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SDG 3 Mental Health Policy Proposal

Question of: Achieving SDG 3 ‘Good Health and Wellbeing for all’
Main submitter: Republic of Korea
Co-submitter: Ireland, Singapore,
Reminding that sustainable development goal 3 ‘Good Health and Wellbeing for all’ can only be
achieved through global cooperation.
Highlighting that the target of SDG 3 is to lower the rate of suicide and preventable mental
health disorders in citizens of countries.
Celebrating the previous efforts for suicide prevention made by the federal governments and
Recognizing that each year 700,000 people die of suicide globally.
Emphasizing that the leading cause of death for 15–65-year-old is suicide.
Alarmed by continued increase despite measures being taken.
Strongly encouraging countries to take action to prevent more of the population percentage being
affected by mental issues such as depression. MEDC countries along with other countries should work
together to help programs that help people achieve a mental wellbeing. These programs could help
people who are facing difficulties in their lives, tell them what might be happening and help them face
their problems through either prescribing them with treatment or recommending action such as talking
to a trusted one or therapist.
1) Urges all MEDCs to lessen the stigma around mental health in developed countries,
especially South Korea, Hungary, Japan and Belgium.
a) Programs educating the public on mental health should be held regularly for free
b) Schools should integrate mental health programs to raise awareness and lessen the
2) Encourages all MEDCs to increase access to affordable mental health facilities.
a. Mental health services mandatorily covered on all public health insurance
b. Instate mandatory mental health education and counselors in all public schools
c. Mental health facilities built every 500 km2
3) Advises all MEDCs to improve the quality of current and future mental health facilities.
a. All mental health specialist must be board certified to practice
b. All mental health treatment must be proven successful in clinical trials to go to the
c. Patient care must start with milder short-term treatment before advancing to long
term intense treatment
Patients must go through other non-drug related treatment before
starting medication
Patients will only be admitted into long term facilities as a last resort