.5 4.0 INFECTION MONOCYTE % 4.5-12.0 2.4 INFECTION EOSINOPHIL % 0.0-5.9 0.2 INFECTION BASOPHIL % 0.0-1.1 0.1 INFECTION IMMATURE GRAND 0.0-0.9 0.3 INFECTION Normal BLOOD CLOT MCV PLATELET MOPHOLOGY Nursing Action(s) for abnormal: What is the nurse going to do for abnormal? Assess for anemia, dietary considerations Assess for anemia, dietary considerations Assess for anemia, dietary considerations BLOOD LEVELS LARGER THAN AVERAGE PLATELETS BLOOD CELLS Monitor/assess for signs and symptoms of infection Monitor/assess for signs and symptoms of infection Monitor/assess for signs and symptoms of infection Radiology/Other Diagnostics (Initial and Most Recent) Test CT Abdomen + Pelvis with Contrast Date 4/7/2022 History Upper abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea XR Cholangiogram Operative 4/8/2022 Intraoperative cholangiogram Findings/Results Distended gallbladder with cholelithiasis and associated gallbladder wall thickening/edema with suggestion of some minimal pericholecystic inflammation. These findings are most suggestive of acute cholecystitis. Nondistended urinary bladder with suggestion of greater than expected diffuse bladder wall thickening and possible subtle surrounding perivascular haziness/stranding. These finding my reflect cystitis versus possible changes of chronic bladder outlet obstruction. Nonobstructing right nephrolithiasis. Indeterminate hypodense hepatic lesions. Multiple additional chronic and incidental findings as above. No evidence of filling defect within the cystic duct or extrahepatic mild Orem’s Three Basic Nursing Systems: (1) The wholly compensatory nursing system is represented by a situation in which the individual is unable “to engage in those self-care actions requiring self-directed and controlled ambulation and manipulative movement or the medical prescription to refrain from such activity… Persons with these limitations are socially dependent on others for their continued existence and well-being.” (2) The partly compensatory nursing system is represented by a situation in which “both nurse and perform care measures or other actions involving manipulative tasks or ambulation… [Either] the patient or the nurse may have the major role in the performance of care measures.” (3) In the supportive-educative system also known as supportive-developmental system, the person “is able to perform or can and should learn to perform required measures of externally or internally oriented therapeutic self-care but cannot do so without assistance.” Student to complete only 4 Nursing Diagnosis before clinical. Extra pages are included for changes during the clinical day. Problems not addressed in list that follows: Constipation, chronic anemia, borderline low B12 levels, hypertension, dyslipidemia, constipation, weakness # # ND: Acute Pain Supporting Data: ND: Deficient Knowledge Supporting Data: Previous Assessment (Physical findings): Diffuse abdominal pain more on his right upper quadrant, the pain was burning, intermittent, started 4/7/22. Also c/o R sided chest pain, states he had some chills, denies nausea, vomiting, cough, SOB, palpitations, diarrhea, or dysuria Previous Assessment (Physical findings): Poor historian Labs: BUN 21.7 Creatinine 1.44 Na 138 K+ 3.9 Ca 88 Hgb 9.8 Hct 31.2 Meds: Chief Chief Complaint Complaint that–brought Medicalpt to Dx/Surgery hospital (What (Medical brought Dx/Surgery) patient to hospital?) Key Assessments: History/Other: Poor historian # GI assessment I/O Pain assessment Surgical incision assessment LOC ND: Impaired Skin Integrity Previous Assessment (Physical findings): Surgery 4/8/22 Key Assessment (Think body system) Meds: ND: Meds: History/Other: Poor historian # ND:R/F deficient fl volume Supporting Data: Supporting Data: Labs: BUN 21.7 Creatinine 1.44 Na 138 K+ 3.9 Ca 88 Hgb 9.8 Hct 31.2 Labs: BUN 21.7 Creatinine 1.44 Na 138 K+ 3.9 Ca 88 Hgb 9.8 Hct 31.2 # ND: Previous Assessment (Physical findings): alert and confused Poor appetite and poor intake Labs: BUN 21.7 Creatinine 1.44 Na 138 K+ 3.9 Ca 88 Hgb 9.8 Hct 31.2 Meds: Levaquin History/Other: Poor historian History/Other: Poor historian All areas in white to be completed before clinical. All areas in gray to be completed by submission for grading. One teaching intervention is required when possible. Only 4 pages to be completed before day of care. Supporting Data on Day of care (pertinent to nursing diagnosis): Nursing Diagnosis # Acute pain r/t cholecystectomy Assessment day of care: Goal/Outcome(s): Pt will report pain management regimen achieves comfort function goal without side effects during shift of care Labs/Diagnostics: Wholly Compensatory _______ Partly Compensatory _______ Supportive Educative _________ Medications: Nursing Interventions: Rationale: Patient Responses to Interventions: 1. Administer a nonopioid analgesic for mild to moderate pain and add an opioid analgesic if indicated for moderate to severe pain during shift of care 2. Prevent pain by administering analgesia before painful procedures whenever possible during shift of care 3. Reinforce the importance of taking pain meds to maintain the comfortfunction goal during shift of care 1. Non opioids are first-line analgesics for treatment of mild to moderate pain 1. 2. Adults inpatient experience numerous sources of procedural pain 2. 3. Teach pts to stay on top of their pain and prevent it from getting out of control to accomplish the goals of recovery 4. Pain causes cognitive impairment 3. 4. Teach the pt about and 4. pharmacological and nonpharmacological interventions when pain is controlled during shift of care Evaluation: Summarize patient’s progress toward the outcome: Circle one: Met, Partially Met, Not met Explain: All areas in white to be completed before clinical. All areas in gray to be completed by submission for grading. One teaching intervention is required when possible. Only 4 pages to be completed before day of care. Supporting Data on Day of care (pertinent to nursing diagnosis): Nursing Diagnosis # Impaired skin integrity r/t surgical incision Assessment day of care: Dsg dry and intact Pressure dressing in place RUQ abdomen Goal/Outcome(s): Pt will have a dry and intact dressing during shift of care Wholly Compensatory _______ Labs/Diagnostics: None drawn Partly Compensatory _______ Supportive Educative _________ Medications: n/a Nursing Interventions: Rationale: Patient Responses to Interventions: 1. Observe the color and character of the drainage during shift of care 1. Initially, drainage may contain blood and bloodstained fluid, normally changing to greenish brown (bile color) after the first several hours 2. Keeps the skin around the incision clean 1. 0900 dsg dry and intact Pressure dressing in place 3. Place the patient in low- or semiFowler’s position periodically during shift of care 3. Facilitates drainage of bile 3. 0900 HOB 30 degrees 1100 HOB 45 degrees 1300 HOB 35 degrees 4.Assess for signs and symptoms of infection during shift of care 4.early recognition and prevention is key 4. afebrile, no signs or symptoms of infection noted 2. Change dressings daily and as often as necessary during shift of care 2. 0900 dsg dry and intact No dressing change at this time Evaluation: Summarize patient’s progress toward the outcome: Circle one: Met, Partially Met, Not met Explain: Dressing remained dry and intact during shift of care All areas in white to be completed before clinical. All areas in gray to be completed by submission for grading. One teaching intervention is required when possible. Only 4 pages to be completed before day of care. Supporting Data on Day of care (pertinent to nursing diagnosis): Nursing Diagnosis # Deficient knowledge r/t dementia Assessment day of care: Goal/Outcome(s): Pt will verbalize understanding of post-surgical process and potential complications during shift of care Wholly Compensatory _______ Labs/Diagnostics: Partly Compensatory _______ Supportive Educative _________ Medications: Nursing Interventions: Rationale: Patient Responses to Interventions: 1. Demonstrate care of incisions, dressings, and drains. Promote good hand hygiene during shift of care 2. Discuss avoiding or limiting the use of alcoholic beverages during shift of care 1. Promotes independence in care and reduces the risk of complications 1. 2. Minimizes risk of pancreatic involvement 2. 3. Review activity limitations depending on the individual situation during shift of care 3. Reduces the risk of reflux, strain 3. on tube or appliance seal. Provides information about the resolution of ductal edema and return of ductal function for appropriate timing of T-tube removal. 4.Indicators of obstruction of bile 4. flow or altered digestion, requiring further evaluation and intervention 4. Teach pt signs and symptoms requiring notification of healthcare provider during shift of care Evaluation: Summarize patient’s progress toward the outcome: Circle one: Met, Partially Met, Not met Explain: All areas in white to be completed before clinical. All areas in gray to be completed by submission for grading. One teaching intervention is required when possible. Only 4 pages to be completed before day of care. Supporting Data on Day of care (pertinent to nursing diagnosis): Nursing Diagnosis # Deficient fluid volume r/t gastric hypermotility Assessment day of care: Denies nausea, good oral intake Input 950 Output 500 mL Cap refill less that 3 sec Good skin turgor Moist mucous membranes Goal/Outcome(s): Pt will demonstrate adequate fluid balance as evidenced by good skin turgor and cap refill less than 3 sec during shift of care Wholly Compensatory _______ Labs/Diagnostics: none drawn Partly Compensatory _______ Supportive Educative _________ Medications: n/a Nursing Interventions: Rationale: Patient Responses to Interventions: 1. Maintain accurate record of I&O during shift of care 1. To provide information about fluid status and circulating volume needing replacement 1. Input 950 Output 500 2. Monitor for signs and symptoms of increased or continued nausea or vomiting during shift of care 2. Prolonged vomiting, gastric aspiration, and restricted oral intake can lead to deficits in sodium, potassium, and chloride 2. Denies nausea during shift of care 3. Perform frequent oral hygiene with alcohol-free mouthwash; apply lubricants during shift of care 3. Decreases dryness of oral mucous membranes; reduces risk of oral bleeding 3. 0900 1100 oral hygiene care provided 1400 oral rinse provided 4.Eliminate noxious sights or smells from environment during shift of care 4. Reduces stimulation of vomiting center 4. Denies nausea during shift of care, states the smell of eggs upsets stomach Evaluation: Summarize patient’s progress toward the outcome: Circle one: Met, Partially Met, Not met Explain: Pt demonstrated adequate fluid balance with good skin turgor and cap refill less than 3 seconds during shift All areas in white to be completed before clinical. All areas in gray to be completed by submission for grading. One teaching intervention is required when possible. Only 4 pages to be completed before day of care. Supporting Data on Day of care (pertinent to nursing diagnosis): Nursing Diagnosis # Decreased cardiac output r/t Change in level of consciousness Assessment day of care: 0800 BP 123/ 61 HR 56 98% 0820 BP 126/63 HR 62 1130 BP 109/54 HR 60 100% 1430 BP 124/62 HR 64 98% Goal/Outcome(s): Patient demonstrates adequate cardiac output as evidenced by blood pressure and pulse rate WNL for pt range during shift of care Pt regular 120/60 HR above 60 Wholly Compensatory _______ Labs/Diagnostics: Partly Compensatory _______ None drawn Supportive Educative _________ Medications: Amlodipine, hydrochlorothiazide, metoprolol Nursing Interventions: Rationale: Patient Responses to Interventions: 1. 1. Compensatory tachycardia is a common response for patients with significantly low blood pressure to reduce cardiac output. 1. 0800 BP 123/ 61 HR 56 2. Weak pulses are present in reduced stroke volume and cardiac output 2. 0800 weak peripheral pulses 3. Capillary refill is sometimes slow or absent 4. An alteration in oxygen saturation is one of the earliest signs of reduced cardiac output. Hypoxemia is common, especially with activity Evaluation: Summarize patient’s progress toward the outcome: Circle one: Explain: Pt BP and HR below parameters during shift of care at times 3. 0800 cap refill less than 3 seconds 4. 0800 98% 1130 100% 1430 98% Patient demonstrates adequate cardiac output as evidenced by blood pressure and pulse rate during shift of care 2. Check for peripheral pulses during shift of care 3. Perform capillary refill test during shift of care 4. Assess oxygen saturation with pulse oximetry both at rest and during and after ambulation 0820 BP 126/63 HR 62 1130 BP 109/54 HR 60 1430 BP 124/62 HR 64 Met, Partially Met, Not met All areas in white to be completed before clinical. All areas in gray to be completed by submission for grading. One teaching intervention is required when possible. Only 4 pages to be completed before day of care. Supporting Data on Day of care (pertinent to nursing diagnosis): Nursing Diagnosis # r/t Assessment day of care: Goal/Outcome(s Wholly Compensatory _______ Labs/Diagnostics: Partly Compensatory _______ Supportive Educative _________ Medications: Nursing Interventions: Rationale: Patient Responses to Interventions: 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. Evaluation: Summarize patient’s progress toward the outcome: Circle one: Met, Partially Met, Not met Explain: