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Transport Management: Economics Presentation

“Transport Management”
Group B
Course No.: Econ 4205
Course title: Transport Economics
Submitted To:
SK. Faijan Bin Halim
Economics Discipline
Khulna University.
Presented By:
Jannatul Naim Palash (SID-171503)
Nazmin Akter Keya (SID- 171515)
Sumaia Yesmin (SID- 171525)
Md. Moniruzzaman Raton (SID-171531)
Prosenjit Mondal (SID-171542)
Date of Presentation: 29 December, 2020
Definition of transport management
• Transport management system is often part of a larger supply chain management
• A transport management system is such a platform where technology is used to
help business plan, to execute, and optimize the physical movement of goods, both
incoming and outgoing, and to make sure the transmission is consequential and
proper documentation is available.
• Transport management systems also streamline the shipping process and make it
easier for businesses to manage and optimize their transportation operations,
whether they are by land, air, or sea.
Definition of transport management
Transportation management systems are primarily used by businesses that need to
ship, move, and receive goods on a regular basis, including:
• Manufacturers
• Distributors
• Ecommerce companies
• Retail businesses
• Companies that provide logistics services, such as third-party and fourth-party
logistics (3PL and 4PL) companies and logistics service providers.
Importance to Have a Transport Management System
• Affects every part of the process, from planning to lifecycle management.
• Leads to more efficient transportation planning and execution.
• Leads to more sales, help businesses to grow.
• Results in higher customer satisfaction.
Traffic management
• Traffic management strategies involve operational approaches to improve traffic
flows on freeways and arterials in locations with high levels of congestion.
• Traffic management is seen often in the context of the planned strategy at ensuring
that road users comply with traffic rules. It is policing and monitoring of traffic as
well as enforcement of traffic rules and regulations.
• Traffic management as a body of knowledge is very recent in this part of the
world. Only very few colleges and universities offer courses related to the
A conscious effort to ameliorate problems resulting from automobile use
A systematic and sustained effort of directing and controlling traffic
The application of a range of traffic engineering and administrative techniques
Traffic management
Goals of Traffic Management
• Reduction of the negative effects
• Ensure free flow of traffic
• Reduce congestion and delay
• Increased road capacity
• Reduced road traffic crashes (accident)
Basic Traffic Management Strategies
• The core principle underlying the strategies in traffic management rests on the
“3Es”. Evaluation makes the fourth “E”, which is an important later addition. “6
Es or 9 Es”.
1. Education
2. Engineering
3. Enforcement
4. Evaluation
For fuller comprehension, the other ones that have been identified include factors
such as: 5. Environment 6. Enlightenment 7. Enactment 8. Establishment of Road
Traffic Management Agency 9. Execution
• Education: Training and licensing of drivers and riders, Enlightenment and
reorientation of road users
• Engineering: Roads are engineering structure on which vehicular traffic apply.
• Enforcement: Arresting and punishing violators of traffic rules and regulations.
• Evaluation: Evaluation is central to all strategies. It is a process of reviewing the
policies, plans and programme set to achieve traffic management objectives.
Necessary to make smart city
• Swept Path Analysis: Analysis of the movement of a vehicle.
• Intelligent Traffic Signals Installation: Use automated algorithms and real time
data to make traffic signals work intelligently.
• Traffic Impact Assessment: Traffic impact assessment (TIA) is an analysis of the
impact of projected developmental activities on the existing traffic and the
improvements to mitigate those impacts.
• Traffic Calming: Known as Local Area Traffic Management (LATM), is the
process of engaging with the locals in different localities to identify traffic and
parking issues in their area.
Parking Management
• Parking management refers to policies and programs that result in
more efficient use of parking resources. Parking management includes
several specific strategies when appropriately applied parking
management can significantly reduce the number of parking spaces
required in a particular situation, providing a variety of economic,
social and environmental benefits.
Parking management approaches
• Regulation of on-street parking
• On-street parking pricing
• Three powerful instruments for parking space management
• Correct rates, prices and appropriate fines are key to the success of parking
Traffic Signs
Traffic signs have been usually put on the
side of a street or highway bearing symbols
or words of warning or direction or
information to drivers or to pedestrians and
often having a characteristic shape.
• The general principle of traffic signs is to make a
message known quickly, accurately with minimum
reading skills required.
Types of Traffic Sign
There are four types of traffic signs in
• Mandatory signs;
• The purpose of these signs is to meet the goal of the
BRTA (Bangladesh Road Transport Authority) that is to
ensure safe, rapid and efficient transportation.
• Prohibitory signs;
• Poor traffic signals can lead to a break down in the
• Warning signs;
• Traffic signs must be recognizable by their shape, color,
message and diagram.
• Informative signs
Mandatory or Obligatory Sings
• Traffic signs that must be obeyed
by the drivers and general pedestrian
is known as “Mandatory or
Obligatory Sings” such as “Turn
Left”, “Route for Cycle Only”,
“Minimum Speed Limit 30 K.m.”,
• The mandatory or obligatory signs
are usually a Blue Circle. Sometimes
it can be Quadrate such as “One
Way Traffic” or Rectangular, such
as “Moving to One Side".
Prohibitory Signs
• There are some Prohibition Signs that
forbid drivers to do things that are
known as ‘Mandatory No Sign’, Such
as ‘No parking’, ‘No overtaking’,
"Stop", "Maximum speed limit 40
km", etc.
• Prohibitory signs are usually Red
• Sometimes they can be of different
sizes, such as the red rectangle sign
"Stop and give way to another" which
is used for temporary needs.
Special Prohibitory Sings
Give Way (রাস্তা দিন বা আগে যেগে দিন)
• This sign is Triangular in
Stop and Give Way (থামুন এবং রাস্তা দিন)
• This sign is Octagonal in shape.
• If any driver sees this sign, he/she
• This type of sign is used at
must stop the car first and then
junctions and roundabouts.
proceed if it is safe to be proceed.
• If the drivers see this sign, they must slow
• Such signs are used on roads where the junction is
down and move towards the junction and cross
not easily visible or on roads where entry is not safe
the junction very carefully by observing the
without stopping at the junction.
movement of vehicles on the main road.
• Generally, this type of sign is used in unguarded
rail crossings.
Warning Sings
• Warning signs are used to alert
highway, street or road users
against unexpected and dangerous
• Warning signs include sings such
as ‘narrow road in front’, ‘buck on
the right’, ‘Pedestrians in road
ahead’ etc.
• Warning signs are usually red and
triangular in shape.
Special Warning Sings
• Some warning signs are used in
case of emergency or for a
temporary period of time, such
as ‘sudden left turn’, ‘alternative
road’, ‘temporarily closed lane in
front’ etc.
Informatory Sign
• Informatory signs don’t indicate any
restriction, obligation and warning.
• These signs are meant to provide
information on direction, destination,
roadside facilities, etc. to the road user.
• Informatory traffic signs help a driver
in saving time, reaching destination
without wandering around.
• These signs are generally facilitators
to the driver.
Advantages of one way street system
A one way street only allows vehicles to move in one direction down the road. ‘No-entry’ signs are
used to prevent vehicles travelling the wrong way along the road, and sometimes road junctions are
redesigned to make it difficult to turn against the flow of traffic. For traffic travelling in the correct
direction, arrow signs are used to show it is a one way street system.vantages of one way street
 Prevent vehicles using the road as a short cut / rat run
 Create more road space for car and cycle parking
 Help traffic to move more freely
 More effective co-ordination of signal system
 To calm traffic, especially in historic city centers
 Eliminate turns that involve crossing in front of oncoming traffic
 Increase traffic flow and potentially reduce traffic congestion
 Eliminate the need for a center turn lane that can instead be used for travel
Advantages of one way street system
Better traffic flow in densely built-up areas where road widening may not be
Simplify pedestrian crossing of the street due to walkers only needing to look for
oncoming traffic in one direction
Eliminate cars' driver-side doors opening into the travel lane in parallel parking
spaces for parking lanes located on the left (right-hand drive) or right (left-hand
drive) side of a street
Locate a one-way bike lane on the opposite side of the street from parallel parking
spaces to prevent dooring.
Prevent drivers from cutting through residential streets to bypass traffic lights or
other requirements to stop.
Reduction in severe accidents involving head-on collisions
Disadvantages of One Way Street System
One-Way road networks have a number of characteristics that can be used as
advantages and disadvantages. They are used often in comparative analyzes in order
to help design an overview and are static concepts, based on the descriptive
parameters of an area, over a period of time. The characteristics represent what
already exist. There are problems that we can encounter on a one-way street:
The increase in Motorist Inattentiveness.
Increased Imbalance in Traffic Volumes.
Increased Environmental Injustice.
Difficulty in Entering or Exiting the Street.
Increase in Inconvenience.
Disadvantages of One Way Street System
Increased Inducement to Sprawl.
Increased “Barrier Effect.
The increase in Motorist Impatience.
Increase in travel distance for majority of vehicle trips.
Possible increase in fuel cost and also travel time for a small proportion of
Possibility of violation of one-way regulation (to save extra travel distance) by
some road users in the absence of strict enforcement, resulting in additional
Difficult for pedestrians to cross wide one-way roads-this may lead to additional
pedestrian accidents on such wide road stretches, unless appropriate measures are
taken for safe pedestrian crossing facility at identified locations.
Decreased road safety because of the accidents caused by the high travel speed
• Ajala, A.T. (2016). Traffic management strategies and best practices. Abeokuta, Ogun State:
Gbenga Gbesan and Associates, p. 5
• Costa, Á., Rocha, C. and Melo, S. (2014). Parking management policies and the effectiveness of
public policy solutions, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 111, pp. 965-973.
• Enoch, M.P. and Ison, S. (2006). Levying charges on private parking: lessons from existing
practice, World Transport Policy and Practice, 12(1), pp. 5-14.
• Motorcycle
• Online Portal of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (2020). আসুন ট্রাফিক সাইন জাফন, সড়ক দূর্টনা
থেকক বাাঁফি [online], Available at: https://dmpnews.org/13466-2/.