BUS 343: Introduction to Marketing COURSE INFORMATION Course: BUS 343 – D100 Course Title: Introduction to Marketing Semester: Fall 2022 Class Meeting Time: Tuesdays, 8:30am-10:20am Instructor: Dr. Lily Lin Office: WMC4370 Office Hours: Tuesdays, 10:30am-11:30am & by appointment Email: lily_lin@sfu.ca Phone: 778-782-9729 COURSE MATERIALS & REQUIREMENTS Prerequisites: 45 credit hours Required Textbook: Grewal, Levy, & Lichti, Marketing, 5th Canadian Edition. McGraw Hill, 2021. ISBN13: 9781264160037 (You can purchase the textbook here: https://www.campusebookstore.com/integration/AccessCodes/default.aspx?permalinkId=ffadb57c-d5ac-4e659ab6-33c10c25cdc3&frame=YES&t=permalink) COURSE PURPOSE This course is designed to provide an introduction to an organization’s marketing environment, consumer behaviour, market research and strategies for product planning, pricing, distribution, and promotion of goods and services. Marketing is far more than just selling or advertising within a business setting; it is a major part of everyday life. This course will illustrate the importance of marketing and will help students develop fundamental marketing knowledge and skills applicable to all specializations within business. COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Critically evaluate the strategic role of marketing in the lives of consumers, companies, and organizations. 2. Interpret and analyze the consumer decision-making process, concepts of target marketing, the market segmentation process, product positioning, and the marketing mix. 3. Apply the marketing concepts to real-life marketing problems. In particular, to develop the ability to recognize which marketing concepts and tools can be applied effectively to particular marketing problems. COURSE ORGANIZATION The course has two hours of lecture and one hour of tutorial per week. The tutorials will be devoted to the discussion of cases and projects. PEDAGOGY The course takes an analytic and decision-oriented approach to marketing management in modern organizations. We will use a combination of approaches, including textbook readings to introduce marketing concepts and language; lectures to enhance and clarify selected topics; student discussions, case analyses, and projects to provide realistic settings to apply these concepts; and examinations to encourage review and mastery of the material. BUS 343 (D100) Fall 2022 1 of 5 pages BUS 343: Introduction to Marketing STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES Students are expected to monitor the course’s Canvas shell regularly and to attend classes and tutorials. The consequences of missing information due to not attending class or not monitoring the Canvas shell will be borne entirely by the student. The chapters to be read PRIOR to each class are provided in the attached class schedule. The lectures will build on the assigned readings, making prior reading essential. The attached schedule also shows the due dates of all required deliverables. All deadlines are firm. No assignments will be accepted after the due date and will be graded zero if not received on time. You are also responsible for: • Class attendance and participation • Reviewing all assigned materials in advance of each class, e.g., lecture slides, text, notes. Lecture slides will be posted on Canvas by 4p.m. the day before class • Arriving to class on-time • Turning cell phones, other electronic devices, and text message alerts off before class • Using laptops for note taking only GRADING Requirement % of Grade Assessment Tutorial Attendance & Participation Midterm Exam Final Exam Personal Branding Assignment Marketing Plan Group Project 5% 25% 35% 15% 20% Individual Individual Individual Individual Group TOTAL 100% As specified by the Beedie School of Business, the final letter-grade distribution for the class will follow the ranges shown below. Also, as per policy, the average grade of the class will be a B, or a 3.0. A B C D,F,N 15%-30% 35%-47% 14%-28% 0-15% Note on Normalizing Grades: The potential “TA effect” on your grades will be eliminated by normalizing the distribution of grades that the TA gives, so that each TA’s grades will have the same means and standard deviations. The grades will be normalized at the end of the semester. Note that minimal adjustment is usually required to be made to the final grades. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Please note that I have zero tolerance for cheating. If you are caught cheating (in any form), you will receive zero on the exam and assignments and be reported to the university. Please review and ensure you understand SFU’s Student Academic Integrity Policy (http://www.sfu.ca/content/dam/sfu/policies/files/students/S10.01_ScheduleA.pdf). BUS 343 (D100) Fall 2022 2 of 5 pages BUS 343: Introduction to Marketing Participation Participation marks will be assessed by tutorial attendance and tutorial participation. Participation marks are based on how prepared you are and how insightful your comments are in the discussions during the tutorial sessions. It will also be based on the completion and submission of assignments assigned for each tutorial. Details of the participation grading guide will be provided on Canvas. Personal Branding Assignment In this social media age, all graduates need to use marketing concepts/tools in managing their careers. In fact, many employers are now expecting their job applicants to have a unique personal brand. This individual assignment requires you to develop a personal branding statement in the form of a recorded video presentation. You are also required to attend a personal branding workshop hosted by the Career Management Centre. Grading for the presentation will be on the basis of evidence-based arguments, course concept mastery, depth of insight displayed, and clarity of communication. Details of the assignment will be posted on Canvas and the due dates of the deliverables are noted in the schedule below. Assignments submitted after the due date and will be graded zero. The workshop will take place during your assigned tutorial time on Nov. 15. Failure to attend the tutorial that day will result in a zero for that component of the assignment. Marketing Plan Project Teams of 4-5 students will analyze and come up with a plan for a company in the post-pandemic world. Over the course of the semester, you will: (a) provide an analyses of the company’s marketing strategies prior to the pandemic; (b) evaluate the current marketing environment and marketing strategy for that company; (c) develop an innovative and useable marketing plan for the company in the post-pandemic world; and (d) present the plan in a written report and short oral presentation. Several of the tutorials will be geared towards working on elements of the project. Details of the project and the peer evaluation procedure will be provided on Canvas. The due dates of the deliverables are noted in the schedule below. Projects submitted after the due date will be graded zero. Exams The midterm and final will both be in a multiple choice format. Examinations will involve content from both the textbook, lecture slides and class discussions. The final exam will be cumulative with about 70% emphasis on material from the second half of the course. All exams will be closed book and closed notes. Please bring your student ID on exam days. You will also be required to put away all electronic devices and watches. University policy regarding exam procedures will apply. Only medical emergencies will be accepted as reasons for missing an exam and official documentation will be required. Excuses such as family celebrations, vacations, work, etc. will not be considered. You are expected to arrange your work schedule around exam dates/times. Bonus Mark Opportunity You also have the opportunity to participate as a participant in the academic research studies conducted by SFU marketing researchers. The goal is to provide a first-hand experience of scientific studies that generate the marketing theories we read and discuss in the text and the class. Studies will be available for sign-up sometime in October. If you participate in two 45-60 minute studies by the end of the semester, you will have 2% bonus added to your final grade. While you can participate in more than two studies, you will only earn a maximum of 2% bonus marks. As an alternative, instead of participating as a subject, you can choose to participate as an observer. A detailed handout with information on how to sign-up for studies will be posted on Canvas. BUS 343 (D100) Fall 2022 3 of 5 pages BUS 343: Introduction to Marketing COURSE SCHEDULE NOTE: The schedule is subject to change. Any changes made will be announced in advance by the instructor and on Canvas. Week Lecture (L) and Tutorial (T) Preparation W1 Sep. 13 (L): Overview of Marketing Prep: Read Ch.1 (T): No Tutorial W2 Sep. 20 (L): Marketing Strategy Prep: Read Ch.2 (T): Case Discussion Prep: Read Assignment W2 (to be posted on Canvas) W3 Sep. 27 (L): Research Resources – Librarian Presentation Analyzing the Marketing Environment Prep: Read Ch.3 (T): Current Events Activity Prep: Read Activity W3 (to be posted on Canvas) W4 Oct. 4 (L): Marketing Research Prep: Read Ch.7 (T): Team Discussion of Marketing Plan Project: Component 1 (Problem Identification & Situational Analysis) Prep: Read Assignment W4 (to be posted on Canvas) W5 Oct. 11 (L): Consumer Behaviour Prep: Read Ch.4 (T): Case Discussion Prep: Read Assignment W5 (to be posted on Canvas) W6 Oct. 18 (L): Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning Prep: Read Ch.6 (T): Case Discussion Prep: Read Assignment W6 (to be posted on Canvas) W7 Oct. 25 (L): MIDTERM EXAM: Ch. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, W1-W6 (T): No Tutorial BUS 343 (D100) Fall 2022 Deliverable Due Dates “Tell Me About You” Questions (DUE: 11:59pm Pacific Time on Sep. 18, 2022) Midterm Exam Start Time: 8:30am Pacific Time on Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2022 4 of 5 pages BUS 343: Introduction to Marketing Week Lecture (L) and Tutorial (T) Preparation W8 Nov. 1 (L): Product Strategy & Branding Prep: Read Ch.9 (T): Team Discussion of Marketing Plan Project: Component 2 (STP) Prep: Read Assignment W8 (to be posted on Canvas W9 Nov. 8 (L): Pricing Strategy Prep: Read Ch.11 (T): Mini Case Discussion & Team Discussion of Marketing Plan Project: Component 3 (4Ps) Prep: Read Assignment W9 (to be posted on Canvas) W10 Nov. 15 (L): Place Strategy Prep: Read Ch.12 (T): Personal Branding Workshop Prep: Read Assignment W10 (to be posted on Canvas) W11 Nov. 22 (L): Promotion Strategy Prep: Read Ch.14, Ch.15 (p. 479-489) (T): Team Discussion of Marketing Plan Project: Component 4 (Project Wrap-Up) & Practice Presentation Prep: Read Assignment W11 (to be posted on Canvas) W12 Nov. 29 (L): Global Marketing & Course Wrap-Up Prep: Read Ch. 16 (T): Team Presentations of Marketing Plan Project W13 Dec. 6 (L): No Lecture (Q&A Session) (T): None TBD FINAL EXAM: Ch. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15 (p. 479-489), 16, W1-W13 Weighted approximately 70% on materials since midterm, 30% on materials before midterm BUS 343 (D100) Fall 2022 Deliverable Due Dates Personal Branding Assignment Recorded Presentation (DUE: 11:59pm Pacific Time on Nov. 6, 2022) Group Project Marketing Plan Final Report (DUE: 11:59pm Pacific Time on Nov. 27, 2022) Peer Evaluation (DUE: 11:59pm Pacific Time on Nov. 29, 2022) Final Exam Date and Time TBD by Registrar’s Office 5 of 5 pages