Uploaded by Murtaza Khurram

Self-Improvement Guide: Habits, Routines, and Gratitude

Getting enough sleep for 8-10 hours is important. Sleep routine
Exercising and working out sports/gym is important at least 60 min to 2 hours max
Get a good night routine
Get a good morning routine
Get a skin/hair/facial hair care routine
Drink lots of water daily
Eat fruits daily
Eat lots of nuts and dried fruit.
meditation/meditate 30 min before bed
Go gym 5/6 times a week
Instant Gratification- when you do something that feels nice that you desire but ruins your
- porn
- Video games
- masterbating
- smoking
Gratitude - force your brain to think positive thoughts.
Gratitude journaling - writing about what you grateful of/for
Mindfulness- ability of being focused in that time atmosphere
1. Create a habit tracker with the habits: Meditate, Gratitude, Exercise, Adventure
(There's more habits you can do but if you're just getting started with self improvement it's good
to make it easy and simple for you)
The habits (Meditate, Gratitude, Exercise, Adventure) should be at the top of the page and going
down the page just write numbers 1-14 representing days.
To request leverage change for your live trading account, simply login to the secure client portal
and click on the ‘Live Accounts’ link under the 'Accounts' section.
Next, find the trading account you wish to change the leverage on and click the small arrowshaped icon that is within the table to request a change.
While the leverage on the account will get updated automatically by the system, should there is
an open position it may take longer as the request will then be looked into manually by our
operations team