Uploaded by Venkat Raman

Concept note for Campus to corporate Outbound competition (1)

Title: Campus to Corporate Outbound Trophy
Implementation entity and partners: BMA and all Colleges taking part in the competition.
Background: BMA is having several initiatives to foster Management education and also connect
Corporates to Management students. The Dandekar Trophy is the best example in this regard. As
a takeoff from this initiative which has been very successful, it is proposed to extend the learning
of students with a competitive spirit in an area that is extremely important for B school students
today. Developing their Soft Skills like Team Building, Communication and Leadership through
Outbound games that are interesting, intelligent and educating. The competitive spirit will further
sharpen their Skills and bring out the best in them..
Objective: The objective of this initiative is “To develop Key Soft Skills that are required by B
school students like Leadership, Team Building and Communication in order to successfully
transform to the Corporate environment using the platform of Outbound training in a competitive
Main activities and tentative timelines: These are outlined below
Deciding on the Key Skills to be developed. Timeline One week
Creating activities / Games in order to assess these Skills. Timeline One week
Creating a Point based assessment Matrix to decide on Rankings of teams competing. Timeline
One week
Marketing this initiative to B Schools. Timeline One month
Conducting the event at the Venue based on a schedule drawn up depending on the number of
teams participating. Timeline – One to two months
Inviting Corporates to assess the teams during the competition so that they can see the caliber of
students and take it forward. Timeline One week
Deciding on the winners / runners up and having a Presentation Ceremony at BMA.
Expenditure: The tentative expenditure for one student including a bus to the Venue is
approximately Rs 1000/ and if there are ten students in a team, then the maximum expenditure
for an Institute would be approximately Rs 12000 to cover the costs of organizing the event.
Conclusion: The aim of this initiative is to provide much needed Skills to B School students and
a platform to compete in a healthy and stress free environment so that they can cross the bridge
from Campus to Corporate successfully. Detailed Administrative arrangements can be done as
this is already being conducted by B Schools and some training establishments like E4
For an effective transition from campus to corporate the students need many more inputs apart
from the few basic soft skills such as business etiquettes, a consultative approach while
approaching the job related problems, ability to apply the concepts learned in a B School etc etc.
This in all fairness will entail a need of atleast a week long program to call it ‘campus to
corporate’; which in turn may create a financially prohibitive model for majority of students. We
might need to look for a sponsor or institutes may have to think of some innovative way of
funding it.
2. Due the corona pandemic any outbound activity atleast currently looks to be far off on the
In the meanwhile we may work towards evolving this thought through some brain storming
sessions to take care of the above concerns. It’s a good idea but needs working on more to create
an affordable and workable value proposition.
Thank you very much for the detailed revert. Am glad you liked the idea in principle.
As regards more than the three skills that I mentioned, certainly there is much more to a Campus
to Corporate program than a one day Event. What I meant is this is one primary method to hone
their Soft Skills. Having said that we can certainly add more activities like a Group Discussion or
a Debate and a Business Quiz as well. Funding this shouldn't be a problem as we can invite
students from other Colleges and conduct it in the BMA office complex for which there can be a
Registration fee.
Of course we will commence the activity only after the lockdown is lifted in the next Semester
but wanted to plan it out in advance.
I am prepared to discuss this in a meeting either now or after the lockdown is over with you and
like minded people to convince them as I feel strongly about this and wish to take it ahead
knowing for sure that it will work. I can also make a presentation for this activity and share it
with you so that once you are convinced, you can share it with Colleges. Please let me know
your thoughts on this.