Ieop&nisd chre bmk shortquastions. Ans: fhebanskrttverbalrgot of vedâwly vAny but the porpert is One Veda Mean kndiledie. Anyłeachings He aceept is veda tOneinal knasiledge). Ans'| four detects of o tanditiored s0u RhaMa He is eertainto tOmmitmstakes Pramad:He aukgected s to set Vpra lipsa 4.karanapatva lusioncd He olaaye had eheatin)Drapauiky. He bas mperteet sede 3 Ans: Three pamancs are Pratyakaha Pramēn: Dinett ovidence Abyman Pra mãn 3 Sabda Pramān heoctive knodledsg. fi Ansi Sabda Pramãn alan called sauti, pained hyaural recephianthraugh disctpic (ueniànreach ihg rght ptotrahececlental supremneautorihy(apaurusa). S0,sabdapramān ic asupeaikr ane& acqnng knaaledje Ans: TaosysteMAOfknonledge in the matenial porld ). oha: dnduchveknanle.doe Acendiny Ava roha Deductvo knokledge bercendlng AN: bonadeor e shoudtome Okn fo drcipie Sucekon of anbonatide sAmpadeya. He choold hea vedo be lly stoted A He shauid bmhoania Ans 16knowyourfother,yoU0n égoine i yrur mdthen.Heremothe,ts themastauteHcperso n. Siroilarly:veda is 0rsideaedto be motheL. S0,wbatevenvedasays beomes Dlimaie authanity. Veda reuens Brahmaas grand-ethen.tove hthe). snti kSmnh, bainę form vedic khonledpe. Alsa sabdapraman (srot) bein)_ bụevrMOADA ¢ equnhgknomlede Yedabeing iord ofknčhta LApaundeya śe, fern he anahogy of'matberbelng autanty to knDa)tathe', e cansayvedic. "auttorih beingtmothehianaUherhe oulthnty 8. Ans: s longas hand isconnecłed ayith bady, it4honk. all poienies to tuncton hand. he saMebard jhen keered fam body lotsdamebut se ikt tenoe Siroilorly all buingbeingsbeing paít and PearteloP ceaplete hbole A ivnhgbeing ceRed fom Rlełe isbole, te"heASnho hon ccOmpleten tua is cnly there 4 ):lsavaAyai Ika: ty brd 6VALYa being ontrolled. Lord being supeme cortolles Lerd propratoyship proknh: Para praknh: linng keing Drgonio energy Lord'ssuperitr engy Apars oknhi Bhorai(earth), cpoiwaken). halblir). ViŅulai), kkam leben), NOn(mnd).bodky CIndelleenLe) Abankanol , tale ga) Motj alenegy. tord' injuior eneY9} Bhayaunta Cormaunism: EverytoingCPorá k aparā praknH)(c ONNed bySuprenne personaliky tf rudbeA.. krsha.Eveeryhig animate thanimae i ordprepelty tord being prpntorhu cef Shouldnot eaim nore than tet queta Uhdeahand ns this one vheld teedevenlignndon salu of ram e een Snake. a).Apaontaya wOrd oP,Lord, bot at anymondene Pe.ton Ars kahA Q: Achons pertornad os prescibed dote revealed n seriptore Akarimg:Achionsthat treeone fram bfrth & death Wkamma: ydeot perfortmedby the miuse of freehoill that direct one to toweraorA Achóns tormmot fe 10. Ans: Atra ha: killea.of soul. Homon toyeintlligernceto engiy u, Deotand. Nhdey seuie fo tord. atter g4ooo00eyclesep brrtbķdeath Hatilthy ic ealle atmaha. 1).. Ans SvnaHonnanformOF iR tu heayrespondibilite SUra tende keryice surende coto the lotas Ret oP suprme lord. rodly peons fi Fage ( Acora Thoce Nka negloct tererespöibiihe COrRnderp oDlototu feet oflord. Demons Ans vishnupurāta, Lordš ompared wiB Aire emiting heat ond liģht. hough ne sihard otoneplace,beatand tiçhi tpred to a dicton) place SiOilouly ord heing iate¢ in tyolaka' lkKnaloki aDdbic“ pokende"apread eryNhee fhnyhout. Ans Aotoryomii •TheODebo Wibex hosidibg tereochan 6ị ourkormo. QUONachoN oith Tbis oneakes korma bondbon. bver) Netooylore Qubrechedb Argef our p eleecskormosct t} preioUe7Re bot lord hever PorgQ3.Lndht OAy łow of kamo cvo horke Taddore: He i For, nhii Tad vgnHke: He a). katvtm anoyd tab. okeeingalltiunbgenhty44 niy quolioleł,. Qualitahvely 80 oPthe qualihe'k (ooe asthaf of ord QUOnhtahvely Jo inuts anouDt salt sam&che)calcopoaīl9on x Thatot wak d Ocaan bot qoanihahve. drepof ał, toornallquapity. 8)uddher apapg-Vloham Soctham : Antisepho Jord beceOE pore ApapQ- vjddhor: Prophyla hio, Poweaot ord acoiahan AL l6rd Is pure; ysanoujaheoangpOhe SOHeeNOIDPUre,inContae s lord'8 AsSOcjates his pore devoteer- Ansi Lord isembodiedneONs ene sdifeaene hetaaenbady tnd sool. they Ans Hiran: bold kasipi sottbed. Aabyt kasip) ThecoDDDgpekoD otter Women & heal Hiranmayeha PoneDa; Hiras mayen;y 9rldesettulgence pahena: bydayghbgCoveln Brabmayoh 9vehg tece ot to lord. h9 InyDcatoD are pereet ans complste 1 Mandra L Lordbeb9propnietor.of a)oniDato k Mantra&. One bo undestandr tHe lord 4 btr energiesare 8 perteeand cooplete brd beIdgpropnelorof euryhuhgA NQ book)be happ y cjth Hhakvee qoota k Qot apat for b He can hoe KD years peacetlly happily ndeudg eruie to lord. MOntra3 lf wedopatobeyandspTbpNeİD Ahp& doeonot Dpdltondtord t hienengiRs. tollk indarkut ion e tgnorance Andi Dadhic Moni,onigıbally poke kopobltad Ans: Swyarnbhu Mony to traubled by denns. lord hben se was beirg ditthguthes O Lod 84(d) Devoees4 lo JonoceDt Kbo beve notonledge bd t The atheit, bohoveoo ith on lod hate tae opdevohHeral sere. phira He ealges the moreia)body ke mid ke Pastos R fareigs so trac to na ke bett (eruice barqain cOpremepeascondıly 4 odbead