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Staff Shortage Solutions for Extra Well Sdn Bhd

Extra Well Sdn Bhd may apply a number of measures to solve the difficulties of staff
shortages caused by the competitive labour market and the lack of trained workers as
mentioned previously in the problems faced by the company.
Firstly, the company must offer more than just competitive compensation packages to
attract top personnel in a competitive labour market. To make their employment offers more
appealing, they may need to consider extra incentives such as bonuses, benefits, and perks.
This might include providing flexible working arrangements, chances for professional growth,
or health and wellness perks. For instance, Extra Well Sdn Bhd can give bonuses and
incentives based on performance or signing bonuses for new workers, or offer benefits like
medical insurance or gym memberships for their workers’ health and wellness. Reviewing and
adjusting compensation packages on a regular basis is also important to ensure that they stay
competitive over time. This might include performing yearly or biannual compensation
evaluations or changing benefits and incentives depending on employee feedback and market
Aside from that, Extra Well Sdn Bhd should spend more on training programmes to
develop their own talent in order to meet the shortage of competent personnel. This may
entail collaborating with training institutes or developing their own in-house training
programmes to assist staff in developing essential skills and knowledge. The company may
boost the skills and capacities of their existing personnel by investing in employee
development, decreasing their dependency on external hiring. To illustrate, the company can
start off by identifying talent gaps first within the organisation. This might include completing
a skills evaluation of current employees or analysing job descriptions to discover which skills
are necessary for each function. Furthermore, Extra Well Sdn Bhd can also give access to
online learning resources such as e-learning courses, webinars, and tutorials in addition to
traditional training programmes. Employees may grow their skills and knowledge at their own
pace and in a manner that is convenient for them.
Next, the company might also outsource some of their work to third-party contractors
or freelancers. Extra Well Sdn Bhd may lessen its dependency on internal personnel by
outsourcing specific jobs and perhaps access a larger pool of talented workers. In order to do
this, the company must first determine which tasks can be outsourced. Tasks that are less
vital to the company’s main operation such as marketing activities and data entry are some
of the examples for this. After that, research must be conducted in order to find a reliable and
reputable provider by looking into their qualifications and experiences. Only after doing so,
the company can proceed into establishing a deal outlining the scope of work, deliverables,
timetables, and payment conditions. To guarantee that the outsourced work meets Extra Well
Sdn Bhd’s requirements, the contract should include specific service level agreements (SLAs)
and quality standards. Following this, the company should monitor and manage the
outsourcing relationship once the connection is created in order to verify that the work is
being completed as intended. This might include regular check-ins, performance evaluations,
and feedback sessions to verify that the outsourced work meets quality and timeliness criteria.
Last but not least, Extra Well Sdn Bhd may leverage technology to automate certain
operations, therefore lowering their dependency on human labour. Implementing robotic
process automation (RPA) to automate repetitive operations or employing artificial intelligence
(AI) to optimise workflows and processes might be examples of this. The company can free
up their existing personnel to focus on higher-level activities that demand human skills by
automating some tasks. Some of the tasks that can be automated include data entry,
inventory management, and scheduling. Once these tasks are identified, the company should
explore automation tools to find suitable software or technology that can automate the tasks.
Automation tools range in complexity from simple task automation software to more
complicated robotic process automation (RPA) systems. After identifying a suitable automation
technology, Extra Well Sdn Bhd should deploy it and integrate it with its current systems and
procedures. This may need some initial setup and configuration, as well as staff training on
how to utilise the tool. This implementation should be monitored and evaluated once it is in
place to ensure its effectiveness. Tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) such as time
saved, accuracy, and productivity, and making tweaks to the tools as needed to optimise their
performance, might be part of this.
In conclusion, due to a scarcity of experienced labour and competition for suitable
applicants, Extra Well Sdn Bhd confronts considerable obstacles. To solve these issues, the
corporation can provide appealing employee perks, develop training programmes, establish
flexible work arrangements, outsource non-critical duties, and use technology to automate
repetitive operations. Extra Well Sdn Bhd may alleviate the impact of the labour shortage and
recruit and retain competent people by employing these tactics. To maintain continuing
success, the organisation must analyse its plan, monitor its efficacy, and make improvements
as needed.