Uploaded by renzysnaidoo


The title refers to a financial term; One buys shares to your monetary position to try Improve
to shares in a company, make you a Shareholder.
Reёl 1 en 2:
Someone asks about a teenager's future plans
The boy may follow in his father's footsteps by a financial career
youngster = son
follow his father's footsteps = do what his father does
The language use in this strip is formal, old-fashioned
and polite.
Reёl 3:
The teen speaks very informally with the Adult
He mixes Afrikaans and English
He definitely doesn't want to work the same as his father does not
Reёl 4:
The boy's interest does not lie in finance.
The poet works with wording to show how the boy's understanding of
certain terms differ from his father's.
The word interest in the financial world is the proceeds one has on
your investments.
The boy's interest is his interests, which are not financial.
Reёl 5 en 6:
The boy is not very high, for it is not important to him.
The word rate (rate) also refers to financial terms such as interest rate of growth
indicate capital growth.
The boy's use of the word rate refers to how he judges things.
Reёl 7:
The bursary may refer to the stock exchange
The scholarship gave the boy a different meaning
This refers to him to the money wallet he carries in his pocket
Reël 8 + 9:
The boy prefers his time and energy to develop his muscles. This means that he may have a
lot of time in the gym or on the sports field.
Invest refers in financial terms to the investment (investment) of funds
For the speaker, invest refers to how he spending his time and energy.
Reël 10 en 11:
The speaker's biggest asset is its well-developed muscles.
Girls like his muscular body and it has effects (consequences) on girls.
He invests in girls and not in money; he builds muscle and not capital.
Effects Are investments
that Fixed interest income
offers, and what your
return money to the end of
the Term
Reël 12:
The speaker greatly benefits from the effect he has on girls. His pretty body leaves them
blood pressure rises like financial shares that upwards.
Reël 13 + 14:
Risks refer to chances that investors risk for greater returns
The boy does not expose himself and takes moderate risks
Solid runs refer to excellent, sustained growth on investments
For the boy, runs refer to runs recorded on the cricket field
Reël 15 tot 18:
The teen wonders who now actually Caring about market prices...
Aspects of the poem:
The poem consists of two strips: a trophy with 2 arrangements (a cow) and a strip
with 16 arrangements.
The poem was written in free verse form.
There are no punctuation marks in the poem except the ? to the two questions in the
first (formal) penalty.
The only capital letter is in Sir, because the man is being addressed.
Reverse word order (inversion): I don't rate very high words like inflation recession
shares instead of I don't rate words like inflation recession shares very high
The bullet's language usage is formal, correct and old-fashioned.
The second trophy's language usage is informal, modern, mixed and humorous.
The teen uses financial terms to describe his life outlook.
The teen uses word punitives of financial terms: interest, rate, scholarship,
investment, assets, bonds, upward tends, risks, solid runs, Price
The teen's outlook of life is superficial and aimed at pleasure.
He is not interested in the financial world, work and money earns.
He spends money on entertainment but attaches no value where the money comes
His outlook of life is ironic because he needs money for his pleasure.