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한국어 어휘 목록: HowtoStudyKorean.com 1-8과

Unit 1: Lessons 1 – 8
Vocabulary List
This Vocabulary List represents the first 350 words introduced from Lessons 1 – 8 on
HowtoStudyKorean.com. Use this list to getter a better understanding of each word by seeing
how they can be used in sentences.
You will not be able to learn Korean simply by studying these words and the example sentences
provided. You must study Korean grammar if you want to develop any proficiency in reading,
writing, speaking and listening. In order to understand the example sentences provided for each
word, you will need to have a basic understanding of Korean grammar.
The grammar within some of the example sentences might be above your level. Providing
example sentences that are too easy only allows me to create simple (unhelpful) sentences.
Providing example sentences that are too difficult would make the learner confused. I made all
attempts to use grammar that could be understood by a novice Korean learner.
Teaching grammar is beyond the scope of this Vocabulary List, but for a description of every
grammatical principle used, visit www.howtostudykorean.com .
A Romanization has been given to every Korean word. Note that the letters used to not
completely match to the typical Romanizations that you would see based on the “Revised
Romanization of Korean.” The Romanizations provided are only to help you with pronunciation
and I do not recommend studying them in any form (study the Hangul equivalents instead).
Also, note that there are many ways that verbs, adjectives and 이다 can be conjugated.
Throughout this vocabulary list, the informal high respect form is used. For a complete list of
other possible conjugations that can be used, visit Lesson 6 of www.howtostudykorean.com
Lesson 1…………………………………………………………………………………..………2
Lesson 2………………………………………………………………………………………..…7
Lesson 3………………………………………………………………………………………….11
Lesson 4……………………………………………………………………………………….....16
Lesson 5………………………………………………………………………………………….23
Lesson 6………………………………………………………………………………………….29
Lesson 7………………………………………………………………………………………….35
Lesson 8………………………………………………………………………………………….40
© HowtoStudyKorean.com – Vocabulary List – Lessons 1 - 8
한국 (han-guk)
Translation: Korea
Common Usages: 한국 사람 (Korean person), 한국어 (Korean language)
Examples: 저는 7 년 동안 한국에서 살았어요 = I lived in Korea for seven years
저는 내년에 한국에 갈 거에요 = I will go to Korea next year
저의 어머니는 올해 한국에 올 것입니다 = My mom will come to Korea this year
저는 한국어를 한국에서 배웠어요 = I learned Korean in Korea
도시 (do-si)
Translation: city
Example: 서울은 큰 도시예요 = Seoul is a big city
이름 (i-reum)
Translation: Name
Common Usages: 이름이 뭐예요? (What is your name?), 제 이름은 __이에요 (My name is__)
Examples: 그 사람의 이름은 뭐예요? = What is that person’s name?
저의 이름은 김한성이에요 = My name is 김한성
저/제 (jeo/jae)
Translation: formal version of: I, me
Common Usages: 저는 (I), 제가 (I), 저의 (my)
Notes: When used as the subject of a sentence, 저 translates to “I,” when used as the object of a
sentence, “저” means “me.” 저 changes to 제 when 이/가 are attached. Visit Lesson 2 of
HowtoStudyKorean.com for more information.
Examples: 저는 친구를 만났어요 = I met a friend
저의 친구는 저를 만났어요 = My friend met me
저는 지난 주에 영화를 봤어요 = I saw a movie last week
저는 삼일 동안 밥을 안 먹었어요 = I didn’t eat rice for 3 days
나/내 (na/nae)
Translation: informal version of: I, me
Common Usages: 나는 (I), 내가 (I), 나의 (my)
Notes: When used as the subject of a sentence, 나 translates to “I,” when used as the object of a
sentence, “나” means “me.” 나 changes to 내 when 이/가 are attached. See Lesson 2.
Examples: 나는 친구를 만났어 = I met a friend
나의 친구는 나를 만났어 = My friend met me
나는 내년에 한국에 갈 거야 = I will go to Korea next year
나는 사과 1 개를 샀어 = I bought one apple
남자 (nam-ja)
Translation: man, boy
Common Usages: 잘생긴 남자 (handsome man), 강한 남자 (strong man)
Examples: 그는 잘생긴 남자예요 = He is a handsome man
남자는 방에 들어왔어요 = That man came into room
저는 잘생긴 남자를 만났어요 = I met a handsome man
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여자 (yeo-ja)
Translation: woman, girl
Common Usages: 예쁜 여자 (pretty girl), 아름다운 여자 (beautiful girl)
Example: 그녀는 예쁜 여자예요 = She is a beautiful girl
그 여자의 머리 색깔은 자연스러워요 = That girl’s hair color is natural
저의 여자 친구는 귀엽고 예뻐요 = My girlfriend is cute and pretty
그 (keu)
Translation: that
Common Usages: 그 것 (that thing), 그 사람 (that person)
Notes: Used as an adjective before a noun to have the meaning “that ___.” Used when object is
being talked about in a previous sentence, and is being referred to in the current sentence.
Example: 그 남자는 저의 아버지예요 = That man is my father
그 여자는 나랑 결혼하고 싶었어요 = That girl wanted to marry me
저는 그 책을 원해요 = I want that book
이 (“ee”)
Translation: this
Common Usages: 이 것 (this thing), 이 사람 (this person)
Notes: Used as an adjective before a noun to have the meaning “this ___.” Used when object is
within reaching distance.
Example: 이 차는 너무 비싸요 = This car is too expensive
저는 이 영화를 더 이상 보고 싶지 않아 = I don’t want to watch this movie anymore
이 것은 너무 작은가요? = Is this too small?
저 (jeo)
Translation: that
Common Usages: 저 것 (that thing), 저 사람 (that person)
Notes: Used as an adjective before a noun to have the meaning “this ___.” Used when object is
further than reaching distance away.
Example: 저 사람은 누구예요? = Who is that person?
것 (keot)
Translation: thing
Common Usages: 이 것 (this thing), 저 것 (that thing), 그 것 (that thing)
Notes: Not only used as a simple noun, but also used to make full sentences (using gerunds). See
Lesson 25 of HowtoStudyKorean.com for more information.
Example: 저는 비싼 것만 좋아해요 = I only like expensive things
그 것을 어떻게 해요? = How do you do that (thing)?
이 것은 뭐야? = What is this (thing)?
이 것은 얼마예요? = How much is this (thing)?
의자 (ui-ja)
Translation: chair
Common Usages: 의자에 앉다 (sit on a chair)
Example: 그녀는 의자에서 일어났어요 = She rose up from her chair
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탁자 (tak-ja)
Translation: table
Common Usages: 탁자 위에 (on top of the table)
Examples: 저는 잡지를 탁자 위에 놓을 거에요 = I will put the magazine on the table
펜이 탁자에 놓여 있었어요 = The pen was (laying) on the table
선생님 (suhn-saeng-nim)
Translation: teacher
Examples: 저는 선생님이 되고 싶어요 = I want to be a teacher
저는 학교에서 저의 선생님을 항상 봐요 = I always see my teacher at school
침대 (chim-dae)
Translation: bed
Examples: 애기는 침대에서 자고 있어요 = The baby is sleeping in the bed
저는 침대에 누워 있어요 = I’m lying in bed
집 (jip)
Translation: house/home
Common Usages: 집에 가다 (to go home)
Examples: 저는 집에 돌아갈 거에요 = I am going back (returning) home
집 값은 비싸지고 있어 = House prices are getting expensive
차 (cha)
Translation: car
Common Usages: 차를 운전하다 (to drive a car), 차를 타다 (to be riding in a car)
Example: 우리 아버지는 차를 항상 안전하게 운전해요= Our dad always drives his car safely
저는 차 2 대가 있어요 = I have 2 cars
어떤 종류의 차를 원해요? = What type of car do you want?
사람 (sa-lam/sa-ram)
Translation: person
Common Usages: 한국 사람 (Korean person), 그 사람 (that person), 이 사람 (this person)
Notes: The formal version of 사람 is “분”
Examples: 그 사람은 아주 똑똑해요 = That person is very smart
모든 아시아 사람들은 첫가락을 잘 쓴다 = All Asian people use chopsticks well
책 (chaek)
Translation: book
Common Usages: 책을 읽다 (to read a book)
Examples: 저는 좋은 책을 읽고 싶어요 = I want to read a good book
저는 그 것에 대해 책을 쓸 거에요 = I will write a book about it
저는 친구에게 책을 돌려줬어요 = I gave my friend back his book
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컴퓨터 (kuhm-pyu-tuh)
Translation: computer
Notes: Many new Korean words are simply English words with a Korean pronunciation
pronouncing “컴퓨터” in Korean will sound like “computer”
Common Usages: 컴퓨터를 켜다 (turn on a computer), 컴퓨터를 끄다 (turn off a computer)
Examples: 컴퓨터가 꺼져 있어요 = The computer is turned of
저는 컴퓨터를 켰어요 = I turned the computer on
컴퓨터가 켜져 있어요 = The computer is (in the state of being) on
나무 (na-mu)
Translation: tree/wood
Examples: 저는 집을 나무로 지었어요 = I made a house out of wood
나는 우리 집을 나무로 지었어 = I built our house out of wood
소파 (so-pa)
Translation: sofa, couch
Example: 그는 소파에 앉아 있어요 = He is sitting on the couch
중국 (chung-guk)
Translation: China
Common Usages: 중국 사람 (Chinese person), 중국어 (Chinese language)
Example: 우리는 곧 중국에 갈 거에요 = We are going to China soon
일본 (il-bon)
Translation: Japan
Common Usages: 일본 사람 (Japanese Person), 일본어 (Japanese language)
Example: 그 사람은 일본에서 왔어요 = That person is from Japan
문 (mun)
Translation: door, gate
Common Usages: 동대문 (“east big gate” – tourist attraction in Seoul), 남대문 (“south big gate”
– tourist attraction and market in Seoul)
Example: 문을 닫아 야 돼요 = You have to close the door
저는 문을 잠갔어요 = I locked the door
저는 문을 열 거에요 = I will open the door
의사 (ui-sa)
Translation: doctor
Examples: 저는 의사가 무서워요 = I am afraid of doctors
의사들은 돈이 많아요 = doctors have a lot of money
학생 (hak-saeng)
Translation: students
Common Usages: 대학생 (university student), 초등학생 (elementary school), 중학생 (middle
school student), 고등학생 (high school student)
Examples: 저는 학생들에게 수업을 가르쳤어요 = I taught the class to the students
선생님은 학생들과 박물관에 갔다 = The teacher went to the museum with the students
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Adverbs and Other Words:
이다 (ee-da)
This is the first time you are being introduced to a word that must be conjugated in order to be
used. Visit Lesson 5 of HowtoStudyKorean.com for more information. Any word that ends in
“다” must be conjugated to be used.
Translation: to be (is, am, are, was, were)
Common usages: 제 이름은 __이에요 (My name is __), 이름이 뭐예요? (What is your name?)
저는 ____이에요 = I am a ______
Notes: “to be” can be many words in English. For example, I am, he is, they are, I was, they
were. 이다 acts as all of these words.
Examples: 저는 예쁜 여자예요 = I am a beautiful girl
저 건물은 학교입니다 = That building is a school
그 것은 사진이에요 = That thing is a picture
이 사람은 저의 누나예요 = This (person) is my sister
그 것은 큰 비밀이었어요 = That was a big secret
저는 의사였어요 = I was a doctor
네 (“neigh”)
Translation: yes
Notes: Informally, you can say “응” to mean “yes”
Example: 네, 저는 가고 싶어요 = Yes, I want to go
아니 (ah-ni)
Translation: no
Notes: In formal situations, “아니요” is more respectful
Example: 아니요, 안 했어요 = No, I didn’t do it
안 (ahn)
Translation: adverb that makes verbs or adjectives negative
Notes: 안 is placed before a verb or adjective to turn it into a negative word. The meaning is
synonymous to ~지 않다. Visit Lesson 8 for more information.
Example: 그 여자는 안 아름다워요 = That girl is not beautiful
저는 마지막 것을 안 봤어요 = I didn't see the last thing
아침식사를 안 먹었어요 = I didn’t eat breakfast
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나라 (na-ra/na-la)
Translation: country
Examples: 어느 나라에서 왔어요? What country did you come from?
미국은 민주적인 나라예요 = The US is a democratic nation
한국은 좋은 나라예요? = is Korea a good country?
가방 (ka-bang)
Translation: backpack, bag
Common Usages: 가방을 들다 (carry a bag)
Example: 저는 가방에 책을 넣었어요 = I put my books into my backpack
창문 (chang-mun)
Translation: window
Example: 너무 더워서 창문을 열었어요 = I opened a window because it is too hot
저는 창문 너머에 봤어요 = I looked through the window
잡지 (jap-chi)
Translation: magazine
Example: 저는 잡지를 읽었어요 = I read a magazine
방 (bang)
Translation: room, bedroom
Examples: 저의 방은 너무 좁아요 = My room is too small/narrow
이 방은 좁아요 = This room is narrow
남자는 방에 들어왔어요 = That man came into room
냉장고 (naeng-jaeng-go)
Translation: refrigerator, fridge
Example: 저는 야채를 냉장고에 넣었어요 = I put the vegetables in the fridge
강아지 (kang-a-ji)
Translation: dog/puppy
Common Usages: 강아지를 키우다 (to raise a puppy)
Notes: The word “개” is usually used for dogs that are not pets.
Examples: 여렸을 때 강아지를 키우고 싶었어요 = When I was young, I wanted to raise a puppy
저는 저의 강아지를 묻었어요 = I buried my dog
고양이 (ko-yang-i)
Translation: cat
Examples: 고양이는 강아지와 달라요 = Cats are different than dogs
고양이는 의자 밑에 있어요 = The cat us under the chair
개는 고양이랑 쥐보다 더 커요 = Dogs are bigger than cats and mice
쥐 (jwi)
Translation: rat/mouse
Example: 쥐는 너무 더러워요 = Rats are very dirty
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펜 (pen)
Translation: pen
Common Usages: 펜으로 쓰다 (to write with a pen)
Examples: 저는 그 것을 펜으로 썼어요 = I wrote that with a pen
나는 펜 4 개를 샀어 = I bought 4 pens
나는 펜을 가지고 있어 = I have a pen
전화기 (juhn-hwa-gi)
Translation: phone
Notes: A 전화기 is a typical land-line style phone that nobody uses anymore, and thus, is not
said as often as it used to be said
Example: 요즘에 아무도 전화기를 안 써요 = These days, nobody uses a phone
커피 (kuh-pi)
Translation: coffee
Common Usages: 커피를 마시다 (to drink coffee)
Notes: Notice that there is no “F” in Korean, and thus, Korean people use “ㅍ” to make the “F”
Example: 저는 친구들이랑 커피를 마셨어요 = I drank coffee with my friends
식당 (sik-dang)
Translation: restaurant
Examples: 좋은 식당에 가고 싶어요 = I want to go to a good restaurant
식당은 은행 옆에 있어요 = The restaurant is beside the bank
우리학교에서 식당까지 10 분 걸려요 = It takes 10 minutes to get from our school to the
건물 (kuhn-mul)
Translation: building
Examples: 그 건물은 너무 높아요 = That building is very high
그 건물은 어제와 달라요 = That building is different from yesterday
저 학교는 역사적인 건물이에요 = That school is a historical building
텔레비전 (Te-re-bi-juhn)
Translation: Television
Notes: Originates from the English pronunciation of “Television.” Often shortened to “TV”
Example: 텔레비전을 오랫동안 보지 마세요! = Don’t watch TV for a long time!
미국 (mi-guk)
Translation: The United States
Common Usages: 미국 사람 (an American)
Examples: 미국 사람이에요? = Are you an American?
저는 다음 주에 미국에 갈 거예요 = I will go to the US next week
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캐나다 (kae-na-da)
Translation: Canada
Common Usages: 캐나다 사람 (Canadian)
Example: 저는 캐나다에서 왔어요 = I am from Canada
저는 캐나다에 가고 싶어요 = I want to go to Canada
학교 (hak-kyo)
Translation: school
Examples: 저는 학교에서 공부했어요 = I studied at the school
저는 학교 안에 있어요 = I am inside the school
저는 내일 학교에 갈 것입니다 = I will go to school tomorrow
호텔 (ho-tel)
Translation: hotel
Examples: 호텔에 식당이 있어요 = There is a restaurant in the hotel
호텔은 학교 옆에 있어요 = The hotel is beside the school
은행 (eun-haeng)
Translation: bank
Examples: 호텔은 은행 옆에 있어요 = The hotel is beside the bank
아버지는 은행에 들어갔어요 = My dad went into the bank
Adverbs and Other Words:
안 (an)
Translation: inside, within
Common Usages: 집 안에 (inside a house), 방 안에 (inside a room)
Notes: Position words are placed after the noun they describe. 에 is typically attached to a word
of position.
Examples: 저의 친구는 방 안에 있어요 = My friend is in the bank
저는 5 년 안에 외국어를 5 개를 배우고 싶어 = I want to learn 5 languages within 5 years
개는 집 안에 있어요 = The dog is in the house
위 (wi)
Translation: on, on top, above
Common Usages: 탁자 위에 (on the table)
Example: 잡지는 탁자 위에 있어요 = The magazine is on the table
밑 (mit)
Translation: under/beneath/below
Examples: 고양이는 의자 밑에 있어요 = The cat is below the chair
고양이는 의자 밑에 있어요 = The cat is under the chair
옆 (yuhp)
Translation: beside, next to
Example: 학교는 은행 옆에 있어요 = The school is next to the bank
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뒤 (dwi)
Translation: behind
Examples: 병원은 박물관 뒤에 있어요 = The hospital is behind the museum
저는 학교 뒤에 있어요 = I am behind the school
앞 (ap)
Translation: in-front
Example: 집은 가계 앞에 있어요 = The house is in-front of the store
여기 (yuh-gi)
Translation: here
Notes: The placement of “에” is usually assumed and therefore omitted. 여기 and 에서 combine
to form 여기서
Examples: 여기에 빨리 오세요! = Come here quick!
어떤 남자는 어제 여기에 왔어 = Some man came here yesterday
친구를 만나기 위해 여기로 왔어 = I came here to meet a friend
있다 (itda)
Translation: to have
Notes: 있다 has two meanings. See the other meaning directly below this one. When used as “to
have,” 이/가 must be attached to the object that is being possessed. For more information, visit
Lesson 2.
Examples: 저는 펜이 있어요 = I have a pen
저는 많은 돈이 있어요 = I have a lot of money
있다 (itda)
Translation: to be at/in a location
Notes: 에 is typically attached to the location where something/somebody is
Examples: 저는 은행에 있어요 = I am at the bank
엄마가 어디에 있어요? 병원에 갔어요? = Where is mom? Did she go to the hospital?
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음식 (eum-sik)
Translation: food
Common Usages: 맛있는 음식 (delicious food), 음식을 먹다 (to eat food)
Examples: 저는 음식을 많이 먹었어요 = I ate a lot of food
음식이 많아요 = There is a lot of food
저는 항상 저녁에 음식을 먹어요 = I always eat food in the evening
케이크 (ke-i-keu)
Translation: cake
Notes: Literally the English pronunciation of “cake” spelled out in Korean
Example: 저는 생일에 케이크를 먹고 싶어요 = I want to eat cake on my birthday
공항 (gong-hang)
Translation: airport
Examples: 저는 인천공항에서 출발했어요 = I departed from Incheon airport
저는 어제 공항에 처음 갔어요 = I went to the airport for the first time yesterday
병원 (byuhng-won)
Translation: hospital
Examples: 저는 아파서 병원에 갈 거에요 = I’m going to the hospital because I am sick
저는 저의 친구를 병원에서 봤어요 = I saw my friend at the hospital
공원 (gong-won)
Translation: park
Examples: 친구들이랑 공원에서 놀았어요 = I played in the park with friends
저는 남편을 공원에서 만날 거에요 = I will meet my friend at the park
저는 아버지랑 공원에 갈 거에요 = I will go to the park with my dad
한국어 (han-guk-uh)
Translation: the Korean language
Common Usages: 한국어로 (in Korean)
Examples: 저는 한국어로 말했어요 = I spoke in Korean
저는 내일 한국어를 공부하겠어요 = I will study Korean tomorrow.
저는 2 달 동안 한국어 수업을 들었어요 = I took an Korean class for 2 months
머리 (muh-li)
Translation: head, the hair on one’s head
Common Usages: 머리 아프다 (to have a head ache), 배 아프다 (to have a stomach ache)
Examples: 머리가 아파서 학교에 못 가요 = I can’t go to school because my head hurts
저는 머리를 긁었어요 = I scratched my head
다리 (da-li)
Translation: leg
Example: 다리가 길었으면 좋겠어요 = I wish my legs were long
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손가락 (son-ga-lak)
Translation: finger
Examples: 손가락으로 버튼을 눌렀어요 = I pressed the button with my finger
저의 손가락은 길어요 = My finger is long
귀 (kwi)
Translation: ear
Example: 토끼는 큰 귀가 있어요 = Rabbits have big ears
팔 (pal)
Translation: arm
Examples: 팔에 문신이 있어요 = I have a tattoo on my arm
팔이 아파요 = My arm is sore
눈 (noon)
Translation: eye(s)
Examples: 눈을 떨 수 없어요 = I can’t open my eyes
너에 있어서 내가 가장 좋아하는 것은 너의 눈이다 = My favorite part about you is your eyes
입 (ib)
Translation: mouth
Example: 저는 저의 여자 친구의 입에 키스했어요 = I kissed my girlfriend on the lips
배 (bae)
Translation: stomach, belly
Examples: 배가 아파요 = My stomach is sore
배가 너무 아파서 일할 수 없어요 = I can’t work because my stomach hurts
버스 (buh-seu)
Translation: bus
Common Usages: 버스를 타다 (to ride a bus), 버스에서 내리다 (to get off a bus)
Examples: 저는 서울역에서 버스를 탔어요 = I got on the bus at Seoul station
다음 버스는 저 정류장에서 출발할 거에요 = The next bus will depart from that stop
배 (bae)
Translation: boat, ship
Common Usages: 배를 타다 (to take/ride a boat)
Example: 저는 제주에 배로 갔어요 = I went to Jeju by boat
먹다 (muhk-da)
Translation: to eat
Common Usages: 밥을 먹다 (to eat rice/food)
Examples: 밥을 먹었어요? = Have you eaten?
저는 아침식사로 밥을 먹었어요 = I ate rice for breakfast
저는 보통 점심식사로 과일만 먹어요 = I usually only eat fruit for lunch
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가다 (ka-da)
Translation: to go
Examples: 저는 내일 학교에 갈 거에요 = Tomorrow I am will go to school
저의 친구는 저 쪽으로 갔어요 = My friend went that way
만나다 (man-na-da)
Translation: to meet
Example: 저는 어제 친구를 만났어요 = I met a friend yesterday
저는 내일 사람 2명을 만날 거에요 = I will meet two people tomorrow
저는 내일 사람 2명 더 만날 거에요 = I will meet two more people tomorrow
닫다 (dahd-da)
Translation: to close
Common Usages: 문을 닫다 (close a door)
Examples: 저는 문을 닫았어요 = I closed the door
너무 추워서 문을 닫았어요 = I closed the door because it is too cold
열다 (yuhl-da)
Translation: to open
Common Usages: 문을 열다 (to open a door)
Example: 저는 창문을 열었어요 = I opened the window
원하다 (won-ha-da)
Translation: to want
Notes: This word can only be used to say that you want a noun. You cannot say that you want to
do a verb using 원하다
Examples: 저는 더 큰 집을 원해요 = I want a bigger house
저는 그 책을 원해요 = I want that book
만들다 (man-deul-da)
Translation: to make
Examples: 그 것을 어떻게 만들었어요? = How did you make that?
저는 그 것을 손으로 만들었어요 = I built that with my hands
하다 (ha-da)
Translation: to do
Notes: Attaching 하다 to nouns (usually of Chinese origin) changes that noun into a verb. For
example: 요리 = cooking, 요리하다 = to cook. For more information, see Lesson 3.
Example: 그 것을 언제 했어요? = When did you do that?
말하다 (mal-ha-da)
Translation: to speak, to say
Examples: 뭐라고 말했어요? = What did you say?
그는 한국어를 자연스럽게 말해요 = he speaks Korean naturally
이해하다 (i-hae-ha-da)
Translation: to understand
Example: 제 말을 이해했어요? = Did you understand what I said (my speaking?)
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좋아하다 (좋아하다)
Translation: to like
Examples: 저는 우리 학교를 좋아해요 = I like our school
저는 그 선생님을 좋아해요 = I like that teacher
크다 (keu-da)
Translation: big
Notes: For more information on how to conjugate adjectives, see Lesson 4 and Lesson 5.
Examples: 그 집은 아주 커요 = That house is very big
저는 남동생보다 키가 더 커요 = I am taller (my height is bigger) than my brother
작다 (jak-da)
Translation: small
Example: 저는 작은 집에서 살아요 = I live in a small house
새롭다 (sae-rob-da)
Translation: new
Notes: irregular conjugation. For a list of all irregular conjugations, visit Lesson 7.
Examples: 저는 새로운 차를 샀어요 = I bought a new car
그 병원은 새로워요 = That hospital is new
낡다 (nalk-da)
Translation: old
Notes: This word is not used to describe a person, only an object.
Example: 이 학교 건물은 매우 낡아요 = This school’s building is very old
비싸다 (bi-ssa-da)
Translation: expensive
Example: 이 것은 너무 비싸요 = This (thing) is too expensive
집 값은 비싸지고 있어 = House prices are getting expensive
싸다 (ssa-da)
Translation: in-expensive
Example: 이 가게는 싼 음식을 팔아요 = this store sells cheap/inexpensive food
아름답다 (a-reum-dab-da)
Translation: beautiful
Examples: 그 여자가 너무 아름다워요 = That girl is very beautiful
그 선생님은 아름다워요 = That teacher is beautiful
뚱뚱하다 (ddung-ddung-ha-da)
Translation: fat, chubby
Example: 그 사람은 너무 뚱뚱해요 = That person is very fat
길다 (kil-da)
Translation: long
Example: 저 여자의 머리는 길어요 = That girl’s hair is long
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좋다 (choh-da)
Translation: good
Notes: 좋다 is often used to have the meaning “to like.” When using it to have this meaning,
이/가 needs to be attached to the object. For more information, visit Lesson 3.
Examples: 우리 학교는 매우 좋아요 = Our school is very good
저는 우리 학교가 좋아요 = I like our school
그 선생님은 좋아요 = that teacher is good
Adverbs and Other Words:
아주 (a-ju)
Translation: very
Example: 날씨는 아주 더워요 = The weather is very hot
매우 (mae-u)
Translation: very, really
Example: 이 음식은 매우 맛있어요 = This food is very delicious
저는 매우 빨리 달렸어요 = I ran really quickly
너무 (nuh-mu)
Translation: too
Notes: Though 너무 means “too,” it has gotten to the point in society where Korean people use
“너무” to mean “very” as well (especially with the younger generation). Whereas “too” should
indicate a negative meaning, 너무 often indicates a positive meaning.
Examples: 이 것은 너무 맛있어요 = This is very delicious (note that the meaning is no “this is
TOO delicious)
저는 가끔 너무 많이 먹어요 = I eat too much sometimes
저는 어제 너무 아팠어요 = I was really sick yesterday
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길 (kil)
Translation: road, street
Example: 이 길에서 오른 쪽으로 가세요 = Turn right at this street
거리 (kuh-li)
Translation: road, street
Examples: 거리에 사람이 많았어요 = There was a lot of people on the street
저는 긴 거리를 건넜어요 = I crossed the long street
우리 (u-li)
Translation: we, us, our
Common Usages: 우리의 (our)
Examples: 우리는 어제 서울에 갔어요 = We went to Seoul yesterday
저는 우리 집을 나무로 지었어요 = I built our house out of wood
손 (son)
Translation: hand
Common Usages: 손으로 (with one’s hand)
Example: 저는 (저의) 손을 들었어요 = I raised/lifted my hand
저의 손은 커요 = My hand is big
영어 (yuhng-uh)
Translation: English (language)
Common Usages: 영어로 (in English)
Examples: 제가 수업을 하면 항상 영어로 해요 = When I teach, I always do so in English
저는 영어를 공부할 거예요 = I will study English
한국 사람들은 외국 사람들과 영어를 연습하고 싶어요 = Korean people want to practice
their English with foreigners
택시 (taek-si)
Translation: taxi
Common Usages: 택시를 타다 (to ride/take a taxi)
Example: 택시는 버스보다 더 빨라요 = The taxi is quicker than the bus
열차 (yuhl-cha)
Translation: train
Common Usages: 열차로 가다 (to go by train), 열차를 타다 (to ride/take a train)
Example: 열차는 택시보다 더 빨라요 = The train is faster than the taxi
역 (yuhk)
Translation: (train/subway) station
Common Usages: 서울역 (Seoul Station)
Example: 홍대역에서 어떻게 가요? = How do I get to Hong-dae station?
저는 서울역에서 내릴 거에요 = I will get off at Seoul station
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버스 정류장 (buh-seu juhng-ryu-jeong)
Translation: bus station
Example: 버스 정류장에서 버스를 타 야 돼요 = You must get on the bus at the bus station
비행기 (bi-haeng-ki)
Translation: airplane
Common Usages: 비행기를 타다 (to take/ride an airplane)
Example: 거기에 가고 싶으면 비행기를 타 야 돼요 = If you want to go there, you must take
an airplane
자전거 (ja-juhng-ga)
Translation: bicycle
Common Usages: 자전거를 타다 (to ride a bicycle)
Example: 저는 자전거를 타는 것이 너무 좋아요 = I like riding bicycles
아내 (ah-nae)
Translation: wife
Examples: 저의 아내는 너무 예뻐요 = My wife is very pretty
제가 아내와 결혼하기 전에 우리는 2 년 동안 사귀었어요 = Before marrying my wife, we
went out/dated for 2 years
아이 (ah-ee)
Translation: child, baby
Example: 우리 아이는 아직 2 살이에요 = My child is still 2 years old
아들 (ah-deul)
Translation: son
Examples: 우리 아들은 대학생이에요 = Our son is a university student
할아버지는 우리 아들에게 돈을 주었어요 = Grandpa gave money to our son
딸 (ddal)
Translation: daughter
Example: 우리 딸은 그 고등학교를 다녀요 = Our daughter attends that high school
남편 (nam-pyuhn)
Translation: husband
Examples: 저의 남편은 선생님이에요 = my husband is a teacher
저는 남편을 공원에서 만날 거에요 = I will meet my husband at the park
아버지 (ah-buh-ji)
Translation: father
Example: 아버지는 지금 일하고 있어요 = Dad is working now
형하고 아버지는 영화를 봤어요 = My brother and dad saw a movie
어머니 (uh-muh-ni)
Translation: mother
Example: 우리 어머니는 서울대학교를 다녔어요 = Our mom attended Seoul University
저는 밥을 친구랑 나의 어머니랑 먹었어요 = I ate (rice) with my mom and my friend
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편지 (pyuhn-ji)
Translation: letter
Common Usages: 편지를 쓰다 (to write a letter)
Examples: 저는 편지를 썼어요 = I wrote a letter for my girlfriend
저는 나의 여자친구에게서 편지를 받았어요 = I received a letter from my girlfriend
맛 (mat)
Translation: taste
Common Usages: 맛있다 (delicious), 맛없다 (not delicious)
Notes: 맛 and 있다 come together to make “delicious” but this literally means “to have taste.”
Examples: 맛이 조금 이상해요 = The taste is a little bit strange
빨간 사과는 가장 맛있어요 = Red apples are the most delicious
식사 (shik-sa)
Translation: meal
Common Usages: 아침식사 (breakfast), 점심식사 (lunch), 저녁식사 (dinner)
Examples: 저는 할머니를 위해 식사를 준비했어요 = I prepared a meal for grandmother
저는 아침식사를 안 먹었어요 = I didn’t eat breakfast
아침식사 (ah-chim-shik-sa)
Translation: breakfast
Examples: 저는 오늘 아침식사를 못 먹었어요 = I didn’t eat breakfast today
저는 아침식사로 밥을 먹었어요 = I ate rice for breakfast
아침 (ah-chim)
Translation: morning
Common Usages: 아침식사 (breakfast)
Examples: 저는 아침에 일찍 일어났어요 = I woke up early in the morning
저는 아침부터 밤까지 공부만 했어요 = I only studied from morning to night
물 (mool)
Translation: water
Common Usages: 물을 마시다 (to drink water)
Examples: 잘하려면 물을 마셔 야 돼요 = If you want to do well, you must drink water
저는 물만 마셔요 = I only drink water
사과 (sa-kwa)
Translation: apple
Example: 저는 사과랑 바나나를 샀어요 = I bought apples and bananas
오다 (o-da)
Translation: to come
Common Usages: ~에 왔다 (to come from)
Example: 그 사람은 미국에서 왔어요 = That person came from the United States
친구들은 언제 올 거에요? = When are the friends coming?
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끝내다 (kkeut-nae-da)
Translation: to finish
Examples: 저는 저의 숙제를 끝냈어요 = I finished my homework
저는 숙제를 끝내고 나서 집으로 갈 거에요 = I will finish my homework then go home
춤추다 (choom-choo-da)
Translation: to dance
Notes: The word “춤” is the noun “dance,” as in “a dance.” Coupled with the verb “추다” is
means “to dance.”
Example: 저는 춤추는 것이 좋아요 = I like dancing
알다 (ahl-da)
Translation: to know
Common Usages: 알겠습니다 (okay, I understand), 알았어 (okay, I understand)
Examples: 저는 그 사람을 알아요 = I know that person
저는 그 것을 알고 있어요 = I know that
누구나 그 여자를 알아요 = Everybody knows that girl
걷다 (kut-da)
Translation: to walk
Example: 우리는 집에 걸어왔어요 = We walked home
저는 10 분 동안 걸었어요 = I walked for 10 minutes
배우다 (bae-oo-da)
Translation: to learn
Common Usages: 한국어를 배우다 (to learn Korean), 영어를 배우다 (to learn English)
Examples: 한국어를 언제부터 배웠어요? = Since when did you learn Korean?
저는 그 것을 지난 시간에 배웠어요 = I learned that (thing) last time
저는 한국어를 한국에서 배웠어요 = I learned Korean in Korea
연습하다 (yuhn-seup-ha-da)
Translation: to practice
Example: 한국 사람들은 외국 사람들과 영어를 연습하고 싶어요 = Korean people want to
practice their English with foreigners
살다 (sal-da)
Translation: to live
Example: 저는 서울에서 살고 있어요 = I live in Seoul
어느 집에서 살아요? = Which house do you live in?
생각하다 (saeng-kak-ha-da)
Translation: to think
Notes: Typically the grammatical principle ~ㄴ/다고 precedes 생각하다 as if it is a quoted
sentence. For more information, visit Lesson 52.
Examples: 저도 그렇게 생각해요 = I think that way as well
나는 너에 대해 생각했어요 = I was thinking about you
그 여자에 대해 어떻게 생각해요? = What do you think about that girl?
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Passive Verbs:
끝나다 (kkeut-na-da)
Notes: This is the first passive verb you have come across. For more information on passive
verbs, visit Lesson 14.
Examples: 이 콘서트가 벌써 끝났어요? = Is the concert already finished?
숙제는 끝났어요 = My homework is finished
위험하다 (wi-huhm-ha-da)
Translation: dangerous
Examples: 그 장소가 너무 위험해서 가지 마세요 = That place is very dangerous, so don’t go
이런 일은 위험해요 = This type of work is dangerous
잘생기다 (jal-saeng-ki-da)
Translation: handsome
Notes: A composition of the adverb 잘 (well) and the verb 생기다 (to look like), which means it
gets conjugated as a verb. It typically conjugates to the past tense (잘생겼다) even when talking
about the present tense.
Examples: 그 남자는 너무 잘생겼어요 = That man is very handsome
저는 잘생긴 남자를 만나요 = I meet a handsome man
못생기다 (mot-saeng-ki-da)
Translation: ugly
Notes: A composition of the adverb 못 (not well, poorly) and the verb 생기다. Like 잘생기다, it
is conjugated as a verb in the past tense.
Example: 그 남자는 너무 못생겼어요 = That man is very ugly
피곤하다 (pi-kon-ha-da)
Translation: tired
Example: 저는 일을 많이 해서 너무 피곤해요 = I am very tired because I worked a lot
다르다 (da-reu-da)
Translation: different
Common Usages: 또 따른 (another)
Notes: When saying something is different “from” something, 와/과/랑/이랑 must be attached to
the noun that is being compared. See Lesson 15 for more information.
Examples: 저는 다른 영화를 보고 싶어요 = I want to see a different movie
우리는 매우 달라요 = We are so different
그 건물은 어제와 달라요 = That building is different from yesterday
슬프다 (seul-peu-da)
Translation: sad
Example: 우리 할아버지가 죽어서 저는 너무 슬퍼요 = I am very sad because my grandfather
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맛있다 (mas-sheet-da)
Translation: delicious
Common Usages: see “맛”
Examples: 맛있는 것을 먹고 싶어요 = I want to eat something delicious
빨간 사과는 가장 맛있어요 = Red apples are the most delicious
재미있다 (jae-mi-eet-da)
Translation: funny
Notes: Like the word “맛있다,” 재미있다 is made up of “재미” and the verb “있다” (to have).
Therefore, even though 재미있다 is an adjective (funny), it must be conjugated as a verb
Examples: 그 영화가 너무 재미있었어요 = That movie was very funny
그 남자는 재미있는 남자예요 = That man is a funny person
많다 (manh-da)
Translation: many
Notes: An adjective that means “many,” 많다 can be placed before a noun to describe it, for
example: 많은 사람은 저를 좋아해요 (many people like me). However, 많다 is more naturally
used by using the ~는 것 principle. For example: 저를 좋아하는 사람은 많아요 (literally: there
are many people who like me). The ~는 것 principle is very difficult to describe, and is talked
about which is very difficult to describe, and is talked about in detail from Lessons 26 to 33.
Examples: 그 회사에서 일하는 사람은 많아요 = There are many people who work at that
지난 주에 저는 계획이 많았어요 = I had a lot of plans last week
행복하다 (hang-bok-ha-da)
Translation: happy
Common Usages: 행복한 사람 (happy person)
Example: 저는 매우 행복한 사람이에요 = I am a very happy person
Adverbs and Other Words:
거기 (kuh-gi)
Translation: there
Notes: The difference between “그” and “저” is the same as the difference between “거기” and
“저기.” “거기” is used when referring to a place that has already been mentioned, and “저기” is
used when you are referring to a place that is farther away than “여기.”
거기 and 에세 form to make “거기서.”
Example: 거기서 언제부터 살았어요? = Since when did you live there?
저기 (juh-ki)
Translation: there
Notes: See 거기.
저기 and 에서 form to make “저기서”
Examples: 저기까지 걷자! = Let’s walk until there
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지금 (ji-keum)
Translation: now
Notes: Though referring to a time, “에” is usually not attached to “지금”
Common Usages: 지금부터 (from now), 지금까지 (until now)
Example: 저는 밥을 지금 먹고 싶어요 = I want to eat now
그 여자를 지금까지 좋아했어요 = I liked that girl until now
하지만 (ha-ji-man)
Translation: but
Example: 거기에 가고 싶어요. 하지만 돈이 없어요 = I want to go there. But I have no money
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형 (hyung)
Translation: older brother
Notes: This word is only used if the younger person is also a man
Common Usages: 형님 (formal version of 형)
Examples: 형을 왜 때렸어요? = Why did you hit your brother?
저의 형은 똑똑한 남자입니다 = My brother is a smart man
오빠 (o-ppa)
Translation: older brother
Notes: This word is only used if the younger person is a female
Example: 오빤 (오빠는) 강남스타일 = older brother (I am) is Gangnam style
누나 (nu-na)
Translation: older sister
Notes: This word is only used if the younger person is a male
Examples: 저의 누나는 대학생이에요 = My older sister is a University student
저는 저의 누나를 불렀어요 = I called my sister
Translation: older sister
Notes: This word is only used if the younger person is a female
Example: 저는 언니랑 밥을 먹었어요 = I ate with my sister
삼촌 (sam-chon)
Translation: uncle
Example: 저의 삼촌은 선생님이에요 = My uncle is a teacher
이모 (ee-mo)
Translation: aunt
Notes: This word is only used to refer to the sister(s) of one’s mother
Example: 우리엄마는 이모와 닮았어요 = My mom looks like our aunt
고모 (ko-mo)
Translation: aunt
Notes: This word is only used to refer to the sister(s) of one’s father
Example: 우리 아버지는 고모와 살고 있어요 = Our father lives with our aunt
아저씨 (ah-juh-shi)
Translation: a word used to refer to an older man whom you do not know
Example: 아저씨! 앉으세요! = Sir, please sit down
아주머니 (ah-joo-muh-ni)
Translation: a word used to refer to an older woman whom you do not know
Example: 아주머니! 소주 2 병 주세요! = Miss! Two bottles of soju please!
할아버지 (hal-ah-buh-ji)
Translation: grandfather
Example: 우리 할아버지는 한국전쟁에서 싸웠어요 = Our grandfather fought in the Korean war
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할머니 (hal-uh-muh-ni)
Translation: grandmother
Example: 저의 할머니는 요리를 너무 잘해요 = My grandmother cooks very well
친구 (chin-ku)
Translation: friend
Common Usages: 여자 친구 (girlfriend), 남자 친구 (boyfriend)
Example: 저는 어제 친구를 만났어요 = I met a friend yesterday
저는 저의 친구를 자주 만나요 = I meet my friend often
저는 친구랑 같이 있어요 = I’m with my friend
사진 (sa-jin)
Translation: picture
Common Usages: 사진기 (camera), 사진을 찍다 (to take a picture)
Example: 여행했을 때 사진을 많이 찍었어요 = When I travelled, I took a lot of pictures
안경 (ahn-gyuhng)
Translation: glasses
Common Usages: 안경을 쓰다 (to wear glasses)
Example: 저는 새로운 안경을 샀어요 = I bought new glasses
비밀 (bi-meel)
Translation: secret
Examples: 그 것이 비밀이라서 말하지 마세요 = Don’t say anything because it is a secret!
그 것은 큰 비밀이었어요 = That was a big secret
비 (bee)
Translation: rain
Common Usages: 비가 오다 (to rain)
Example: 어제 비가 많이 왔어요 = Yesterday it rained a lot
가게 (ka-kae)
Translation: store/shop
Example: 저는 가게에서 사과를 샀어요 = I bought apples at the store
가스 레인지
Translation: stove, “gas range”
Notes: Literally the English pronunciation of “gas range” in Korean.
Example: 이 입은 가스 레인지가 없어요 = This house doesn’t have a stove
박물관 (pak-mool-kwan)
Translation: museum
Examples: 그 박물관은 특별해요 = That museum is special
저는 박물관에 다음 번에 갈 거예요 = I will go to the museum next time
오리 (o-li)
Translation: a duck (the animal)
Common Usages: 오리고리 (duck meat)
Example: 우리는 급식으로 오리고기를 먹었어요 = We had duck for the school lunch
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꼬리 (kko-li)
Translation: tail
Example: 그 강아지의 꼬리는 아주 귀여워요 = That puppy’s tail is very cute
보고싶다 (po-go-ship-da)
Translation: to miss
Notes: This word used with word 보다 (to see) and the grammatical principle ~고 싶다 (to want
to) to literally mean “to want to see.” Therefore, you can only use “보고싶다” when talking
about missing a person and not a thing.
Example: 제가 미국에서 있었을 때 가족을 보고싶었어요 = When I was in the US, I missed
my family
기대하다 (ki-dae-ha-da)
Translation: to expect
Notes: The passive version of this word (기대되다) is commonly used to say that one is excited
for something to happen. For more information on passive verbs, see Lesson 14.
Example: 선생님이 3 시에 올 것을 기대했어요 = I expected the teacher to come at 3:00
건너다 (kuhn-na-da)
Translation: to cross
Common Usages: 길을 건너다 (to cross a road)
Example: 빨리 건너자! = Quick! Let’s cross!
저는 거리를 안전하게 건넜어요 = I crossed the street safely
던지다 (duhn-ji-da)
Translation: to throw
Common Usages: 공을 던지다 (to throw a ball)
Example: 수업시간 동안 종이를 던지지 마세요 = During class, don’t throw paper please
시도하다 (shi-do-ha-da)
Translation: to try doing something
Notes: 시도하다 is typically used when you try something once. In the English translation,
“~ing” is usually attached to the verb you are trying to do.
Example: 저는 문을 열려고 시도했어요 = I tried opening the door
싫어하다 (shildh-uh-ha-da)
Translation: to not like
Notes: Unlike 싫다, 싫어하다 is a verb and can be treated as one. Therefore, 을/를 can be
attached to the object in the sentence.
Examples: 저는 그 사람을 싫어해요 = I don’t like that person
저는 과일을 싫어해요 = I dislike fruit
처음에 그 여자를 싫어했어요 = I didn’t like that girl at first
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떠나다 (dduh-na-da)
Translation: to leave
Notes: This word is usually only used if you are leaving something forever or for a very long
time. If you want to say that you left your house (and are returning), you should use the words
“출발하다” (to depart) or “나가다” (to go out).
Example: 한국은 언제 떠났어요? = When did you leave Korea?
농담하다 (nong-dam-ha-da)
Translation: joke
Example: 나의 남자친구는 나에게 농담을 많이 해요 = My boyfriend tells me a lot of jokes
지루하다 (ji-lu-ha-da)
Translation: boring
Example: 수업은 매우 지루해요 = Class is so boring
마르다 (ma-reu-da)
Translation: for a person to be thin
Example: 보통 모델들은 말라요 = Models are usually thin
오래되다 (o-rae-dwae-da)
Translation: old
Notes: Like 낡다, 오래되다 can only be used to describe objects – but 낡다 implies that the
object in question is also damaged/rugged in some form. Using 오래되다 simply implies that it
is has been a long time since something was built/released/bought, etc…
Example: 저는 저의 오래된 핸드폰을 팔았어요 = I sold my old phone
멀다 (mulda)
Translation: far
Notes: Irregular verb. See lesson 7.
Example: 우리 집은 너무 멀어요 = Our home is very far
저는 먼 병원에 갔어요 = I went to a far away hospital (a hospital that is far away)
Translation: dry
Notes: Most commonly used as “목 마르다” (literally: dry throat) to indicate that one is thirsty.
Example: 그 강은 완전히 말랐어요 = That river has completely dried up
비슷하다 (bi-seut-ha-da)
Translation: similar
Examples: 저와 저의 아버지는 너무 비슷해요 = I am very similar to my father
저는 친구와 비슷해요 = I am similar to my friend
싫다 (shildh-da)
Translation: to not like
Notes: Though it is a verb, 싫다 acts as an adjective. Therefore, it can be used to say “to not
like” if 이/가 is attached to the object in the sentence.
Example: 저는 그 사람이 싫어요 = I don’t like that person
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Adverbs and Other Words:
년 (nyuhn)
Translation: a year
Common Usages: 작년 (last year), 내년 (next year), 매년 (every year), 학년 (grade level)
Notes: This word is more commonly used in compilation with other words rather than by itself.
Example: 저는 작년에 한국에 갔어요 = I went to Korea last year
저는 5 년 이내에 외국어를 5 개를 배우고 싶어요 = I want to learn 5 languages within 5 years
오늘 (o-neul)
Translation: today
Notes: 에 is typically not attached to 오늘 as it can be assumed
Examples: 저는 오늘에 시험을 봐 야 돼요 = I need to write an exam today
저는 오늘 2 번 운동할 것입니다 = I will exercise twice (two times) today
일 (il)
Translation: day
Common Usages: the days of the week, 생일 (birthday), 내일 (tomorrow)
Notes: When talking about a day, “날” should be used. For more information, see Lesson 11.
Examples: 저는 토요일에 한교에 안 가요 = I don’t go to school on Saturday
저는 3 일 동안 학교에 안 갔어요 = I didn’t go to school for 3 days
The days of the week:
월요일 = Monday
화요일 = Tuesday
수요일 = Wednesday
목요일 = Thursday
금요일 = Friday
토요일 = Saturday
일요일 = Sunday
어제 (uh-jae)
Translation: yesterday
Notes: 에 is typically not attached to 어제 as it can be assumed
Examples: 저는 어제 학교에 못 갔어요 = I couldn’t go to school yesterday
저는 어제부터 아팠어요 = I have been sick since (from) yesterday
그 건물은 어제와 달라요 = That building is different from yesterday
내일 (nae-il)
Translation: tomorrow
Common Usages: 내일 봐 (informal: see you tomorrow), 내일 뵙겠습니다 (formal: see you
Notes: 에 is typically not attached to 내일 as it can be assumed.
Example: 저는 내일 공원에 갈 거에요 = I am going to the park tomorrow
내일 뭐 하고 싶어요? = What do you want to do tomorrow?
선생님은 내일 학생들을 만날 거에요 = The teacher will meet the students tomorrow
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모레 (moe-rae)
Translation: the day after tomorrow
Example: 학교가 모레 닫혀 있을 거에요 = The school will be closed two days from now
시간 (shi-kan)
Translation: time, hour
Common Usages: 1 시간 (one hour), 2 시간 (two hours), 1 시간 동안 (for two hours)
Notes: You can use this word to indicate that something was done for a certain amount of hours.
In addition, it can mean “time” as in “last time” or “this time.” For more information, visit
Lesson 11.
Examples: 저는 2 시간 동안 공부했어요 = I studied for two hours
우리는 다음 시간에 더 배울 거에요 = We will learn more next time
저는 3 시간 동안 잤어요 = I slept for 3 hours
저는 어제 2 시간 동안 TV 를 봤어요 = I watched TV for 2 hours yesterday
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신발 (shin-bal)
Translation: show
Common Usages: 신발을 신다 (to put on a shoe), 신발을 벗다 (to take off a shoe)
Example: 이 신발은 너무 불편해요 = These shoes are too uncomfortable
남방 (nam-bang)
Translation: shirt
Notes: The Korean pronunciation of “shirt” (셔츠) is more commonly used
Example: 그녀는 흰 남방을 입었어요 = She put on a white shirt
질문 (jil-moon)
Translation: question
Common Usages: 질문을 물어보다 (to ask a question)
Example: 질문이 있어요? = Do you have a question?
문제 (moon-jae)
Translation: question, problem
Notes: 질문 typically means “question,” but “문제” is used more when referring to a problem
that somebody may have.
Examples: 그 회사는 문제가 많아요 = That company has a lot problems
저는 그 수학 문제를 연필과 종이로 풀었어요 = I solved that math problem using a paper and
a pencil
나이 (na-ee)
Translation: age
Common Usages: 나이가 많다 (old)
Example: 그 사람이 나이가 많지만 여전히 똑똑해요 = Although that person is old, he is still
very smart
화장실 (hwa-jang-shil)
Translation: bathroom
Common Usages: 화장실에 가다 (to go to the bathroom)
Examples: 화장실은 어디에 있어요? = Where is the bathroom?
화장실에 가도 돼요? = May I go to the bathroom?
부장님 (bu-jang-nim)
Translation: boss
Examples: 그 것을 하려면 먼저 부장님께 물어봐 야 돼요 = In order to do that, you need to
ask the boss first
저는 부장님을 위해서 이 것을 썼어요 = I wrote this for my boss
분위기 (boon-wi-ki)
Translation: atmosphere
Example: 이 도시는 분위기가 좋아요 = This city has a good atmosphere
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차 (cha)
Translation: tea
Common Usages: 홍차 (black tea), 녹차 (green tea), 차를 마시다 (to drink tea)
Example: 녹차 한 잔 주세요 = Give me one glass of green tea, please
바지 (pants)
Translation: pants
Common Usages: 바지를 입다 (to put on pants), 바지를 벗다 (to take off pants)
Example: 저는 새로운 바지를 사 야 돼요 = I need to buy new pants
교실 (kyo-shill)
Translation: classroom
Examples: 학생들은 교실에 들어갔어요 = The students went into the classroom
학생은 교실에서 나왔어요 = The student came out of the classroom
급식 (keup-shik)
Translation: The food that is prepared at schools for students and teachers
Notes: If you work at a school in Korea, you will hear this word every day – otherwise, it will
not be as common
Example: 오늘 급식으로 김치찌개를 먹었어요 = We had Kimchi jigae for lunch today at
교장선생님 (kyo-jahng-suhn-saeng-nim)
Translation: principal
Examples: 우리 교장선생님은 영어를 할 수 있습니다 = Our principal can speak English
저는 책을 교장선생님께 줬어요 = I gave the principal a book
교감선생님 (kyo-kam-suhn-saeng-nim)
Translation: vice principal
Example: 교감선생님은 선생님들을 위해 식사를 살 거에요 = The vice principal will buy a
meal for all the teachers
풀 (pool)
Translation: glue
Example: 그 종이를 공책에 풀로 붙이세요! = Stick that paper to your notebook using glue!
수도 (soo-do)
Translation: capital city
Example: 대부분 사람들이 캐나다의 수도가 무엇인지 몰라요 = Most people don’t know
what Canada’s capital city is
병 (byung)
Translation: bottle
Common Usages: 물병 (water bottle)
Examples: 맥주 1 병 주세요! One bottle of beer, please!
병이 탁자에서 떨어졌어요 = The bottle fell from the table
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병 (byung)
Translation: disease, sickness
Common Usages: 눈병 (eye disease), 병에 걸리다 (to catch a disease)
Example: 병은 다행히 심하지 않아요 = Thankfully, the disease isn’t serious
병이 나았어요 = I’m better (literally – the sickness/disease is better)
생선 (sang-suhn)
Translation: fish
Example: 저는 생선이 별로 안 좋아요 = I don’t really like fish
야채 (ya-chae)
Translation: vegetable(s)
Examples: 사람들은 야채와 과일을 많이 먹어 야 돼요 = People need to eat lots of fruits and vegetables
저는 과일도 좋아하고 야채도 좋아해요 = I like fruit and vegetables too
언덕 (uhn-duck)
Translation: hill
Example: 우리 집은 언덕 위에 있어요 = Our house is on top of the hill
선물 (suhn-mul)
Translation: present
Example: 저는 저의 여자 친구를 위해 선물을 샀어요 = I bought a present for my girlfriend
Translation: guitar
Common Usages: 기타를 치다 (to play guitar)
Example: 저의 남자친구는 기타를 잘 쳐요 = My boyfriend plays the guitar well
종이 (jong-ee)
Translation: paper
Common Usages: 종이 1 장 (one piece of paper)
Examples: 전화번호를 종이에 써 주세요 = write your name on a piece of paper please
저는 그 수학 문제를 연필과 종이로 풀었어요 = I solved that math problem using a paper and
a pencil
우유 (oo-yoo)
Translation: milk
Common Usages: 우유를 마시다 (to drink milk)
Example: 저는 슈퍼에서 우유를 샀어요 = I bought milk at the supermarket
손목 (son-mok)
Translation: wrist
Common Usages: 손목시계 (wristwatch)
Example: 저는 저의 손목을 다쳤어요 = I hurt my wrist
시계 (shi-kye)
Translation: clock
Common Usages: 손목시계 (wristwatch)
Example: 시간을 몰라서 시계를 봤어요 = I didn’t know what time it was so I looked at the
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손목시계 (son-mok-shi-kye)
Translation: watch, wristwatch
Common Usages: 손목시계를 차다 (to wear a watch)
Example: 그 손목시계를 어디 샀어요? = Where did you buy that watch?
영화 (yuhng-hwa)
Translation: movie
Examples: 저는 무서운 영화를 보고 싶어요 = I want to see a scary movie
저는 그 영화를 5 번 봤어요 = I saw that movie five times
노력하다 (no-ryuk-ha-da)
Translation: to try
Common Usages: ~려고 노력하다 (to try to). See Lesson 32 for more information.
Example: 저는 한국어를 배우려고 노력하고 있어요 = I am trying to learn Korean
그 친구를 매 주말 만나려고 노력해요 = I try to meet that friend every weekend
앉다 (anjh-da)
Translation: to sit
Common Usages: 앉으세요! (have a seat!)
Example: 발이 아파서 앉고 싶어요 = I want to sit down because my feet are sore
만지다 (man-ji-da)
Translation: to touch
Common Usages: 만지지 마세요! (don’t touch!)
Example: 그 것이 비싸서 만지지 마세요! = That is very expensive, so please don’t touch it!
자다 (ja-da)
Translation: to sleep
Common Usages: 낮잠 자다 (to take a nap), 늦잠 자다 (to sleep in)
Examples: 너무 피곤해서 자고 싶어요 = I want to sleep because I am so tired
저는 3 시간 동안 잤어요 = I slept for 3 hours
먹다 (muhk-da)
Translation: to eat
Common Usages: 밥을 먹다 (to eat [rice])
Examples: 저는 밥을 많이 먹어서 배불러요 = I am full because I ate too much
저는 남동생보다 밥을 더 먹었어요 = I ate more than by brother
저는 어제보다 밥을 더 먹었어요 = I ate more than yesterday
보다 (bo-da)
Translation: to see, to look, to watch
Notes: In English, there are many different ways to say that you are looking at something (to
watch, to see, to look at). In Korean, “보다” takes on all of these meanings.
Example: 저는 어제 영화를 봤어요 = I saw a movie yesterday
시험을 잘 봤니? = Did you write the exam well
저는 마지막 것을 안 봤어요 = I didn't see the last thing (I didn't see that last one)
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기다리다 (ki-da-li-da)
Translation: to wait
Example: 저는 30 분 동안 기다렸어요 = I waited for 30 minutes
3 시까지 기다릴 거에요 = I will wait until 3:00
청소하다 (chung-so-ha-da)
Translation: to clean
Example: 밖에 나가기 전에 집을 청소해 야 돼요! = Before I go out, I need to clean the house
저는 집을 청소기로 청소했어요 = I cleaned the house with a vacuum cleaner
약속하다 (yak-sok-ha-da)
Translation: to promise
Example: 그는 올 거라고 약속했어요 = He promised that he would come
듣다 (deud-da)
Translation: to hear
Common Usages: 들어보다 (to listen)
Examples: 그 말을 못 들었어요 = I didn’t hear that thing that you just said
저는 쥐를 들었어요 = I heard a mouse
들어보다 (deul-uh-bo-da)
Translation: to listen
Example: 선생님의 말을 잘 들어보세요! = listen carefully to what the teacher says!
그만하다 (keu-man-ha-da)
Translation: to stop
Notes: This is used when you are stopping an action. When you are stopping a machine, the
word 멈추다 is usually used.
Example: 빨리 그만하세요! = stop quickly!
운동하다 (un-dong-ha-da)
Translation: to exercise
Examples: 저는 매일 운동해요 = I exercise everyday
저는 오늘 2 번 운동할 것입니다 = I will exercise twice (two times) today
놀라다 (nol-la-da)
Translation: surprised
Notes: By putting the word “깜짝” before “놀라다,” it will make your Korean sound very good!
Example: 저는 그 사람을 보고 깜짝 놀랐어요! = I looked at that man and I was really surprised!
빠르다 (bba-reu-da)
Translation: fast
Notes: Irregular adjective. See Lesson 7.
Example: 그 차는 너무 빨라요 = That car is too fast
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느리다 (neu-li-da)
Translation: slow
Notes: 느리다 is used when “slow” has a negative meaning, usually from moving too slow
Example: 이 인터넷은 왜 이렇게 느려요? = Why is this internet so slow?
착하다 (chak-ha-da)
Translation: nice
Examples: 한국 사람들은 보통 아주 착해요 = Korean people are usually very nice
저의 첫 번째 친구는 착했어요 = My first friend was nice
Adverbs and Other Words:
주 (joo)
Translation: a week
Common Usages: 일주일 동안 (for one week), 다음 주 (next week), 이번 주 (this week), 지난
주 (last week)
Example: 우리는 다음 주에 캐나다에 갈 거에요 = We are going to Canada next week
곧 (goht)
Translation: soon
Example: 우리가 곧 가 야 돼요 = We have to go soon
저는 곧 선생님이 될 것입니다 = I will be a teacher soon
항상 (hang-sang)
Translation: always
Examples: 그 여자는 항상 그렇게 걸어요 = That girl always walks like that
자는 항상 아침에 운동해요 = I always exercise in the morning
아래 (ah-lae)
Translation: below
Example: 여기 아래에 사인해 주세요 = Please sign below, here
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Lesson 7:
눈썹 (nun-ssuhp)
Translation: eyebrow
Example: 그 사람의 눈썹은 짙어요 = That person’s eyebrows are thick
교사 (kyo-sa)
Translation: teacher
Example: 저는 영어교사예요 = I am an English teacher
반 (ban)
Translation: a class (group of students) in school
Common Usages: 2 학년 3 반 (class 2-3)
Example: 몇 반이에요? = What class are you in?
직장 (jik-jang)
Translation: work (the location)
Example: 그는 직장에서 일찍 퇴근했어요 = He left work early
저녁(식사/시간) (juh-nyuk-(shik-sa shi-kan))
Translation: dinner/dinner time (evening)
Examples: 저녁으로 뭐 먹었어요? = What did you eat for dinner?
엄마가 온 후에 저는 저녁식사를 먹을 거에요 = After mom comes home, I will eat dinner
점심(식사/시간) (juhm-shim-(shik-sa/shi-kan))
Translation: lunch/lunch time
Examples: 점심으로 뭐 먹고 싶어요? = What do you want to eat for lunch?
저는 보통 점심식사로 과일만 먹어요 = I usually only eat fruit for lunch
벽 (byuhk)
Translation: wall
Examples: 저는 사진을 벽에 걸었어요 = I hung a picture on a wall
그림은 벽에 걸려 있어요 = The picture is hanging on the wall
털 (tuhl)
Translation: hair (on body), fur
Common Usages: 코털 (nose hair)
Example: 저는 팔에 털이 많아요 = I have a lot of hair on my arms
머리카락 (muh-li-ka-lak)
Translation: the hair on one’s head
Example: 그 여자의 머리카락은 길어요 = That girl’s hair is long
찾다 (chatda)
Translation: to look/search for
Examples: 저는 저의 지갑을 찾고 있어요 = I am looking for my wallet
누군가(는) 너를 찾고 있어 = Somebody is looking for you
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공부하다 (kong-bu-ha-da)
Translation: to study
Examples: 저는 한국어를 4 년 동안 공부했어요 = I studied Korean for 4 years
저는 저녁에 공부했어요 = I studied in the evening
여름에 저는 공부하겠어요 = I will study in the summer
가르치다 (ka-leu-chi-da)
Translation: to teach
Examples: 저는 고등학교에서 10 년 동안 영어를 가르쳤어요 = I taught English at a high
school for 10 years
저는 학생들한테 한국어를 가르쳤어요 = I taught Korean to the students
일하다 (il-ha-da)
Translation: to work
Common Usages: 일 (work)
Examples: 저는 그 회사에서 일해요 = I work at/for that company
저는 지난 월요일에 일했어요 = I worked last Monday
짓다 (jit-da)
Translation: to build
Common Usages: 집을 짓다 (to build a house)
Notes: Irregular verb. See Lesson 7.
Examples: 그 집을 언제 지었어요? = When did you build that house?
저는 집을 지었어요 = I built a house
저는 우리 집을 나무로 지었어요 = I built our house out of wood
가지다 (ka-ji-da)
Translation: to possess, to own
Common Usages: 가지고 있다 (to have)
Notes: As you learned previously, when you use “있다” to indicate that you have something,
you must put the particle 이/가 on the object you have. However, you can attach 을/을 to that
object if you use ~가지고 있다.
Example: 저는 펜을 가지고 있어요 = I have a pen
잠그다 (jam-keu-da)
Translation: to lock
Notes: Irregular verb. See Lesson 7.
Example: 저는 문을 잠갔어요 = I locked the door
잊다 (eet-da)
Translation: to forget
Common Usages: 잊어버리다 (to forget)
Example: 저를 잊지 마세요! = Don’t forget me!
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주다 (joo-da)
Translation: to give
Notes: Often gets placed after a verb if somebody does an action for somebody. See Lesson 47
for more information. Also in the imperative form (for example, ~세요) to ask for something.
Examples: 그 그릇을 주세요 = Give me that bowl, please
밥을 사 주세요 = Buy me food, please
돕다 (dope-da)
Notes: Irregular irregular verb, see Lesson 7. 돕다 + 주다 forms 도와주다 (to help someone)
Example: 도와주세요! = help me please!
쉽다 (shwip-da)
Translation: easy
Notes: Irregular adjective. See Lesson 7.
Examples: 그 일은 너무 쉬웠어요 = that task was very easy
저는 쉬운 일을 했어요 = I did easy work
어렵다 (uh-ryuhb-da)
Translation: difficult
Notes: Irregular adjective. See Lesson 7.
Examples: 수학은 너무 어려워요 = Math is too difficult
한국에서 대학교는 고등학교보다 덜 어려워요 = In Korea, University is not as hard as high
덥다 (duhb-ta)
Translation: hot
Notes: Irregular adjective. See Lesson 7. 덥다 is only used to talk about the weather or one’s
body, not the temperature of objects.
Examples: 오늘 날씨가 너무 더워요 = Today the weather is too hot
오늘은 어제보다 더 더워 = Today is hotter than yesterday
춥다 (choop-da)
Translation: cold
Notes: Irregular adjective. See Lesson 7. 춥다 is only used to talk about the weather or one’s
body, not the temperature of objects.
Examples: 캐나다는 겨울이 추운 나라예요 = Canada is a cold country in the winter
날씨는 주말에 추워졌어요 = The weather got cold over the weekend
그립다 (keu-rip-da)
Translation: to miss (a thing)
Notes: Irregular adjective. See Lesson 7. Whereas “보고싶다” can only be used when you miss
a person, 그립다 can be used when you miss a person. Though this is a verb in English, it is an
adjective in Korean and must be treated as one.
Example: 저는 우리 학교가 그리워요 = I miss our school
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귀엽다 (kwi-yuhp-da)
Translation: cute
Notes: Irregular adjective. See Lesson 7.
Examples: 저의 여자 친구는 너무 귀여워요 = My girlfriend is very cute
그 여자는 귀여워요 That girl is cute
저는 귀여운 여자를 좋아해요 = I like cute girls
더럽다 (duh-luhp-da)
Translation: dirty
Notes: Irregular adjective. See Lesson 7.
Example: 우리 집은 지금 매우 더러워요 = Our house is really dirty right now
바쁘다 (ba-bbeu-da)
Translation: busy
Example: 제가 너무 바빠서 내일 못 가요 = I can’t go tomorrow because I am so busy
같다 (kat-da)
Translation: same
Common Usages: 똑같다 (exactly the same)
Example: 저는 같은 바지가 있어요 = I have the same pants
안전하다 (ahn-juhn-ha-da)
Translation: safe
Examples: 이 직업은 안전해서 좋아요 = This job is good because it is safe
저는 거리를 안전하게 건넜어요 = I crossed the street safely
딱딱하다 (ddak-ddak-ha-da)
Translation: hard
Example: 이 빵은 너무 딱딱해요 = This bread is too hard
부드럽다 (bu-deu-ruhb-da)
Translation: soft
Notes: Irregular adjective. See Lesson 7.
Example: 그녀의 손은 부드러워요 = Her hands are very soft
가능하다 (ka-neung-ha-da)
Translation: possible
Example: 그 것이 가능하다고 생각해요? = Do you think that is possible?
불가능하다 (bul-ka-neung-ha-da)
Translation: impossible
Example: 그 것을 움직이는 것이 불가능해요 = It is impossible to move that
맞다 (mat-da)
Translation: right, correct
Example: 선생님! 이 거 맞아요? = Teacher! Is this correct?
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Adverbs and Other Words:
지각 (ji-gak)
Translation: to be late
Notes: We would normally use “late” as an adjective in English, but the word “지각” in Korean
does not end in “~다” so it acts like an verb or noun sometimes.
Example: 내일 지각하면 교실에 못 들어와요 = If you come late tomorrow, you can’t come
into the classroom
일찍 (il-jik)
Translation: early
Examples: 우리는 내일 일찍 일어나 야 돼요 = We need to wake up early tomorrow morning
왜 이렇게 일찍 가요? = Why are you going so early (like this)?
오전 (o-juhn)
Translation: morning
Example: 저는 내일 오전에 교회에 가 야 돼요 = I have to go to church tomorrow in the
Translation: afternoon
Example: 오후에 뭐 할 거에요? = What are you doing in the afternoon?
매일 (mae-il)
Translation: everyday
Example: 저는 매일 운동해요 = I exercise everyday
매일 같은 운동을 하지 말고 많이 쉬세요 = Don’t do the same exercise every day, and get lots
of rest
여름 (yuh-leum)
Translation: summer
Examples: 이번 여름은 너무 더워요 = This summer is too hot
여름에 저는 공부하겠어요 = I will study in the summer
가을 (ka-eul)
Translation: fall
Example: 가을이 시원해서 좋아요 = Fall is nice because it is cool
겨울 (kyuh-ool)
Translation: winter
Example: 너무 추워서 저는 겨울이 싫어요 = I don’t like winter because it is cold
봄 (bohm)
Translation: spring
Example: 나무는 봄에 예뻐요 = The trees are beautiful in spring
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기계 (ki-kye)
Translation: machine
Examples: 그 기계는 너무 무거워요 = That machine is very heavy
회사는 기계를 대체했어 = The company replaced the machine
대학교 (dae-hak-kyo)
Translation: university
Common Usages: 대학생 (university student)
Examples: 저는 서울대학교를 다녀요 = I go to (attend) Seoul University
한국에서 대학교는 고등학교보다 덜 어려워요 = In Korea, University is not as hard as high
트럭 (teu-ruhk)
Translation: Truck
Notes: Korean pronunciation of the English word “truck”
Example: 그 고속도로에서 트럭을 운전해서는 안 돼요 = You much not drive a truck on that
검은색 (kuhm-eun-saek)
Translation: black
Notes: This one is a combination of the adjective “검다” (black) and “색” to mean color. Put
together, the word is a noun that means “the color black,” but is often used as an adjective
As a noun: 저의 차는 검은색이에요 = My car is black (Notice 이다 indicates that it is a noun)
As an adjective: 저는 검은색 차를 좋아요 = I like black cars
흰색 (hin-saek)
Translation: white
Common Usages: See “black” above. 흰색 is a combination of “희다” and “색”
Example: 흰색 셔츠를 입은 여자가 예뻐요 = The girl wearing the white shirt is pretty
음료수 (eum-ryo-su)
Translation: a drink, beverage
Example: 음료수를 주문할래요? = Shall we order some drinks?
외국 (way-gook)
Translation: foreign country
Common Usages:
Examples: 저는 1 년 동안 영어를 외국에서 공부했어요 = I studied English in a foreign
country for 1 year
저는 2 년 동안 외국에서 살았어요 = I lived in a foreign country for 2 years
외국인 (way-gook-in)
Translation: foreigner
Example: 의정부에서 외국인이 많아요 = There are a lot of foreigners in Uijeongbu
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Translation: high school
Common Usages: 고등학생 (high school student)
Example: 저는 고등학교를 다니고 있어요 = I am attending a high school
여행(하다) (yuh-haeng-ha-da)
Translation: to travel, travel
Common Usages: 신혼여행 (honeymoon [newlywed travel])
Examples: 저는 6 개월 동안 여행했어요 = I travelled for 6 months
저는 하루 동안 여행했어요 = I travelled for 1 day
도서관 (do-suh-kwan)
Translation: library
Example: 도서관이 조용해서 거기서 공부하고 싶어요 = I want to study at the library
because it is quiet
놀다 (nol-da)
Translation: to play
Common Usages: 놀이공원 (amusement park), 놀이터 (playground), 물놀이 (to play in water)
Notes: Although “playing” is usually reserved for kids in English, adults in Korean will also say
that they “play” with friends. This typically meets that they met and had a good time.
Example: 저는 어제 친구랑 놀았어요 = I played with a friend yesterday
쓰다 (sseu-da)
Translation: to write
Common Usages: 편지를 쓰다 (to write a letter), 펜으로 쓰다 (to write with a pen)
Example: 저는 저의 여자 친구를 위해 편지를 썼어요 = I wrote a letter for my girlfriend
Translation: to use
Example: 제가 이 것을 써도 돼요? = May I use this?
실수 (sil-su)
Translation: a mistake
Notes: By adding “~하다” you can say “to make a mistake”
Example: 범죄자는 그의 실수를 인정했어요 = The criminal acknowledged his mistakes
수리하다 (su-li-ha-da)
Translation: to repair
Example: 그는 고장난 컴퓨터를 수리했어요 = He repaired the broken computer
잡다 (jap-da)
Translation: to catch, to grab
Common Usages: 자리를 잡다 (to take a place and sit down), 손을 잡다 (to hold one’s hand)
Example: 그는 직업을 바꿀 수 있는 기회를 잡았어요 = She seized the opportunity to change
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읽다 (ilk-da)
Translation: to read
Common Usages: 책을 읽다 (to read a book)
Examples: 저는 이제 더 읽기 싫어요 = I don’t want to read anymore
저는 그 책을 읽고 싶어요 = I want to read that book
내다 (nae-da)
Translation: to pay
Common Usages: 청구서를 내다 (to pay a bill)
Example: 이번에 제가 낼 거에요 = I will pay this time
받다 (bat-da)
Translation: to receive/to get
Common Usages:
Examples: 제가 보낸 돈을 받았어요? = Did you get the money that I sent?
저는 돈을 받았어요 = I received money
저는 나의 여자친구에게서 편지를 받았어요 = I received a letter from my girlfriend
도착하다 (do-chak-ha-da)
Translation: to arrive
Example: 우리가 목적지에 거의 도착했어요 = We have almost arrived at our destination
완벽하다 (wan-byuhk-ha-da)
Translation: perfect
Example: 그녀는 완벽한 선생님이에요 = He is a perfect teacher
아프다 (ah-peu-da)
Translation: to be sick, to be sore
Notes: This is used to indicate that you are sick (with a cold or something similar), and to
indicate that a part of your body is sore.
Examples: 어제 운동을 해서 오늘 저의 팔이 아파요 = my arms are sore because I exercised yesterday
제가 너무 아파서 많이 먹을 수 없어요 = I can’t eat much because I am very sick
똑똑하다 (ddok-ddok-ha-da)
Translation: smart
Examples: 우리 학교에는 똑똑한 학생들이 많아요 = There are a lot of smart students at our school
그 사람은 착하고 똑똑해요 = That person is kind and smart
여자들이 예뻐도 똑똑하지 않으면 매력이 없어요 = Regardless of how pretty girls are, if they
are not smart, they have no charm
중요하다 (joong-yo-ha-da)
Translation: important
Examples: 그 개념은 중요하지 않아요 = That concept is not important
가족은 가장 중요해요 = Family is the most important
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젊다 (juhlm-da)
Translation: young
Example: 그녀는 다른 사람보다 젊어 보여요 = She looks younger than other people
늙다 (neulk-da)
Translation: old
Notes: This is typically only used when somebody is actually old, not when somebody is
comparatively older than somebody else.
Example: 늙은 아주머니는 넘어졌어요 = The old lady fell over
나이가 많다 (na-ee-ga manh-da)
Translation: old (literally “a lot of age”)
Common Usages: 나이가 더 많다 (older)
Example: 저의 여자 친구는 저보다 나이가 더 많아요 = My girlfriend is older than me
Adverbs and Other Words:
즉시 (jeuk-shi)
Translation: immediately
Example: 저는 그 무서운 것을 보고 즉시 뛰어갔어요 = I ran away immediately after I saw
that scary thing
바로 (ba-lo)
Translation: immediately
Examples: 저는 바로 갔어요 = I left immediately
우리는 집에 와서 바로 잤어요 = We came home and went to sleep immediately
빨리 (bbal-li)
Translation: quickly
Notes: This is the adverb form of “빠르다”
Examples: 빨리 가자! = Let’s go quickly!
왜 너무 빨리 먹었어요? = Why did you eat so fast?
자주 (ja-ju)
Translation: often
Examples: 저는 서울에 자주 가요 = I go to Seoul often
한국어를 얼마나 자주 공부해요? = How often do you study Korean?
가끔 (ka-kkeum)
Translation: sometimes
Example: 저는 서울에 가끔 가요 = I go to Seoul sometimes
저는 가끔 너무 많이 먹어요 = I eat too much sometimes
많이 (man-ee)
Translation: many, a lot of
Notes: This is the adverb form of “많다”
Examples: 저는 저의 여자 친구에게 선물을 많이 줬어요 = I gave my girlfriend a lot of
저는 밥을 많이 먹었어요 = I ate a lot of rice
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방금 (bang-keum)
Translation: just now, a few minutes ago
Examples: 그는 방금 나갔어요 = He just left
저는 방금 뭔가(를) 봤어요 = I just saw something a minute ago
곳 (got)
Translation: place
Example: 그 곳에 사람이 없어요 = There is no people at that place
동시에 (dong-shi-ae)
Translation: at the same time
Example: 모든 학생들은 동시에 교실에서 나왔어요 = All the students came out of the
classroom at the same time
밤 (bam)
Translation: night
Common Usages: 오늘 밤 (tonight) 어젯밤 (last night), 내일 밤 (tomorrow night)
Examples: 오늘 밤에 뭐 할 거에요? = What are you doing tonight?
저는 아침부터 밤까지 공부만 했어요 = I only studied from morning to night
어젯밤 (uh-jaet-bam)
Translation: last night
Notes: When two nouns are combined together to make one noun, and the first noun does not
end in a consonant, the consonant ‘ㅅ’ is added purely for ease of pronunciation.
Examples: 우리는 어젯밤에 밥을 많이 먹었어요 = We ate a lot last night
저는 어젯밤에 잘 잤어요 = I slept well last night
갑자기 (kap-ja-ki)
Translation: suddenly
Example: 그 사람은 갑자기 밖에 나갔어요 = That person suddenly left
매년 (mae-nyuhn)
Translation: every year
Example: 저는 매년 한국에 가요 = I go to Korea every year
다시 (da-shi)
Translation: again
Common Usages: 다시 한번 (one more time)
Example: 저는 시험을 다시 봐 야 될 것 같아요 = I will probably have to write the exam again
제가 어제 만난 사람은 저를 다시 만나고 싶어요 = The person I met yesterday wants to meet
me again
혼자 (hon-ja)
Translation: alone
Example: 저는 혼자 살아요 = I live alone
저는 엄마가 밥을 왜 혼자 먹은 지 몰라요 = I don’t know why mom ate by herself (alone)
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낮 (naj)
Translation: the daytime
Common Usages: 낮잠을 자다 (to take a nap [day sleep])
Example: 그 사람은 일을 안 하고 낮에 자기만 해요 = That person doesn’t work and just
sleeps during the day
동 (dong)
Translation: east
Common Usages: 동양 (the East), 동양문명 (Eastern Civilization)
Example: 토론토는 동양시장이 많아요 = Toronto has a lot of Eastern (Oriental) markets
남 (nam)
Translation: south
Common Usages: 남아메리카 (South America)
Example: 부산은 한국 남에서 있어요 = Busan is in the south of Korea
서 (suh)
Translation: west
Common Usages: 서양 (the West), 서양문명 (Western Civilization)
Example: 서양사람들은 동양사람들과 달라요 = Western people are different than Eastern
북 (buk)
Translation: north
Common Usages: 북아메리카 (North America)
Example: 의정부는 서울 북쪽에 있어요 = Uijeongbu is north of Seoul
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