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Queensland Government Supplier Code
of Conduct 2023
Supplier formal declaration
<<Insert tender reference number>>
Commitment to the Queensland Government Supplier Code of Conduct 2023
I, the undersigned, acknowledge that:
The Queensland Government wants to do business with ethically, environmentally and socially
responsible suppliers.
The Queensland Government Supplier Code of Conduct 2023 (Code), applying from 1 June 2023,
sets out the expectations that government has of businesses that want to sell their goods or services
to the government, and outlines what constitutes a responsible supplier.
The expectations set out in the Code are not intended to reduce, alter or supersede any other
obligations which may be imposed by any applicable contract, standard, law, regulation or otherwise.
To ensure that the Code remains current and relevant, it may be amended or updated by the
Queensland Government.
Breaches of contractual, policy and legal obligations may result in penalties under the Ethical Supplier
On behalf of my organisation I:
6. Confirm that the Queensland Government’s expectations of suppliers as set out in the Code are
understood and applied.
7. Provide a commitment that, if selected to supply goods and/or services under any contract resulting
from <<insert tender reference number>>, we will meet the undertakings as contained within this
supplier declaration and particularly as per items 8 to 10 for the term of said contract.
Queensland Government Supplier Code of Conduct 2023 - Supplier formal declaration
Version 1.0 March 2023
I will:
8. Be responsible for periodically checking for updates and amendments to the Code.
9. Meet the Queensland Government’s expectations as set out in the Code, including as may be updated
or amended.
10. Will raise concerns or seek clarification in relation to any aspects of the Code, including any updates
or amendments to the Code.
11. Make all reasonable efforts to ensure the business’ supply chain is ethical and compliant with the