Uploaded by Hooria Awais

Biology Key Points: Cell Structure, Molecules, Enzymes

BIOLOGY (Key points)
Cell Structure
functions of organelles
difference b/w plant & animal cells
difference b/w prokaryotes (bacteria) & eukaryotes
light microscope:
magnification - x1000
resolution - 200 nm
electron microscope:
magnification - x10,000,000
resolution - 0.2 nm
epg = sm
magnification = image / actual
Biological Molecules
Benedict's test:
blue --> green --> yellow --> orange --> brick-red
reducing sugar test - heat in a water bath + equal parts of reagent and food sample
non-reducing sugar test - test for reducing sugar, if negative then add dilute hcl (to hydrolyze) and heat in a
water bath + then add NaOH to neutralize and benedict' reagent
Iodine test:
brown --> blue-black
starch test
Emulsion test:
lipids test
add sample to ethanol and shake - pour into water --> if cloudy (white ppts) observed, lipids are present
Biuret test:
blue --> purple
protein test
NaOH and cuso4 (biuret reagent) were added to the food sample
maltose --> a-glucose (C1 oh down)
sucrose --> a-glucose + b-fructose
lactose --> a-glucose + galactose
amylose (starch) --> unbranched + 1,4 a-glycosidic bonds + compact
amylopectin (starch) --> branched + 1,4 & 1,6 a-glycosidic bonds + side chains rapidly digested by enzymes quick energy release
glycogen ( animals) --> more branched than amylopectin + 1,4 & 1,6 a-glycosidic bonds +large but compact
cellulose --> unbranched + 1,4 b-glycosidic bonds + inverted bonds (180°) + microfibril threads joined by
hydrogen bonds + structural support
saturated --> animal fats + no C=C
unsaturated --> plant fats + C=C + melt at lower temperatures (more the unsaturated bonds, weaker the
imfs, less the energy required to overcome them)
triglycerides --> non-polar + glycerol & 3 fatty acids (3 ester bonds in condensation reactions) + used as
energy reserves
phospholipids --> one fatty acid replaced by phosphate head which is polar + hydrophobic tails face inward
while hydrophilic heads face outward towards water + form partially permeable membrane
amino acids --> monomers + have amine group (nh2), Carboxylic acid group (cooh) & variable R group
primary structure--> sequence & no. of amino acids
secondary --> a-helix & b-pleated sheet + has hydrogen bonding (temp), ionic bonds (pH) & disulfide bridges
(reducing agent)
tertiary --> 3D shape + globular - soluble & metabolic role + fibrous - insoluble (usually) & structural role
quaternary --> 2 or more polypeptides
haemoglobin --> quaternary (2 a-globin chains & 2 b-globin chains) + Fe2+ haem group + at a time 8 oxygen
atoms can be attached
collagen --> quaternary (3 polypeptides) helical structure (triple helix) + every third is glycine (smaller) tighter coiling + molecules run parallel so covalent bonds form as cross-links + flexible + large tensile
polar + hydrogen bonding
condensation + hydrolysis (metabolic reactions)
high specific heat capacity --> minimised temperature fluctuations (buffer) + aquatic life
high latent heat of vaporization --> evaporation leaves a cooling effect (homeostasis)
cohesion & adhesion --> transport up xylem + capillary action + high surface tension (mosquitoes lay eggs)
globular proteins:
increase the rate of reaction by lowering activation energy - provide an alternative pathway for the reaction
can be reused
lock & key theory --> active site and substrate have complimentary shapes & form enzyme-substrate
induced fit theory --> active site of the enzymes molds around the substrate to become complementary
Factors affecting:
enzyme concentration --> rate increases as enzyme concentration increase more active sites to form
complex till a certain point after which substrate concentration becomes limiting factor
substrate concentration -->as conc increases, rate increases till enzyme concentration becomes the
limiting factor
temperature --> rate increases till the optimum temperature is reached when it is the highest and then
starts to decrease as the enzyme denatures
pH --> Enzymes denature if pH increases or decreases from optimum
the concentration of competitive reversible inhibitors --> As it increases, the rate decreases as the active
site becomes temporarily blocked
non-competitive --> concentration increases, rate decreases as the shape of enzyme altered
rate measured by calculating the increase in product or decrease in reactant per unit of time
competitive --> inhibitor binds to the active site so substrate cannot bind to it + reversed by increasing
substrate concentration
non-competitive --> inhibitor does not bind to the active site but someplace else on the enzyme, changing
its shape so that the active site changes
feedback --> end-product binds to the enzyme stopping the pathway until the concentration of the product
reversible --> competitive/non-competitive Once removed, inhibition stops and the enzyme works again
Michaelis-Menten Equation:
Vo = V-max*(s) / Km+(s)
V-max --> maximum rate of reaction
V --> velocity of enzyme reaction
S --> concentration of substrate
difficult to separate the enzyme from the product solution
immobilized by attaching to an insoluble and inert material
enables to be reused + reaction to flow continuously + cheaper (may cost extra to immobilise)
Cell Membrane & Transport
all cells and some organelles are surrounded by a partially permeable membrane
membrane composed of a sea of phospholipids with protein molecules
controls movement of substances in & out of the cell/organelle + receptors for cell signaling
the fluidity of the membrane and the arrangement of the proteins --> fluid mosaic model
cholesterol --> stabilizes fluidity - high temperature, decreases fluidity + low temperature, increases fluidity
channel protein (intrinsic) --> facilitated diffusion of polar molecules and ions
carrier proteins (intrinsic) --> allow active & passive transport + change shape when molecule enters
cell-signaling --> specific ligands are released that are transported to the targeted cell where they bind to
the specific receptors on the cell surface membrane - a response is produced that causes further reactions
permeability affected by heat (temp increases permeability increases) + pH (permeability decreases as pH
rises or falls from 7) + ethanol (increases permeability)
diffusion + facilitated diffusion + osmosis + active transport + cytosis
solute potential --> negative - as concentration increases water potential becomes more negative
as the surface area to volume ratio increases, the rate of diffusion/osmosis increases
produces genetically identical daughter cells --> no genetic variation
for growth + replacing dead cells + repairing + asexual reproduction
telomeres prevent the loss of genes during DNA replication
Cell Cycle:
interphase --> makes RNA, enzymes, and other proteins needed for growth
G1 - grows + prepares for DNA replication
S - DNA replication
G2 - growth continues + new DNA checked + prepares for mitosis
mitosis -->forms two identical cells
prophase - centrosomes (not in plants) to opposite poles + chromatin condenses + nucleolus
disappears + asters & spindle fibres form
metaphase - spindle microtubules arrange chromosomes at the equator + each chromosome
splits at the centromere
anaphase - chromosomes pulled to the opposite poles by microtubules spindle fibers
telophase - nuclear envelope reforms + nucleus divides + chromosomes at poles
cytokinesis --> division of cytoplasm
plants - cell plate of cell wall forms across the equator
animals - contractile ring forms that push the cell membrane inwards till it closes
Stem Cells:
undifferentiated cells - can be specialized
stem cells undergo cell division & are used for cell replacement & tissue repair - once specialized, they stop
pluripotent --> embryonic
multipotent --> bone marrow
totipotent --> zygote & spores
uncontrolled division - formation of tumor --> causes cancer (as a result of carcinogens/mutagens)
malignant tumour --> can spread + benign --> do not spread
Nucleic Acids & Protein Synthesis
Nucleic Acids:
contain genetic information + polymers of nucleotides + organic base, pentose sugar & phosphate group
A & G - purine
T, U & C - pyrimidine
difference between RNA & DNA
1. uracil & thymine
2. ribose & deoxyribose
3. single strand (short) & double helix
4. translation & transcription
DNA structure --> double helix + *polynucleotides joined by hydrogen bonds between complementary
bases + 2 strands lie antiparallel + *purine bonds with pyrimidine + *nucleotides joined by phosphodiester
*(common for DNA & RNA)
semi-conservative replication - double helix unwinds --> hydrogen bonds break using DNA helicase --> the
strands are used as templates and complementary base pairing occurs with free nucleotides --> adjacents
nucleotides joined by phosphodiester bonds via DNA polymerase
DNA polymerase --> works only in 3' to 5' direction - leading strand + lagging strand - 5' to 3' direction forms Okazaki fragments (joined by DNA ligase)
Protein Synthesis:
proteins are polypeptide chains + coded for by a gene (part of DNA)
genetic code is universal + triplet code (3nucleotides) codes for an amino acid or a start/stop codon
transcription: DNA uncoils (hydrogen bonds broken by DNA helicase) --> free nucleotides bind to the
template strand via base pairing --> adjacent nucleotides joined by RNA polymerase --> mRNA detaches
and moves out through the pores
translation: mRNA attaches to a subunit of ribosome --> tRNA (has an attached amino acid with it) attaches
to the mRNA due to complementary anticodon --> another tRNA molecule binds to the second codon amino acids joined by peptide bonds --> tRNA detaches from the amino acid leaving a polypeptide chain
Gene mutations:
occur as a result of a change in the base sequence of DNA - altered mRNA, tRNA & polypeptide
caused by mutagenic agents - chemicals and ionizing radiation
substitution - a nucleotide substituted by another
insertion - nucleotide added to the DNA strand
deletion - removal of a nucleotide from the strand
1. nonsense - mutation making a stop codon so polypeptide won't be formed
2. missense - different amino acid coded for, polypeptide chain changed
3. silent - different codon but codes for the same amino acid so no effect on the chain
Transport in Plants
to ensure all cells receive sufficient nutrients -diffusion not possible due to small surface area to volume
ratio + multicellular --> aid growth & development
located towards the inside
transport water & minerals and provide structural support (lined with lignin)
made up of dead tissues with open ends (continuous column)
contain pits - sideways branching to transport to smaller stems
located towards the outside
translocate nutrients
made up of living cells + sieve tube elements & companion cells (ATP production for active sucrose loading)
+ companion and sieve tube linked via plasmodesmata
plants absorb water through the roots which move up through the plant and are released into the
atmosphere as vapors through leaf stomata and diffuse into the air
transpiration stream is the movement of water so that photosynthesis is enabled + supplies with minerals +
controls temperature
rate measured by photometer - water lost replaced by water from the capillary tube
factors that affect rate: number of leaves + number/size/position of stomata + waxy cuticle + amount of
light + temperature + air movement + water availability + humidity
Xerophytes --> plants adapted to live in dry conditions - small leaves + densely packed spongy mesophyll +
thick cuticle + closed stomata + hairs & pits + curled leaves + water storage in parenchyma tissue + large
extensive roots
Movement of Water:
root hair cells to xylem tissue - water potential gradient + root hairs increase s.a + minerals by active
across cortex
1. symplast pathway - water enters cytoplasm through plasmodesmata from the cytoplasm of one cell to the
2. apoplast pathway - water moves through the water-filled spaces between cellulose molecules in the cell
3. Casparian strip - a part of root endodermis that cannot be penetrated by water + water movement
continues by symplast pathway only from this point onwards
xylem vessel to mesophyll cells - down w.p gradient --> aided by root pressure (movement of ions into
xylem via active transport so w.p decreases so osmosis into the vessel, thus pushing it upwards) + surface
tension & cohesion (attraction b/w water molecules as a result of hydrogen bonding) + capillary action
transport of assimilates dissolved in water from the source to sink
sucrose enters phloem by active loading - proton pumps of companion cells use ATP to transport hydrogen
ions creating a diffusion gradient
facilitated diffusion of sucrose molecules into the sieve element decreasing the water potential as
concentration increases
movement of water into the element via osmosis increasing the hydrostatic pressure so water (and
dissolved sucrose) moves to an area of low hydrostatic pressure aka the sink
mass flow of water from the source to sink
*difference between xylem and phloem
*difference between plant and animal transport
*difference between artery, vein, and capillary
Transport in Animals
mammals have a closed double circulatory system (passes through the heart twice) + consists of the heart,
blood vessels & blood
Blood Vessels:
tunica interna - a very smooth single layer of flat cells (smooth endothelium - reduce friction)
tunica media - consists of smooth muscles (contract & relax to regulate flow), collagen fibers (stretch to
prevent rupture) & elastic fibers
tunica externa - collagen & elastic fibers
arteries - narrow lumen + thickest media & external + generally thicker (high pressure blood) + contract and
relax to alter blood pressure
arterioles - branched out arteries + thinner + less muscular
capillaries - smallest blood vessels + site of metabolic exchange + one cell thick (fast exchange) + enable
efficient diffusion ( narrow lumen, large s.a & slow blood flow)
venules - larger than capillaries but smaller than veins
veins - wide lumen + thin-walled (low pressure blood) + valves to prevent backflow + no pulse (less smooth
muscle & elastic tissue)
Tissue Fluid:
contains dissolved oxygen & nutrients + waste products - enables the exchange of substances
hydrostatic pressure forces blood fluid out of capillaries - tissue fluid
does not contain large proteins & red blood cells
pushed back into the capillaries on the venular end due to osmosis
left behind fluid carried to the lymphatic system - less oxygen & nutrients + lymph nodes (filter out bacteria
& foreign materials) brings waste products + part of the immune defense system
water is the main component
*difference between blood, tissue fluid, and lymph fluid
Cardiac cycle:
the ventricles pump blood at a higher pressure they o have thicker walls - the left ventricle is even thicker
as it pumps blood to the whole body
myogenic muscle - able to contract on its own
SAN (pacemaker) initiates a wave of electrical impulse that causes the atria to contract (atrial systole - av
valves open) --> ventricle contraction delayed by the presence of tissue that is unable to conduct the wave
--> wave reaches AVN located between the two atria which send the wave to the ventricles --> puree tissue
at the base of ventricles that carry the wave upwards causing the ventricles to contract (ventricle systole av closes + semilunar opens)
atrial systole --> ventricle systole --> ventricle diastole - both atria & ventricle relax + semilunar close
2 b-globin + 2 a-globin + haem group --> each can carry 8 oxygen atoms
affinity depends on oxygen concentration + partial pressure + saturation
dissociation curve illustrates the change in hemoglobin saturation as partial pressure changes + Bohr effect
- increase in co2 concentration shifts the curve towards the right
carbonic anhydrase (enzyme in the blood) - helps oxygen to dissociate from oxygen and bind to co2to
carbaminohaemoglobin + catalyzes the reaction between co2 and water to form carbonic acid --> hydrogen
ions released + combine with hemoglobin to form hemoglobin acid (dissociation encouraged)
saturation - after binding to the first oxygen molecule, an affinity for binding with the following increases
due to a change in shape
at high altitudes, RBC count increases - fewer oxygen saturation due to lower partial pressure --> more
hemoglobin for oxygen to bind to
chloride shift - maintain cell's electrical balance + low co2 concentration --> carbonic anhydrase catalyzes
the breakdown of carbonic acid to water and co2 --> bicarbonate diffuses into the RBCs and reacts with
hydrogen ions so carbonic acid forms --> co2 diffuses from the blood into the lungs --> chloride ions from
rbcs into the plasma down the electrochemical gradient
Gas Exchange:
single-celled organism --high diffusion + s.a to volume ratio
multicellular organisms --> specialised exchange surfaces + of co2 and o2 + small s.a to volume ratio
efficient exchange - large surface area = thin +good supply/ventilation
Mammalian exchange system:
lungs - located in chest cavity + can inflate + large s.a + surrounded by ribcage
external & internal intercostal muscle work antagonistically
the diaphragm separates the chest from the abdomen
air enters through nose --> trachea --> bronchi --> bronchioles --> alveoli --> capillaries -> rbcs --> body cells
trachea - C shaped cartilage + goblet cells + smooth muscle + cilia
bronchus - irregular blocks of cartilage + goblet cells + smooth muscle + cilia
terminal bronchiole - smooth muscle + cilia
respiratory bronchiole - only a few cilia
alveoli - large s.a + one cell thick walls + elastic fibres + squamous epithelial cell lining + movement of blood
creates a steep concentration gradient
- cartilage --> support + prevents collapse if pressure drops
- ciliated epithelium --> move mucus along to prevent infection
- squamous epithelium - allow gas exchange + thin + large s.a
- goblet cells -->mucus secretion to trap bacteria + swept away by cilia
- smooth muscle --> contract to contract airway controlling the air to & from alveoli
- elastic fibres --> stretch during exhalation + recoil during inhalation to control airflow
inhalation - diaphragm contracts and moves downwards + ribcage upwards & outwards + internal
intercostal muscles contract & external relax + lungs expand
Infectious Diseases
Cholera --> Bacteria + Vibrio cholera + water & food + severe diarrhoea, loss of water & salts, dehydration
and weakness + microscopic analysis of faeces + oral rehydration therapy + improve sanitation & hygiene
Malaria --> Protoctist (eukaryote) + Plasmodium falciparum, P.vivax, P.ovale & P.malariae + infected female
mosquitoes (Anopheles) + fever, anemia, nausea, headaches, shivering and sweating + microscopic analysis
of blood + preventative drugs + reduce the number of mosquitoes (by destroying habitat) and prevent
biting (use of nets and repellent
Tuberculosis --> Bacteria + Mycobacterium tuberculosis + airborne water droplets from coughing/sneezing
+ racking cough, coughing blood, chest pain, shortness of breath, fever, sweating and weight loss +
microscopic analysis of sputum+ combination of drugs + use of the vaccine, cover mouth & nice when near
infected and infected to quarantine
HIV/AIDS - Virus + Human immunodeficiency virus + sexually transmitted, via body fluids and needle
sharing + testing blood/saliva/urine for antibodies + no cure or vaccine + take medication, use condoms
(protected intercourse), use a clean needle and screening blood donations
Bactericidal antibiotics - kill bacteria by destroying cell walls causing them to burst
Bacteriostatic antibiotics - inhibit growth by stopping protein synthesis and the production of nucleic acids
some bacteria become resistant as a result of natural selection + pathogens evolve adaptations +
incomplete course so some survive - form resistive strain --> different antibiotic used to kill them
do not work on viruses - different structure (no cell wall or protein synthesis)
Immune Response:
physical barriers - skin + stomach acid + gut & skin flora
nonspecific response - inflammation + lysozyme (in tears & mucus) + interferon + phagocytosis
Phagocytosis - specialized wbc engulf pathogens + lysosomes in phagocytes hydrolyze the pathogen -->
antigens presented on the surface of phagocyte + other immune system activated
specific response - B cells + T cells
B cells - mature in bone marrow + humoral response --> triggered when encounters matching antigen -->
engulfs the pathogen and displays antigen --> stimulated so B cell with particular antigen will divide so
some form memory cells while others form plasma cells --> plasma cells secrete antibodies that target the
T cells - mature in thymus gland + cell-mediated response --> specific cell receptors have a similar structure
to antibodies
- T helper --> divides so some form memory + some secret cytokines that stimulate T killer
and B cells to divide and form plasma cells to make more antibodies
- T killer --> divides so some form memory + some punch holes in membranes of infected
body cells --> vacuoles in killer contain toxins
Antibodies - Y-shaped glycoproteins that bind to antigens to trigger an immune response
Monoclonal antibody production - inject a mouse with antigen --> mouse produces antibodies --> spleen
cells removed --> spleen cells bind with myeloma cells to produce hybridoma cells --> hybridoma divide to
produce antibodies that are all specific to original antigen - used in the treatment of cancer
- natural active --> being exposed to antigen and producing own antibodies
- natural passive --> crossing of mother's antibodies through placenta/breast milk
- artificial active --> acquired through vaccination that stimulates immune response --> help
provide long-term immunity & prevent epidemics
- artificial passive --> antibodies injected into the body (tetanus)