Uploaded by Ludwig Grow

Private Help

1: Change Course category name from: Leaks To "Products"
This creates a sense of familiarity and not a sense of: im not supposed to be doing this
this also creates a more familiar environment for your audience and creates a higher chance of purchases
its little things that matter
2: Get Rid Of Money Talk Chat
Most scam servers dont have the chats. this is because they buy bot members to make their server look bigger
however for a real server the number one thing we want is an active chat
think of it like diffusion
we dont want to spread out activity over chats especially for new servers, so keeping everyone to talk in one chat makes it more active
this also builds a sense of trust and community where people talk together, this does require more moderation
3: Create 2 Ticket Buttons
# Support Ticked
# Purchase Ticket
This Splits People That Want To Buy or just need to support as handling tickets mixed up will be annoying
4: Create A :rotating_light:︱prevent-scams Chanell
This creates a sense of trust physcologically between you and the desired audience
As seen in our Shush University i post regular scammers
this shows a bond between me and my members like i am looking out for them
this makes me as a person overall more trusted
5: Always request # Vouches
you want to always request vouches whether you gave them for free, whether it was a giveaway, it doesnt matter.
as long as your getting regular vouches, people with doubts will slowly trust you!
# Dont Speak Proffesionally
You`ve seen it yourself with me
I Talk Very Animated And Like To Act Slightly Less Mature In Text
This Incudes **Typos** < like i did before that
This Shows a more human side to the connection and bond of you and the member
you dont want to talk in a monotone way
This seems scammy and "guy in business suit coming up advertising you" type way which we dont want
we want it more to be a connection of Hey my boy come check this out fr
I Myself Am A Proffesional Of The Mind If You Cant Tell Already
So Just Know I Get Shit Done
You Came to the best place
Listen, this might sound like another shit affiliate program but nah
promise them 1k a month
even if its a 1% chance
truth is if they put the effort in they can get 1k a month
Just this idea will bring them to do it
you have to convince bait servers
these are the best affiliates
bait servers = members
Firstly, you can create a dedicated server for your product or brand, and invite potential affiliates to join. You can also offer incentives like commissions, bonuses, or discounts to motivate them to promote your products. Secondly, you can create a channel for affiliates and provide them with marketing materials such as banners, links, and copy. This will make it easier for them to promote your products effectively. Additionally, you can host live events, webinars, or Q&A sessions to engage with your audience and promote your products. Lastly, you can use Discord's powerful features like Nitro to create a more engaging and interactive environment for your audience, leading to better engagement and more sales
Providing giveaways is key
people love free stuff
its what brings them in
Create a dedicated server: Setting up a dedicated Discord server for your product selling business can help you build a community around it. You can use it to provide customer support, share product updates, and engage with your audience. Offer incentives to affiliates: To encourage more affiliates to join your program, you can offer incentives such as higher commission rates, exclusive discounts, and early access to new products. This will motivate them to promote your products more actively. Provide marketing materials: To make it easy for your affiliates to promote your products, you can provide them with marketing materials such as banners, images, and videos. This will help them create more engaging content for their audience. Host live events: Hosting live events such as webinars, Q&A sessions, and product demos can help you connect with your audience and build trust. You can use Discord's voice and video chat features to conduct these events.
Utilize Discord's features: Discord has many features that can help you promote your products, such as channels, roles, and bots. You can use channels to organize your content, roles to assign permissions to users, and bots to automate tasks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
getting kids to do your work is key
making them make insta pages
reddit or tikrok videos
kids have free time on their hands
and they will do it for free if you provide the right rewards
you haveto use them G