Eaglebine play of the southwestern East Texas basin: Stratigraphic and depositional framework of the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian– Turonian) Woodbine and Eagle Ford Groups Tucker F. Hentz, William A. Ambrose, and David C. Smith The Woodbine and Eagle Ford Groups of the southwestern East Texas basin compose an emerging play, which has generated considerable interest because of its potential for new hydrocarbon production from both sandstone and mudrock reservoirs. However, the play’s stratigraphic and depositional relations are complex and directly relate to the play’s exploration challenges. Productive Woodbine and Eagle Ford (sub-Clarksville) sandstones intertongue with a poorly defined, subregional mudrockdominated interval that thins southwestward toward the San Marcos arch. We propose dividing this succession into two intervals: (1) the Lower unit, a high-gamma-ray unit at the base of this mudrock succession that is inferred to be equivalent to the Maness Shale of the Washita Group and to part of the lower Eagle Ford Group on the San Marcos arch, and (2) an Upper unit, a basinward-thickening zone of consistently lower gamma-ray-log facies inferred to be equivalent to the Woodbine Group, Pepper Shale, and the Eagle Ford Group of the East Texas basin. Because the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary occurs within the Eagle Ford Group of the East Texas basin and the lower Eagle Ford section of the San Marcos arch, most of the Manessthrough-Eagle Ford succession exists as a much-thinned section on the arch. Copyright ©2014. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved. Manuscript received December 31, 2013; provisional acceptance April 01, 2013; revised manuscript received June 03, 2014; final acceptance July 07, 2014. DOI: 10.1306/07071413232 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/aapgbull/article-pdf/98/12/2551/3377384/BLTN13232.pdf by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals user Tucker F. Hentz ∼ Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, University Station, Box X, Austin, Texas 78713-8924; tucker.hentz@beg.utexas.edu Tucker F. Hentz is a research scientist associate at the Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences at The University of Texas at Austin. His areas of interest include sequence-stratigraphic analysis and siliciclastic depositional systems. Hentz received his B.A. and M.S. degrees in geology from Franklin & Marshall College and The University of Kansas, respectively. William A. Ambrose ∼ Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, University Station, Box X, Austin, Texas 78713-8924; william.ambrose@ beg.utexas.edu ABSTRACT AAPG Bulletin, v. 98, no. 12 (December 2014), pp. 2551–2580 AUTHORS 2551 William A. Ambrose is a research scientist at the Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences at The University of Texas at Austin. His areas of interest include unconventional energy minerals, siliciclastic depositional systems, and stratigraphy. Ambrose holds B.S. and M.A. degrees in geosciences from The University of Texas at Austin. David C. Smith ∼ Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, University Station, Box X, Austin, Texas 78713-8924; david.carr@beg.utexas.edu David Smith is a research scientist associate and database analyst at the Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences at The University of Texas at Austin. Smith received his B.S. degree in geosciences from The University of Texas at San Antonio. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was funded by the State of Texas Advanced Resource Recovery (STARR) project. The author thanks Sun Resources NL for access to its well-log data set. Stewart Bayford of Sun Resources generously shared his knowledge of Woodbine geology and reservoirs. We also extend our appreciation to Eric Potter for his insights into Eagle Ford and Woodbine production, Steve Ruppel for input on regional Eagle Ford stratigraphic issues, and John Snedden for discussions regarding finer details of basin-scale sequence stratigraphy. Special thanks go to Gene Powell for allowing us to reproduce Eaglebine production statistics published in his digest. The manuscript benefited from the reviews of Rick Abegg, Art Donovan, Ryan Grimm, and Mihaela Ryer. Jason Suarez prepared the illustrations under the direction of Cathy Brown, Manager, Media Information Technology. Publication authorized by the Director, Bureau of Economic Geology. The AAPG Editor thanks the following reviewers for their work on this paper: Rick Abegg, Arthur D. Donovan, Ryan Grimm, and Mihaela S. Ryer. Basinwide integration of the Woodbine sequencestratigraphic framework shows that the number of fourth-order sequences in the unit decreases westward from 14 in the basin axis to no more than 9 in the most active part of the Eaglebine play because of their systematic depositional pinch out approaching the western basin margin. The Eagle Ford Group consists of three fourth-order sequences capped by the sub-Clarksville sandstones that accumulated after the major late Cenomanian–early Turonian flooding event recorded by a basinwide transgressive systems tract (TST) at the base of the unit. Depositional systems of the Woodbine Group vary within the study area, even between stratigraphically adjacent systems. On-shelf siliciclastic systems include fluvial-dominateddelta; incised-valley-fill fluvial and nearshore-marine; and wavedominated-delta deposits. INTRODUCTION The Eaglebine play of east-central Texas stratigraphically comprises primarily siliciclastic facies of an outer-shelf depositional environment of the lower Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Maness Shale and Woodbine Group and the upper Cenomanian and Turonian Eagle Ford Group (Figure 1). Areally, the play is defined primarily by the subsurface distribution of Woodbine Group and Eagle Ford sandstones (hence, the informal term “Eaglebine”) and equivalent mudrock facies extending from the northeast flank of the San Marcos arch into the southern part of the East Texas basin to the Texas–Louisiana state boundary (Figure 1). The entire on-shelf interval is vertically constrained by the Buda Limestone of the Washita Group at the base and the Austin Chalk at the top. The downdip part of the play extends southeast of the Edwards reef trend, which marks the approximate Woodbine shelf margin (Wu et al., 1990) (Figure 2), where localized shelf-edge deltaic deposits (Ambrose and Hentz, 2012) and upper- and lower-slope Woodbine sandstones are interpreted to exist along at least parts of the shelf-edge and slope trends (Siemers, 1978; Foss, 1979; Stricklin, 2002). However, most exploration activity currently exists within a zone about 20 mi (32 km) northeast of the shelf margin across the southern part of the East Texas basin (Figure 2). The shelf-edge and deeper slope Woodbine- and potential Eagle Ford-equivalent sandstone facies are being scrutinized (e.g., Bunge, 2011), and the productive area of the play may well expand into the slope region. Although historically productive sub-Clarksville fluvialdeltaic sandstones occur within the upper part of the Eagle Ford Group in the southwest part of the East Texas basin in the play 2552 Eaglebine Play of the Southwestern East Texas Basin Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/aapgbull/article-pdf/98/12/2551/3377384/BLTN13232.pdf by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals user A Stage A' Maverick Basin San Marcos Arch East Texas Basin Stage Coniacian Eagle Ford Group Austin Chalk Turonian ? Woodbine Group er pp Pe N Cenomanian San Marcos Arch Upper Eagle Ford Group Cenomanian M an es sS Fo rd es to Gr ne ou p r we Lo A' ha le A e gl Ea Eaglebine play m Turonian ale Sh Coniacian da Bu Li Laminated, calcareous, organic-rich mudrock Interbedded, burrowed, laminated, calcareous mudrock Organic-poor, clay-rich, siliceous mudrock Fluvial–deltaic sandstone Deep-platform lime mudstone Shallow-platform lime mudstone ft 200 0 m 60 0 Figure 1. Schematic southwest–northeast cross section AA′ illustrating regional lithostratigraphic and lithofacies relationships across the Eagle Ford Group (southwest of San Marcos arch) and Eaglebine play areas. Approximate location of stage boundaries from Donovan et al. (2012) (Maverick basin) and Pessagno (1969), Hancock et al. (1994), and Hancock and Walaszczyk (2004) (East Texas basin). Modified from Hentz and Ruppel (2010, their figure 9). area (Barton, 1982; Surles, 1987), most recent exploration efforts in the play have targeted Woodbine sandstone facies. Exploration in the Eaglebine play is driven primarily by recent advances in horizontaldrilling and multistage hydraulic-fracturing methods to maximize hydrocarbon production primarily from subregional stratigraphic traps in complex sandstone successions at the southwestern fringe of the Woodbine complex and in other areas of the southern East Texas basin. Many historic Woodbine fields with structural and combination traps are associated with salt structures in the East Texas basin (Jackson and Seni, 1984; Wescott and Hood, 1994). However, stratigraphic traps formed either by facies pinch out or diagenetic barriers in mostly thin (<25 ft [8 m]), locally fractured sandstone beds characterize the developed parts of the play not associated with salt structures (Siemers, 1978; Foss, 1979). Lease acquisition and exploration is quite active in the play; however, little is known about Woodbine depositional facies, areal and vertical distribution of sandstone facies, and their sequencestratigraphic context either at the play or field scale. The few studies of stratigraphic and depositional aspects of the subsurface Woodbine Group are either broadly regional and based on sparsely distributed well data (Oliver, 1971) or focus on the unit in the central, northeastern, and eastern parts of the East Texas basin (Ambrose et al., 2009). The area of greatest exploration activity in the play is currently in the southwest part of the East Texas basin, where Woodbine fluvial-deltaic sandstones are regionally HENTZ ET AL. Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/aapgbull/article-pdf/98/12/2551/3377384/BLTN13232.pdf by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals user 2553 97° 94° 106° 100° 94° 36° Oklahoma Woodbine outcrop Arkansas 32° Texas Louisiana 33° ne 28° East Texas field –T alco Fault Zo exico of M ulf G Mexico 0 N 0 200 mi 400 km Sabine Uplift Mex ia East Texas Basin Study area Houston Basin axis Leon Play area (most active) Robertson ertson 31° Madison Grimes G Burleson Ed ds wa r trend reef 0 40 mi 0 60 km Brazos Figure 2. Map of the study area and major structural features within the Eaglebine play area, highlighting the currently most active area of the play in Leon, Madison, Brazos, Burleson, Grimes, and Robertson counties. discontinuous and thinner than those of the axial part of the basin to the east (Figure 2). In this area, most current Eaglebine wells target upper Woodbine sandstones just below the base of the Eagle Ford Group (Powell Shale Digest, 2013), although production exits from thin sandstones throughout the Woodbine succession near the southwestern margin of the main Woodbine depocenter. This study has several objectives: (1) clarify fundamental issues of the lithostratigraphy within the area of most active Eaglebine exploration (Figure 2); (2) discuss possible chronostratigraphic relations of the Maness, Woodbine, and Eagle Ford intervals and the mudrock-dominated succession into which these units all grade at this margin of the East Texas basin; (3) define the sequence-stratigraphic framework of the Woodbine and Eagle Ford Groups in the area; and (4) identify the depositional systems and 2554 trends of potential reservoir sandstones of the Woodbine Group in a focused part of this active area (Leon, eastern Robertson, Madison, and western Houston counties). DATABASE AND METHODS The database used in this study includes (1) welllog suites for about 510 wells in the 3350‐mi2 ð8680‐km2 Þ study area of Leon, Madison, and western Houston counties used (Figure 2); (2) about 1100 additional well logs distributed throughout the play area from the San Marcos arch to the Sabine uplift and the central East Texas basin; and (3) 39 ft (12 m) of one publicly available whole core from the study area to corroborate Woodbine depositional-systems identification and stratal-stacking Eaglebine Play of the Southwestern East Texas Basin Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/aapgbull/article-pdf/98/12/2551/3377384/BLTN13232.pdf by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals user patterns interpreted from well logs of one of the mapped sandstone units. Five publicly available whole cores from five wells in the study exist, but well logs could not be acquired for two of them. One core is from the same sandstone zone as that in a close offset well and is thus largely redundant, and one other core is from a sequence that depositionally pinches out along the eastern edge of the study area. No seismic data were available for the study. The regional set of well logs was used for regional sequence-stratigraphic correlation and delineation of the areal distribution of the gross Eagle Ford and Woodbine lithofacies to provide a play-scale context for the varying rock successions. The denser well-log data set of the study area enabled sequencestratigraphic correlation and gross-sandstone mapping to create a focused view of the Eaglebine lithofacies relations, sandstone trends, and depositional systems within the most active area of exploration. For sequence-stratigraphic correlation within the study area, primarily gamma-ray logs were used to ensure consistent and accurate representation and interpretation of sandstone and mudstone intervals within the study interval. Because of varying gamma-ray scales on logs of differing age and the typical slight downhole drifting of the gamma-ray curve, we used a relative gamma-ray cutoff value to best calculate gross-sandstone values. A cutoff value of one-half the length from the shale base line to the lowest gamma-ray value (sandstone) within 200 ft (61 m) of the measured interval was used. Only gamma-ray curves were used for systems-tract interpretation because they most accurately represent siliciclastic grain-size stacking patterns. Techniques used for interpreting sequence stratigraphy from wireline logs are discussed by Van Wagoner et al. (1990) and Mitchum et al. (1993). Sequence-stratigraphic surfaces, including sequence boundaries (SB), transgressive surfaces of erosion (TS), and maximum flooding surfaces (MFS) were inferred primarily from the logs’ gamma-ray signatures, supported by whole-core data from the study area. The correlated surfaces (SB, TS, and MFS) are numbered in consecutive order of increasing age in increments of 10 (for example, SB 10, SB 20, …, SB 100). The sequence boundary at the base of an incised-valley fill (IVF) of a lowstand systems tract (LST) was correlated with that at the top of an adjacent upward-coarsening cycle that represents a younger highstand systems tract (HST) into which the valley fill was cut. Transgressive surfaces of erosion define the top of the aggradational valley fill and coincide with sequence boundaries atop the HST. Maximum flooding surfaces cap upward-fining successions, the transgressive systems tracts (TSTs), at gamma-ray maxima above the lowstand IVF and highstand successions. Because Woodbine sandstones tend to be discontinuous in the southwest part of the East Texas basin, we used these regionally correlated MFSs to more rigorously define the succession’s systems tracts. REGIONAL GEOLOGIC SETTING The East Texas basin, a structural embayment of the Gulf Coast Basin, is bounded on the north and west by the Mexia–Talco fault zone and on the east by the Sabine uplift (Figure 2). In its deepest part, the basin is filled with more than 13,000 ft (>3960 m) of Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata (Wood and Guevara, 1981), which were structurally modified by mobilization of the Middle Jurassic Louann Salt, most commonly as diapirs, throughout Cretaceous and early Cenozoic basin sedimentation (Seni and Jackson, 1984). Salt mobilization and concurrent rapid accumulation of voluminous Woodbine siliciclastic sediments were the principal mechanisms for Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) subsidence and creation of accommodation in the East Texas basin (Seni and Jackson, 1984; Ambrose et al., 2009). The Sabine uplift is a low-relief regional anticlinorium lying astride the Texas–Louisiana border between the East Texas basin and north Louisiana diapir province (Ewing, 1991a). The uplift was gradually rising during deposition of the Woodbine Group, which greatly affected its sequence distribution and framework within the adjacent basin (Ambrose et al., 2009). The southwestern part of the East Texas basin merges into the northeast flank of the San Marcos arch (Figure 1), a broad southeast-trending area of lesser subsidence between the Maverick basin of South Texas and the East Texas basin. Laubach and HENTZ ET AL. Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/aapgbull/article-pdf/98/12/2551/3377384/BLTN13232.pdf by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals user 2555 Jackson (1990) inferred it to be a basement uplift related to late Mesozoic to Cenozoic foreland or intraplate folding. The Woodbine Group represents the dominant, most widespread episode of coarse siliciclastic deposition during the Late Cretaceous in the East Texas basin (Oliver, 1971; Ambrose et al., 2009). This basin-scale fluvial-deltaic complex reaches a maximum thickness of approximately 1090 ft (∼330 m) in the basin axis and thins eastward toward the Sabine uplift, westward toward the outcrop belt (Figure 2), and southwestward toward the San Marcos arch. Within the study area, the Woodbine interval thins toward the west from about 920 ft (∼280 m) in southern Houston County to about 560 ft (∼170 m) in western Leon County (Figure 3). The Edwards reef trend coincides with the approximate location of the Woodbine depositional shelf edge (Wu et al., 1990, their figure 2A) (Figure 2). LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY AND CHRONOSTRATIGRAPHY Regional subsurface lithostratigraphic relations between the lower Upper Cretaceous succession (Buda Limestone to Austin Chalk) in the prolific Eagle Ford Group play area southwest of the San Marcos arch and the same interval northeast of the arch in the East Texas basin are complex (Figures 1, 4–6). This complicated stratigraphic and regional lithofacies framework has a direct bearing on the exploration challenges of the Eaglebine section Figure 3. Isochore map of Woodbine Group of the central and southern parts of the East Texas basin, including the study area. 94°58' 32°35' Isochore (ft) 1000–1100 900–1000 800–900 700–800 600–700 500–600 400–500 Basin axis Contour interval = 100 ft Study area Anderson 600 500 Freestone 80 0 0 Houston 90 0 70 Leon N Madison 30°50' 96°50' 2556 0 10 mi 0 15 km Eaglebine Play of the Southwestern East Texas Basin Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/aapgbull/article-pdf/98/12/2551/3377384/BLTN13232.pdf by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals user Mancini and Puckett (2005) Barton (1982) Nichols (1964) Austin Chalk Austin Chalk Austin Chalk Austin Chalk Austin Chalk Coker Sand Dexter Formation Lewisville Formation Harris Sand Maness Shale Woodbine Group Eagle Ford Group Subclarksville Sand Buda Limestone Harris Formation Lewisville Formation Woodbine Group Lewisville Formation Woodbine Formation Maness (Pepper) Buda Limestone Buda Limestone Buda Limestone Maness Shale Woodbine Group Harris Delta Lower unit Dexter Formation Pepper Shale Buda Limestone Cenomanian Woodbine Group Maness Shale Upper unit S.C.* Coker Dexter Formation Eagle Ford Group Turonian Upper Cretaceous Eagle Ford Subclarksville Sub-Clarksville sandstones Eagle Ford Group Adams and Carr (2010) Coniacian to Campanian Eagle Ford Group Stage Series This study *Subclarksville Sand Figure 4. Schematic diagram summarizing proposed subsurface stratigraphic framework of this study and subsurface nomenclature of selected earlier studies. in the currently most active area of the play (Figure 2). Hentz and Ruppel (2010) discussed some of the subsurface stratigraphic intricacies in this region. After correlating more densely spaced well logs over a larger area in this region, we can now present a clearer picture of gross lithofacies correlations to guide explorationists and researchers. Until detailed paleontologic study from cores is conducted, we cannot prove precise age correlations among the described subsurface intervals. However, sequencestratigraphic analysis provides a reasonable chronostratigraphic proxy for biostratigraphic study. Eagle Ford Group (Maverick Basin) Southwest of the San Marcos arch in South Texas, only the Eagle Ford Group occurs between the Buda Limestone and Austin Chalk (Childs et al., 1988), both of which extend from the Texas–Mexico border to the Sabine uplift on the eastern margin of the East Texas basin (Sohl et al., 1991) (Figure 1). The organic-rich lower Eagle Ford Group, the primary target interval for drilling and completion, greatly thins (but is continuous) over the San Marcos arch (Hentz and Ruppel, 2010). However, the upper Eagle Ford Group is restricted to the Maverick basin area of South Texas (Hentz and Ruppel, 2010; Tian et al., 2012) (Figure 6A). The northern subsurface limit of the lower Eagle Ford Group occurs about 50 mi (∼80 km) northeast of the arch axis (Figure 5). In this southwestern part of the East Texas basin (eastern Milam, Burleson, and Washington counties and western Robertson County), the Buda Limestone-toAustin Chalk interval extends into the basin as a HENTZ ET AL. Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/aapgbull/article-pdf/98/12/2551/3377384/BLTN13232.pdf by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals user 2557 Figure 5. Areal subsurface distribution of the lower Eagle Ford Group, Pepper Shale, Lower unit, Upper unit, and Woodbine Group in the Eaglebine play area. Refer to Figure 6B for cross-sectional interpretation of depicted lithostratigraphic zones. Locations of Mexia–Talco fault zone and Edwards and Sligo shelf margins from Ewing (1990). mudrock-dominated succession consisting of two informal divisions herein defined by contrasting gamma-ray-log facies: Lower unit and Upper unit (Figure 6B). The Lower unit is the northeastward (basinward) continuation of the uniformly highgamma-ray log facies of the lower Eagle Ford Group (Figure 6B, wells 1, 2), and it is characterized by a nearly isopachous (100–145 ft [30–44 m]) interval of similarly high-gamma-ray log facies (wells 3–7). In contrast, the Upper unit comprises a basinwardthickening (<200 ft [<60 m] to ∼525 ft [∼160 m]), consistently lower gamma-ray-log facies. The “transition” zone depicted in Figure 5 delineates the general areal extent of the change from lower Eagle Ford log facies to those of the Lower and Upper units. 2558 Eagle Ford Group (East Texas Basin) This entire two-unit mudrock succession thickens markedly toward the northeast into the basin from 25 ft (8 m) or less along the axis of the San Marcos arch (Figure 6B, well 1) to greater than 650 ft (>200 m) near the southwesternmost occurrence of prominent Woodbine sandstone facies (Figure 6B, well 6). In western Limestone, southeastern Falls, Robertson, western Leon, Brazos, southern Grimes, eastern Burleson, and eastern Washington counties, part of the Upper unit is inferred to be chronostratigraphically equivalent to the Eagle Ford Group (Figure 6B, wells 6, 7). Note that in the East Texas basin, the Eagle Ford Group only occurs as a Eaglebine Play of the Southwestern East Texas Basin Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/aapgbull/article-pdf/98/12/2551/3377384/BLTN13232.pdf by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals user separate, definable lithostratigraphic unit where Woodbine sandstone facies underlie it and define its base (Figure 4). That part of the Upper unit that is likely time equivalent to the Eagle Ford Group probably progressively thins southwestward because of both regional depositional thinning near the edge of the East Texas basin and to erosional truncation at the base-of-Austin Chalk unconformity. The unconformity is present throughout the East Texas basin, with rocks of late Turonian and early Coniacian age missing through truncation and possibly nondeposition (Surles, 1987; Ambrose et al., 2009), and it is present in outcrop along the crest of the San Marcos arch (Young and Woodruff, 1985). Biostratigraphic studies by Moreman (1942), Kennedy (1988), and Hancock et al. (1994) establish that the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary occurs in outcrops of the lower part of the Eagle Ford Group and, by correlation, in the East Texas basin subsurface (Surles, 1987) (Figure 1). Moreover, biostratigraphic analysis of the subsurface Woodbine and Eagle Ford sections in the Kurten field of northeastern Brazos County by Turner and Conger (1981, their p. 214) shows that the boundary lies within the Eagle Ford section. Fossil evidence of the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary within Eagle Ford Group outcrops (Jiang, 1989) and in a nearsurface Eagle Ford core (Corbett and Watkins, 2013) immediately north of the San Marcos arch in the Austin, Texas, area indicates that strata that are time equivalent to at least a portion of the East Texas basin’s Eagle Ford Group occur on the northeast flank of the arch and likely on the arch axis. Based on paleontology-supported, sequencestratigraphic correlation northeastward from Eagle Ford (Boquillas) outcrops in West Texas into the subsurface, Donovan et al. (2012) extrapolated Turonian Eagle Ford strata to the southwest flank of the arch. Therefore, the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary and at least part of the Eagle Ford section of the East Texas basin extend across the San Marcos arch into the Eagle Ford Shale play area of South Texas (Figure 6), although the much-thinned upper part of the Eagle Ford Group has probably been locally removed by erosion at the base-ofAustin Chalk unconformity northeast of the arch. Pepper Shale The Pepper Shale is defined in the subsurface as that portion of the mudrock-dominated succession between the Buda Limestone of the Washita Group and Austin Chalk that is equivalent only to the Woodbine section (Adkins and Lozo, 1951; Childs et al., 1988; Dawson et al., 1993) (Figure 4). The Pepper section consists of mostly distal deltaic and prodeltaic facies that accumulated on the fringe of the sandstone-rich fluvial-deltaic Woodbine Group. It can be most clearly distinguished as a distinct unit closest to the area of Woodbine sandstone terminations in eastern Limestone, western Leon, western Madison, and central Grimes counties (Figure 5). This area also coincides with the southwestwardmost occurrence of the formally defined Eagle Ford Group in the East Texas basin. Therefore, the Pepper Shale is areally restricted to this general area where the Woodbine and Eagle Ford Groups no longer exist as stratigraphically definable units. Immediately to the southwest, only the Upper and Lower units of the mudrock-dominated Buda Limestone-to-Austin Chalk interval can be defined, and the basinward part of the Upper unit grades into the Pepper Shale (Figure 6B). Generally thin (≥10 ft [3 m]) sandstone beds, which extend southwestward from the fringe of the Woodbine fluvial-deltaic complex into the Pepper succession, form stratigraphic and diagenetic traps that are among the prime drilling targets for Eaglebine explorationists. Established sandstone reservoirs in Kurten field along the Woodbine-complex margin (Figure 5) of northeastern Brazos County (Turner and Conger, 1981) and in nearby Iola field in northwestern Grimes County (Barton, 1982) are representative of these targets using current drilling and completion technology. The depositional and sequence-stratigraphic context of these sandstone units within the Woodbine and Pepper successions are discussed in the sections “Sequence Stratigraphy” and “Woodbine Depositional Facies.” Maness Shale of Washita Group The middle Cenomanian Maness Shale is a mudrock interval that is defined only in the subsurface of the East Texas basin between the top of the Buda HENTZ ET AL. Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/aapgbull/article-pdf/98/12/2551/3377384/BLTN13232.pdf by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals user 2559 B 50 mi 80 km 0 B 0 -100°54'51" 29°41'39" Austin Chalk RES GR RES ENRE 1 Lopez Approximate Cenomanian-Turonian Cenomanian-Turon nian boundary GR PEDECO 1 Mallard 1 2 3 5 GR 4 6 7 8 RES BRENT 7 Austin Chalk 9 10 B' m 75 T Texas N 31°10'47" -93°45'26" No horizontal scale 0 0 200 ft Figure 6. Regional southwest-to-northeast cross section BB′ illustrating the lithostratigraphic framework of the Buda Limestone–to–Austin Chalk interval in South and East Texas. (A) Southwestern segment of cross section extending from the Maverick basin (left) to the San Marcos arch (right). Approximate position of the Cenomanian–Turonian (C–T) stage boundary in the Maverick basin from Donovan et al. (2012). Boundary location near the axis of the San Marcos arch from Jiang (1989) and Corbett and Watkins (2013). Interpretation of the regional facies transition from the upper Eagle Ford Group to the lower Eagle Ford Group is largely based on the presumed extension of the C–T boundary through both units. See Figure 5 for definition of dot patterns depicted in index map. Modified from Hentz and Ruppel (2010). (B) Northeastern segment of cross section extending from the San Marcos arch to the eastern part of the East Texas basin. The divisions “Lower unit” and “Upper unit” apply only to the dominantly mudrock succession between the Buda Limestone and Austin Chalk in wells 3–6 (and Lower unit in well 7), southwest of the primary Woodbine depocenter and geographic area of Eagle Ford Group occurrence. Datum is the base of the Austin Chalk, a regional unconformity. GR = gamma-ray; RES = deep resistivity. Georgetown g Limestone Buda Limestone Lower Eagle Ford p Group Upper Eagle Ford Group Datum RES GR GR RES RISA 2 Bartlett Est. TRANSTEXAS A-1 Chittim Ranch Base of Austin Chalk (A) 3300 3400 3500 35 500 3600 3700 3800 800 3900 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 5000 5100 5200 530 5300 5400 4000 00 4100 4200 4300 4400 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/aapgbull/article-pdf/98/12/2551/3377384/BLTN13232.pdf by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals user 4500 Eaglebine Play of the Southwestern East Texas Basin 5500 5200 530 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 5700 5800 5900 6000 00 6900 7000 7100 7200 7300 2560 HENTZ ET AL. GR ft No horizontal scale 0 0 75 m Lower Eagle Ford Group 200 RES Figure 6. Continued. Georgetown Limestone Buda Limestone Base of Austin Chalk GR RES GR GR GR Austin Chalk Lower unit Upper unit RES Approximate Cenomanian-Turonian boundary RES Buda Ls. RES Datum GR Pepper Shale RES GR RES Eagle Ford Group GR GR Maness Shale Woodbine Group RES RES GR RES MOBIL 1 Sara Ann Unit TEXAKOMA 1 Coleman EURATEX 1 Trinity CASHCO 1 Sanders EASTERN 2 Morgan NORTH CENTRAL 1 Putz GEODYNAMICS 1 Vyhopen HOUSTON 1 Coffield-Sante KELPETRO 1 Bingham BRENT 7 Austin Chalk B' 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 6900 7000 7100 7200 7300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 5400 5500 5600 5700 5800 5900 8300 8400 8500 8600 8700 (B) 8500 8600 8800 8900 7700 7800 7900 8000 8100 8200 8300 9400 9500 9600 9700 9800 9900 10,000 10,100 10,200 10,300 10,400 9000 9100 9200 9300 9400 9500 9600 9700 9800 9900 10,000 10,100 8400 8500 8600 8700 8800 8900 9000 9100 9200 9300 9400 9500 9500 7700 7800 7900 8000 8100 8200 8300 8400 8500 8600 8700 8800 8900 8000 8100 8200 8300 8400 8500 8600 8700 8800 8900 9000 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/aapgbull/article-pdf/98/12/2551/3377384/BLTN13232.pdf by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals user 2561 Limestone and the base of Woodbine sandstone facies (Bailey et al., 1945) (Figures 1, 4, 6B). Because the base of the Woodbine sandstone section is locally and regionally irregular, thickness of the Maness Shale (as a lithostratigraphic unit) within the basin varies considerably from less than 90 ft (<27 m) to greater than 210 ft (>65 m). It extends continuously throughout the East Texas basin only where the Woodbine Group exists. Explorationists are examining the Maness interval for hydrocarbon potential, but we are not aware that it is currently an active target within the Eaglebine play. However, the proposed equivalent mudrocks of the Lower unit (Figures 6B, 7), which have high-gamma-ray and sporadically high-resistivity-log expression (presumed to record organic-rich strata), are currently being scrutinized by operators for their thermal C maturity and organic content to determine their prospectivity. Based on regional well-log (gamma-ray) correlation, Hentz and Ruppel (2010) proposed that the Maness Shale is probably time-equivalent to at least part of the lower Eagle Ford Group of the San Marcos arch and Maverick basin areas. Definition of the Lower unit as a stratigraphic link between the lower Eagle Ford and Maness successions (Figure 6B) and sequence-stratigraphic interpretation support this contention. The contact between the Buda Limestone and the Maness Shale is a regional mid-Cenomanian unconformity and sequence boundary that formed during a lowering of relative sea level after Buda and before Maness and Woodbine deposition that affected the entire Gulf Coast Basin (Salvador, 1991; Mancini and Puckett, C' 2 4 6 7 9 KELPETRO 1 Bingham GEODYNAMICS 1 Vyhopen EASTERN 2 Morgan CASHCO 1 Sanders TEXAKOMA 1 Coleman 9900 MFS 10 RES 8600 GR 8700 RES 9800 10,100 Datum 8900 8800 8700 6500 6800 6700 6600 Base of Austin Chalk GR RES SB 10 8800 GR 10,000 RES 10,200 GR 10,300 RES 8600 GR Maness Shale and Lower unit Buda Limestone Grayson Shale Georgetown Limestone Systems tract Highstand Transgressive Figure 7. Cross section CC′ derived from well logs shown in Figure 6B, illustrating the laterally consistent transgressive–regressive gamma-ray-log pattern of the Maness Shale and Lower unit. The pattern occurs basinwide in the Maness interval and represents a third-order transgressive systems tract, lower part of the initial Woodbine highstand systems tract, and intervening third-order maximum flooding surface (MFS 10), all deposited above the regional third-order sequence boundary SB 10—the well-documented midCenomanian unconformity of the northern Gulf Coast Basin. Well numbers at tops of wells coincide with those shown in Figure 6B. Along and near the axis of the San Marcos arch, the characteristic retrogradational–progradational log pattern of the Lower unit and Maness Shale is not apparent (well 2). This much-thinned section on the arch represents much of the upper Cenomanian and part of the Turonian succession of the East Texas basin. The overall lower gamma-ray-log signature of the Maness Shale in well 9 relative to that of the equivalent Lower unit in the other wells is interpreted to be a result of higher silt content associated with sedimentation within the basin’s regional Woodbine depocenter (Figure 6B). GR = gamma-ray; RES = deep resistivity. 2562 Eaglebine Play of the Southwestern East Texas Basin Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/aapgbull/article-pdf/98/12/2551/3377384/BLTN13232.pdf by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals user 2005; Mancini and Scott, 2006). Throughout the study area and the basin, the top-Buda unconformity records a surface of exposure and hiatus but exhibits no clear evidence of erosional truncation on well logs. However, locally in the Austin, Texas, area the uppermost Buda interval is highly brecciated and is interpreted by Fairbanks (2012) to record karsting. The Maness interval consistently comprises a lower, upward-fining (retrogradational) section and an upper, upward-coarsening (progradational) unit (Figure 7) throughout the East Texas basin. The retrogradational part of the Maness succession, uniformly about 60 ft (∼18 m) thick in most of the basin, represents a third-order TST that formed after lowstand conditions recorded by the interbasinal unconformity at the underlying top-of-Buda sequence boundary (Ambrose et al., 2009). The upper, progradational Maness interval records initial highstand conditions of earliest Woodbine sedimentation. A third-order maximum flooding surface (MFS 10 [Figure 7]) occurs at the boundary between the two Maness systems tracts. Sequence boundary SB 10 (midCenomanian unconformity [Figure 7]), which occurs near the top of the Buda Limestone basinwide, is a regional chronostratigraphic marker defining the start of both Maness deposition in the East Texas basin and lower Eagle Ford deposition in the Maverick basin and San Marcos arch areas. Toward the southwest within the study area, the Maness retrogradational– progradational log-facies profile is continuous with that of the Lower unit (Figures 6B [wells 3–7], 7), indicating correlation of the mid-Maness maximum flooding surface (MFS 10) into the lower Eagle Ford Shale succession of the northwest flank of the San Marcos arch and, therefore, recording the time equivalency of the Lower unit with at least part of the lower Eagle Ford interval. The retrogradational–progradational Lower unit (with MFS 10) cannot be resolved in wells close to the axis of the arch because of the pronounced thinning of the Buda Limestone-to-Austin Chalk interval (Figure 6B, wells 1, 2). The much-thinned section between the mid-Cenomanian unconformity (SB 10) and the base of the Austin Chalk above the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary on and near the arch represents the combined duration of Maness Shale, Woodbine Group, and part of Eagle Ford Group deposition in the East Texas basin (Figures 6B, 7 [well 2]). The section likely contains multiple disconformities (representing hiatuses) that coincide with some of the sequence boundaries defined in this study primarily within the Woodbine Group and possibly the sequence boundaries documented by Donovan et al. (2012) in complete Eagle Ford Group outcrops in distant West Texas. Woodbine Group Details regarding the sandstone and mudrock facies, sandstone trends, and the sequence framework of the Woodbine succession are discussed in the following sections. However, one aspect of the unit’s lithostratigraphy needs mention here. Researchers of the Woodbine Group commonly use the terms Dexter and Lewisville to define the lower and upper formations of the unit, respectively. In our experience, the divisions cannot be clearly defined in the subsurface of the Eaglebine play area using well-log data. The formation names were first defined by Sellards et al. (1932) from outcrop study only. Because of this, they are inappropriate subsurface stratigraphic terms for the Eaglebine play area and most of the deep East Texas basin in which lithofacies vary considerably from those of the outcrop. SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY East Texas Basin Ambrose et al. (2009) documented that the greater Woodbine succession (top of Buda Limestone to lowermost Eagle Ford Group) consists of a maximum of 14 fourth-order sequences in a broad area covering the central and northeastern parts of the East Texas basin and Sabine uplift. The number of sequences systematically decreases from 14 to 3 toward the uplift because of gradual depositional pinch out on the western flank of this contemporaneous topographic high and extensive erosional truncation at the pronounced base-of-Austin Chalk unconformity on the uplift (Figure 8). The maximum number of sequences (and maximum thickness) exists along the basin axis (Figure 2). We extended our sequence correlations from our previous study (Ambrose et al., HENTZ ET AL. Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/aapgbull/article-pdf/98/12/2551/3377384/BLTN13232.pdf by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals user 2563 Basin axis D SKLAR 3 Hill PACIFIC 1 Hartley INEXCO 1 Swift ENCANA A1 Carr SABINE 1 Limerick TEXAS CRUDE 1 Doyle D' SW 1 Ryan TEXAS CRUDE 1 Chapman Sabine Uplift McMURREY 1 Bland WORLDWIDE 5 Denman Austin Chalk NOE 1 Wilson ft 200 m 60 Eagle Ford Group MFS 150 0 0 Mu d fac rock ies No horizontal scale SB 70 Woodbine Group 96° 95° N D' Sequence boundary Maness Shale fau 32° 10 East Texas Basin M-T SB lt zo ne Sabine Uplift Buda Limestone 0 40 mi 0 60 km Depositional pinch-out Erosional truncation Base-of-Austin unconformity D 31° Figure 8. Cross section DD′. Schematic rendering of the sequence-stratigraphic framework of the Woodbine Group across the East Texas basin and Eaglebine study area (far western part of cross section). Eastern half of cross section modified from Ambrose et al. (2009; their figure 5B). Datum is third-order maximum flooding surface MFS 150 that occurs in the lower part of the Eagle Ford Group throughout the East Texas basin. “Mudrock facies” of the west part of the cross section include the Pepper Shale, Lower unit, and Upper unit (Figures 4, 6B). General upsection thinning of fourth-order sequences is characteristic of the Woodbine succession. Regional thickness variation of the Eagle Ford Group is partly because of erosion at the base-of-Austin Chalk unconformity. SW = SW Operating, Inc.; NOE = T.C. Noe Oil Account. 2009) into the Eaglebine study area by additional regional well-log correlation to characterize the systems-tract framework on the western side of the basin where the greater Woodbine succession also thins (Figure 3). Although the early Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian and Turonian Stages) was a period of consistently high eustatic, “greenhouse” conditions (Haq et al., 1988), salt mobilization in the East Texas basin during Woodbine deposition (Seni and Jackson, 1984) created basin accommodation during the Cenomanian that was enhanced by the influx of abundant coarse sediment from the north margin of the Gulf Coast Basin (Sohl et al., 1991), also termed the 2564 southern Arkansas uplift of the Ouachita system (Ewing, 1991a, b). We infer that these conditions provided the mechanism for relative-sea-level fluctuations of sufficient magnitude to result in periodic incision of and coarse-sediment aggradation in lowstand incised valleys during Woodbine sedimentation (Ambrose et al., 2009). Such accommodation creation also enabled preservation of Woodbine IVFs. Similar tectonic conditions, high sedimentation rates, and preservation of thick incised-valley fills (16–131 ft [5–40 m]) dominated by fluvial facies also characterized deposition of the Woodbineequivalent lower Tuscaloosa Formation of the North Louisiana Salt basin and the Mississippi Salt Basin, Eaglebine Play of the Southwestern East Texas Basin Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/aapgbull/article-pdf/98/12/2551/3377384/BLTN13232.pdf by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals user the former located just east of the Sabine uplift (Woolf, 2012). The contact between the Woodbine Group and Eagle Ford Group is unconformable throughout the East Texas basin, but it is not a single, regional unconformity. Instead, it comprises depositional pinch outs of several fourth-order sequences at the top of the Woodbine Group (Figures 8, 9). Considering these stratal relationships in a broader basin-scale context, we interpret these depositional pinch outs to record what Vail (1987) termed “apparent truncation.” Vail defined apparent truncation as parallel seismic reflectors within a low-order TST that systematically terminate basinward below the associated low-order marine condensed section and MFS. We propose that the Woodbine interval above about fourth-order SB 70 is a third-order TST in which the pinch outs represent apparent truncation of fourth-order sequences below third-order MFS 150 (Figure 8). Although Vail (1987) depicts apparent truncation in the basinward direction, the same features would be expected to exist near basin margins where accommodation also deceases (Figure 8). Upsection thinning of the Woodbine fourth-order sequences is consistent with a decrease in sediment supply and accommodation during a low-order, basin-wide transgressive depositional phase. The succession of sequences between SB 10 and about SB 70 (Figure 8) likely represents a thirdorder LST because of the occurrence of multiple coarse-sandstone- and gravel-bearing fourth-order IVFs in the lower Woodbine Group shelf succession in the eastern part of the East Texas basin (Ambrose et al., 2009). However, until lowstand slope and basin-floor deposits equivalent to this sequence set can be identified in seismic profiles and well logs, we cannot confirm this interpretation. Eaglebine Study Area Primary aspects of the sequence stratigraphy of the Buda Limestone-to-Austin Chalk shelf succession are consistent across the southern two-thirds of the basin, with the documented thinning of the Woodbine Group at the eastern basin margin also occurring at the western margin. The number of fourth-order sequences systematically decreases westward from 14 in the basin axis to no more than 9 because of their gradual depositional pinch out near the western basin margin (Figures 8, 9). In the northeastern part of the study area, three of those sequences pinch out within a zone of approximately 20 mi (∼32 km) (Figure 9). Additional stratal thinning caused by regional sequence pinch out within the Pepper Shale facies probably exists; however, the absence of clearly discernable sandstone-bearing depositional cycles (systems tracts) on the well logs precludes their definition. Nine highstand-dominated, fourth-order sequences (S1–S9) ranging from 30 to 105 ft (9–32 m) thick characterize the greater Woodbine succession within most of the study area (Figure 9). The HSTs within the nine sequences range considerably from 32 to 110 ft (10–33 m) thick. Underlying TSTs vary from 10 to 40 ft (3–12 m) thick, but most are no more than about 15 ft (∼6 m) thick. The HSTs typically thin toward the southwest, whereas the TSTs are nearly isopachous across the study area (Figure 9). Percentsandstone content within Woodbine sequences generally increases upward from S1 to S6 and again from S7 to S12 (Figure 9), whereas sequence thickness within the same two successions decreases upward. However, in this off-axis area near the margin of the main Woodbine fluvial-deltaic complex, percentsandstone content of any one sequence is quite variable, and thus the vertical trend of percent-sandstone also varies. These generally sandstone-bearing but mudrock-dominated progradational and retrogradational successions are similar to those described by Phillips (1987) as transgressive and regressive shelf facies composing high-order sequences in the region at the margin of the main Woodbine depocenter in Leon, Madison, Brazos, and Grimes counties. Generally thin (5–40 ft [1.5–12 m]) and commonly discontinuous sandstone units capping the sequences in the study area are primary completion targets for hydrocarbon producers. In contrast to these relatively sandstone-poor sequences, some Woodbine sequences in the northeastern part of the study area close to the basin axis are distinguished by the occurrence of thicker sandstone units (as much as 80 ft [24 m]), some of which are inferred to be lowstand IVFs and are expressed as blocky to blockyserrate gamma-ray-log signatures. Whole cores from East Texas field (Figure 2) demonstrate that these HENTZ ET AL. Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/aapgbull/article-pdf/98/12/2551/3377384/BLTN13232.pdf by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals user 2565 E E' 6500 6700 S17 S16 6800 Datum S10 SB 70 7200 7300 7300 6400 7400 6500 7400 30 6600 6700 0 95°41' 31°44' Systems tract E' Transgressive Lowstand: incised-valley fill Leon Co. Houston Co. E 30°59' 96°16' Madison Co. 6800 Highstand 20 km Woodbine Group SB 2 7500 7600 SB 7600 7300 S2 SB 60 SB 40 S1 0 S12 S11 SB 50 7500 7100 7200 S4 S3 20 mi MFS 150 S6 S5 0 Eagle Ford Group SB 130 6100 SB 80 SB SB 1 120 10 6200 0 6900 SB 10 SB 180 7000 7100 6900 S7 Austin Chalk RES S15 SB 90 S8 7000 Pepper Shale SB 160 GR 7100 6800 S9 7000 6800 6900 6700 No horizontal scale 7200 0 6600 6700 6500 SB 170 6600 0 RES 5600 GR 5700 Sonic 5800 GR 200 ft TEXAS CRUDE 1 Doyle 5900 RES INEXCO 1 Swift 6300 GR 60 m SKLAR 3 Hill 6000 ENCANA A1 Carr Depositional pinch-out Base-of-Austin unconformity Fourth order MFS 10 SB 10 Maness Shale Buda Limestone Maximum flooding surface Transgressive surface Sequence boundary SB 180 Third-order surface S9 Fourth-order sequence Figure 9. Details of sequence-stratigraphic and systems-tract framework of Woodbine Group in the southwestern East Texas basin. Wells coincide with the western four wells in Figure 8. Datum is third-order maximum flooding surface MFS 150 near the base of the Eagle Ford Group. sub-Clarksville sandstones occur between MFS 150 and the base-of-Austin Chalk unconformity. Particularly salient features include (1) depositional pinch out of 3 of the maximum 14 fourth-order sequences of the greater Woodbine succession, (2) occurrence of three fourth-order sequences in the Eagle Ford Group, and (3) westerly gradation to progressively sandstone-poor Woodbine strata and the Pepper Shale facies. Woodbine sequences S13 and S14 (associated with SB 140 and SB 150, respectively) depositionally pinch out east of the study area (Figure 8). GR = gamma-ray; RES = deep resistivity; SB = sequence boundary. 2566 Eaglebine Play of the Southwestern East Texas Basin Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/aapgbull/article-pdf/98/12/2551/3377384/BLTN13232.pdf by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals user log facies in the lower Woodbine Group are characterized by coarse, granular fluvial sandstones and chert-clast conglomerates (Ambrose et al., 2009). Gross-sandstone mapping also supports this IVF interpretation of an upper Woodbine sequence in the study area (described in the following section, “Woodbine Depositional Facies”). Third-order sequence boundaries SB 10 (mid-Cenomanian unconformity) and SB 180 (baseof-Austin Chalk unconformity) bracket the study succession. Similarly, MFS 10 and MFS 150 record its major, low-order flooding events, which are associated with its thickest TSTs immediately below and above the Woodbine Group, respectively (Figure 9). Three additional progradational intervals as much as 100 ft (30 m) thick, each overlain by thinner retrogradational units (10–15 ft [3–5 m] thick), occur within the overlying Eagle Ford Group in the study area. These progradational and retrogradational units progressively thicken toward the basin axis to as much as 150 ft (46 m) and 32 ft (10 m), respectively (Figure 8). They are inferred to record HSTs and TSTs, respectively, of three fourth-order sequences likely forming a progradational sequence set that accumulated after the major late Cenomanian–early Turonian flooding event recorded by MFS 150 and its associated TST (Figure 9). The upper beds of these highstand successions are the productive fluvial-deltaic sub-Clarksville sandstones. Because Woodbine sequences S13 and S14 (associated with SB 140 and SB 150, respectively) depositionally pinch out east of the study area (Figure 8), the three fourth-order Eagle Ford sequences are designated S15, S16, and S17 (associated with SB 160 and SB 170, respectively) (Figure 9). Only SB 160 and SB 170 occur in the East Texas basin; uppermost Eagle Ford sequence S17 is preserved subregionally and is consistently truncated by SB 180 (base-of-Austin Chalk unconformity). Underlying sequence S16 is also subregionally truncated by SB 180, reflecting erosional relief of as much as 80 ft (24 m) outside the Sabine uplift area (Figures 8, 9). Basinward thickening of these sequences indicate that sediment supply during Eagle Ford deposition kept pace with accommodation creation in a basin that subsided most along its axis and less at its margins. The thickening also records that the period of subsidence continued uninterrupted from Woodbine through Eagle Ford deposition. WOODBINE DEPOSITIONAL FACIES To characterize the depositional systems and delineate trends of potential reservoir sandstones of the Woodbine Group in the Eaglebine study area, we constructed gross-sandstone maps of the six uppermost sequences (S5 through S10) in the main study area (Figure 9). Sandstone attributes of three of these sequences (S5, S7 and S8, and S9) represent the variety of inferred depositional environments; therefore, only maps of these sequences are herein presented. Interpretations of S5 are supported by descriptions of one whole core (Basin 1 Maude). Sequence 5 Description Two parallel, northwest-to-southeast-oriented primary sandstone trends exist within S5 in the study area (Figure 10). The eastern trend displays downdip bifurcation and a subregional, southwestwarddeviating sandstone pathway. The two trends themselves bifurcate from a 19-mi- (31-km-) wide primary trunk in the north, but they narrow toward the southeast (down depositional dip) from a maximum width of about 7 mi (11 km) to less than about 2 mi (∼3 km). Sandstone values of the western trend gradually decrease to 0 ft in northern Madison County, whereas sandstones of the eastern trend probably extend farther to the southeast outside the area of well control. The main area of sandstone occurrence is mostly surrounded by areas of dominantly mudrock (zero gross sandstone), defining the lobate shape of the sandstone fairway. Gross sandstone was not calculated along most of the eastern edge of the study area beyond the limit of well control. Thickness of S5 ranges from about 55 to 80 ft (∼17–24 m); sequence thickness is generally greatest in the northern part of the study area. Grosssandstone thickness within the sequence varies from 0 to 50 ft (0–15 m), with highest values occurring in the northwestern edge of the mapped area in southern Freestone and northern Leon counties. However, HENTZ ET AL. Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/aapgbull/article-pdf/98/12/2551/3377384/BLTN13232.pdf by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals user 2567 95°41'17" N 31°40'56" . SON CO ANDER O. EC Gross sandstone (ft) ON ST NE TO ES . LIM CO EE 30 FR 20–30 10–20 Distributary channel 0–10 0 F Core Basin 1 Maude Crevasse splay Interdistributary bay F' Delta front . CO O. C ON IS ON LE . D MA ON ST CO U HO 30°56'10" 96°21'18" 0 5 mi 0 8 km Figure 10. Gross-sandstone map of sequence S5 within the Eaglebine study area. most gross-sandstone thicknesses within the two principal trends are 10 to 35 ft (3–11 m). Vertical expression of lithofacies varies within S5 and is recorded in the gamma-ray logs of the study wells (Figure 11). Principal log facies include (1) blocky-serrate to upward-fining, both with planar bases, and (2) overall upward-coarsening and serrate. Facies 1 is characterized by a single sandstone unit 2568 approximately 20 to 35 ft (6–11 m) thick that locally occurs at the top of upward-coarsening (progradational) mudrock-rich successions, whereas facies 2 comprises thin sandstone and siltstone beds (<10 ft [3 m]) in the upper half of the upward-coarsening intervals. This is the only mapped sequence described in this paper that is supported by a publicly available whole core. Eaglebine Play of the Southwestern East Texas Basin Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/aapgbull/article-pdf/98/12/2551/3377384/BLTN13232.pdf by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals user F F' EP 3 Donahoe RES GR WISENBAKER 2 Robert A Trust RES GR RES INEXCO 1 Lundy GR RES 6800 GR MACHIN 1 Cook MFS 60 SB 60 Interdistributary bay facies S5 MFS 50 SB 50 7000 8200 7200 6400 6900 8100 Datum 7100 6300 MFS 70 SB 70 Systems tract Transgressive Highstand Distributary channel Figure 11. Northwest-to-southeast-oriented cross section FF′ illustrating systems tracts and depositional facies of sequence S5. Line of section shown in Figure 10. GR = gamma-ray; RES = deep resistivity; MFS = maximum flooding surface; SB = sequence boundary. The Basin 1 Maude core documents sedimentary characteristics of facies 2. The lower 13-ft (4.0-m) section of the core is slightly upward coarsening, ranging from sandy mudstone at the base to very fine to fine-grained sandstone at the top, where it is truncated by planar-stratified, fine-grained sandstone at 7871 ft (2399.7 m) (Figure 12A). This lower section contains abundant siderite and abundant organic fragments. Stratification consists of multiple, low-angle scour surfaces and ripples (Figure 12B), although these are poorly preserved because of pervasive softsediment deformation. The core’s middle section of planar-stratified, fine-grained sandstone from 7860 to 7871 ft (2396.3 to 2399.7 m) is erosion-based (single erosion surface) and exhibits little grain-size variation, although the upper 2 ft (0.6 m) grades upward into muddy siltstone. Accessory features include clay clasts, organic fragments, minor softsediment deformation, and a 2-ft (0.6-m) zone of oil staining in the upper part of the section. The dominant bedding type is horizontal, planar stratification (Figure 12C). The upper 15-ft- (4.5-m-) thick section comprises 2- to 3.5-ft- (0.6- to 1.1-m-) thick beds of very fine and fine-grained sandstone interbedded with silty mudstone and contains multiple zones of soft-sediment deformation and microfaults (Figure 12A, D). The grain-size profile of the upper section is variable, and individual sandstone beds range from 0.5 to 2.5 ft (0.2 to 0.7 m) thick. The dominant stratification type is ripples and small-scale ripple scours. Organic fragments and millimeter-scale sideritic layers (Figure 12D) are common in the section. Interpretation Deposits of S5 in the study area represent a highstand river-dominated deltaic system. Because it is largely areally constrained by a peripheral zone of zero gross sandstone, the mapped area probably depicts most of single lobe of a larger delta system within the HST. Log facies 1 records distributary channels that traversed the S5 delta plain. The primary evidence for this interpretation is their slightly sinuous and downdip bifurcating gross-sandstone HENTZ ET AL. Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/aapgbull/article-pdf/98/12/2551/3377384/BLTN13232.pdf by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals user 2569 7800 7840 Mud Silt V. fine Fine Medium Comments Coarse Depth (ft) Gravel Res V. coarse Grain Size and Sedimentary Structures GR CO3 CMT (%) Oil stain (%) (A) Rock type Basin 1 Maude SB 60 7850 Fine-grained organics, sideritic ripples sd 7900 Cored interval sd sd e e 7860 Well-sorted/planar stratification Very fine to fine-grained sandstone Mudstone Planar stratification e 7870 Slump Siderite Upward fining Clay clasts Upward coarsening (B) e sd sd Fault sd 7880 Bedded siltstone Siltstone and mudstone Soft-sediment deformation Sharp microfaults Erosional contact Sandstone Ripples sd Plant fragments ssd sd 7890 (C) 1 in. (D) 1 in. 1 in. Figure 12. Description of the Basin 1 Maude core, southeastern Leon County. (A) Well log and descriptive profile from 7845 to 7884 ft (2391.8 to 2403.7 m). (B) Organic-rich, very fine-grained sandstone with scour surfaces in lower-crevasse-splay facies at 7873.0 ft (2400.3 m). (C). Fine-grained sandstone with planar stratification in splay-channel facies at 7862.3 ft (2397.0 m). (D) Very fine-grained sandstone with microfaults and soft-sediment deformation in splay-platform facies at 7848.0 ft (2392.7). Cored well is located in Figure 10. No clear evidence of a transgressive surface of erosion exists in the cored section; therefore, SB 60 is inferred to occur atop the sandstone unit just above the cored interval. Gamma-ray expression of a retrogradational unit (TST) above SB 60 is absent. However, surrounding wells in the S5 zone, such as the nearby Wisenbaker 2 Robert A Trust well (Figure 11), exhibit well-defined transgressive systems tract. GR = gamma-ray; Res = deep resistivity; SB = sequence boundary. 2570 Eaglebine Play of the Southwestern East Texas Basin Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/aapgbull/article-pdf/98/12/2551/3377384/BLTN13232.pdf by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals user patterns (Figure 10), features that are characteristic of modern river-dominated deltaic systems (Fisk, 1961; Galloway, 1975). Moreover, their gammaray log facies consistently exhibit aggradational to upward-fining sandstone bodies with flat, erosional bases overlying delta-plain deposits, similar to those described by Fisher (1969) and Brown et al. (1973). These localized, linear, and erosion-based units record channelized systems truncating mudrock-dominated facies 2 that is interpreted to record interdistributary deposits of the riverdominated deltaic system. The Basin 1 Maude core comprises facies 2 and records the interdistributary setting of the S5 riverdominated deltaic system. Interdistributary deposits are typically characterized by sandstone-poor sediments with thin, organic-rich overbank and splay sandstones that flank distributary-channel fills (e.g., Coleman and Prior, 1982; Bhattacharya and Walker, 1991). The cored well is located at the downdip margin of a large crevasse splay branching off from the eastern distributary channel of the S5 delta (Figure 10). The lower 13 ft (4 m) of the core contain predominantly levee-overbank deposits representing the early stages of crevasse-splay development, including overbank flooding associated with early-stage breach of the distributary channel and sheet-flow of sediment-laden water. These deposits record repetitive deposition of thin, erosion-based sand beds associated with scouring from traction currents that alternate with silty mud beds, which reflect suspension sedimentation. The dominant stratification type in these levee facies is lamination, although it is commonly destroyed by bioturbation and sediment compaction (Elliott, 1974a, 1975). The sandstone-dominated middle section consists of splay-channel deposits indicating maximum depositional energy within the splay complex. Such crevasse-channel-fill sediments commonly comprise unidirectional trough crossbeds or planar-stratified beds indicating high-energy deposition from flood currents (Coleman et al., 1964). The upper heterolithic section of the core is composed of upper-splay and crevasse-platform facies that were deposited over the splay-channel complex. These facies are characterized by thin sandstones interbedded with organic-rich, silty mudstones (Elliott, 1974b). Sequence boundary SB 60 occurs at the tops of both the localized distributary-channel fills and the progradational interdistributary successions of the S5 HST. Both are consistently overlain by thin (7–10 ft [2–3 m]) retrogradational TSTs throughout the study area (Figure 11). Sequences 7 and 8 Description Sequences S7 and S8 are depicted in a single map (Figure 13) because they occur as laterally adjacent units between the regionally correlated MFSs above SB 70 and SB 80 (Figure 9). However, the grosssandstone map and log facies of the two units reveal that they comprise dissimilar geologic attributes. The gross-sandstone map of the S7 interval in the southwestern part of study area displays characteristics that are similar to those of S5 succession: generally parallel, northwest-to-southeast-oriented, slightly sinuous sandstone trends (∼5 mi [8 km] to <1 mi [<2 km] wide) that bifurcate and become narrower down depositional dip (southwestward). Gamma-ray log facies of the S7 interval are characteristically serrate to upward coarsening (Figure 14), with gross-sandstone values varying from <5 to 47 ft (<2–14 m), comparable to those of S5. Log facies with planar-based, blocky-serrate to upwardfining sandstones also locally characterize the interval within the main elongate sandstone trends. Sequence S7 thickens progressively from approximately 70 to 160 ft (∼21–49 m) toward the southeastern part of the study area. At the northeast margin of the study area, S8 occurs as thick (29–101 ft [9–31 m]), flat-based blocky to blocky-serrate intervals on gamma-ray logs in the upper part of the MFS 70-to-MFS 80 succession (Figure 14). Overall thickness of the MFS 70-to-MFS 80 succession in the study area does not change significantly with thickness variation of these blocky-sandstone zones, and the lateral change from the S7 to S8 facies is abrupt. A sharp boundary divides the areal distribution of S7 and S8 facies (Figure 13), with the boundary locally occurring between closely spaced wells. However, the grosssandstone trend of the S8 zone indicates that sand transport occurred from the northwest to HENTZ ET AL. Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/aapgbull/article-pdf/98/12/2551/3377384/BLTN13232.pdf by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals user 2571 Net sandstone (ft) Valley-fill margin Incised-valley fill facies > 70 N 60–70 50–60 40–50 30–50 Deltaic facies > 40 30–40 95°41'17" 20–30 31°40'56" 10–20 0–10 Contour interval = 20 ft Incised-valley fill . SON CO ANDER N TO ES . LIM CO O. EC ON ST EE E FR Distributary channel G' G . CO . O LE N C O IS AD ON . ON ST Interdistributary bay CO U HO M 0 5 mi 0 8 km 30°50'3" 96°15'35" Figure 13. Gross-sandstone map of sequences S7 (southwest) and S8 (northeast) within the Eaglebine study area. The boundary dividing the S7 and S8 facies (margin of incised valley) is sharp, occurring in some areas between closely spaced wells. 2572 Eaglebine Play of the Southwestern East Texas Basin Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/aapgbull/article-pdf/98/12/2551/3377384/BLTN13232.pdf by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals user G G' MOORE 1 Lundy RES GR PALMER A-1 Bromberg DEN GR TEXAKOMA 1 Coleman RES GR RES MFS 80 7900 8100 Datum 7800 7700 GR LASMO 1 Edwards TS 80 8200 7900 8000 S7 7900 7800 S8 SB 80 8300 8000 MFS 70 SB 70 Systems tract Lowstand: incised-valley fill Transgressive Highstand Figure 14. West-to-east-oriented cross section GG′ illustrating systems tracts of sequences S7 and S8. Line of section shown in Figure 13. GR = gamma-ray; RES = deep resistivity; MFS = maximum flooding surface; TS = transgressive surface; SB = sequence boundary. southeast, generally similar to that of the S7 (and S5) deposits. Interpretation Like those of S5, the strata of S7 in the study area represent a highstand river-dominated deltaic system. We conclude this based on the presence of the same map and log-facies attributes documented and discussed for the S5 system. Our gross-sandstone map of S6 (not documented in this article) displays the same sandstone-distribution and logfacies patterns, indicating that this deltaic depositional system persisted in the study area through at least three consecutive fourth-order sequences (a period of roughly 300–400 k.y. calculated based on the average Woodbine fourth-order-sequence duration of approximately 110 k.y. [Ambrose et al., 2009]). Sequence S8 records regional incision of the S7 deltaic sediments by a lowstand IVF system, deposits of which also occur in the lower Woodbine Group (Ambrose et al., 2009). The gross-sandstone pattern of the IVF, albeit in an area with sparser well control than that of the S7 delta, records multiple episodes of fluvial and possibly estuarine deposition in the S8 valley. The abrupt areal boundary of the IVF; its wide, generally continuous geographic distribution; its flat, erosional base; and its consistency in thickness within the sequence support the occurrence of a significant event of regional incision. The presence of a preserved remnant of S7 deltaic strata within the IVF in northern Houston County HENTZ ET AL. Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/aapgbull/article-pdf/98/12/2551/3377384/BLTN13232.pdf by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals user 2573 (Figure 13) documents the variation of depth of incision within the valley system. Similar incision of a river-dominated delta by a lowstand valley system is documented by Hentz and Zeng (2003) and Zeng and Hentz (2004) in their study of the Miocene siliciclastic strata of the ancestral Mississippi River depocenter, offshore Louisiana. Both well-log correlation and stratal slices from a three-dimensional seismic volume document lowstand incision by the same fluvial feeder system of the older protoMississippi delta platform. A comparable setting is envisaged in the study area during S7 and S8 deposition. Sequence 9 Description The mapped sandstone distribution of S9 strata in the study area contrasts with that of S5, S7, and S8. Most prominently, sandstone occurs over a smaller total portion of the study area, with much of it concentrated as a generally massive accumulation in a localized area near the junction of Leon, Madison, and Houston counties (Figure 15). A large portion of the mapped area is bordered by a zone of zero gross sandstone—to the east where transition to the Pepper Shale occurs but also to the northwest, an area of abundant sandstone in S5, S7, and S8 (Figures 10, 11, 13). Narrow (<1–4 mi [<2–6 km]) northwest-to-southeast- and northeast-to-southwest-oriented bands of 20–40 ft (6–12 m) gross sandstone extend into the area of thickest sandstone. Sandstones that define these bands uniformly occur in the upper half of S9, typically as two to three distinct units (each about 8–16 ft [∼2–5 m] thick) with blocky-serrate and upward-fining gamma-ray-log profiles (Figure 16, Mitchell 1 Gresham). The lowest of these sandstones commonly have flat, erosional bases. Most of the map area is marked by low gross sandstone (>0–20 ft [>0–6 m]), with serrate log profiles (Figure 16, Hilcorp 3 Leathers). The southern, massive sandstone accumulation is characterized by a third distinctive gamma-ray-log motif: blocky but slightly upward coarsening and thick, with deposits ranging from approximately 40 ft (12 m) in the northern part of the accumulation to a maximum of 85 ft (26 m) in 2574 the southern part (Figure 16). These deposits contrast with the S8 IVF facies in the study area (Figure 14) by (1) their progradational stacking pattern and gradational base with underlying mudrocks and (2) increase in thickness of these blocky-sandstone zones with increasing total thickness of the sequence. Like S7, S9 thickens progressively from about 40 to 115 ft (∼12–35 m) toward the southeastern part of the study area. Interpretation Deposits of S9 in the study area represent a sand-rich, wave-dominated deltaic system that accumulated during highstand conditions. Because the S9 system is largely rimmed by a zone of mudrock-rich strata, the mapped area probably depicts most of the areal extent of this delta system. Small stable river systems, expressed as multiple thin fluvial-channel-fill episodes within the same primary channel trends, traversed a sand-poor stream plain, similar to those that occur in Cenozoic Gulf Coast units (Galloway, 1981). The fluvial systems stratigraphically transition to much thicker, sand-rich strand plain deposits that aggraded in the nearshore area of the delta system. Stratigraphic and areal aspects are similar to those of the Nayarit delta and strandplain system of the west coast of Mexico (Curray et al., 1967) and the São Francisco delta and strandplain of coastal Brazil (Coleman and Wright, 1975; Dominguez, 1996), suggesting that like the Nayarit and São Francisco deltas, deposition of the S9 system was most influenced by wave, and only minimally by tide and fluvial, processes. The consistent sandstone-rich log expression of the S9 strand-plain facies (Figure 16) supports the comparison. PRODUCTION OVERVIEW OF THE EAGLEBINE PLAY Because of complex stratigraphic relations in the most active part of the Eaglebine play area (Figure 2), compilation of the play’s productionrelated statistics is limited by the ability to accurately identify which stratigraphic zone is productive. We have found that even at the field scale, identification Eaglebine Play of the Southwestern East Texas Basin Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/aapgbull/article-pdf/98/12/2551/3377384/BLTN13232.pdf by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals user 95°41'17" 31°40'56" . SON CO ANDER . O EC ON ST E RE N F NE TO ES . LIM CO Net sandstone (ft) 80 60–80 40–60 Stream plain 20–40 0–20 0 Contour interval = 20 ft H Strand plain H' . N EO L CO . CO S DI MA ON 0 5 mi 0 8 km . ON ST CO U HO 30°56'10" 96°21'18" Figure 15. Gross-sandstone map of sequence S9 within the Eaglebine study area. of the producing stratigraphic zone can be inconsistent with that of both nearby and distant fields. Therefore, it is a challenge to compile meaningful play-wide production statistics. For example, Giddings field in northwest Fayette, southern Lee, and southern Burleson counties has produced 1.3 million barrels of oil from the “Eagleford” as of February 2014 (DrillingInfo.com, 2014). Studies of the field, such as Horstmann (1987), show that the reservoir zone is an equivalent of the Eagle Ford Group (East Texas basin). However, this unit exists only as a definable lithostratigraphic unit starting ∼25 mi (∼40 km) northeast of the field (Figure 5). Our Lower unit, inferred to be equivalent to the Maness Shale and stratigraphically lower than the Eagle Ford Group (Figures 6B, 7), composes the reservoir zone in at least the northern half of the field. HENTZ ET AL. Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/aapgbull/article-pdf/98/12/2551/3377384/BLTN13232.pdf by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals user 2575 H' PATRIOT 44 Seven J Farm GR RES MAJESTIC 2 Cooper MFS 150 HILCORP 3 Leathers H GR RES SB 110 7700 7800 RES 7800 GR GR RES 8100 MITCHELL 1 Gresham Datum MFS 100 SB 100 Stream plain facies S9 MFS 90 SB 90 MFS 80 SB 80 Systems tract Transgressive Highstand Strand plain facies Figure 16. Northwest-to-southeast-oriented cross section HH′ illustrating systems tracts and depositional facies of sequence S9. Line of section shown in Figure 15. Note depositional pinch out of sequence S10 (SB 100 to SB 110) below the basinwide third-order transgressive systems tract capped by MFS 150. Figure 9 provides a more regional perspective of this S10 termination and pinch out of fourth-order sequences S11 and S12. GR = gamma-ray; RES = deep resistivity; MFS = maximum flooding surface; SB = sequence boundary. However, certain general statements regarding production in the play can be made. Welldeveloped, albeit low-permeability, sandstone units within the mudrock-rich Woodbine and Eagle Ford (sub-Clarksville) successions characterize reservoirs in the northeastern part of the play area (most of Leon, Madison, and western Houston counties [Figures 2, 5]). In the Eaglebine play’s mudrockdominated southwestern half (western Leon, Robertson, Brazos, central and southern Grimes, and Burleson counties [Figures 2, 5]), operators target thin (<25 ft [8 m]), low-permeability, 2576 subregionally discontinuous sandstone beds extending from the primary Woodbine fluvial-deltaic complex. Powell Shale Digest (2013) reports that within these areas a total of 199 wells, completed using horizontal-drilling and multistage hydraulic-fracturing methods, are producing oil and gas. These wells were drilled by 27 different operators. Peak-month daily average oil production averages 314 barrels in the counties listed above, with a range between 238 (Robertson County) and 417 (Madison County) barrels. Peak-month daily average gas production averages 288 thousand cubic feet (Mcf) but Eaglebine Play of the Southwestern East Texas Basin Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/aapgbull/article-pdf/98/12/2551/3377384/BLTN13232.pdf by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals user ranges widely from 73 (Robertson County) to 548 (Grimes County) Mcf. • CONCLUSIONS • • The mudrock-dominated succession between the Buda Limestone and Austin Chalk constitutes much of the currently most active part of the Eaglebine play in the southwestern part of the East Texas basin. Based on regionally consistent differences in well-log facies, the succession is divided into two informal intervals, the Lower and Upper units. Most of the Maness Shale is inferred to be time equivalent to the Lower unit and at least part of the lower Eagle Ford Group of the San Marcos arch area. Moreover, the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary exists within the Eagle Ford Group of the East Texas basin, the lower Eagle Ford section of San Marcos arch, and by interpolation, the Upper unit. Therefore, the lower Eagle Ford section of the San Marcos arch represents a time-condensed unit equivalent to most of the top-Buda Limestone-to-base-Austin Chalk interval in the East Texas basin. This study, integrated with that of Ambrose et al. (2009), presents a basinwide chronostratigraphic framework for the Woodbine Group. Similar to that which occurs at the basin’s eastern margin, the number of fourth-order sequences in the Woodbine Group systematically decreases westward—from 14 in the basin axis to no more than 9 in the most active part of the Eaglebine play—because of their gradual depositional pinch out at the top of the Woodbine section near the western basin margin. The upper Woodbine Group above about fourth-order SB 70 is inferred to compose a third-order TST in which these pinch outs represent apparent truncations (Vail, 1987) of fourth-order sequences below the third-order MFS (MFS 150) in the lower Eagle Ford Group. Therefore, the contact between the Woodbine Group and Eagle Ford Group is unconformable throughout the East Texas basin, but rather than a single, regional unconformity, it comprises systematic pinch out of fourth-order sequences at the top of the Woodbine Group. The lower Woodbine succession likely represents a third-order LST. • In the play area, the Eagle Ford Group consists of three fourth-order sequences that accumulated after the major late Cenomanian–early Turonian flooding event recorded by a basinwide TST at the base of the unit. The topset beds of highstand successions are the productive fluvial-deltaic sub-Clarksville sandstones. Depositional systems represented in the sandiest upper half of the overall-progradational Woodbine Group vary within the study area, even between stratigraphically adjacent sequences. Northwest-to-southeast-oriented, on-shelf siliciclastic systems include fluvial-dominateddelta; incised-valley-fill fluvial and nearshoremarine; and wave-dominated-delta deposits. Potential sandstone reservoirs comprise discontinuous distributary-channel, crevasse-splay, delta-front, incised-fluvial, stream-plain, and strand-plain facies. REFERENCES CITED Adams, R. L., and J. P. 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Eaglebine Play of the Southwestern East Texas Basin Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/aapgbull/article-pdf/98/12/2551/3377384/BLTN13232.pdf by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals user