Central Luzon State University College of Business Administration and Accountancy Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija THE APPROVED BUDGETS (Discussion & Example) Submitted by: Bautista, Michael Joshua Del Rosario, Francis Garin, Regine Lucas, Justine Rose Madrid, Danielle Maducdoc, Kyla Joy A. Magtalas, Charmaine Roduta, Alicia Santos, Coleen GROUP 4 Submitted to: MRS. ERDILYN L. CARIÑO ACCTG 3120 Professor NEW GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS Based on the textbook, these are annual authorizations for incurring obligations during a specified budget year, as listed in the GAA. General appropriations refer to the process by which a government allocates funds for various programs, services, and expenditures. It involves formulating, approving, and implementing a budget that outlines the financial resources allocated to different government agencies, departments, and projects. The general appropriation process typically begins with the formulation of a budget proposal by the executive branch of the government. This proposal outlines the government's financial plan for the upcoming fiscal year, including revenue projections and expenditure priorities. The budget proposal is then reviewed and approved by the legislature or parliament, which may make changes or amendments before finalizing the budget. During the process, funds are allocated to different areas of government expenditure, such as education, healthcare, defense, infrastructure, social welfare, and other sectors. The specific allocation of funds depends on the government's priorities, policy objectives, and the needs of the country. It also involves assessing and prioritizing competing demands for limited resources. Government officials consider various factors, including economic conditions, public needs, political considerations, and fiscal constraints when determining the allocation of funds. They may also consult with experts, stakeholders, and the public to gather input and ensure transparency in the decision-making process. Once the budget is approved, the allocated funds are then distributed to the relevant government agencies and programs. These entities are responsible for managing and spending the funds in accordance with the budget guidelines and regulations. Overall, the general appropriation process plays a crucial role in determining how public funds are allocated and used to meet the needs of the government and its citizens. It helps ensure that resources are distributed in a strategic and responsible manner to achieve the government's goals and serve the public interest. National Wages and Productivity Commission for Regular Agency Fund All Heads of Departments/Agencies/State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) and Other Offices of the National Government, including Commissions/Offices under the Constitutional Fiscal Autonomy Group (CFAG), Government Entities Receiving Budgetary Support (Governmentowned or -controlled Corporations [GOCCs] and Local Government Units [LGUs]); Budget Officers; Heads of Accounting Units; and All Others Concerned should provide policies, procedures, rules and regulations on the release, utilization of funds, and monitoring of items authorized under Republic Act No. 11465, the FY 2020 General Appropriations Act (GAA), in accordance with the General and Specific Provisions, thereof. Department of Labor and Employment National Wages and Productivity Commission Regular Agency Fund - General Fund - New General Appropriations - Specific Budgets of National Government Agencies CERTIFICATION This is to certifiy that the amount of Php 8,528,000.00 is available and not yet obligated as of May 31, 2021, considering that the original purposes (as enumerated below) have already been undertaken in the early part of FY 2021 FROM - (Allotment Class, e.g., MOOE) P/A/P OBJECT OF EXPENDITURE DESCRIPTION COD E 100000100001000 General Management and Supervision 310100100001000 Internet Subscription Semi-Expendable - ICT Development and ICT Software Subscription Implementation of Policies, Internet Subscription Plans and Projects Related to Incomes, Productivity Improvement and Gain Sharing Total AMOUNT (in pesos) 384,000.00 5,044,000.00 1,600,000.00 1,500,000.00 8,528,000.00 This is to certify further that the said available allotments shall be used to cover the following purposes of modification: COD E TO - (Allotment Class, e.g., C0) P/A/P OBJECT OF EXPENDITURE DESCRIPTION 100000100001000 General Management and and Supervision 310100100001000 Capital Outlay - ICT Equipment Capital Outlay - Computer Software Capital Outlay - ICT Equipment Development and Implementation of Policies, Capital Outlay - Computer Software Plans and Projects Related to Incomes, Productivity Improvement and Gain Sharing AMOUNT (in pesos) 258,000.00 126,000.00 6,779,000.00 1,365,000.00 Total Recommended by: 8,528,000.00 Approved by: MARIA CRISELDA R. SY Chief, FMD Execu�ve Director IV References: https://nwpc.dole.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/e-Signed_NWPC-MAF-From-MOOE-toCO-ISSP-No.-2021-06-002.pdf https://www.dbm.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/Issuances/2020/National-BudgetCircular/NATIONAL- BUDGET-CIRCULAR-NO-578-dated-January-6-2020.pdf CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS On its textbook definition, continuing budgets are the authorization to support obligation for a certain purpose or project, such as multi-year construction projects which requires the incurrence of obligations even without the budget year. It serves as a temporary funding measure to ensure that essential government functions and services can still be carried out while the new budget is being finalized. Infrastructure: Build, Build, Build Program The Build, Build, Build program is an infrastructure development initiative implemented by the government of the Philippines. It was launched in 2017 under former President Rodrigo Duterte's administration with the aim of accelerating economic growth through massive infrastructure investment. This program is one of the 8-point agenda of the current president, Marcos Jr., in order to alleviate the hassle in mass transportation in all forms. Build, Build, Build Program is considered to be a continuing budget given the definition that "This is an authorization to support obligation for a certain purpose or project, such as multi-year construction projects which requires the incurrence of obligations even without the budget year." Generally, infrastructure projects are constructed for more than a year, hence its classification. In the meantime, according to the given source, the government raised the budget for the Build, Build, Build Program in 2022 by Php. 108.5B compared to 2021. However, the percentage of the GDP allocated to the program decreased from 5.4% in 2021 to 5.3% in 2022. The increase in budget can be attributed to factors such as higher tax collection or increased borrowing. On the other hand, the decrease in percentage is influenced by the government's decision to prioritize essential agencies in addressing urgent national concerns like the pandemic. Supporting Documents References https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1Qql1trUWuKuW3mwb4xiD3p3bw7J1fHu?usp=drive_link http://surl.li/iuzbe SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS An appropriation that is passed later to a regular annual appropriations act is referred to as a supplemental appropriation. This type of appropriation is done when the need for funds is too urgent to be postponed until the following regular annual appropriations act. Frequently, emergency situations requiring additional funding include natural disasters, public health crises, and military operations. When an unforeseen event requiring immediate financial resources occurs, the government may pass a law authorizing the release of additional funds to address the situation. Supplemental appropriations are required when the regular budget allocations are insufficient to cover the costs associated with an emergency or unforeseen circumstance. These funds may be used for various purposes, such as disaster relief, healthcare, infrastructure maintenance, and military operations. Supporting Documents Reference: https://www.scribd.com/document/60106811/Supplemental-Budget-of-Brookside-BarangayCity?fbclid=IwAR1ry_21i7If3D6w89YOjpjYjncI4rBdwyXCn4UFB2NFgeZUKE85tAO1LbM# AUTOMATIC APPROPRIATIONS It is a regulated by law appropriations planned annually or for a different time. This authorizes the setting aside or allocation of money for a certain purpose, which money should be available right away. The number of automatic appropriations may or may not be set forth in the law. Congress does not need to take action on a regular basis. Examples: • Presidential Decree No. 999 - AMENDING REPUBLIC ACT NUMBERED NINE HUNDRED AND NINETY-TWO, KNOWN AS THE REVISED BUDGET ACT • Presidential Decree No. 1396 - CREATING THE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTS AND THE HUMAN SETTLEMENTS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR, AND ACCORDINGLY AMENDING CERTAIN PRESIDENTIAL DECREES References: https://lawphil.net/statutes/presdecs/pd1976/pd_999_1976.html https://elibrary.judiciary.gov.ph/thebookshelf/showdocs/26/16961 https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/appropriation.asp UNPROGRAMMED FUNDS This is the standby appropriations authorized by Congress in the annual GAA—can only be used in the following situations: revenue collections surpass the initial revenue targets in the Budget of Expenditures and Sources of Financing (BESF) submitted by the President to Congress; new revenues are collected or realized from sources not originally anticipated in the BESF; or newlyapproved loans for foreign-assisted projects are secured or when conditions are triggered for other sources of money such completed loan agreements. As outlined in the Unprogrammed Appropriations below, the funds are allocated for various purposes in order to provide support such as Infrastructure Projects and Social Programs, AFP Modernization Program, Budgetary Support to Government-Owned and/or - Controlled Corporations, Support to Foreign-Assisted Projects, Risk Management Program, Payment of Arrears of LTO-IT Service, Refund of the Service Development Fee for the Right to Develop the Nampeidai Property in Tokyo, Japan, Prior Years' LGU Shares, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) Equity Infusion pursuant to RA 11211, For payment of Personnel Benefits, Shares of LGUs in Excise Taxes from Locally Manufactured Virginia-Type Cigarettes, and Procurement of COVID19 Vaccine Booster Shots in accordance to their Personal Services, Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses, and Capital Outlays. Additionally, the biggest portion of the unprogrammed fund, as indicated below, is for the support to Procurement of COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Shots amounting to 45,367,853,000. Supporting Document Reference: https://www.dbm.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/NEP2022/UA.pdf RETAINED INCOME/FUNDS Based on the textbook definition, it is the collections that are authorized by law to be used directly by the agencies concerned for their operation or specific purpose. Retained income or funds is the amount of profit that remains after a business has paid all of its direct costs, indirect costs, income taxes, and shareholder dividends. This is the percentage of the company's equity that may be utilized, for example, to fund the purchase of new machinery, research and development, and marketing. Budget Utilization Rate Form for State Universities and Colleges Including Earmarked Incomes State universities and colleges (SUCs) now have the ability to corporatize and control their own finances thanks to the execution of the "Higher Education Modernization Act of 1997," CHED Memorandum Order No. 20, and the "Public Higher Education Reform Framework". As a result of these laws and regulations, it is now required to evaluate the income collection and utilization of SUCs. The table below shows the retained income or funds of Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University. It can be seen here how much of their budget has been utilized IN 2018 and 2019. It is also approved and signed by the president of SUC President III. Supporting Document Reference: http://www.dhvsu.edu.ph/images/DHVTSU_Transparency/FY-2019/Planning/BUR201920200220.pdf REVOLVING FUNDS Revolving fund means a fund that conducts continuing cycles of business-like activity, in which the fund charges for the sale of products or services and uses the proceeds to finance its spending, usually without requirement for annual appropriations. It is a self-replenishing pool of money, utilizing interest and principal payments on old loans to issue new ones. Specifically, a revolving fund is intended to pay for short-term needs, such as variations in the working capital requirements of a company that is subject to seasonal sales. This is done by taking an initial investment to create a project, and then using the profits to pay back the investment and fund further project expansions or creation. Moreover, the lender usually imposes a requirement that the entire loan be paid down at least once a year. Supporting Documents Reference: TRUST RECEIPTS Trust receipts are defined in the textbook as the receipts by any government agency acting as trustee, agent, or administrator for the fulfilment of some obligations or conditions. These are considered to be the funds that are primarily held in trust for a specific purpose or beneficiary in which the government agency acts as a custodian or trustee. There will be instances in which organizations will entrust their funds or assets to a government agency, thus trust receipt will serve as a legal document which will be necessary to ensure that the government will practice accountability, and transparency for the funds or assets they received as being the trustee. Furthermore, it will ensure that the legal requirements are complied properly between the trustor and the trustee. Moreover, trust receipt will serve as a guide to separate the trust resources from the general funds of a government agency. It will serve as a guide for the government agency in identifying which are the funds entrusted to them from the funds that they will use for general purposes. Additionally, trust receipt will be needed to monitor and ensure that both parties are adhering to the terms or restrictions associated with the trust. Supporting Documents References: https://www.scribd.com/document/342870920/Trust-Receipt-Sample