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EME (96) Course Schedule

EME (96)
Mon 06/05
Entrepreneurship for Engineers
(Sec-1 G-I)
B57 1-004
Entrepreneurship for Engineers
(Sec-1 G-II)
B57 5-009
Entrepreneurship for Engineers
(Sec-2 G-I)
B57 5-003
Entrepreneurship for Engineers
(Sec-2 G-II)
B57 1-003
Entrepreneurship for Engineers
(Sec-3 G-II)
B57 5-010
Entrepreneurship for Engineers
(Sec-3 G-I)
OGH 01
Tue 06/06
Wed 06/07
Industrial Mgt and Engineering
Economy (Sec-1 G-I)
B57 1-001
Industrial Mgt and Engineering
Economy (Sec-1 G-II)
OGH 03
Industrial Mgt and Engineering
Economy (Sec-2 G-I)
B57 1-004
Industrial Mgt and Engineering
Economy (Sec-2 G-II)
OGH 01
Industrial Mgt and Engineering
Economy (Sec-3 G-I)
B57 1-007
Industrial Mgt and Engineering
Economy (Sec-3 G-II)
B57 1-006
Thu 06/08
Fri 06/09
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Industrial Automation and
Control (sec-1 G-I)
OGH 09
Industrial Automation and
Control (sec-1 G-II)
OGH 12
Industrial Automation and
Control (sec-2 G-II)
OGH 11
EME (96)
Mon 06/12
Industrial Automation and
Control (sec-2 G-I)
OGH 08
Industrial Automation and
Control (sec-3 G-I)
OGH 04
Industrial Automation and
Control (sec-3 G-II)
OGH 01
Modern Control System (sec-1
B57 4-009
Modern Control System (sec-1
B57 3-004
Modern Control System (sec-2
B57 2-008
Modern Control System (sec-2
B57 3-008
Signals & Systems (sec-1 G-I)
B57 4-005
Signals & Systems (sec-1 G-II)
B57 3-003
Signals & Systems (sec-2 G-I)
B57 2-005
Signals & Systems (sec-2 G-II)
B57 3-006
Signals & Systems (sec-3 G-I)
B57 4-003
Signals & Systems (sec-3 G-II)
B57 2-009
Signals & Systems (sec-4 G-I)
B57 2-006
Tue 06/13
Wireless Sensor Network for
Robotics (sec-1 G-II)
B57 2-003
Wireless Sensor Network for
Robotics (sec-1 G-I)
B57 2-005
Wireless Sensor Network for
Robotics (sec-2 G-II)
B57 2-007
Wireless Sensor Network for
Robotics (sec-2 G-I)
B57 2-001
Wireless Sensor Network for
Robotics (sec-3 G-I)
B57 2-006
Wireless Sensor Network for
Robotics (sec-3 G-II)
B57 5-005
Instrumentation & Measurement
(sec-1 G-II)
B57 4-004
Wed 06/14
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Mechanism of Machinery (sec-1
B57 2-009
EME (96)
Thu 06/15
Instrumentation & Measurement
(sec-1 G-I)
B57 2-003
Instrumentation & Measurement
(sec-2 G-II)
B57 4-002
Instrumentation & Measurement
(sec-2 G-I)
B57 3-003
Mechanism of Machinery (sec-1
B57 2-005
Mechanism of Machinery (sec-2
B57 3-004
Mechanism of Machinery (sec-2
B57 3-008
Mechanism of Machinery (sec-3
B57 3-003
Mechanism of Machinery (sec-3
B57 3-001
Mechanism of Machinery (sec-4
B57 2-008
Computer Integrated
Manufacturing/CIM (sec-1 G-II)
B57 2-006
Computer Integrated
Manufacturing/CIM (sec-1 G-I)
B57 3-010
Computer Integrated
Manufacturing/CIM (sec-2 G-II)
B57 2-003
Computer Integrated
Manufacturing/CIM (sec-2 G-I)
B57 2-010
Computer Integrated
Manufacturing/CIM (sec-3 G-II)
B57 2-002
Computer Integrated
Manufacturing/CIM (sec-3 G-I)
B57 2-005
Industrial Automation & Process
Control (sec-1 G-I)
B57 5-004
Industrial Automation & Process
Control (sec-1 G-II)
B57 2-010
Industrial Automation & Process
Control (sec-2 G-I)
B57 3-004
Industrial Automation & Process
Control (sec-2 G-II)
B57 4-005
Fri 06/16
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Object Oriented Programming in
Python (sec-1 G-I)
B57 2-009
Object Oriented Programming in
Python (sec-2 G-I)
B57 2-006
Object Oriented Programming in
Python (sec-2 G-II)
B57 3-009
Object Oriented Programming in
Python (sec-3 G-II)
B57 2-007
EME (96)
Mon 06/19
Mechanical Vibrations (sec-1 GI)
B57 3-010
Mechanical Vibrations (sec-1 GII)
B57 3-007
Mechanical Vibrations (sec-2 GII)
B57 4-008
Mechanical Vibrations (sec-2 GI)
B57 2-009
Object Oriented Programming in
Python (sec-3 G-I)
B57 2-008
Object Oriented Programming in
Python (sec-4 G-I)
B57 5-006
Object Oriented Programming in
Python (sec-1 G-II)
B57 3-005
Design of Machine Elements II
(sec-1 G-II)
B57 2-009
Design of Machine Elements II
(sec-1 G-I)
B57 2-008
Design of Machine Elements II
(sec-2 G-I)
B57 3-009
Design of Machine Elements II
(sec-2 G-II)
B57 4-007
Design of Machine Elements II
(sec-3 G-II)
B57 4-009
Design of Machine Elements II
(sec-3 G-I)
B57 3-006
Design of Machine Elements II
(sec-4 G-I)
B57 3-005
Tue 06/20
Wed 06/21
Digital Logic Design (sec-1 G-II)
B57 3-006
Digital Logic Design (sec-1 G-I)
B57 3-001
Digital Logic Design (sec-2 G-I)
B57 2-003
Digital Logic Design (sec-2 G-II)
B57 2-010
Applied Electronics I (sec-1 G-I)
B57 3-003
Applied Electronics I (sec-1 G-II)
B57 3-005
Applied Electronics I (sec-2 G-II)
B57 4-002
Applied Electronics I (sec-2 G-I)
B57 3-004
Applied Electronics I (sec-3 G-I)
B57 2-008
Applied Electronics I (sec-3 G-II)
B57 2-005
Applied Electronics I (sec-4 G-I)
B57 3-007
Thu 06/22
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EME (96)
Fri 06/23
Power Electronics & Drive (sec-1
B57 2-006
Power Electronics & Drive (sec-1
B57 4-006
Power Electronics & Drive (sec-2
B57 3-004
Power Electronics & Drive (sec-2
B57 4-004
Machine Drawing with CAD (sec1 G-I)
B57 2-005
Machine Drawing with CAD (sec1 G-II)
B57 2-007
Machine Drawing with CAD (sec2 G-II)
B57 2-002
Machine Drawing with CAD (sec2 G-I)
B57 3-004
Machine Drawing with CAD (sec3 G-II)
B57 2-008
Machine Drawing with CAD (sec3 G-I)
B57 3-006
Machine Drawing with CAD (sec4 G-I)
B57 5-001
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05/22/2023 11:39AM