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313 Quotes That Will Change Your Life

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313 Quotes that will Change your Life
Book · February 2018
1 author:
Anthony Baidoo
University of Energy and Natural Resources
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
Self development (inspiration) View project
UENR Info to the World View project
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313 Quotes That Will Change Your Life
Copyright © 2015 by Anthony Baidoo
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced without written permission from
the publisher.
Published by Christian Authorhouse . For your Book Publishing, Call:
+233 (0) 208-134-744/ +233 (0) 249-194-281
email: kaids2001@yahoo.co.uk/ osofogaisie@yahoo.co.uk
To contact the author about speaking at your conference or church, please
go to Email: anthonybaidoo15 @gmail.com/ pastortony82@yahoo.com
or call +233 (0) 245 806 980/ +233 (0) 505 467 889
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise identified, are taken from the
Holy Bible, New International Version®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by
International Bible Society.
Contributing Editor: Rev. Phylis Opare (Phd)
Associate Editor: Mrs. Ellen Baidoo
Cover design & Layout: Prosper Gaisie
ISBN: 1-58483-102-2
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
richest king to compose witty sayings full of advice
for us to prosper in every part of our lives. Nothing is
off-limits in this fabulous book of the Bible. The commentary
is practical, hard-hitting, current, and spiritual. This book by
Anthony Baidoo can be likened to the Book of Proverbs in
the Bible. Every statement in this book in the form of quotations will provide you with a practical road map to improve
your life. The quotations by this author can serve as compass
to help you successfully navigate your path for successful life.
Being a Paramount Chief and a Managing Director of a financial institution, I found the truth shared in this book as
timely, very insightful and I sincerely believe it will go a long
way to help anyone who lays hands on this book and study
the content thereof. This book will serve a good purpose for
Pastors, Lawyers, Traders, Academia, Doctors, Engineers,
Bankers, Entrepreneurs, Teachers, Counsellors, Administra5
tors, Masons, Farmers and Carpenters etc.
It is a book for every human being because we all need wisdom to succeed in life. You need inspiration to succeed in
life. The author of these wonderful quotes has greatly inspired me and I therefore recommend this book for you as
well. “The problems of this world is not scarcity, but availability”
Odeneho Dr. Affram Brempong III
Omanhene of Suma Traditional Area, BA
Managing Director of First Liberty Microfinance
I dedicate this book to my lovely wife Mrs. Ellen Baidoo. You
are a gift from God. Your love and care is just what I need
for life and for the fulfillment of destiny. You are a symbol
of tranquility and great inspiration. God bless you for your
great support and affection. I remain a loyal husband for life.
The love is deep and sacred!
I thank YAHWEH for HIS Gift and favour upon my life. I
am grateful to the Holy Spirit for His continuous supply of
‘oil’ that keeps my candle and Menorah kindling. God richly
bless you Rev Canon Samuel Lanqueye Lamptey,(GWCL),
Prof. Mrs. Esi Awuah( VC, UENR) and Prof. Daniel ObengOfori (PRO-VC, UENR) for your continued support. To
Mr. Andrew K. Boateng, (Registrar, UENR), Dr. DEKA Siaw,
Odeneho Dr. Nana Affram Brempong III and Mr. Akoto
Safo Daniel your labour of love will never be in vain.
To Dr. & Dr. (Mrs) Derkyi, Bishop Dr. Richard Owusu, Rev.
Dr. Ishmeal Arthur and William Orleans Oduro (Barister-At-Law, Asomdwee Chambers,Sunyani) God richly
bless you. Mrs. Sarah Opoku Mensah (BARCLAYS BANK,
Sunyani) Mr. Felix Ebo Mensah, Mr. Kwasi Akwa Ampofo,
and Kwame Ampofo Jnr. I am grateful for your sacrifice of
love. God richly bless you Dr. Simon Abugre, Dr . Ofosu9
Antwi, Paul Nana Nketiah and D. Osei-Asibey (Esq.) and
Rev. Phyllis Bernice Opare (PhD) all of UENR. To Dr. Sharon Lamptey, Nana Ansa-Bonnah (Otumfuo Twafo) Hene)
and Madam Alice Bemmah God bless you all.
To my mother: Prophetess Belinda Ohenewa Darko (Yesu
Mmo). To my sister Mrs. Leticia Baidoo Asiedu and her husband Dr. Kwadwo Berchie Asiedu. To my sister from another mother: Dr. Sharon Lamptey.
To all staff and Students of UENR. To I.L.C, UENR members may God continue to strengthen you for the great task
ahead. To Obed Boateng (SRC President, UENR,2015/16),
Sellasie Akoto, Richmond Ayariga, Nana Owusu, Bismark,
Lord, Jeffrey,Angela, Nard, Enoch, Pius, Alex, Afua, Baba
Suleman,, Pastor Prosper O.A. Gaisie (Overflow Church),
Afua Biney, Tracey, Vanessa, Michelle, Anastasia, Mensima
and all UENR SCC & NUPS-G members, To Mr. Eric Edem
Agbana, Mr. Edmond Kombat, Mr. Francis Boye, Miss
Yvonne Peters, Mr. Blaise Konlan, Mr. Victor Boamah, Mr.
Yusif Yakubu, Waris and the entire Leadership Sense Project
team, God richly bless you.
To my brother and friend Prophet Bismark Osei, Greena Fm
God bless you for being there always. I am eternally grateful
to everyone who in one way or the other has contributed and
still contribute to my life. I shall forever remain humble in
appreciating your sacrifice of love towards me. TO GOD BE
“And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was
grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters:
but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God” (1
Samuel 30:6).
from people especially when we are down with the many
challenging circumstances of the world. Sometimes all
that a dying soul seeks are words of affirmation and encouragement that things will get better. When words like that
find their way into the heart of a dying soul at such moments
it cleaves to it like the miracle pole a drowning man holds on
to at the time when help is needed most.
Nonetheless, there are times when encouragements comes
from nowhere; times when those who we desire encouragement from discourage us the most; times when it appears as
though we are the only ones left on the surface of the earth.
In times like that our best bet must be on ourselves not to
give up. We have the power to remain inspired to the end no
matter the daunting challenge.
I have observed that beneath every great achievement is the
reason to achieve. The reason to achieve here is the inspiration for achievement. What I mean by inspiration here is
simply that which spurs us on to want to do something positive to help ourselves, our families and the society at large.
Someone is achieving very big out there because he/she just
believes that it is possible. By holding on to the phrase ‘it is
possible’ many have done what hitherto was considered impossible. Life is an endless adventure of activities; we must
always be up to something. Our strength is either positively
or negatively driven. One thing which fires us up to do and
to make impact is inspiration.
Life offers us so many lessons if we would closely observe
them as and when we go through challenges and experience
“…And I gave my heart to know wisdom and to know
madness and folly…I applied mine heart to know, and to
search, and to seek out wisdom, and the reason of things,
and to know the wickedness of folly, even of foolishness
and madness…my heart had great experience of wisdom
and knowledge”. (Ecclesiastes 1:17, 7:25, 1:16)
Therefore I put down these quotes to inspire all and sundry.
Life is not a game of chance. Wishing for things to happen
is like expecting a balloon to swell without blowing air into
it. Things don’t just happen in life. There cannot be a move
without a mover, or revolution without a human face.
In this book all that I set out to do is to give you positive
inspiration. My goal is to inspire you to have a positive outlook
towards life. Although these quotes were written over a
period of about nine (13) months, the inspiration was drawn
from years of making mistakes, trying to achieve, fretting
about the future, praying, reading the Bible and trying to
know God and understand life. Am therefore convinced that
with the right attitude, anything is possible. Read the quotes
and allow your hearts and minds to be transformed into
seeing things from a positive light. Personally these quotes
have shaped and keep shaping my life. In my moments
of heaviness they keep my hearts calm and in periods of
excitements it keeps my heart in balance. Sometimes all I do
in a trying moments is to remember what I was inspired to
write about the said situation and apply them at the spell of
the moment. In situations where I found nothing I had put
down to lean on I compose a quote to serve as a watch word.
It always proved very useful.
It is always possible if we dare to dream and chase our dreams.
Take a journey of possibilities with me by meditating and
following these inspired statements.
You will surely connect with these statements!
Dynamics For Life
“O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge
of God! How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways
past finding out!” (Romans 11:33)
1. “Don’t expect more if you’ve not
shown enough gratitude for what
you’ve already got” Anthony Baidoo
2. “With a sincere heart always wish for
good for everyone; that is how true success
begins” Anthony Baidoo
3. “The help you are receiving from people today is an
indication of the help you are supposed to give to others
tomorrow” Anthony Baidoo
4. “If you always find it difficult celebrating others, you really
have a problem because until you celebrate others no one
will celebrate you” Anthony Baidoo
5. “Don’t downplay the friends you have because they have
a part to play in making the purpose of your life see day
light”Anthony Baidoo
6. “Instead of being so complacent about your own
righteousness help others to become stronger by interceding
for the saints” Anthony Baidoo
7. “The decisions you make out of frustration is likely to
end in a bigger frustration; allow your head and heart to
harmonize before you decide” Anthony Baidoo
8. “Whenever you are tempted
blame someone for inaction, think of
the commensurate positive action
you can take because of the inaction
and take it” Anthony Baidoo
9. “Don’t wait for the world to believe
you before you take the first step; believe in yourself and take
the first step, never give up and the world will eventually
believe in you”Anthony Baidoo
10. “Becoming the best at all you do will not cost you yourself
worth; it will rather bring out the gem in you” Anthony
11. “The world cannot find any good help when we
choose to relegate the Creator (God Almighty) to the
backgroundAnthony Baidoo
12. “It is demonic to resent the progress of people around
you; use all the time instead to upgrade yourself and become
better at what you do” Anthony Baidoo
13. “The best way your pain can be felt is to feel the pains of
others” Anthony Baidoo
14. “Don’t curse yourself when things
do not go your way because not
everything is meant to go your way”
Anthony Baidoo
15. “When God becomes all you have;
you’ve actually got all you need because
He is able to make all grace abound towards you”Anthony
16. “You only have a lifetime to contribute what can be
remembered forever; think generational and contribute
your best” Anthony Baidoo
17. “Our ability to respect and support each other is what
makes our lights shine. Humility will always open great
doors that pride cannot” Anthony Baidoo
18. “It is when we value what we have that we give the world
a reason to do same” Anthony Baidoo
19. “What keeps the world intact and beautiful is not how
well we insist on our rights or how educated we become but
how committed we are to love one another and sacrifice for
each other” Anthony Baidoo
20. “Nothing binds us together more than the unified
commitment to achieve” Anthony Baidoo
21. “Man is the breath of God; it is therefore wise for man to
acknowledge God in his life” Anthony Baidoo
22. “Living each day as if it were the last day we have to be on
earth is a way to live above reproach” Anthony Baidoo
23. “The surest way to live a mediocre life is to live to achieve
selfish ambitions” Anthony Baidoo
24. “The heart always has a way of making the face depict what
it feels. It is therefore lovely to do what the heart enjoys which
positively impact societies” Anthony Baidoo
25. “Hard work is not the only ingredient
you need to succeed but more so the
will power to succeed. The winning
attitude is very important for success
in every facet of life”.
Anthony Baidoo
26. “Ideas for positive impact and wealth creation will never
be exhausted; keep thinking and work harder than you are
doing now” Anthony Baidoo
27. “The hope for a better tomorrow is what you need to live
above the challenge of today” Anthony Baidoo
28. “Winning is not for those who fight and give up along
the line but for those who
fight all the way through to the end” Anthony Baidoo
29. “Admire all the great people and learn from them as
much as you can but don’t forget to contribute your quota
to this world for the next generation to receive inspiration
from because God designed you with special abilities”
Anthony Baidoo
30. “A good self esteem is very important in your quest to
achieve good success” Anthony Baidoo
31. “Running from challenges at best will qualify you as a
coward; confronting and overcoming challenges must be
your preocupation as a steward in order to gain a reward”
Anthony Baidoo
32. “What makes us great leaders is not how ready we are to
pursue personal ambitions but how willing we are to die so
that many others can live” Anthony Baidoo
33. “Man can never be wiser than God; we either obey him to
our advantage or perish in self righteousness.God almighty
will be God no matter what we think of Him”
Anthony Baidoo
34. “To be far-reaching in shaping your life and other lives,
staying away from selfish monitory gains is a neccessity”
Anthony Baidoo
25. “If our gifts and special abilities are not working in a way
that will make other lives better, then it may be working in a
way that will destroy us” Anthony Baidoo
36. “What we are able to do is a result of the enablement by
the maker; our pride cannot be justified. We must remain
down-to-earth to the end” Anthony Baidoo
37. “Hope is as important as effort because your energy is
mostly unleashed in the direction of what you hope for”
Anthony Baidoo
38. “It is not enough to keep our spirits and minds healthy
when out bodies are unfit” Anthony Baidoo
39. “Fear is negative strength, the more you believe you are
unable the more incapacitated you become; believe you are
able and your strength shall be renewed for great achievements” Anthony Baidoo
40. “The world is full of myriad problems not because the
devil is powerful but because of the greed and selfishness of
man’s heart” Anthony Baidoo
Wisdom For Life
“And Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide:
and he lifted up his eyes, and saw, and behold, the camels
were coming” (Genesis 24:63)
“Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them;
that thy profiting may appear to all” (1 Timothy 4:14)
1. “Your creator formed you as a solution
to the world and not a problem; stop
the blame game an put your hands
on deck” Anthony Baidoo
2. “It feels good to be happy but it
is even more fulfilling to be the source
of someone’s happiness” Anthony Baidoo
3. “Save time to do more than to talk more because it is better
for your works to speak for you than for you to speak for
your works” Anthony Baidoo
4. “Don’t be in a hurry to be recognized, be in a hurry to
develop yourself and the world will recognize you”
Anthony Baidoo
5. “Nothing happens just by wishing; work is what you need
for your dreams to become a reality. Go for work”
Anthony Baidoo
6. “Believing in possibilities is one way to make the seemingly
impossible possible” Anthony Baidoo
7.“Don’t make conclusions about people upon hearsay, give
them enough time around you to prove who they are and
what they are not” Anthony Baidoo
8. “If you spend your time scheming
for others to fail, you may not have
enough time to plan for your
success” Anthony Baidoo
9. “If your dream has no correlation
with what you are doing today it will
at best become a figment of imagination”
Anthony Baidoo
10. “Every great achiever has mustered the act of staying
focused on an assignment. You will also succeed with the
discipline of focus” Anthony Baidoo
11.“No matter how gifted you are, if you exercise your gift in
pride the world will resent you” Anthony Baidoo
12.“Blaming others for what you are responsible for is like
being at the war front and pointing the gun at yourself.
Anthony Baidoo
13.“There is no substitute for hard work in your pursuit of
greatness; great achievements are a product of great efforts,”
Anthony Baidoo
14.“Waiting for someone to advise us on what needs to be
done is one way we downplay our intelligence. The African
is smart and can always spearhead change”
Anthony Baidoo
15.“We are because God is and we shall
always overcome because He enables
us” Anthony Baidoo
16. “Your ability to love and
appreciate yourself has a part to play
in how effective you become in your
chosen field. Become your number
one fun and positively impact your world”
Anthony Baidoo
17. “Failure is a part of success; rise up from where you have
fallen and try one more time” Anthony Baidoo
18. “Your life will expire one day so be mindful of what you
do now that you still have life” Anthony Baidoo
19. “When all is said and done, more will be said than done
so do more while you still have life” Anthony Baidoo
20. “God will never come down from Heaven to do what He
has empowered you for; worship God with all your heart
and strive to contribute your quota to making the world a
better place” Anthony Baidoo
21. “What you need to stay focused
life is the patience to trust that your
daily effective work contributions
will culminate in a mighty achievement in some time to come”
Anthony Baidoo
22. “God designed your life in such a way
that men can positively contribute to your destiny; never
downplay the people that God has blessed your life with”
Anthony Baidoo
23. “It is a desire in futility to expect everyone to love you
because not even Jesus was loved by all” Anthony Baidoo
24. “Dream dreams because dreams are good but dreams devoid of works are as dead as yesterday” Anthony Baidoo
25. “Instead of feeling threatened by someone’s success and
praying for his downfall, be rather inspired that it is also
possible with you” Anthony Baidoo
26. “What you are today is as result of the collective efforts
of others; what someone must become tomorrow therefore
requires your cooperative effort” Anthony Baidoo
27. “If all you look out for is a challenge to give up in your
line of pursuit then you can never achieve your goals because there will always be one challenge or the other”
Anthony Baidoo
28. “People succeed not because they never feel like giving
up; they do because they refuse to give up” Anthony Baidoo
29. “A man who has no respect for his maker has lost respect
for his existence” Anthony Baidoo
30. “Do not commit your entire life to things which satisfies
you only but to things which has power to satisfy the world”
Anthony Baidoo
Nuggets For Life
So shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul: When
thou hast found it, then there shall be a reward, and thy expectation shall not be cut off. (Proverbs 24:14) “The heart of
prudent getteth knowledge; And the ear of the wise seeketh
knowledge” (Proverbs 18:15) “And by knowledge shall the
chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches”
(Proverbs 24:4)
1. “Don’t allow pride to stop you
from learning because you can never know enough” Anthony Baidoo
2. “One thing about life is that
everyone is that personal so don’t get
offended when you find yourself engrossed
in personal stuff ” Anthony Baidoo
3. “Never downplay your source of motivation because you
need it to keep achieving” Anthony Baidoo
4. “There is no limit to what you can achieve if you are
determined to leave your comfort zone” Anthony Baidoo
5. “Don’t exchange your peace of mind and eternal security
for temporal gratification” Anthony Baidoo
6. “Don’t plant evil in your heart by thinking evil about
anyone” Anthony Baidoo
7. “In the silence of your heart learn to celebrate the
achievement of others; and you will never miss your
opportunity to advance in life” Anthony Baidoo
8. “Our lives are interconnected in such a way that we need
each other to survive; don’t allow your personal weaknesses
to limit you” Anthony Baidoo
9. “The urgency with which people
are building for themselves eternal
fortunes must inspire you to do
same because you will not always
have the wherewithal to do that”
Anthony Baidoo
10.“Don’t make enemies out of those
who genuinely be on your case just for you to
right” Anthony Baidoo
do things
11.“When the pressure to doubt God’s sufficient supply
becomes intense, always remember what God has done in
the previous years and be assured” Anthony Baidoo
12. “The only person who cannot change is the one who is
not ready to change” Anthony Baidoo
13. “Big dreams mostly start small; respect humble beginnings and nurture your dreams” Anthony Baidoo
14. “Do your best to consciously see the good in people because no matter how evil people may be, they still have good
sides” Anthony Baidoo
15. “You owe yourself a big responsibility of believing in
your ideas and innate abilities because until you take that responsibility the world cannot support you” Anthony Baidoo
16. “Be mindful of what you always allow to engage your
thoughts because sooner or later those things will manifest
physically” Anthony Baidoo
17. “Use money to your advantage;
refuse to be enslaved by it and help
others in any way possible” Anthony
18. “It is good to be rejected sometimes to be more qualified for what is
actually yours” Anthony Baidoo
19. “What you think you can’t do is what you have not decided to be committed to” Anthony Baidoo
20. “Your greatest strength does not lie in what someone
succeeded at but in what you do effortlessly” Anthony Baidoo
21. “The fuel which lubricates your dream into reality is the
tenacity of hard work” Anthony Baidoo
22. “You are as strong as you think you can be; believe in
yourself because every great achiever did” Anthony Baidoo
23. “Don’t feel pressured to dance when everyone is dancing
especially when you are in torn sandals and borrowed trousers” Anthony Baidoo
24.“Sometimes all that a hurting soul
desires is a sincere smile; put on a
sincere smile and lighten up a dying
soul” Anthony Baidoo
25.“Life is good when you have
faithful people around you but life can
even become better when you decide to be
faithful in all your dealings” Anthony Baidoo
26. “Do yourself a favour, stop comparing yourself with others; believe that you are adequate and chart new frontiers.
You are genuine and not counterfeit. Let this mind be in
you” Anthony Baidoo
27. “The beauty of hard work is the reward of labour”
Anthony Baidoo
28. “There is always hope for a brighter future when the
youth decides to take their destinies into their hands”
Anthony Baidoo
29. “No limitation is as strong as the one you place on yourself ” Anthony Baidoo
30. “Life makes better meaning when Jesus Christ becomes
its foundation” Anthony Baidoo
Springboards For Life
“He oponeth also their ear to discipline, and commandeth
that they return from iniquity” (Job 36:10) “But the fruit
of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness,
goodness, faith meekness, temperance: against such there
is no law” (Galatians 5: 22&23)
1. “The fact that others are making it in life is not an indication that you are failing; be committed to
your assignment and wait in earnest
expectation to count your blessings
and name them one by one” Anthony Baidoo
2. “We’ve all been wired differently
so don’t be surprised if someone abhors
thrills you” Anthony Baidoo
3. “Don’t entertain evil schemes because you need a good
heart for your light to continue shining”
Anthony Baidoo
4. “The life you desire tomorrow is only possible with the
sacrifices you make towards it today” Anthony Baidoo
5. “Life has a way of rewarding those who don’t easily give up
no matter how unfavorable circumstances turns out to be”
Anthony Baidoo
6. “Don’t wait for the world to believe in you before you take
the first step; believe in yourself and take the first step, never
give up and the world will eventually believe in you”
Anthony Baidoo
7. “Whenever you are tempted to
blame someone for inaction, think of
the commensurate positive action
you can take because of the inaction
and take it” Anthony Baidoo
8. “The best way your pain can be
felt is to feel someone’s pain” Anthony
9. “The first thing you need to make impact is not money
but rather the desire to contribute positively to other lives”
Anthony Baidoo
10. “Every stage in life buys you a new ticket for the next
level; the world is watching so give off your spirit, soul and
body to your assignment” Anthony Baidoo
11. “The decisions you make out of frustration are likely to
end in a bigger frustration; allow your head and heart to harmonize before you act” Anthony Baidoo
12. “Let love lead you to touch a life today; decide to be the
answer to someone’s prayer by showing that you truly careAnthony Baidoo
13. “Admit that you have weaknesses and work on it; don’t
accept that your weaknesses are all you’ve got and cannot
make anything good out of life” Anthony Baidoo
14. “Ideas borne out of selfish ambition at the expense of
others no matter how grandiose it may seem will come tumbling down one day” Anthony Baidoo
15. “A man who has the courage to appreciate things the way
it should be appreciated
has commensurate strength to do
things for people to appreciate”
Anthony Baidoo
16. “A man who has left everything
to pursue his God- given purpose
with sincerity will not stop short of
receiving his reward from his maker”
Anthony Baidoo
17. “Hard work and commitment to purpose has the power to bring you from obscurity into the limelight” Anthony
18. “Don’t make enemies out of those who don’t believe in
you or what you stand for because not even your spouse will
believe in all your ideas” Anthony Baidoo
19. “Life will make a better meaning when you decide to give
yourself to a cause bigger than your own dreams and aspirations” Anthony Baidoo
20. “If all you think about is yourself, you will at best live
an average life because your greatness is always enhanced as
you become instrumental in meeting the needs of others”
Anthony Baidoo
21. “Don’t hate me because I don’t do things just exactly like
you. In as much as I respect and admire the things you do,
I also want to find space to be meand chart new frontiers”
Anthony Baidoo
22. “You cannot be too bad and too late
accomplish your purpose on earth;
each day comes with its own strength
for greater accomplishment so don’t
give up on yourself ”
t o
Anthony Baidoo
23. “Your commitment to showing grattude to God for His grace and mercies will
heaven continually open “
i keep your
Anthony Baidoo
24. “Your seemingly little contributions wherever you find
yourself is very much needed in achieving the ultimate goal;
be committed to contributing your little all the time”
Anthony Baidoo
25. “Don’t use your present energy to just think and cry over
your past mistakes. Instead be committed to giving a good
account of yourself from henceforth” Anthony Baidoo
26. “It is better to be a servant and do mighty things than to
be the boss and do nothing”
Anthony Baidoo
27. A man who is not humble enough
to accept how infallible he can be will
not be good at appreciating the mercies of God.
Anthony Baidoo
28. “When it feels like giving up on
everything, just remember that generations are counting on you to surmount your pending challenges to be inspired that it is possible to overcome, and
move on” Anthony Baidoo
29. “Never be discouraged when you are treated like nothing
good can ever come out of your life, in any case nobody can
take the place of God to determine your tomorrow”
Anthony Baidoo
30. “A positive attitude is one of the most important things
you need to dream of any accomplishment and to stay
through it until it is finally accomplished” Anthony Baidoo
Light For Life
“Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak:
for your work shall be rewarded (2 Chronicles 15:7) and
by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious
and pleasant riches (Proverbs 24:4) He that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man: He that loveth wine and oil shall
not be rich (Proverbs 21:17)
1. “Don’t sell yourself short by overestimating your weaknesses
and underestimating your strength”
Anthony Baidoo
2. “Decide to live as long as you have
life but don’t outlive the prompting
of your conscience because you need
your conscience all the way through
life to live above reproach” Anthony
3. “Your goal in life should not revolve around what you
can always receive from others but around what you can
positively contribute to other lives” Anthony Baidoo
4. “It is good to support others in achieving their dreams but
don’t sacrifice your dream in your quest to lend a helping
hand” Anthony Baidoo
5. “You are not under any strict obligations to like everyone
so don’t pretend to like anyone when you
sincerely know you don’t; be real”
Anthony Baidoo
6. “Stay true to yourself by staying
original” Anthony Baidoo
7. “You cannot reign in any field of endeavor if you are not ready to train” Anthony Baidoo
8. “If your dream is such that it will require stepping on
people as doormats and carpets to achieve it (no matter the
reward you will obtain from such a dream) the earlier you
relinquish it the better it will be for you” Anthony Baidoo
9. “Support others not because you expect a reciprocal gesture but because you are able to do so” Anthony Baidoo
10. “A man who desires and pursues everything in skirt
always set himself up for trouble” Anthony Baidoo
11. “Give your ear to wisdom and your heart to understanding and prosperity will not elude you” Anthony Baidoo
12. “You are not a failure because you tried something
and did not succeed; you are a failure because you’ve tried
nothing” Anthony Baidoo
13. “Avoid speaking just to satisfy your ego instead be
committed to speaking the truth at all times” Anthony Baidoo
14. “We may not have the same educational background,
come from the same family background or have the same
financial background but we all have the same ‘time ground’
i.e. 24 hours in a day to dream and pursue our dreams”
Anthony Baidoo
15. “Never look down on your ability to contribute to society;
you are as good as you think you can be” Anthony Baidoo
16. “What will make our lights shine is not how selfish we
become but how selfless and willing we
are to make the light of others shine”
Anthony Baidoo
17. “If you eat all that can be eaten,
you may not live long enough for
the food eaten to be digested” Anthony Baidoo
18. “The greatest show of weakness is in how we pride
ourselves in our strength” Anthony Baidoo
19. “You can’t be better if you first don’t admit how bad you
were or can be” Anthony Baidoo
20. “The future belongs to those who work on their dreams
no matter how small they may seem not for those who just
have big dreams and do nothing about it” Anthony Baidoo
21. You are not a failure until you accept you are one and
give up outright in your line of pursuit. Anthony Baidoo
22. “You always limit yourself when you become too engrossed
in personal stuff; break away from selfish ambitions and
become a solution to the world” Anthony Baidoo
23. “Leadership is selfless service not
self service” Anthony Baidoo
24. “Leadership is a medium for
positive societal change not a
medium for self ‘pocket’ change”
Anthony Baidoo
25. “Our lives are interconnected in such a way that every
decision we make affect someone else; be mindful of this
and dare to do right” Anthony Baidoo
26. “If we can willingly avail ourselves to be taught, then we
are unconciously exuding the competence to teach” Anthony
27. “If our joy is just found in the fullness of our stomachs,
then our toil is in vain” Anthony Baidoo
28. “The Appointed time for things to happen sometimes is
just the time we commit ourselves fully for the said thing to
happen” Anthony Baidoo
29. “There’s a place called prayer in life; a place where we
affirm that our human strength is not enough to procure for
us a desired results, a place where we super impose divinity
over humanity” Anthony Baidoo
30. “The instructions of a father may be bitter, yet it makes
our lives better if adhered to” Anthony Baidoo
Elevators For Life
The thing that hath been, it [is that] which shall be; and
that which is done [is] that which shall be done: and
[there is] no new [thing] under the sun. Is there [any]
thing whereof it may be said, See, this [is] new? it hath
been already of old time, which was before us. [There is]
no remembrance of former [things]; neither shall there
be [any] remembrance of [things] that are to come with
[those] that shall come after. (Eccl 1:9-11 [KJV])
1. “The future of our children cannot
be taken for granted. We must all
work together to ensure that three
square meals does not remain a
privilege but rather a right for every
child” Anthony Baidoo
2. “Sometimes all you need to succeed is to sacrifice a little
more and push a little harder” Anthony Baidoo
3. “It is possible to deceive others and get away with it but
you can never deceive your spirit and soul because truth always stands” Anthony Baidoo
4. “Whatever we are capable of and are able to do is as a result of the divine empowerment of God. We don’t own our
lives” Anthony Baidoo
5.“What we cannot do should not stop us from what we are
capable of ” Anthony Baidoo
6. “What we need as Africans is not just money but the will
power to believe that we are able and the tenacity to trust our
ideas and ingenuity” Anthony Baidoo
7. “What makes our light shine is not the pursuit of personal
happiness but the commitment to make other lives better”
Anthony Baidoo
8. “When we pursue our passion in a positive light, our focus shift from being rewarded to making impact” Anthony
9. “You may not have enough strength
to do in twenty (20) years time what
you can do today, you therefore do
not have excuse not to work hard
today” Anthony Baidoo
10. “We need each other to survive just
a s
the different parts of the body depend on each other to fully
function” Anthony Baidoo
11. “The Love and Mercies of God is what shields and sustains us not our works” Anthony Baidoo
12. “No man is under strict obligations to believe in you
because everyone has the responsibility to first believe in
themselves. You must therefore take full responsibility for
your life and believe that you are able to make the world a
better place” Anthony Baidoo
13.“If we can willingly avail ourselves to be taught, then we
are unconsciously exuding the competence to teach” Anthony Baidoo
14.“The world is full of myriad problems not because the
devil is powerful but because of the greed and selfishness of
man’s heart” Anthony Baidoo
15.“If you cannot respectfully accept the views and decisions
of others then you have an ego problem” Anthony Baidoo
16.“True fulfilment comes not by helping self but by helping
others” Anthony Baidoo
17.“The best show of strength is through humility and love”
Anthony Baidoo
18.“We are stronger together and in staying together we
work together and achieve together” Anthony Baidoo
19.“The gift of true love is a treasure far beyond rubies” Anthony Baidoo
20. “We are not enemies because we believe in different
things or understand things differently, we rather harbour
sentiments of enmity when we fail to appreciate the aboveAnthony Baidoo
21. “Don’t expect the world to believe in you more than you
believe in yourself; you determine whether the world should
believe you are capable or not” Anthony Baidoo
22. “The passing away of a dear one or a legend must awaken
in us a sense of urgency in accomplishing our purpose on
earth coupled with the humility to surrender our all to the
monarch of the universe” Anthony Baidoo
23. “Don’t give up on your dream simply because you don’t
seem qualified today to achieve it tomorrow; holding on to
your dream is part of achieving it” Anthony Baidoo
24. “Don’t expect the world to change if you are not willing
and ready to amend your ways” Anthony
25. “Decide to remain happy all
the time by becoming committed
to making others happy” Anthony
26. “Anyone who secretely resent the progress
of others is inadvertently discouraging himself from receiving great inspiration to progress. Celebrate the achievement
of others and watch yourself succeed also” Anthony Baidoo
27. “Any man whose direction in life is determined by the
shaky buttocks of women is sitting on a time bomb of shame.
It will soon explode if he does not restrain himself ” Anthony
28. “The best time to give God our best of worship is when
we still have life because that will determine where we spend
our eternity” Anthony Baidoo
29. “An honourable man is not the one who steals and cheats
others to make money, but the one who commits himself to
making money the right way” Anthony Baidoo
30. “If you cannot respectfully accept the views and decisions
of tothers, then you have an ego problem” Anthony Baidoo
Truth For Life
My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou
not. If they say, Come with us, let us lay
wait for blood, let us lurk privily for
the innocent without cause: Let us
swallow them up alive as the grave;
and whole, as those that go down
into the pit: We shall find all precious
substance, we shall fill our houses with
spoil: Cast in thy lot among us; let us all
have one purse: My son, walk not thou in the
way with them; refrain thy foot from their path: (Proverbs
1:10-15 [KJV])
1. “Jesus is the Name. Salvation is the Process. Heaven is the
Destination. Don’t miss out” Anthony Baidoo
2. “We discover ourselves better as we give ourselves to a
good cause far bigger than our peace of mind and personal
fulfilment” Anthony Baidoo
3. “Your great future is only possible with your great efforts
today” Anthony Baidoo
4. “What defines you should not be the desire to achieve for
self but the desire to contribute for the collective benefit of
all” Anthony Baidoo
5. “What you stand for can only stand against you if you
don’t commit yourself to it enough” Anthony Baidoo
6. “What will make our lights shine is not how selfish we
become but how selfless and willing we are to make the light
of others shine” Anthony Baidoo
7. “The desire of man to love and be loved will never be an
outdated custom”. Anthony Baidoo
8. “We may not be able to thank our parents enough for all
their sacrifices but we cannot be exonerated if we fail to appreciate them. Anthony Baidoo
9. “Believing in prayers is not an excuse
to be lazy” Anthony Baidoo
10. “Our ability to hold on to positive mental images is a step towards
achieving them” Anthony Baidoo
11. “When the motivation is not
about self and the passion is for the
good of all, there will always be strength
to continue and complete the assignment” Anthony Baidoo
12. “Justifying all your actions with your feelings is the best
way to kill your conscience” Anthony Baidoo
13. “Don’t wait till all the conditions become perfect before
you act; it is better to attempt doing something positive with
your life and fail than to criticize others” Anthony Baidoo
14. “Man can never take the place
God in your life to determine what
you must become so refuse to settle
for the limit man has set for you and
go for God’s purpose for your life”
Anthony Baidoo
o f
t o
hold something against anyone, always remember how merciful God has been to you and forgive” Anthony Baidoo
16. “Success is never achieved with a single act so take things
easy and live a day at a time” Anthony Baidoo
17. “Your background should not be the reason why your
back is on the ground; rise up and take responsibility for
your life” Anthony Baidoo
18. “Make an impact in others life by serving them wholeheartedly today, so that tomorrow when you are no more
you will still live in their hearts” Anthony Baidoo
19. “Compete with yourself and become better; don’t waste
your resources comparing yourself with others because we
are not the same” Anthony Baidoo
20. “The secret to people living a mediocre life is not because
they are not endowed but simply because they don’t believe
they are able” Anthony Baidoo
21. “Instead of thinking about how bad things are or can be,
set your mind on how good things can become and press on”
Anthony Baidoo
22. “We are stronger together but we don’t need the world
to believe in our dreams for it to be viable” Anthony Baidoo
23. “Refuse to be too satisfied with your present achievement; to be forever achieving remaining unsatisfied is a necessity” Anthony Baidoo
24. “You can’t be blessed beyond your level of understanding; go for life transforming information for that is what you
need to succeed” Anthony Baidoo
25. “Forgive yourself and others and
set yourself free”
Anthony Baidoo
26. “Life is a continuous process
of learning and unlearning; strive
to achieve the highest level of morality and chastity”Anthony
27. “If all that gets you happy is to see others make mistakes,
you are likely to be the next victim for your joy to be complete” Anthony Baidoo
28.“Y ou don’t need the world to endorse you before you can
act; take responsibility for your life and make a difference in
your world” Anthony Baidoo
29. “Every successful person in any field of endeavour has
learnt to remain committed to a positive cause of action; you
can also succeed with positive commitment to work”
Anthony Baidoo
30.“Your value in life should not be tied to your possessions,
status or position but to the positive impact and contributions you are making in the lives of others and the society at
large” Anthony Baidoo
Treasures For Life
That their hearts may be encouraged, having been
knit together in love, and attaining to all the wealth
that comes from the full assurance of understanding,
resulting in a true knowledge of God’s mystery, that is,
Christ Himself, in whom are hidden all the treasures of
wisdom and knowledge. (Colossians 2:2-3)
1. “Defend your convictions with love for humanity in your
heart and commitment to selfless service not with the heart
for mere self-satisfaction” Anthony Baidoo
2. “It is our individual responsibility to make our lights shine
so that many more lives can shine by the illumination of our
lights” Anthony Baidoo
3. “Standing in reverence to the giver of life with a
commitment to impact and being fully mindful of where we
have come from is one sure way to make progress” Anthony
4. “We owe ourselves a duty to remain humble in heart in
order to remain productive with our talents and special
abilities” Anthony Baidoo
5. “When we commit ourselves to giving the world our best
through hard work the world commits itself to giving us its
best” Anthony Baidoo
6. “Our human strength is not enough to achieve for us all
we desire except we resign ourselves to the strength of our
maker and totally depend on Him” Anthony Baidoo
7. “Successful people are those who are determined to make
the best out of every situation; they simply refuse to take No
as an answer and make a way where there seems to be no
way. That is what I call positive attitude for greatness, you
need it if you must be an achiever” Anthony Baidoo
8. “How relevant we become is directly proportional to how
relevant we make others become” Anthony Baidoo
9. “The wisdom of the old is as valuable as jewel; it will always
stand the test of time” Anthony Baidoo
10. “The road to greatness doesn’t have to be smooth for it
to be sanctioned by God, if it were so Joseph wouldn’t have
to go to prison before becoming a prime minister” Anthony
11. “A leader who does not spend time in building a good
character is inadvertently setting himself up to fail” Anthony
12. “Genuine respect and acceptance of each other is as
important as the vision of accomplishment and nation
building. The latter has a way of serving as a catalyst for the
former” Anthony Baidoo
13. “Working more than your remunerations require and
sacrificing for others to benefit is what you need to increase
your value. In the end you will become indispensable and
more valuable” Anthony Baidoo
14. “Worrying about too many things at the same time is not
equal to achieving several results because in the end nothing
will be achieved” Anthony Baidoo
15. “The friends you must always hold on to are those who
think beyond the fullness of their pockets and bellies”
Anthony Baidoo
16. “The will power to succeed refines our talent and stretches
us beyond our comfort zones” Anthony Baidoo
17. “Whatever we are and can ever be is as a result of God’s
manifold grace and favour; we have a life-long commitment
of telling the world of His love and mercies” Anthony Baidoo
18. “If the only way we can register our displeasure is by
taking a life, we can be sure that it will take the ghost of dead
innocent souls to prove their innocence” Anthony Baidoo
19. “No matter how great an idea is, it will always take the
human ingenuity for it to be executed. Decide to be one of
those who make the seemingly impossible possible” Anthony
20. “The secret to success does not lie in how well we
remember our mistakes but in how well we know how to get
to our desired destinations” Anthony Baidoo
21. “The surest way to failure is to run away from every
challenge” Anthony Baidoo
22. “The hope that things will get better when we are
uncertain about the future is as important as the air we
breathe” Anthony Baidoo
23. “The beauty of friendship is in the mutual understanding
that we are all unique in capabilities” Anthony Baidoo
24. “If our victory has God as its initiator then we can be
assured that no human or spirit being can inhibit it” Anthony
25. “What a world it will be if there were no problems and
challenges; a world free from adversity and shame. Problems,
challenges, adversity and shame has a godly assignment to
keep man’s character in check at all times” Anthony Baidoo
26. “Staying positive at all times will not only help you
maintain your focus; it will as well shove up your confidence
for greater achievements” Anthony Baidoo
27. “At the end of our lives, what should give us true fulfillment
must be the positive contributions we made to the lives of
the less privileged and vulnerable” Anthony Baidoo
28. “We may succeed in pretending before men but before
God we are always naked and nothing can be hidden; We
need God more than He needs us” Anthony Baidoo
29. “Our faith in prayers should not be an excuse to shun our
responsibilities as citizens of a nation” Anthony Baidoo
30. “Successful people are ordinary people who have selfbelief and refuse to give up irrespective of the challenges”
Anthony Baidoo
Standards For Life
For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be
cut off. (Proverbs 23:18) So [shall] the knowledge of wisdom
[be] unto thy soul: when thou hast found [it], then there shall
be a reward, and thy expectation shall not be cut off. (Proverbs
1. “If we become righteous to the extent that no one can
either correct or rebuke us then we have unconsciously
set ourselves up to fail” Anthony Baidoo
2. “If we must achieve results in our line of pursuit then
we must remain consistent and committed to the end”
Anthony Baidoo
3. “The sincere smiles and encouragement from those who
have gone ahead of us is sometimes the only ingredient
we need to stay focused” Anthony Baidoo
4. “It takes hard work and commitment to translate spoken
love into action love; no relationship will end in marriage
just because we wished for it but because we continuously
work on it for it to mature to that stage and beyond”
Anthony Baidoo
5. “People everywhere need encouraging words to fire
their hopes and dreams; focus on bringing the best out
of everyone by genuinely encouraging them” Anthony
6. “Sometimes singing to God is the best way to make Him
know how grateful we are for His Love, Providence and
Protection” Anthony Baidoo
7. “Leaders who cannot control their appetite for sex, food
and sleep are less likely to reach their fullest potential”
Anthony Baidoo
8. “How great we can be is sometimes simply in how ready
we want to be trained to become” Anthony Baidoo
9. “A nation which doesn’t seek God will not prosper
irrespective of who leads it” Anthony Baidoo
10. “If our hustle is just for our wives and children then it
is no hustle at all; the struggle that will stand the test of
time is the one that goes beyond personal fulfillment”
Anthony Baidoo
11. “Sometimes the best help you can give is not the 10 cedi
note or a 3 pieces suit but simply a 10 pesewa toffee to
encourage a poor child to dream and pursue his dreams”
Anthony Baidoo
12. “When we labour for the good of all, we can be sure that
mother earth will one day honour our efforts with fruits”
Anthony Baidoo
13. “One of the greatest gifts God can give to any child is
a mother who fears the Lord. My mother, my tangible
blessings from God” Anthony Baidoo
14. “Giving up yourself is more deadly than others giving up
on you; you the power to make things work for you and
with others” Anthony Baidoo
15. “If what you refer to as your passion does not move you
to make sacrifices today, it will soon become a nuisance
to you” Anthony Baidoo
16. “The opportunity to share our faith in our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ must be done with all the love and the
seriousness that it deserves” Anthony Baidoo
17. “We don’t call on God because we are lazy; we call on God
because we are fully aware that there is a limit to what
we can achieve without Him. Prayer works!” Anthony
18. “Sometimes just one word from God is all we need to
reach our fullest potential” Anthony Baidoo
19. “Be strong and face life’s challenges knowing that the
strength of God is sufficient for you all the way through.
Joy cometh in the morning” Anthony Baidoo
20. “We can always push ourselves beyond the limit of our
comfort zone to bring out the gem in us. It is possible
when we decide and work for it to be so” Anthony Baidoo
21. “One day we will not have the strength and opportunity
to traverse villages and towns of the world to improve
lives in our small ways; now that opportunities presents
itself we must do our very best” Anthony Baidoo
22. “We owe ourselves a sacred duty to inspire and encourage
each other to become useful to our fellow men and God”
Anthony Baidoo
23. “One sure way to achieve for the benefit all is to be united
in passion and eschew selfishness at all levels” Anthony
24. “If we leave the future of our young men and women to
chance they will not stand a chance in succeeding in this
fast changing world; consciously impacting and training
them with the right information is a must” Anthony
25. “What is possible with us is simple in what we want to
remain passionate about and committed to” Anthony
26. “No nation can develop solely on the heels of men; it
will take the tenderness of women to nurture and grow a
nation” Anthony Baidoo
27. “One of the surest ways to improve your self-confidence
is to love yourself; accept all that you are and cherish
it, accept what you are not and improve on yourself,
accept what you can be and stretch yourself to that limit”
Anthony Baidoo
28. “Whatever we are must be to the glory of God; we are
God’s workmanship” Anthony Baidoo
29. “The devil is not after your money or University certificates
be it first class or pass; he is only after your faith in God
and our Lord Jesus Christ. Hold on to your faith for that
is what you need to guarantee you a good place after this
transient life” Anthony Baidoo
30. New Year is technically not new except for the fact that
the numbers keep changing in a different order. Monday
to Sunday will exist in 2016 just as it were in 2015, same
shall be for 2037. Anthony Baidoo
Motivations For Life
Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the
everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not
grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He
gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and
fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow
weary, they will walk and not be faint (Isaiah 40:28-31)
1. “Communicating our emotions in a bad taste as leaders
can be a recipe for unwarranted troubles” Anthony
2. “The natural tendency of any man to be self-centered
must always be submerged under the common good of
all men for the world to become a better place” Anthony
3. “If everything about life ends with death, we wouldn’t
have to be bothered about what we do here. Unfortunately,
there is life after death and that gives us a responsibility to
live the purpose for which our creator ( God Almighty)
sent us here” Anthony Baidoo
4. “We must learn to accept the fact that things will not
always work in the manner we deem fit; God will not
rain brimstone and fire on anyone because you don’t like
them. Focus on being your best always not on bringing
others down” Anthony Baidoo
5. “Until we understand and accept the fact that we are
all different, a little self-inclined and prone to making
mistakes, we will always have problems with others”
Anthony Baidoo
6. “In making decisions, be sure that you will be happy
with it tomorrow as you are with it today; ensure that
the decision does not breach moral principles. Make all
the consultations you can and just decide and remain
committed to it” Anthony Baidoo
7. “Live and allow others to also live by being a positive
inspiration not a thorn in others flesh” Anthony Baidoo
8. “We have a duty as citizens of this nation to uphold our
constitution and the rule of law; we must at least safeguard
our land if we can’t improve it” Anthony Baidoo
9. “The blood sacrifice of our Master and Savior Jesus will
never be in vain; See our Savior cometh. We must be
blamelessly holy to merit His Kingdom” Anthony Baidoo
10. “Those who always overcome are people who are strong
willed and unyielding; don’t give up on that vision because
of the discouraging words from men and the clandestine
attitude of detractors” Anthony Baidoo
11. “The heart and mind which schemes evil, together with
the hand and legs which prosecute selfish agenda to the
detriment of the less privileged and ordinary in society
shall forever perish in disgrace and infertility” Anthony
12. “A nation which celebrates its unemployed graduates
than farmers will soon go hungry” Anthony Baidoo
13. “You don’t loose your sense of rationality by believing
in a God you don’t see with your optical eyes, you only
submit yourself to the power of the one who created
rational beings as you do so” Anthony Baidoo
14. “The fact that someone is succeeding does not mean you
are failing; compete with yourself and become better at
what you do” Anthony Baidoo
15. “The same God who was there with you in the midnight
hour is able to save you from the battalion of challenges in
the day; Be still and know He is God Almighty” Anthony
16. “You don’t need all conditions to be perfect to overcome;
you need great tenacity and resilience to make crooked
path straight and high mountains low” Anthony Baidoo
17. “Until you live in the reality that you are only on earth
for a specified time, strategic planning is not in view”
Anthony Baidoo
18. “Your value is not just in what you are able to do now, it is
in all that you can become with discipline and the power
of God” Anthony Baidoo
19. “We shall overcome not because we are smarter than
everyone else but because of our faith in the creator of
the Universe” Anthony Baidoo
20. “Until we make a conscious effort to understand and love
people for who and what they are, we may never be able
to build a heart-to-heart bridge with them for onward
positive impact” Anthony Baidoo
21. “Leaders who listen to wrong counsel will misfire even if
they are Holy Ghost filled and tongues talking” Anthony
22. “If your motivation in life is just to dominate others
and lord it over everyone, you will soon loose touch of
fundamental human principles; until you genuinely
touch hearts, you will not be consciously followed as a
leader” Anthony Baidoo
23. “Command the blessings of God on your life always by
serving others with your heart without fear or favour”
Anthony Baidoo
24. “Destroying innocent lives in the name of leadership is
the highest level of stupidity and callousness” Anthony
25. “We are not civilized because we adulterate our make-
up from the divine architect; we are civilized because we
appreciate who and what we are and work to make the
world a better place” Anthony Baidoo
26. “Any breakthrough which does not have God as the
attributable factor has a weak foundation. What do we
have that we did not receive?” Anthony Baidoo
27. “Always set yourself into motion to becoming a blessing
to as many people as you can by looking out for what
you can do in your own small way to make life more
comfortable for others” Anthony Baidoo
28. “It is better to celebrate others than to denigrate them; the
former will open you up for positive inspiration while the
latter will make you bitter at your own expense” Anthony
29. “Don’t be offended if no one is celebrating you today, it is
an indication of the fact that you’ve not done enough to
merit celebrations. Instead of giving up on the little you
may be involved with, be rather encouraged to give off
you best to merit celebration tomorrow” Anthony Baidoo
30. “Who you really are when you are stripped of all your
earthly possessions and belongings is the identity which
will determine where you spend eternity. Proactively
work on your inner self to enhance your inner beauty”
Anthony Baidoo
31. “Don’t spend all your time weeping over what you don’t
have and forget what you’ve got. Be happy and enjoy
life as much as you can; Rome was never built in a day”
Anthony Baidoo
32. “Until your spirit leaves your body, allow every problem
that comes your way to make you stronger and better and
not bitter. Never give up on yourself and your dream to
achieve” Anthony Baidoo
33. It is very easy to argue in favour of what we have a soft
spot for or the object of our affinity than it is for us to be
objective at all times. We must guard our hearts against
our biases. Anthony Baidoo
What lies before and behind us are not more important
than what lies within us. We were created to be powerful
beyond what the mind can conceive. “For everyone who
asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone
who knocks, the door will be opened” (Matthew 7:8)
statements, faith filled words and destiny changing
quotations. If carefully observed and attended to one’s
life, his/her outlook towards life will never be the same.
Personally these quotes have shaped and keep shaping my
life. In my moments of heaviness they keep my hearts calm,
in periods of excitements it keeps my heart
in balance. Living life to the fullest is living on purpose and
purpose has no place without sound knowledge on issues
and circumstances of life. We are here on a temporal mission
and the best we can do to ourselves is to make the most of
the opportunities this life offers.
These profound statements will help you to maximize your
strength so that you don’t sell yourself short. Read them as
much as you can and understand its application in contemporary issues. The more we fill our hearts with good thought
by reading faith inspired words, the more we unleash the
power which lies dormant in us. We can all make it with
discipline and commitment to our assignment. Lots of Love
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