TO BOLDLY GO Starfleet officer’s manual Quick start kit Version 1.0 OVERVIEW “All I can say is that although we have only been together for a short time, I know that you are the finest crew in the fleet. And I would trust each of you with my life. So, I am asking you for a leap of faith — and to trust me.” – CPT. JEAN-LUC PICARD SUMMARY • You play Starfleet officers aboard a United Federation of Planets starship. There are faster than light warp drives, advanced holodecks, replicators, phaser weapons, and all manner of wondrous technology. • You and the other players create a green crew and ship and then take it on missions in order to explore the galaxy around you, all the while improving your status, cohesion, and efficiency. • Game play focuses on moments of action during missions and the downtime between missions when characters recover and pursue personal interests. TOUCHSTONES This is a game obviously meant to play out adventures within the universe of Star Trek. However, it is designed with certain Star Trek properties in mind. Accordingly, when pitching this game to your players, mention the following media touchstones. • Star Trek: The Original Series • • • • Star Trek: The Animated Series Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home THE GAME To Boldly Go is a game about a group of brave officers coming together as the crew of a United Federation of Planets exploration vessel. There are tense negotiations, daring maneuvers, dangerous combat, and a wide galaxy of potential. We will play to find out if this green Starfleet crew can mesh into a highly efficient and discerning team while facing previously unknown threats, powerful Klingons, devious Romulans, forgotten technology, new phenomena, and strange beings all while retaining the dignity that makes them exemplars of Starfleet. THE SETTING With the Dominion and Borg wars in the past, the Alpha/Beta Quadrant has entered into a period of growth and recovery. It is a time of peace not seen in almost thirty years. However, only four years ago the Romulan capital and homeworld of Romulus was destroyed by a massive supernova. In response to this crisis, The Neutral Zone has been lifted for the first time in over two-hundred years, allowingin a flood of relief efforts spearheaded by the Federation. The Klingon High Council has refused help in the aid efforts, escalating tensions in the region. Meanwhile, the Federation is enjoying a period of artistic and economic prosperity. Starfleet has commissioned 10 new ships tasked with exploration and cultural exchange throughout the quadrant. The flagship of Starfleet is the newly retrofitted Enterprise-E, under the command of Captain Data. THE CHARACTERS The officers attempt to build their crew up from a bunch of recruits into a reliable and stalwart force, complete with extensive ties within and outside of the United Federation of Planets. They do this by doing missions for Starfleet Command and other factions, pursuing their own objectives, forging diplomatic alliances, defending the weak and innocent, and upholding the ideals of the Federation. THE PLAYERS Each player creates a ship officer and works with the other players to create a ship to which their characters are assigned. Each player strives to bring their player character (PC) to life as driven, complex, and brave Starfleet officer who is motivated to explore the unknown. The players decide as a group on the tone and style of the game by making judgement calls about the dice and actions, along with oversight from the game master (GM). THE GAME MASTER The game master establishes a dynamic world around the characters, including the rest of Starfleet, many strange aliens and entities, and the diverse world of adversaries and allies the ship will encounter. The GM plays all the non-player characters in the universe by giving each concrete objectives, motives, and methods of achieving those goals. They present opportunities and obstacles to the PCs. Then they follow the chain of actions and reactions wherever it may lead. BLADES IN THE DARK To Boldly Go is a hack of the RPG Blades in the Dark by John Harper. To Boldly Go is not a standalone and requires the full version of Blades in the Dark or the quickstart version. Also, this is purely a fan hack and not intended for sale or commercial distribution. Starting the Game STARTING SITUATION The year is 2391, and the United Federation of Planets has recently pushed to expand its exploration of the known galaxy. The USS Enterprise-E has just rembarked upon its continuing mission, and the Advanced Starship Design Bureau has begun development of the state-of-the-art Pacific-Class vessel. Your crew is the senior staff of a newly christened or refitted Federation exploration vessel en route to the Mesarthim system for its shakedown cruise. You have been ordered to travel to the uninhabited system and test all systems and operational readiness. MAKE CHARACTERS AND THE CREW Follow the Character Creation and Crew Creation procedures. Ask some of the following questions while they do it: • Who is the captain of the ship? • Why did you become a Starfleet Officer? What do you aspire to? How committed are you to your current assignment? • Have you ever spent significant time outside the Federation? Why? What faction did you have extensive interactions with? • How were you assigned to your ship? Have you worked with any of the other crew members before? • What’s your pastime? What is it, specifically? Why is it especially riveting for you? • Who do you trust the most on the crew? Who do you trust the least? Why is that? Or will we play to find out? • Has [arm of Starfleet] ever tried to recruit you? Why didn’t you accept? Do they still hold any sway over you? For a one-shot or faster start, it is possible to forgo crew creation. The PC’s then either play members of an away team of a vessel they do not have command of or are a team of young officers on a training mission. THE FIRST SCENE Upon arrival in the Mesarthim system the ship receives an emergency distress call from a large archaeology expedition on Mesarthim III. The planet’s tectonic plates have recently begun to destabilize and the expedition needs immediate evacuation. To complicate matters, the leader of the expedition, Dr. Charles Weisman (an anthropologist and ancient AI scientist), has been missing for several days in the ruins. This has left his chief assistant, Dr. Brit Patel, in charge. The mission has changed from a simple shakedown cruise to an emergency evacuation. IMPORTANT QUESTIONS The following are important questions the crew will play to find out: • What is causing the strange energy pulses from the ruins? • How long does the crew have to evacuate the expedition? Do they know? Create an evacuation clock that reflects the amount of time the crew has. • What dangers does the surrounding jungle hold? • What has Dr. Weisman found in the ruins? How has it compromised him? How is it complicating the evacuation efforts? • Will the crew be able to evacuate everyone safely in time to avoid catastrophe? RUNNING THE GAME Following the completion of the mission, go through the steps of downtime (detailed on Rules Reference 1) and allow players to take their two downtime actions. Don’t be afraid to drag the consequences of players’ downtime actions into regular missions. Moving forward, have all of your players secretly vote for the next mission (transport, protect, diplomacy, research, aid, or shore leave) and provide a short detail. Then select either the most voted for or most interesting detail and provide several major players/targets, a twist or complication, and, if applicable, the factions the mission affects. Also, think up 3-4 questions that you may answer in play. Finally, have one of the players make an engagement roll and start the mission accordingly. Keep in mind that To Boldly Go is less of a sandbox than Blades in the Dark. This surprises players by missions and twists in the vein of Star Trek. Make your entanglement rolls in secret and allow them to become full missions if that would make sense. Lastly, as a quick start hack, running a campaign of To Boldly Go requires the full version of Blades in the Dark. EXAMPLE MISSION I While on shore leave on Station 79, DaiMon Gokor (a Ferengi Free Trader) tricks one of your ensigns (Ensign Gavin Simril) into gambling away your ship. • What will bring the Ferengi to the negotiating table? • What other actor wants to profit from situation? this sticky • What would cause the Ferengi to resort to violence? • What will the Ferengi accept as equitable? EXAMPLE MISSION II Adm. Dari Garreta orders your crew to quietly assist in stabilizing the Kalabran colony. Izarre Valderrama, the colony’s leader, wants to stabilize their infrastructure, but is being blocked by Dr. Brissa Peguero of Starfleet science who has critical research on the planet. • Why does Adm. Garreta want this mission kept quiet? • Why did these colonists leave Earth for this arid planet? • What sorts of research does Dr. Peguero have on Kalabran, and what lengths will she go to in order to protect it? • What technical challenges are there in installing infrastructure? the Advancement, System strain, and strain level PC ADVANCEMENT SYSTEM STRAIN Each player keeps track of the experience points (xp) that their character earns. During the game session, you mark xp each time: The Milky Way Galaxy is a big, dangerous place, and exploring it takes its toll both on the crew and the vessel itself. To represent this, your vessel acquires System Strain as they carry out missions. After a mission, your vessel takes system strain according to the nature of the operation: • You make a desperate action roll. Mark the xp in the attribute for the action you rolled. • 1 SYSTEM STRAIN: Smooth and low key; little danger. • Your character performs an action that matches your playbook xp trigger. Ex. – the • 2 SYSTEM STRAIN: Fairly contained risk; standard danger. Command xp trigger is “When you address a tough challenge with teamwork or diplomacy.” To ‘address a challenge,’ your character should take a significant action to attempt to overcome a tough obstacle or threat. Success does not matter, xp is awarded either way. This xp is marked in the playbook advancement. • 4 SYSTEM STRAIN: Chaotic and disordered; high danger. • 6 SYSTEM STRAIN: Tempestuous and potentially reckless; extreme danger. When you roll in a group action that’s desperate, you also mark xp. At the end of each session, you may earn bonus xp. For each bonus below, mark 1 xp if it was triggered at all, or mark 2 xp if it was triggered a lot during the session. You may mark end-ofsession xp on any xp tracks you want (an attribute or playbook). Add +1 System Strain if the mission involved killing. Add +1 System Strain if the mission took you into foreign space. Add +1 System Strain if it involved a hated faction. Add +2 System Strain if military action took place. Add +2 System Strain if you violated the Prime Directive. You mark System Strain on the vessel sheet. • You’ve expressed your beliefs, drives, species, heritage, or background. SYSTEM STRAIN • You struggled with issues from your pastime or highlighted emotion during the session. Finally, you can earn xp by training during downtime. When you train mark xp in one of your attributes or in your playbook. A given xp track can be trained only once per downtime phase. Marking xp on the playbook advancement track. playbook Advancement When you fill an xp track, you clear all the marks and your character earns an advance. When you earn an advance in your playbook track, you may choose an additional special ability. When you earn an advance in an attribute track, you may add an additional action dot to one of the actions under that attribute. This character has filled their Charisma attribute track, so the player chooses to take an additional action dot in the Discern action. STRAIN LEVEL When your System Strain hits 9, you gain a Strain Level and clear your System Strain. (Any excess “rolls over,” so if your System Strain was 7 and you took 4, you’d reset with 2 System Strain marked. The higher your Strain Level, the more you will creep onto the radar of the Office of the Inspector General. Also, the combined level of your System Strain and Strain Level determines the severity of the entanglements your vessel faces after a mission. TEMPORARY LEAVE: REDUCING STRAIN LEVEL The only way to reduce your crew’s Strain Level is through temporary leave of some sort. This could take the form of mandatory leave, vacation, suspensions, the Starfleet Exchange Program, temporary assignments, or some other form of leaving the vessel (ex. – Picard becoming Locutus of Borg. Be creative, this can become a powerful story moment). Whenever this happens to a crew member, your strain level is reduced by 1 and you clear your system strain. This leave can be entirely voluntary, as the result of Starfleet orders or internal investigation, or due to capture by enemies. VESSEL ADVANCEMENT The severity of the leave depends upon your strain level when the leave occurs: At the end of each session: • STRAIN LEVEL 4: Many years, potentially a permanent leave, or even sacrificing oneself. • STRAIN LEVEL 3: A year or two. • STRAIN LEVEL 2: Several months. • STRAIN LEVEL 1: A month or two. • Mark 1 xp for each vessel advancement item completed during the previous session. If done multiple times, mark 2 xp for it. When you mark 8 vessel advancements, clear the ticks and get 2 vessel upgrades or a new special ability. Additionally, each PC gets 1 Requisition (+2 per vessel tier) as a bonus, which they may keep as expendable requisition or put away in Renown for retirement. When a character goes on leave, detail how they are spending it and roll the vessel’s Tier to determine how it goes. On a 1-3 it goes poorly and leaves you negatively affected, on a 4/5 the leave goes as expected (most likely dull and unexciting), and on a 6 the leave goes much better than expected. Rules Reference 1 Action Roll 1d for each Action dot. CONTROLLED You act on your terms. You have a definite advantage. Critical: You do it with increased effect. + +1d if you Push yourself (take 2 stress) –OR- you accept a Twist. Note: You may either push yourself or accept a twist to get a bonus die. You can’t do both. TEAMWORK assist Take 1 stress to give another player +1d. You might also suffer consequences from the roll. Only one person may assist a roll. Lead a Group Lead a group action. Roll for each character who participates in the group action. The best single roll counts as the action result. Which applies to every character that rolled. Take 1 stress for each failure from another character. Protect Face danger for a crew mate. Step in to suffer the consequence in their place. You may roll to resist as normal, if you wish. Set Up Set up another character with your action. If you achieve it, any team members who follow up get +1 effect or improved position. 6: You do it. 4/5: You do it, but there’s a catch: it takes extra time, you have reduced effect, you suffer lesser harm, you end up in an equal position. 1-3: You are blocked, you hesitate, or falter. You may push on by moving to an equal position, or try a different approach. EQUAL You go head to head. You are evenly matched. Critical: You do it with increased effect. 6: You do it. 4/5: You do it, but there’s a catch: you suffer harm, a complication occurs, you have reduced effect, you end up in a desperate position. 1-3: Things go poorly. You suffer harm, a complication occurs, you end up in a desperate position, you lose this opportunity. Each time you roll a desperate action, mark a tick of xp for that attribute. Actions DESPERATE • COMMAND rapid obedience with your force of personality or rank. Intimidate, inspire, or threaten. Encourage and commend. Lead an action with a team. • NEGOTIATE with friends, colleagues, or adversaries. Parley, broker, or mediate an agreement between parties. Work out a deal on behalf of yourself or another. • DESIGN new systems, devices, or structures. Engineer, maintain, or rebuild them according to their original purpose. Upgrade ship systems methodically. • OPERATE systems, vessels, or programs. Helm a starship, plot a course, run heavy machinery or transporters. • • FIGHT with an opponent. Assault or defend a position. Engage in hand-to-hand, ranged, and ship based combat. • FIX a device, system, or structure. Add new capabilities. Jury-rig. Use or repair technology in a way it wasn’t intended. Quickly find a way to hold a breaking thing together. SOCIALIZE with colleagues, friends or adversaries. Socially engage with those around you either for recreation or to gain access to resources, information, people or places. • STUDY a subject with precise and detailed investigation. Conduct an experiment. Research a topic. The process of academic or scientific inquiry. • SURVEY a subject, object, situation, or location and make inferences. Quickly ascertain or judge people, places, or things. Scan objects, vessels, planets, or phenomena with sensors. • TREAT wounds, ailments, or sickness. Reverse the effects of harm. Care for patients. You overreach. You’re in serious trouble. Critical: You do it with increased effect. 6: You do it. 4/5: You do it, but there’s a catch: you suffer severe harm, a serious complication occurs. 1-3: The worst outcome. You suffer severe harm, a serious complication occurs, you lose this opportunity. The GM sets the consequences according to the situation. You may suffer one, some or all of the listed consequences. You may attempt to avoid or reduce a consequence with a resistance roll. Action Roll 1d for each Attribute dot. When you roll a critical on resistance, clear 1 stress. You reduce or avoid the consequence and take 6 Stress minus your highest die result. • INTUIT the intentions, emotional state, or truthfulness of another person, group, or entity. Read a person for signs of deception or bluffing. • MOVE to physically overcome a challenge. Lift, run, climb, jump, swim, sneak, or tough something out. Use your dexterity and athletic skill. Rules Reference 1 After the mission, resolve Reward, System Strain, Entanglements, then Downtime – in that order Reward (First) A mission yields 2 Rep by default. If the target of the mission is higher Tier, earn +1 Rep per Tier higher. If the target of the score is lower Tier, earn -1 Rep per Tier lower (minimum 0). If no one knows of the mission, earn 0 Rep. • • • • • 2 Requisition: Minor mission. 4 Requisition: Small mission. 6 Requisition: Standard mission. 8 Requisition: Major mission. 10+ Requisition: Vital mission. Potentially sector altering. Entanglements (tHIRD) After a payoff, secretly roll an entanglement according to your level of System Strain plus your Strain Level: Level: 0-3 1) Grievances 2) Old Enemies 3) Neutral Parties 4,5) Friend in Trouble 6) Cooperation Level: 4/5 Level: 6+ 1) Grievances 2) Old Enemies 3) Reprisals 4,5) Internal Investigation 6) Systems Failure Cooperation. A +3 status faction asks you for help. Agree to do it or forfeit 1 Rep per Tier of the friendly faction. If you don’t have +3 faction status, you avoid entanglements for now. Court Marshal. The Office of Inspector General begins a court marshal of one of the PCs. Either concede, lose 3 Requisition, and be placed on temporary leave or defend yourself in court. Friend in Trouble. A friend, or someone on the periphery of your crew finds themselves in trouble with the OIG, rival faction, or other obstacle. Make a fortune roll to find out how well they fare or pay 2 Requisition to resolve it. Grievances. A Federation member is disgruntled at the way they have been treated. Make a fortune roll to determine the severity of their issues (1-3 = severe, needs immediate attention or 3 Requisition; 4-5 = mundane, needs minor attention or 1 Requisiton; 6 = nonissue, small token of support required). Internal Investigation. The OIG questions an NPC member of your crew or one of your crew’s contacts about your actions. Make a fortune roll to find out how well it goes or spend 2 Requisition to avoid it. Neutral Parties. A neutral faction throws their weight around. They threaten you, friends, or Federation holdings. Forfeit 1 Rep and 1 Requisition per Tier of the faction or stand up to them and lose 1 Status with them. Old Enemies. An individual you have angered in the past 1) Threat of Exit 2) Unknown Entity 3) Strange Rift 4,5) Court Marshal 6) Temporary Leave shows up to complicate things. Find a way to deal with them. Reprisals. An opposed faction makes a move against you (or a friend/contact). Pay them 1 Rep and 1 Requisition per Tier of the enemy to appease them, allow them to make their move, or oppose them. Strange Rift. The ship encounters some sort of dimensional or temporal rift. This may be an alternate timeline, entity from the past or future, or parallel dimention. Systems Failure. A system on your ship fails in a severe or catastrophic manner. If near a station, pay 3 Requisition to fix it or deal with it. Temporary Leave. Starfleet command orders a PC to be permanently or temporarily transferred to another ship, station, or post. Something else happens to cause a PC to leave the ship. This clears your Strain Level. Threat of Exit. A Federation member threatens to immediately depart if their demands are not immediately met. Pay 4 Requisition or deal with it yourselves. Unknown Entity. Your vessel attracts the attention of some unknown power, entity, or lifeform. The GM decides what it wants or needs. Deal with it in some manner. System Strain (second) Add +1 System Strain if the mission involved killing. Add +1 System Strain if the mission took you into foreign space. Add +1 System Strain if it involved a hated faction. Add +2 System Strain if military action took place. Add +2 System Strain if you violated the Prime Directive. Downtime • • • • 1 System Strain: Smooth and low key; little danger. 2 System Strain: Fairly contained risk; standard danger. 4 System Strain: Chaotic and disordered; high danger. 6 System Strain: Tempestuous and potentially reckless; extreme danger. Plus any additional system strain from complications or twists during the session. (Fourth) When you are off duty between missions, you may pursue two downtime actions. You also recover all of your armor uses. During downtime, you may take additional action by spending 1 Requisition or 1 Rep per action. For any downtime roll, add +1d to the roll if you get help from a friend or contact. After the roll, you may increase the result level by one for each Requisition spent, by requesting assistance, materials, etc. (so a 1-3 result becomes a 4/5, 4/5 becomes 6, 6 becomes Critical). pastime Engage in your Pastime and roll dice equal to your lowest attribute. Clear stress equal to your highest die result. If you clear more stress levels than you had marked, you overindulge (see below). If you cannot engage your pastime during downtime, you take stress equal to your Quirks. Overindulge. You make a misjudgment because of your pastime – in accessing it or engaging in it. What happened? • • • • Attract Trouble: Roll an additional entanglement. Strained: Your pastime somehow strains the ship systems, +2 System Strain. Take leave: In pursuit of your pastime, you take a short personal leave. Exhausted: You use up all avenues for your pastime aboard the ship. Find a new source for your pastime. Recover Remove all level 1 harm. You may also begin to heal your level 2 and/or level 3 harm, if you have access to proper treatment. Untrained or risky treatments may call for action rolls. Successful treatment creates a long term project clock to heal all of your level 2 and level 3 harm. If you take further harm before you finish healing, you must once again Recover before you can continue healing. Long Term Project Work on a Long Term Project, if you have the means. Roll a trait and mark 1 segment on the project clock per level (1-3: one, 4/5: two, 6: three, Critical: five). Acquire Asset Acquire temporary use of an asset. Roll the crew’s Tier. The result indicates the quality of the asset (1-3: Poor, 4/5: Standard, 6: Fine, Critical: Exceptional). Train Mark 1 XP for an attribute or your playbook (if you have the appropriate crew training upgrade). You can train a given trait only once per downtime. Gather Info Spend time to gather information in safety. The action roll result indicates the quality (1-3: Poor, 4/5: Standard, 6: Fine, Critical: Exceptional). Reduce System Strain Say how you reduce System Strain on the ship/crew and roll your ship’s Tier. Reduce system strain by 1 per result level (1-3: one, 4/5: two, 6: three, Critical: five). GM Reference GM GOALS HUMAN NAMES Play to find out what happens. Bring the Milky Way to life. Convey the world honestly. Names: Arlen, Brendon, Britt, Broderick, Cordell, Denise, Gavin, Hassan, Hella, Konstantin, Lari, Maddie, Marta, Michael, Masuma, Naoko, Nikolai, Porter, Scotty, Shizuko, Sonja GM PRINCIPLES Be a fan of the PCs. Let everything flow from the fiction. Hold on lightly. Address the characters. Address the players. Paint the world w/ a wondrous brush. Surround them w/ optimistic sci-fi. Consider the position. GM ACTIONS Ask questions. When things are getting started: • What’s your goal? • What’s your mission? (and what’s the detail?) And when things are underway: • How do you do that? (which action do you use?) • What’s your goal? (what’s the effect?) Cut to the moment of crisis. Telegraph trouble before it strikes. Tell them the consequences and ask. Offer them a twist. Make a progress clock or tick one. Ask the players. Actions ripple through the Universe. Think off-screen. Family Names: Abe, Anderson, Bowdoin, Davies, Guan, Locke, Madigan, Maximov, McPherson, Moneaux, Nakajima, Ng, Phillips, Polzin, Schaefer, Song, Tyrell, Wakeman, Walker, Watson ANDORIAN NAMES Names: Crathaa, Crilev, Hori, Irath, Shalen, Theni, Thira, Tholex, Thora, Thrasoan Family Names: sh’Anin, sh’Firro, sh’Kerri, sh’Shuni, zh’Sharo, zh’Shela, zh’Vari BETAZOID NAMES Names: Acal, Astred, Diastri, Esrod, Jeesoro, Kiri, Meeva, Osnan, Rasin, Russa, Tuvra Family Names: Asinit, Dalo, Mi, Tro, Udenu KLINGON NAMES Adan, B’Kora, B’Kreva, Ch’Mara, Dora, D’Temer, J’Kara, Kasa, Kura, Magh’Ka, Mira, N’Mara, Shussa, Sira, T’Aral, Vak’Ka ROMULAN NAMES Aeran, Aihhon, Alal, D’Kare, Doanna, Enhel, Kara, Mara, Movok, N’Alak, Rhhiri, Sabak VULCAN NAMES Arar, Hathev, Karik, Laria, Lokar, Madhev, Mena, Sakar, Sarok, Seleia, Selva, Sepek, Thana, Tokath, T’Mir, T’Pau, T’Sai What do you do? LOOKS Man, Woman, Androgynous, Ambiguous, Alien Affable Athletic Battered Beautiful Bright Calm Chiseled Cold Dark Delicate Fair Fierce Handsome Hulking Lean Lithe Muscular Open Petite Rough FORTUNE ROLL 1d for each Trait rating. Scarred Sharp Slim Stern Stout Striking Tired Warm Wiry Worn 6: Good outcome / Standard effect. You have reduced effect. PLACE DESCRIPTIONS desolate, lifeless, rocky, windswept, lush, verdant, misty, treacherous, ruins, glistening, spires, tranquil, bustling, cosmopolitan, stormy, tropical, harsh, temperate, frozen TECHNOBABBLE primary, secondary, auxiliary, emergency, port, starboard, fore, aft, universal, central, inertial, radiation, gravimetric, magnetic, negative, ion, antimatter, quantum, phase, polarization, flux, resonance, focus, dynamic, interference, transition, replication, variance, stabilization, dissipation, transference, degeneration, dampener, system, transducer, matrix, sensor, coil, capacitor, inducer, emitter, buffer, drive, accelerator, scanner, actuator, module, node, stabilizer, inverter, grid, generator, conduit, sequencer, cell, compensator You lose your opportunity. You end up in a worse position. + +1d for a Major Advantage. - -1d for a Major Drawback. 4/5: Mixed outcome / Limited effect. 1-3: Bad outcome / Poor effect. FEDERATION SHIP NAMES (USS) Aasimov, Anchorage, Andraste, Apollo, Athens, Admiral Gregory Quinn, one of three ranking members Audubon, Beijing, Bohr, Catawba, Chimera, of Starfleet Command. Comanche, Dakota, Damascus, Delaware, Elizabeth, Gibraltar, Gobi, Hermes, Herodotus, Huang He, Minister Satok, head of the V’Shar and a sitting member Isabella, James Cook, John Muir, Immanuel Kant, of the Vulcan High Council. Lakota, Manticore, Mekong, Minerva, Monitor, Lt. Cmdr. Lincoln Dowe, an up-and-coming investigator Navigator, Osiris, Pathfinder, Philadelphia, Phobos, Rachel Carson, Sarajevo, Sarah Pritchard, within the Office of the Inspector General. Tocqueville, Trident, Victoria, Washington, Admiral Erma Felna, a sharp, tough officer with Starfleet Yangtze, Zephyr Tactical. KLINGON SHIP NAMES (IKS) Captain Marilynn Cantos, an operative for Starfleet Ach’argh, Bo’Degh, BortaS, Buruk, Cha’Par, Chaq, Intelligence with a web of informants and spies. DungDaj, HemtaHghach, HuD, Pa’qlj, Ruv, Sam’ra, Toh’Kaht, Urmang, VuDmeyvetlh, Yob Lt. Syrrak, a young Vulcan researcher with Starfleet Science, rumored to have extensive research in genetics ROMULAN SHIP NAMES (RIS or IRW) and exobiology. Apnex, Bloodwing, Claudius, Courser, Domitianus, Donatra, Gauntlet, Gladius, Hasta, Hiren, Ihhliae, Captain McKinley Hohstadt, captain of the science Karzan, Korthre, Octavius, Phoenix, Pontilus, vessel USS Sally Ride. Ra’tar, Regulus, Sagittarii Captain Renna Castillon, captain of the tactical vessel INDEPENDENT SHIP NAMES (CS/HLV/SS) USS Resolute. Ace of Spades, Albatross, Athens, Dart, Euphoria, Frontier, Harlequin, Hellhound, Huntress, Infinity, Captain Sybok, captain of the exploration vessel USS Katharina, Memphis, Opal, Promise, Razor, Reaver, Churchill. Rhapsody, Serenity, Serpent, Shrike, Siren, Spitfire, Captain Isaiah Barrett, captain of the medical frigate Suzanna, Templar, Titan, Wailing Wind USS Sekhmet. NOTABLE CHARACTERS consequences You suffer harm (1-3). CRITICAL: Exceptional outcome/ Great effect. L’Kura, a powerful and honorable member of the Klingon High Council, has extensive ties to the Klingon Defense Force. It takes extra time. Commander Ghora, a young member of Klingon Intelligence. Rumored to have spent time in the Federation. Complication (Tick a clock 1-3 segments. Or a new obstacle or threat appears.) Mala Risar, a conniving operative for the Obsidian Order. EFFECT How does the effect manifest? 1. 2. If there’s a clock for your obstacle, tick segments equal to 3. that effect level. LIMITED: How is the effect diminished? EFFECT FACTORS What significant obstacle remains? QUALITY / TIER STANDARD: How does the expected effect manifest? What’s left to do, if SCALE anything? GREAT: How is the effect increased? What extra benefit manifests? POTENCY FLASHBACK STRESS COSTS • • • 0 Stress for a normal action for which you had easy opportunity. 1 Stress for a complex action or unlikely opportunity 2+ Stress for an elaborate action which involved several special opportunities or contingencies. Bruny Marro, a wealthy Cardassian merchant and member of the Detapa Council. VIGILANCE INGENUITY CHARISMA DESIGN COMMAND + DaiMon Gokor, a greedy but intelligent Ferengi free captain. FIGHT MOVE FIX INTUIT STUDY NEGOTIATE + SubCommander Teeleya, a Romulan officer with greater aspirations. OPERATE SURVEY TREAT SOCIALIZE + ACTIONS Character Creation • COMMAND rapid obedience with your 1. CHOOSE PLAYBOOK Your playbook determines the position and role of your character, their special abilities, and how they advance. Multiple players can choose the same one. 5. CHOOSE A BACKGROUND ... and detail it with a note about your specific history. For example, Academy: Career Starfleet. Assign one action dots based on your Background choice (max starting action rating is 3). 2. CHOOSE YOUR RANK Discuss who in the crew wants to be Captain, First Officer, etc. and assign a rank to your character. The crew needs 1 Captain, 0-1 Commander, 1-3 Ensigns to Lieutenant Commanders, and 0-1 Petty Officers. Fill in the appropriate number of pips on your sheet. Assign 3 actions dots for a Captain or Commander, and 1 action dot for a Lt. Commander or Lieutenant. Captains and Commanders also begin the game with a foible. 6. ASSIGN ACTION DOTS Assign 2 additional action dots. No action may begin with a rating higher than 3 (After creation, action ratings may advance for your crew, you can advance actions up to rating 3. When you unlock the Mastery advance for your ship, you can advance actions up to rating 4 and 5). Captain Commander Lieutenant Commander Lieutenant 7. ITEMS CARRIED You have access to all of the items on your character sheet. For each mission, decide what your character’s load will be. During the operation, you may say that your character has an item by checking the pip for the item you want to use – up to a number of items equal to your chosen load. Your load determines your movement speed and threat level. - Light (you are faster, less threatening, and less likely to incite anger) Lieutenant (Junior Grade) - Normal (a standard away team loadout) Ensign - Heavy (you’re slower and well prepared, but also more threatening) Some items count as two items for load (they have connected boxes). Items in italics don’t count toward your load. Petty Officer 2. CHOOSE STARTING AND SPECIAL ABILITY Playbooks start with their starting ability. Choose one additional special ability. If you can’t decide, the one at the top of the list is a good option for beginners. 3. CHOOSE A SPECIES The Federation contains many different species. Most of them are fairly similar in terms of their physical and mental capabilities. However, if you play a species with unusual strength, intellect, or power, choose an advantage and a disadvantage. Some common species are provided below. Species Advantage Disadvantage Aenar Telepath Blind Betazoid Telepath Brutally Honest Klingon Extreme Fortitude Short-Tempered Trill Symbiote Allergies Vulcan Super Strength Unempathetic 4. CHOOSE A HERITAGE … and detail it with a note about your family life. For example, Starfleet: Bridge Crew. Assign an action dot based on your Heritage choice (max starting action rating is 2). force of personality or rank. Intimidate or threaten. Build up or commend. Lead an action with a team. • DESIGN new systems, devices, or structures. Engineer, maintain, or fix them according to their original purpose. • FIGHT with an opponent. Assault or defend a position. Engage in hand-tohand, ranged, and ship based combat. • FIX a device, system, or structure. Add new capabilities. Jury-rig. Use or repair technology in a way it wasn’t intended. • INTUIT the intentions, emotional state, or truthfulness of another person, group, or entity. • MOVE to physically overcome a challenge. Lift, run, climb, jump, swim, sneak, or tough something out. • NEGOTIATE with friends, colleagues, or adversaries. Parley, broker, or mediate an agreement between parties. Work out a deal on behalf of yourself or another. 8. CHOOSE A CLOSE FRIEND AND A RIVAL Mark the one who is a close friend, long-time ally, family relation, or lover (upward pointing triangle). Mark one who is a former friend turned rival, enemy, scorned lover, betrayed partner etc. (down pointing triangle). • OPERATE systems, vessels, or 9. CHOOSE YOUR PASTIME Pick your preferred pastime and detail it with a short description and source. For example, Art: Live Theatre (Crew Productions, Ensign Chen). • SOCIALIZE with colleagues, friends or 10. RECORD NAME AND LOOKS LOOKS: Man, Woman, Androgynous, Ambiguous, Alien Affable Athletic Beautiful Bright Calm Chiseled Cold Compassionate Dark Delicate Fair Fierce Handsome Hulking Lean Lithe Muscular Open Petite Rough Scarred Sharp Slim Stern Stout Striking Tired Weathered Wiry Worn programs. Helm a starship, plot a course, run heavy machinery or transporters. adversaries. Socially engage with those around you either for recreation or to gain access to resources, information, people or places. • STUDY a subject with precise and detailed investigation. Conduct an experiment. Research a topic. The process of academic or scientific inquiry. • SURVEY an object, situation, or location and make inferences. Quickly ascertain or judge places and things. Scan objects, vessels, planets, or phenomena with sensors. • TREAT wounds, ailments, or sickness. Reverse the effects of harm. Care for patients. Jupiter TO BOLDLY GO NAME p l a y Starting Ability o o k A gifted and judicious leader FIGHT MOVE BORN LEADER: When using Command on a subordinate member of Starfleet, you may add +1d per difference in rank dot. RANK OPERATE SPECIAL ABILITIES LOOK HERITAGE: COLONY— HOMEWORLD—REFUGEE—STARFLEET— TRADER SPECIES BACKGROUND: ACADEMIC—CRIMINAL— ENLISTED – GOVERNMENT – LABOR ADVANTAGE STRESS DISADVANTAGE FOIBLES ANGER—DISGUST—EXUBERANCE— INDECISION—FASCINATION—FEAR— PRIDE—SADNESS Harm RESIST 3 NEED HELP 2 -1D 1 LESS EFFECT RENOWN RECOVERY Get treatment in downtime to activate your healing project clock MISSIONS Secretly vote for the mission, provide a detail. • Transport: Item / Person. • Protect: Threat. • Diplomacy: Sides at the table. • Research: Subject of Research. • Aid: What is needed. • Shore Leave: Location. TEAMWORK Assist another character. Lead a group action. Protect a teammate. Set up another character. PUSH YOURSELF (take 2 stress) –OR- accept a TWIST SURVEY Ingenuity DESIGN FIX FACILITATOR: During downtime, you get +1 result level when you make acquire asset, gather info, or reduce heat rolls. STUDY INCISIVE WIT: You gain +1d to the engagement roll if you have gathered information on the problem or location. WELL KNOWN: At the end of each downtime phase, you earn +2 renown. TREAT CHARISMA ADVANCED Lead from the front REQUISITION RENOWNED COMMANDER: You have acquired a certain reputation (ex. – brilliant, creative, judicious, etc.). Whenever you bring this reputation to bear, gain +1d to your rolls until the end of the scene. EFFICIENT: Due to your efficient leadership style, during downtime, you may give yourself or another crew member +1 downtime action. PASTIME: ART – GAMES – HOLODECK – READING – SPORT – SCIENCE – SOCIAL – TINKERING + b c o m m a n d o f f i c e r VIGILANCE LEAD FROM THE FRONT: When protecting a crew member, gain special resistance. If a crit is rolled when you command a crew member or lead a group action, clear 1 stress. COMMAND SEASONED DIPLOMAT: Having brokered many deals, you don’t need a roll to Intuit lies. Turn this into an immediate controlled position. NEGOTIATE SOCIALIZE VETERAN: Choose a special ability from another source. IMPOSING friends QUARTERS Cmdr. Alexander Fredrickson, Starfleet Command _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ INTUIT Cpt. Darian Jurach, USS San Francisco DaiMon Gokor, Ferengi Captain Admiral V’Lok, Commandant of Starfleet Academy __________________________________________ Mark xp: playbook Advancement • When you roll a desperate action. • When you address a tough challenge with teamwork or diplomacy. • At the end of session, if you’ve expressed your beliefs, drives, species, or heritage. Also mark XP if you struggled with issues involving your pastime or highlighted emotion during the session. Items 3 LIGHT 5 NORMAL 6 HEAVY Advanced Emergency Transponder Desktop Monitor Latinum Currency Command PADD Legal Documents Diplomatic Dress Uniform Combadge PADD Standard Tricorder Phaser Type-1 Phaser Type-2 Medical Kit Emergency Beacon Emergency Transponder EVA Suit Pattern Enhancer Hyperspanner Resist + Advanced ___________________________ M a r s TO BOLDLY GO NAME p l a y Starting Ability o o k A vigilant and careful protector FIGHT MOVE ONE PERSON ARMY: In non-ship combat, you operate at the same scale as a whole away team. RANK OPERATE SPECIAL ABILITIES LOOK HERITAGE: COLONY— HOMEWORLD—REFUGEE—STARFLEET— TRADER SPECIES BACKGROUND: ACADEMIC—CRIMINAL— ENLISTED—GOVERNMENT—LABOR ADVANTAGE STRESS DISADVANTAGE FOIBLES ANGER—DISGUST—EXUBERANCE— INDECISION- FASCINATION—FEAR— PRIDE—SADNESS Harm RESIST 3 NEED HELP 2 -1D 1 LESS EFFECT ADVANCED Strong under fire REQUISITION Assist another character. Lead a group action. Protect a teammate. Set up another character. PUSH YOURSELF (take 2 stress) –OR- accept a TWIST Ingenuity DESIGN FIX GUARDIAN: When you Protect a crewmate, you gain +1d to the resistance roll. STUDY UNFLINCHING: When you resist with Vigilance, you get +1d. PHASER JOCKEY: You are excellent at using phasers. You gain potency in combat when using either shipboard or personal phasers TREAT CHARISMA BATTLEFIELD TACTICS: When you Command a ship division in combat, they temporarily ignore the effects of harm. They also gain potency and +1d to resistance rolls. RENOWN MISSIONS TEAMWORK SURVEY COMMAND INTUIT STRONG UNDER FIRE: You get special resistance against physical and energy attacks in combat. When you roll a critical in combat, clear 1 stress. RECOVERY Get treatment in downtime to activate your healing project clock Secretly vote for the mission, provide a detail. • Transport: Item / Person. • Protect: Threat. • Diplomacy: Sides at the table. • Research: Subject of Research. • Aid: What is needed. • Shore Leave: Location. INTIMIDATING PRESCENCE: When threatening another, you may use your Fight action score when negotiating without compromising your position or effect. STRATEGIST: When using Study to take stock of an adversary, you get +1d. PASTIME: ART – GAMES – HOLODECK – READING – SPORT – SCIENCE – SOCIAL – TINKERING + b T a c t i c a l o f f i c e r VIGILANCE SOCIALIZE VETERAN: Choose a special ability from another source. Tenacious friends QUARTERS Lt. Jane Scotts, Security Officer _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ NEGOTIATE Terra Dohasan, Smuggler Esma Zax, Betazoid Humanitarian Cpt. Darwin Holtz, USS Chimera __________________________________________ Mark xp: playbook Advancement • When you roll a desperate action. • When you address a tough challenge with violence or intimidation. • At the end of session, if you’ve expressed your beliefs, drives, species, or heritage. Also mark XP if you struggled with issues involving your pastime or highlighted emotion during the session. Items 3 LIGHT 5 NORMAL 6 HEAVY Phaser Type-3 (Phaser Rifle) Melee Weapon _______________ Field Modulator Night Glasses Electronic Restraints Personal Force Field Combadge PADD Standard Tricorder Phaser Type-1 Phaser Type-2 Medical Kit Emergency Beacon Emergency Transponder EVA Suit Pattern Enhancer Hyperspanner Resist + Advanced ___________________________ mercury TO BOLDLY GO NAME p l a y Starting Ability o o k A resourceful and inventive technician FIGHT MOVE ALL SHE’S GOT: When attempting to push a ship beyond its normal capabilities, gain +1d to Fix, Design, and Operate rolls. RANK OPERATE SPECIAL ABILITIES LOOK HERITAGE: COLONY— HOMEWORLD—REFUGEE—STARFLEET— TRADER SPECIES BACKGROUND: ACADEMIC—CRIMINAL— ENLISTED—GOVERNMENT—LABOR ADVANTAGE DISADVANTAGE PASTIME: ART – GAMES – HOLODECK – READING – SPORT – SCIENCE – SOCIAL – TINKERING STRESS FOIBLES ANGER—DISGUST—EXUBERANCE— INDECISION- FASCINATION—FEAR— PRIDE—SADNESS Harm RESIST 3 NEED HELP 2 -1D 1 LESS EFFECT TEAMWORK Assist another character. Lead a group action. Protect a teammate. Set up another character. PUSH YOURSELF (take 2 stress) –OR- accept a TWIST SURVEY Ingenuity CYBERNETICS MASTER: You can Fix or Design cybernetics to augment deficiencies or enhance capabilities. Also, your crew gets +1d to long-term project fix or design rolls dealing with cybernetics. DESIGN FIX WARP THEORIST: You can use Study rolls in order to push the warp engines beyond their normal capabilities. STUDY SYSTEMS EXPERT: When using downtime to reduce System Strain, you may add +1 result to any one die. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE EXPERT: When interacting with artificial intelligences, you gain +1d to negotiate rolls. TREAT CHARISMA MIRACLE WORKER: When working on a project clock using Study, Fix, or Design, fill +1 segment. Technical mind COMMAND INTUIT TECHNICAL MIND: You get special resistance against energy and chemical effects. When you roll a critical while fixing something, clear 1 stress. REQUISITION RENOWN MISSIONS Secretly vote for the mission, provide a detail. • Transport: Item / Person. • Protect: Threat. • Diplomacy: Sides at the table. • Research: Subject of Research. • Aid: What is needed. • Shore Leave: Location. JURY RIGGER: When using improvised materials to repair a system, device, or vehicle you gain +1d to Fix rolls. ADVANCED RECOVERY Get treatment in downtime to activate your healing project clock + b E n g i n e e r i n g o f f i c e r VIGILANCE SOCIALIZE VETERAN: Choose a special ability from another source. Clever friends QUARTERS Dan McCarthy, Permaculturist _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ NEGOTIATE Cpt. Shawn Ledwith, USS Philadelphia Dach Thenkirsh, Tellarite Warp Theorist Marre, Orion Entertainer __________________________________________ Mark xp: playbook Advancement • When you roll a desperate action. • When you address a tough challenge with mechanical ingenuity or quick thinking. • At the end of session, if you’ve expressed your beliefs, drives, species, or heritage. Also mark XP if you struggled with issues involving your pastime or highlighted emotion during the session. Items 3 LIGHT 5 NORMAL 6 HEAVY Advanced Hyperspanner Gravitic Calipers Magnetic Probe Engineering Tricorder Plasma Torch Engineering Kit Combadge PADD Standard Tricorder Phaser Type-1 Phaser Type-2 Medical Kit Emergency Beacon Emergency Transponder EVA Suit Pattern Enhancer Hyperspanner Resist + Advanced ___________________________ saturn TO BOLDLY GO NAME p l a y Starting Ability b o o k O p e r a t i o n s o f f i c e r VIGILANCE A daring and adaptive pilot FIGHT MOVE ADAPTABLE: Take 2 stress to roll your best action rating while performing a different action. Say how you adapt your skill to this use. RANK OPERATE SPECIAL ABILITIES LOOK HERITAGE: COLONY— HOMEWORLD—REFUGEE—STARFLEET— TRADER SPECIES BACKGROUND: ACADEMIC—CRIMINAL— ENLISTED—GOVERNMENT—LABOR ADVANTAGE DISADVANTAGE JACK OF ALL TRADES: When performing an action with zero rank, you do it with increased effect. SURVEY Ingenuity SENSORS EXPERT: When using ship systems to gather information, you gain extra potency. DESIGN INFORMATION ANALYST: When you Study records, communications, or transmissions, gain increased effect level. FIX PASTIME: ART – GAMES – HOLODECK – READING – SPORT – SCIENCE – SOCIAL – TINKERING HOTSHOT: When using Operate to pilot a vessel, you gain +1d. STUDY STRESS DAREDEVIL: When you make a desperate roll, you get +1d. TREAT FOIBLES ANGER—DISGUST—EXUBERANCE— INDECISION- FASCINATION—FEAR— PRIDE—SADNESS Harm RESIST NEED HELP 3 2 -1D 1 LESS EFFECT ADVANCED Perceptive wit REQUISITION Assist another character. Lead a group action. Protect a teammate. Set up another character. + PUSH YOURSELF (take 2 stress) –OR- accept a TWIST COMMAND NEGOTIATE SOCIALIZE Dedicated friends QUARTERS Rixon Kalkaya, Federation Liason _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ INTUIT VETERAN: Choose a special ability from another source. RENOWN MISSIONS TEAMWORK CHARISMA PERCEPTIVE WIT: You get special resistance against a type of harm of your choice (choose when selecting this ability). When you roll a critical while using Operate, clear 1 stress. RECOVERY Get treatment in downtime to activate your healing project clock Secretly vote for the mission, provide a detail. • Transport: Item / Person. • Protect: Threat. • Diplomacy: Sides at the table. • Research: Subject of Research. • Aid: What is needed. • Shore Leave: Location. CLUTCH TRANSPORTER: When using Operate to transport lifeforms, you gain increased position. Controlled becomes automatic, Equal becomes Controlled, Desperate becomes Equal, and Impossible becomes Desperate. Lt. Zandos Rice, Communications Officer Cpt. Diego Castillon, USS Starhammer Sub-Cmdr. Seraka, Romulan Officer __________________________________________ Mark xp: playbook Advancement • When you roll a desperate action. • When you address a tough challenge with technical skill and adaptation. • At the end of session, if you’ve expressed your beliefs, drives, species, or heritage. Also mark XP if you struggled with issues involving your pastime or highlighted emotion during the session. Items 3 LIGHT 5 NORMAL 6 HEAVY Heavy Duty Tricorder Remote Comms Hub Advanced Comms Cipher Antigravity Lifters Palm Beacon Diplomatic Dress Uniform Combadge PADD Standard Tricorder Phaser Type-1 Phaser Type-2 Medical Kit Emergency Beacon Emergency Transponder EVA Suit Pattern Enhancer Hyperspanner Resist + Advanced ___________________________ p l u t o TO BOLDLY GO NAME p l a y Starting Ability o o k o f f i c e r VIGILANCE An inquisitive and specialized researcher FIGHT MOVE SPECIALIZED: Choose a specialty (e.g. – Astrophysics, Exobiology, Geology, ________). Get +1d when you Study or Survey that specialty. RANK OPERATE SPECIAL ABILITIES LOOK HERITAGE: COLONY— HOMEWORLD—REFUGEE—STARFLEET— TRADER SPECIES BACKGROUND: ACADEMIC—CRIMINAL— ENLISTED—GOVERNMENT—LABOR ADVANTAGE STRESS DISADVANTAGE FOIBLES ANGER—DISGUST—EXUBERANCE— INDECISION- FASCINATION—FEAR— PRIDE—SADNESS Harm RESIST 3 NEED HELP 2 -1D 1 LESS EFFECT ADVANCED RENOWN RECOVERY Get treatment in downtime to activate your healing project clock MISSIONS Secretly vote for the mission, provide a detail. • Transport: Item / Person. • Protect: Threat. • Diplomacy: Sides at the table. • Research: Subject of Research. • Aid: What is needed. • Shore Leave: Location. TEAMWORK Assist another character. Lead a group action. Protect a teammate. Set up another character. PUSH YOURSELF (take 2 stress) –OR- accept a TWIST SURVEY Ingenuity DESIGN FIX STARFLEET CONNECTIONS: If you need unique supplies or information, make a Study roll. The result determines the quality of supplies. Also at the end of each downtime phase, +2 Renown. STUDY TREAT INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENTIST: Choose a second specialty. If the subject falls within both specialties gain +2d total. EXPERTISE: When you lead a group action using your best actionrating, you can suffer only 1 stress at most from any failed rolls. CHARISMA COMMAND QUICK-WITS: Whenever you resist using Ingenuity, you may add +1d. Well studied REQUISITION KNOWLEDGEABLE RESEARCHER: Once per session, you gain a free downtime action to assist another character’s long term project roll without taking stress. LIKE NOTHING ELSE: When making a Study roll on unknown forms of life or novel stellar phenomena, you have increased effect. PASTIME: ART – GAMES – HOLODECK – READING – SPORT – SCIENCE – SOCIAL – TINKERING + b Science NEGOTIATE SOCIALIZE VETERAN: Choose a special ability from another source. Curious friends QUARTERS Cpt. Thani ch’Faila, USS Galileo _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ INTUIT WELL STUDIED: You get special resistance against harm from unknown forms of life and environmental effects. When you roll a critical while using Study, clear 1 stress. Dr. Durza Nusias, Trill Geneticist Cmdr. Katerine Rackham, Starfleet Science Karuk, Vulcan High Council __________________________________________ Mark xp: playbook Advancement • When you roll a desperate action. • When you address a tough challenge with intellect and studious investigation. • At the end of session, if you’ve expressed your beliefs, drives, species, or heritage. Also mark XP if you struggled with issues involving your pastime or highlighted emotion during the session. Items 3 LIGHT 5 NORMAL 6 HEAVY Science Tricorder Personal Drone Sensors Personal Research Files Science PADD Holographic Recorder Science Field Kit Combadge PADD Standard Tricorder Phaser Type-1 Phaser Type-2 Medical Kit Emergency Beacon Emergency Transponder EVA Suit Pattern Enhancer Hyperspanner Resist + Advanced ___________________________ neptune TO BOLDLY GO NAME p l a y Starting Ability o o k o f f i c e r VIGILANCE A compassionate and skillful doctor FIGHT MOVE SHIP’S DOCTOR: You get +1d when making a Treat roll while in your ship’s medbay or medical suites. RANK OPERATE SPECIAL ABILITIES LOOK HERITAGE: COLONY— HOMEWORLD—REFUGEE—STARFLEET— TRADER SPECIES BACKGROUND: ACADEMIC—CRIMINAL— ENLISTED—GOVERNMENT—LABOR ADVANTAGE DISADVANTAGE STRESS FOIBLES ANGER—DISGUST—EXUBERANCE— INDECISION- FASCINATION—FEAR— PRIDE—SADNESS Harm RESIST NEED HELP 3 2 -1D 1 LESS EFFECT ADVANCED Strong immune system REQUISITION Assist another character. Lead a group action. Protect a teammate. Set up another character. PUSH YOURSELF (take 2 stress) –OR- accept a TWIST Ingenuity DOCTOR’S ORDERS: When making a Command roll on someone under your care, you gain +1d. DESIGN FIX STUDY EXPERTISE: When you successfully gather information on anything medically related, you gain potency. PATCH ME UP DOC: You may Treat someone during a score to ignore the effects of a wound penalty for the duration of the score. TREAT CHARISMA IM A DOCTOR NOT A … : You may take 2 stress to roll your Treat action for any Ingenuity action. State how you do this. COMMAND NEGOTIATE SOCIALIZE Empathetic friends QUARTERS Cpt. Vance Bowdin, USS Heisenberg _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ INTUIT VETERAN: Choose a special ability from another source. RENOWN MISSIONS TEAMWORK SURVEY STRONG IMMUNE SYSTEM: You get special resistance against harm from diseases and psychological attacks. When you roll a critical while treating, clear 1 stress. RECOVERY Get treatment in downtime to activate your healing project clock Secretly vote for the mission, provide a detail. • Transport: Item / Person. • Protect: Threat. • Diplomacy: Sides at the table. • Research: Subject of Research. • Aid: What is needed. • Shore Leave: Location. ATTENTIVE PHYSICIAN: Your crew gets +1d to long-term project healing roles dealing with physical harm. LAST MINUTE CURE: When studying an unknown disease or malady that has infected a crew member, you gain increased effect. PASTIME: ART – GAMES – HOLODECK – READING – SPORT – SCIENCE – SOCIAL – TINKERING + b Medical Lt. Cmdr. Gema Foxwell, Starfleet Medical Cmdr. Valkra, Klingon Defense Force Dr. Neshaa zh’Rasda, Andorian Virologist __________________________________________ Mark xp: playbook Advancement • When you roll a desperate action. • When you address a tough challenge with intellect and by aiding others. • At the end of session, if you’ve expressed your beliefs, drives, species, or heritage. Also mark XP if you struggled with issues involving your pastime or highlighted emotion during the session. Items 3 LIGHT 5 NORMAL 6 HEAVY Hypospray Medical Tricorder Autosuture Laser Scalpel Neural Stimulator Dermal Regenerator Combadge PADD Standard Tricorder Phaser Type-1 Phaser Type-2 Medical Kit Emergency Beacon Emergency Transponder EVA Suit Pattern Enhancer Hyperspanner Resist + Advanced ___________________________ v e n u s TO BOLDLY GO NAME p l a y Starting Ability o o k An empathetic and perceptive counselor FIGHT MOVE EMPATHY: You may use discern to treat mental issues, illnesses, harms, or quirks. RANK OPERATE SPECIAL ABILITIES LOOK HERITAGE: COLONY— HOMEWORLD—REFUGEE—STARFLEET— TRADER SPECIES BACKGROUND: ACADEMIC—CRIMINAL— ENLISTED—GOVERNMENT—LABOR ADVANTAGE STRESS FOIBLES ANGER—DISGUST—EXUBERANCE— INDECISION- FASCINATION—FEAR— PRIDE—SADNESS Harm RESIST 3 NEED HELP 2 -1D 1 LESS EFFECT Assist another character. Lead a group action. Protect a teammate. Set up another character. PUSH YOURSELF (take 2 stress) –OR- accept a TWIST Ingenuity TRUST ME: You get +1d vs. a target you have a relationship with. DESIGN FIX STUDY CALMING PRESCENCE: If you roll a critical on a non-combat roll, crew members in your immediate vicinity clear 1 stress. I’M HERE FOR YOU: You may take 2 stress to relieve 1 stress from another member of your crew. Additionally, members of your crew get +1d to long-term project heal rolls involving mental harm. TREAT CHARISMA WHAT ARE THEY HIDING: When attempting to Intuit if someone, something, or a group is lying or covering up, get +1d. See right through you COMMAND INTUIT SEE RIGHT THROUGH YOU: You get special resistance vs. persuasion and deception. When you roll a critical while negotiating, clear 1 stress. REQUISITION RENOWN MISSIONS TEAMWORK SURVEY ADVANCED RECOVERY Get treatment in downtime to activate your healing project clock Secretly vote for the mission, provide a detail. • Transport: Item / Person. • Protect: Threat. • Diplomacy: Sides at the table. • Research: Subject of Research. • Aid: What is needed. • Shore Leave: Location. DEVOTED FRIEND: If you offer a crew member honest and meaningful advice or counsel and they act on it, they clear 1 stress. PSYCOANALYSIS: Crew members gain +1d on long-term project rolls to remove Quirks and long-term project healing rolls dealing with mental harm. DISADVANTAGE PASTIME: ART – GAMES – HOLODECK – READING – SPORT – SCIENCE – SOCIAL – TINKERING + b Communications officer VIGILANCE SOCIALIZE VETERAN: Choose a special ability from another source. Empathetic friends QUARTERS Dr. Solok, Exopsychologist _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ NEGOTIATE Meannaxa So, Betazoid Ambassador Thorann, Mysterious Alien Tako Naori, Starfleet Academy __________________________________________ Mark xp: playbook Advancement • When you roll a desperate action. • When you address a tough challenge with compassion, intuition, and insight. • At the end of session, if you’ve expressed your beliefs, drives, species, or heritage. Also mark XP if you struggled with issues involving your pastime or highlighted emotion during the session. Items 3 LIGHT 5 NORMAL 6 HEAVY Psychotricorder Altairian Brandy Neural Scanner Bottle of Chateau Picard Crew Psychological Profiles Diplomatic Dress Uniform Combadge PADD Standard Tricorder Phaser Type-1 Phaser Type-2 Medical Kit Emergency Beacon Emergency Transponder EVA Suit Pattern Enhancer Hyperspanner Resist + Advanced ___________________________ Staff Sheet N a m e a nd R a nk N a m e a nd R a nk N a m e a nd R a nk SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES LOOK LOOK LOOK STRENGTH WEAKNESS ASSUMED ACTIONS STRENGTH WEAKNESS ASSUMED ACTIONS STRENGTH WEAKNESS ASSUMED ACTIONS _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ DESCRIPTION AND NOTES DESCRIPTION AND NOTES DESCRIPTION AND NOTES Staff Sheet N a m e a nd R a nk N a m e a nd R a nk N a m e a nd R a nk SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES LOOK LOOK LOOK STRENGTH WEAKNESS ASSUMED ACTIONS STRENGTH WEAKNESS ASSUMED ACTIONS STRENGTH WEAKNESS ASSUMED ACTIONS _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ DESCRIPTION AND NOTES DESCRIPTION AND NOTES DESCRIPTION AND NOTES Staff Sheet N a m e a nd R a nk N a m e a nd R a nk N a m e a nd R a nk SPECIES SPECIES SPECIES LOOK LOOK LOOK STRENGTH WEAKNESS ASSUMED ACTIONS STRENGTH WEAKNESS ASSUMED ACTIONS STRENGTH WEAKNESS ASSUMED ACTIONS _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ DESCRIPTION AND NOTES DESCRIPTION AND NOTES DESCRIPTION AND NOTES Ship Creation 1. CHOOSE SHIP TYPE Your ship type represents the purpose of your vessel, its special abilities, and how it advances. The only type available in this quick start is Exploration. This is a ship in the mold of the classic Enterprise vessels (other possible ship types could include Tactical and Science). CREATING A SHIP DIVISION By default, any time a ship’s crew attempts an action, they roll 2d6 and take the worst result. To add the first quality level to a division costs two crew advances. When you first create a new division, record their specialist type from the list below (feel free to create your own if you have a good idea). • ENGINEERING: Engineering Physicists, Maintenance Engineers, Systems Engineers, Warp Field Engineers, Structural Engineers 2. CHOOSE A SPECIAL ABILITY Choose 1 starting special ability for the ship. • SCIENCE: Astronomers, Biologists, Chemists, Geologists, Physicists, Social Scientists • MEDICAL: Epidemiologists, Exo-Medicine Specialists, Medical Archaeologists, Medical Geneticists, Psychiatrists 3. CHOOSE REPUTATION Ambitious, daring, formidable, honorable, intelligent, inquisitive, insightful, judicious, professional, progressive, or stealthy. You earn ship XP when you bolster your crew’s reputation. Alternatively, you can make up your own. • TACTICAL: Bodyguards, Infiltration Specialists, Marines, Ordnance Officers, Survivalists, Vehicle Specialists 4. ASSIGN CREW UPGRADES Mark 2 upgrade boxes. If you choose a ship division, create it using the rules on the right. 5. CHOOSE A FAVORITE CONTACT You begin with all of your Contacts. Mark the one who is a close friend, long-time ally, or dedicated supporter. 6. SHIP NAME AND DETAILS Coming up with a ship name can be difficult, but they are often named after historical ocean-going vessels, historical figures, myths, or legends. Determine the class of your vessel and give it a registry number. 7. TIER, MORALE, REP, & REQUISITION You begin at Tier 1, with high Morale, and 0 Rep. You start with 2 Requisition. 8. ASSIGN FACTION STATUS TICKS Each player assigns a positive tick and a negative tick with any Tier 1 or Tier 2 faction (to represent past interactions). Then, as a group, assign one positive and one negative tick at Tier 3. Say why you have good or bad status with these factions. If you have an idea for a cool faction, write it in at the appropriate Tier (individual ships are general Tier 1 or 2). A division uses its quality for actions within its purview (ex. – Engineers performing a Fix action). When a division performs an action outside its purview (ex. – when Engineers attempt to Treat), use quality of zero. When a division performs an action for which its specialty applies, it gains potency. (Add an additional specialty to a division by spending a crew advance.) Choose 0-2 edges: • INDEPENDENT: This division is excellent at operating without senior staff supervision and can be trusted to make solid decisions on their own. • TENACIOUS: This division will doggedly pursue the task at hand. • INSIGHTFUL: This division is very perceptive, difficult to deceive, and can be expected to see past the surface level of the situation. • RAPID: This division executes is duties more quickly than would normally be expected. Choose a number of flaws equal to edges: • HIDEBOUND: This division operates according to the rules and regulations of Starfleet to a fault. • OVERZEALOUS: This division is overeager and frequently tries to bite off more than they can chew. • UNDISCIPLINED: This division lacks self-control and is often insubordinate. • CAUTIOUS: This division is overly wary and often times unwilling to take on risk. (Add and edge or flaw by spending a crew advance.) If applicable, record the name of any significant duty officers relevant to the new division. When you send a division to achieve a goal, roll their Quality to see how it goes. Or, a PC can oversee division operation by leading a group action. The quality of any opposition relative to the division’s quality affects the position and effect of the action. SHIP UPGRADES • QUALITY: Each upgrade improves the quality rating of all the crew’s items of that type – beyond the quality established by the vessel’s Tier and fine items. So, if you are Tier 1, with advanced tricorders and +1 quality tools upgrade, your tricorder could be on an equal footing with a Tier 3 faction’s obstacle. By upgrading your items, you can better compete with higher-Tier opponents. • EXTRA REQUISITION: You have expanded your vessel’s potential requisition. You can store +4 requisition for each upgrade. • FIGHTER WINGS: Your vessel has a wing of four Federation Attack Fighters, one man fighters armed with three torpedo launchers and two forward phaser emitters. They are equipped with standard deflector shields as well. They are not warp capable. One wing per upgrade. • MASTERY: Your vessel has access to master level training. You may advance your PC action ratings to 4 (until you unlock this upgrade, PC action ratings are capped at 3). This upgrade costs 2 advances to unlock. • OFFICER’S QUARTERS: Your vessel has well appointed Officer’s Quarters for bridge crew and major non-bridge officers. • VIGILANCE, INGENUITY, CHARISMA, OR PERSONAL TRAINING: If you have the appropriate training upgrade, you gain +2 XP when training that attribute (or your playbook, with Personal training) instead of your normal +1 XP. • QUANTUM TORPEDOES: Your vessel is equipped with quantum torpedoes, the most advanced torpedo type the Federation has access to. • RUNABOUTS: Your vessel is equipped with a DanubeClass runabout. This small, well-armed, vessel is warp capable and manned by a crew of 2-4. One runabout per upgrade. • SECURE: Your vessel is especially secure against intruders. This may take the form of specially trained security personnel, onboard automated phaser, remote force fields, etc. • WORKSHOPS: Your vessel has several workshops with full fabrication suites and wide array of tools. You may perform long term projects involving construction in these workshops. Exploration Vessel TO BOLDLY GO SPECIAL ABILITIES U.S.S. NAME REPUTATION SELF SUFFICIENT: Each PC may add +1 action rating to Design, Treat, or Negotiate (up to a max rating of 3). VESSEL CLASS ALL HANDS: During downtime, one of your away teams may take a downtime action to acquire an asset, reduce heat, or work on a long-term project. NCC – REGISTRY SYSTEM STRAIN STRAIN LEVEL SYSTEMS: VIP QUARTERS BASE ADVANCED HOLOSYSTEM S +1d to Engagement Roll for Transport and Diplomacy +/- 1 to any pastimes roll in Holodecks CREW EXCHANGE PROGRAM UPGRADED MEMORY BANKS (Tier roll) Heat = Requisition in Downtime +1 Effect to Gather Info rolls for Missions SUPPLY LINES -2 System Strain per Score WARP ENGINE TUNING +1d on Engagement Roll for time sensitive missions REQUISITION Reputation SHIP BASE ADVANCED FABRICATION SUITE DIPLOMATIC CORPS ATTACHE +1d for on site Fix and Desing Rolls +2 Requisition for Arbitration Missions EXTRA REQUISITION Bases BASE BASE ADVANCED MEDICAL SUITES +1d to Treatment and Healing Project Rolls PRIDE OF STARFLEET: You have some of the best engineers in the fleet. Take -1 system strain during downtime and +1d to gather info on technologies. WHERE NO ONE HAS GONE BEFORE: When contending with unknown lifeforms, you gain potency and +1d to resistance rolls. VETERAN CREW: Each PC has learned from previous experiences. You get +1d to resistance rolls. CONSTANT IMPROVEMENT: Whenever you do a mission to upgrade a ship system, gain +1d to the engagement roll. XENOBIOLOG Y LABS +2 Requisition for New Life scores Tier Morale DIPLOMATS: When you do a mission involving a major power (e.g. – Klingon Empire, Romulan Star Empire), you get +4 requisition for the mission. Low High ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ VETERAN: Choose a special ability from another source. • Discover new life, civilizations, or worlds. • Aid the people of the Federation. • Solve a challenge without resorting to violence. • Bolster your reputation or add a new one. Vessel Upgrades Cpt. Naida Carrick Advanced Stellar Cartography Dr. Pheobe Sanghvi Advanced Runabouts Thavan Ch’Rasda, Andorian Trader Seleia, Vulcan Scientist Ch’Kota, Klingon Warrior Rear Adm. Reuben Gault ____________________________ Elite Engineers (+1 Quality) Starfleet Connections (increased effect when dealing with Starfleet) Persistent (+1 Quirk Box) Visual Acuity Transmitter (Visuals on Away Teams in Multispectrum) _____________________________________ _____________________________________ IMPAIRED QUALITY BROKEN RESIST General Engineers, Systems Engineers ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Medical WEAK IMPAIRED QUALITY BROKEN RESIST General Medics ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Science WEAK IMPAIRED QUALITY BROKEN RESIST General Scientists ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Security WEAK Vessel advancement Contacts Engineering WEAK IMPAIRED QUALITY BROKEN RESIST General Tactical Staff ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ SHIP QUALITY Extra Requisition Fighter Wings Officer’s Quarters Quantum Torpedoes Runabouts Secure Workshops TRAINING Vigilance Ingenuity Charisma Personal Staff Mastery Computers Defenses Sensors Shuttles Supplies Tools Weapons DIVISIONS UPGRADE COSTS +1 Quality: 2 Add Type: 1 Add Edge: 1 Remove Flaw: 1 Factions of Star Trek Klingon Empire United Federation of Planets Ferengi Alliance Starfleet Command V Klingon High Council V Ferengi Trade Mission IV Vulcan High Council IV Klingon Defense Force IV Ferengi Fleet Captains III Office of Inspector General IV Klingon Intelligence III Ferengi Free Traders II Starfleet Tactical III Starfleet Intelligence III Starfleet Science III Starfleet Medical III V’Shar III Romulan Senate V Colonization Command II Romulan Military IV Terraform Command II Tal Shiar III Starfleet Corp of Engineers II Starfleet R&D I Romulan Star Empire Cardassian Union Cardassian Central Command IV Obsidian Order IV Other Powers Detapa Council II Q Continuum VI Cardassian Dissidents I Orion Syndicate III Gorn Hegemony II Bajoran Resistance I Free Traders I Factions of Star Trek United Federation of Planets Klingon Empire Ferengi Alliance Romulan Star Empire Cardassian Union Other Powers