18/06/2023 DECISION MAKING & PROJECT APPRAISAL 1 Identity of the decision maker Who makes decisions? Managerial decision making is essentially an individual process, but one which takes place within an organizational context Decision maker – central to the process Decision – may influence other individuals and groups both within and outside the organization - Potential to influence the surrounding economic, social and technical environment within which they all operate 2 1 18/06/2023 Identity of the decision maker Resolving complex decisions involve: - Definition and evaluation of alternative actions - Resolution of how the chosen project should be physically undertaken Involve the expenditure of vast amounts of money Primary stakeholders – groups seeking to directly influence the decision maker, such as professional representative institutions or local community groups Secondary stakeholders (third parties to the decision) – environmental and economic pressure groups 3 Role of engineering economics in decision-making Most decisions involve money, called capital or capital funds , which is usually limited in amount. The decision of where and how to invest this limited capital is motivated by a primary goal of adding value as future, anticipated results of the selected alternative are realized. Engineers play a vital role in capital investment decisions based upon their ability and experience to design, analyze, and synthesize. The factors upon which a decision is based are commonly a combination of economic and noneconomic elements. Engineering economy deals with the economic factors. Engineering economy involves formulating, estimating, and evaluating the expected economic outcomes of alternatives designed to accomplish a defined purpose. Mathematical techniques simplify the economic evaluation of alternatives. 4 2 18/06/2023 Cash flows 4 Essential elements of the estimates and decision Times of occurrence of cash flows Interest rates for time value of money Measure of economic worth for selecting an alternative 5 Example 1 An engineer is performing an analysis of warranty costs for drive train repairs within the first year of ownership of luxury cars purchased in the United States. He found the average cost (to the nearest dollar) to be $570 per repair from data taken over a 5-year period. What range of repair costs should the engineer use to ensure that the analysis is sensitive to changing warranty costs? 6 3 18/06/2023 Decision-making process 7 Example Charlene is a newly hired mechanical engineer. She has been asked to select a pump to move 15,000 liters of slurry a day to the pollution treatment center. What process should she use to select the pump? 8 4 18/06/2023 1. Define Problem (1) slurry characteristics, such as particle size and corrosiveness; (2) pipe sizes and flow velocities for input and output; (3) any size, power, and location restrictions; (4) time horizon for using the pump and how soon is it needed; (5) cost limits; (6) vendor selection process—purchase order, competitive bid, or request for proposal (RFP); (7) how many pumps (identical, similar, or by the same vendor) are needed. 9 2. Choose Objective(s) Cost over the pump’s life and technical performance will usually dominate, but Charlene must also consider other factors, such as vendor and pump reliability, similarity to current practice, maintainability, and flexibility for changed conditions. 10 5 18/06/2023 3. Identify Alternatives If the pump will be purchased from a catalog or other vendor material, then Charlene must assemble and examine those materials from all appropriate vendors. If an RFP will be issued, then possible alternative specifications must be developed. 11 4. Evaluate Consequences Charlene must enumerate each alternative’s advantages and disadvantages with respect to the objectives. 12 6 18/06/2023 5. Select Charlene must select a pump based on costs and benefits adjusted for the time value of money. Technical performance objectives must be completely satisfied, so that any pump with deficiencies is eliminated from consideration. 13 6. Implement The pump must be ordered and installed. 14 7 18/06/2023 7. Audit This step evaluates the pump and the decision-making process after the pump is in use. The intent is to provide “lessons learned” to assist in future decisions. 15 Identifying attributes/criteria of evaluation Attributes represent the characteristics associated with the essential features of a proposed development. Any given option being considered must perform positively with respect to these features if it is to have any hope of fulfilling the overall objectives for the project as laid down by the decision maker. Within a complex engineering development, criteria may vary from well-defined quantitative attributes, such as economic and financial viability, to ones that are extremely difficult to define and quantify, such as morale and environmental welfare. Many view criteria that can be expressed in monetary terms as the most important within a decision problem, given that selecting the most efficient option that will make the best use of limited resources is the primary concern of the decision maker. 16 8 18/06/2023 Identifying attributes/criteria of evaluation More complex decision problems may involve attributes that prove difficult to define and measure. These attributes are termed ‘intangible’ or ‘qualitatively based’. A wide range of criteria, some monetary, some non-monetary but quantitative, and others purely qualitative must be considered. This can only be achieved within a multi-attribute or multicriteria decision-making format. 17 9