Uploaded by Mark Brian


Hapitan, Mark Brian C.
“Ignorantia Juris Non Excusat”
Ignorantia Juris Non Excusat, Ignorance of the Law Excuses No One. The event was held at Naliyagan
Grounds on March 16, 2023. All Xavier Knights are requested to attend this symposium, as this event
will tackle various laws that’s important to know. I attend the symposium and was seated at the
backseats. I was looking forward to this event as I’m intrigued in things connected to law. I listened
attentively and the first law to be tackled is the Republic Act No. 11313 also known as “Safe Spaces Act”.
I learned so many things in this topic, I learned that there are various degrees of offense in this law. Like
a simple unwanted interaction may get you fined and put in jail. So it’s best to be careful on what you
say or do as it might be okay to you but uncomfortable to others. Learn to respect someone’s space and
avoid any unwanted comments on someone’s appearance. Mind your own business.
I also learned laws for women and childrens, for example the Republic Act No. 9262 or “Anti-Violence
Against Women and their Children Act of 2004”. It states that the State recognizes the need to protect
the family and its members particularly women and children, from violence and threats to their personal
safety and security. Any type of unlawful actions such as physical violence will lead to imprisonment and
a fine.
The Anti-Rape Law of 1997 or R.A. NO. 8353 is also tackled, the speaker gave some few cases that
they’ve handled in this law. Like a legal age man got caught by the parents of the minor he was having
intercourse with and got blottered. Most of the law that has been tackled are for children and women, I
think its because most offender are men as most women and children are gentle in nature. I learned a
lot during this symposium and I will apply what I’ve learned on how I approach various people in my
everyday life.