9. Learning check Key word My explanation Selffeedbac k electricity Electricity is the presence or flow of charged particles.(electrons) D flow The movement of electrons through a conductor. electrons Negatively charged particle complete circuit There is no gaps present and the circuit will function (the bulb lights up.) incomplete circuit filament light bulb An old fashioned light bulb that produces store heat energy than light energy. It is inefficient. florescent light – white LED light - electrical conductor A material that allows electricity/current electrons to flow. electrical insulator A material that resist/does not allow electricity/current electrons to flow. 8th July 2023 current The rate of flow of electrons ammeter A measuring equipment/device that measures current. amperes In short amps. Unit for current. 5A component s Parts/components that can be connected together to form & circuit. electrical cell vs battery Cell = an individual or a single energy provider (converts chemical to electrical) circuit symbols circuit diagram parallel circuit Consists of more then one loop. series circuit Key idea Diagram My explanation The current in a series circuit is the same anywher e in the circuit. Current is the same, throughout the circuit = 0.15A When the number of batteries is doubled, the current in a series circuit doubles. 0.6A The greater the voltage the greater the current. The batteries must all be connecte d in the same direction. If not they will cancel out. The same terminals should not face each other. The more bulbs in a series circuit, the dimmer the bulbs. Current decreases when more components are added Different conducto rs resist the current (slow the current down) differentl y. Good conductor: Paper clip (metal) Weak conductor: Graphite/Pe ncil because it resists the flow of electrons. Two bulbs in a series circuit are not as bright as two bulbs in a parallel circuit. Series brightness are unequal - depending on the resistance of the bulb. series circuit Parallel brightness are equal parallel circuit The electrons flow out of the negative end and back into the positive end of the battery. I can draw scientific circuit diagrams of parallel and Electrons flow from negative to a positive series circuits.