ð21Þ ð21Þ ð21Þ GUIDELINE ON LOCATING MATERIALS IN STRESS TABLES, AND IN TABLES OF MECHANICAL AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 1 INTRODUCTION The goal of this Guideline is to assist the users of Sec onII,PartDinloca ngmaterialsinstresstables(Tables1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3, 4, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B, 6C, and 6D), tables ofmechanical proper es (Tables U and Y-1), and tables ofphysical proper es (Tables TE-1 through TE-5, TCD,TM-1 through TM-5,andPRD). This Guideline definesthe logic used to place materials within these tables.2 STRESS TABLESStresstablesareallfoundwithinSec onII,PartD,Subpart 1. Tables 1A, 1B, 3, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B, 6C, and 6D coverallowable stresses, while Tables 2A, 2B,and4 cover design stress intensi es. The governing allowable stressesfor those materials are provided in ASME BPVC, Sec onIV. Although Subpart 1 also covers ul mate tensilestrengthandyieldstrength,theorganiza ono hosemechanical property tables will be discussed separately inpara. 3.Atable-by-table lis ng of the materials-organiza on logic used to place materials within the designated tables follows.2.1 TABLE 1ATable1Aprovidesallowablestressesforferrous1materialsusedinSec onI;Sec onIII,Division1,Classes2and 3; Sec on VIII, Division 1; and Sec on XII construc on.Within Table 1A, the first step in ordering materials istousetheirnominalcomposi ons.Thesenominalcomposi onsarenothingmorethanacceptedcomposi ona lfingerprints or widely recognized designators for each alloyor alloy class. These nominal composi ons are arrangedin Table 1A as follows:(a)carbon steels(b)carbon steels with small addi ons of Cb, Ti, and V(microalloyed steels)(c) C–1/2Mo steels(d)chromium steels, including ferri c stainless steels,by increasing Cr content [1/2Cr,3/4Cr,1Cr,11/4Cr, 21/4Cr,3Cr, 5Cr, 9Cr, 11Cr, 12Cr, 13Cr, 15Cr, 17Cr (including17Cr–4Ni–4Cu and 17Cr–7Ni–1Al), 18Cr, 26Cr, 27Cr,and 29Cr](e) manganese steels (Mn– 1/4Mo, Mn–1/2Mo, Mn–1/2Ni,and Mn–V)(f) silicon steel (11/2Si–1/2Mo)(g)nickel steels (1/2Ni,3/4Ni, 1Ni, 11/4Ni, 2Ni, 21/2Ni,23/4Ni, 3Ni, 31/2Ni, 4Ni, 5Ni, 8Ni, and 9Ni)(h)other high nickel steels [25Ni– 15Cr–2Ti (Grade660) and 29Ni–20Cr–3Cu–2Mo (CN7M)](i) high alloy steels, including the duplex stainlesssteels, in order of increasing chromium content [beginning with 14Cr–16Ni–6Si–Cu–Mo, then 16Cr–9Mn–2Ni–N, then 16Cr–12Ni–2Mo (316L), etc.], then by increasingnickelcontentwithinagivenchromiumorotheralloy content [18Cr–8Ni, 18Cr–8Ni–N, 18Cr–8Ni– 4Si–N,18Cr–10Ni–Cb (first S34700, then S34709, S34800, andS34809), 18Cr–10Ni–Ti, 18Cr–11Ni, etc., ending with29Cr–6.5Ni–2Mo–N].Unfortunately, most specifica ons for materials do notgive nominal composi ons — and without that informa on, one may not know the nominal composi on for apar cular material in Table 1A. If the specifica on number and alloy grade or type designa on are known, thenone can go to Sec on IX, Table QW/QB-422 and find thecorresponding nominal composi on.Now, for a given nominal composi on, Table 1A is arranged by increasing strength — first tensile strengthandthenyieldstrength.Foragivennominalcomposi on,tensilestrength,andyieldstrength,stresslis ngsareprovided in order of increasing specifica on number. Some mes, for a given nominal composi on, tensile strength,yield strength, and specificaiton number/grade or type,theremaybemorethanonelineofstresses.A hispoint,the Notes referenced on the second page ofeach page setwithin Table 1A will define why there are two or morelines of stresses and when each applies.2.2 TABLE 1BTable 1B provides allowable stresses for nonferrousmaterials used in Sec on I; Sec on III, Division 1, Classes2and3;Sec onVIII,Division1;andSec onXIIconstruc on. Aluminum alloys (UNS AXXXXX materials) are thefirstmaterialscoveredinTable1B,followedbycopperalloys (UNS CXXXXX), nickel alloys (UNS NXXXXX), and thereac ve and refractory metals and alloys (UNS RXXXXX).Within this la er category there are the following:(a)chromium alloys (R2XXXX)(b)cobalt alloys (R3XXXX)(c) tanium alloys (R5XXXX)(d)zirconium alloys (R6XXXX)Within each of these material class groupings, stresslinesarefirst organizedbyincreasingUNS(Unified Numbering System) number. The nonferrous specifica onsnowshowthesenumbersinassocia onwithgradedesigna ons. Then, for a given UNS number, stress lines areASME BPVC.II.D.M-20213Copyrighted material licensed to Vysus Group by Techstreet LLC, subscrip ons.techstreet.com, downloaded on 202110-26 22:06:21 +0000 by Joshua John. No further reproduc on or distribu on is permi ed.