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In this method facebook giving $250 threshold,
Resources needed :
1. USA RDP you can use Azure or Amazon Aws.
2. USA bank account bank of america.
3. USA old ID needed (at least one year old )
4. You need a USA old id.
5. Use brave browser only.
1. bank of america bank account.
2.Now go on facebook.com < setting and privacy < setting < ads payment < now go on payment method (make sure account currency should be in USD.
3.Now click on add payment method < select online banking < search bank (that you have created) < enter bank username and password. Now, your payment method is now added to facebook.
4.Now, your payment method is now added to facebook, Now, without refreshing the page, close the window and give it rest at least for 7 day.
5.Now, without refreshing the page, close the window and give it rest at least for 7 day. Now, after giving it rest go in ads manager and create your ads. When your ad got approved by facebook go in payment method page.
6.Now, after giving it rest go in ads manager and create your ads. When your ad got approved by facebook go in payment method page.CONGRATULATIONS!! you have got the $250 threshold enjoy.
My Telegram: https://t.me/fecebookadsbinmethod
My Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_TexEkzyEPjSNXIrQngO1Q