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Questionnaire Research: Health, Cognition, Well-being Tests

Questionnaire Research (Questionnaires organized by date found, on spreadsheet the
pdfs are sorted by category and sub-category.
Oxford Happiness Scale
PDF with questions and scoring:
Notes: An improved instrument, the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (OHQ), has been
derived from the Oxford Happiness Inventory, (OHI). The OHI comprises 29 items, each
involving the selection of one of four options that are different for each item. The OHQ
includes similar items to those of the OHI, each presented as a single statement which
can be endorsed on a uniform six-point Likert scale. The revised instrument is compact,
easy to administer and allows endorsements over an extended range.
Both the OHI and the OHQ demonstrated high scale reliabilities with values a(167)=0.92
and a(168)=0.91 respectively.
Beck’s depression Inventory
PDF with questions and scoring: https://www.ismanet.org/doctoryourspirit/pdfs/BeckDepression-Inventory-BDI.pdf
Beck’s anxiety inventory
PDF: https://wavetherapist.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Anxiety-SymptomsQuestionnaire-BAI.pdf
SCORING: The score range is 0–63. A total score of 0–7 is considered minimal range,
8–15 is mild, 16–25 is moderate, and 26–63 is severe.
Grip Strength Test
Instructions and Scoring: https://www.topendsports.com/testing/tests/handgrip.htm
The subject holds the dynamometer in the hand to be tested, with the arm at right
angles and the elbow by the side of the body. The handle of the dynamometer is
adjusted if required - the base should rest on the first metacarpal (heel of palm), while
the handle should rest on middle of the four fingers. When ready the subject squeezes
the dynamometer with maximum isometric effort, which is maintained for about 5
seconds. No other body movement is allowed. The subject should be strongly
encouraged to give a maximum effort.
Scoring Table
Physical Health
Gait speed test
Pdf with instructions and scoring: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/health/practitionerpro/bc-guidelines/frailty-gaitspeed.pdf
Short physical performance battery test (consists of 3 tests)
Pdf with instructions and scoring: https://frailtyscience.org/sites/default/files/202009/Frailty%20Assessment%20Definition%20Sheet%20%20SPPB%20as%20a%20frailty%20measure.pdf
Chair stand Test
Pdf with instructions and scoring: https://bpac.org.nz/falls/docs/The_30Second_Chair_Stand_Test.pdf
Duke Activity Status Index
Pdf with instructions and scoring:
Calculator available at this link: https://www.mdcalc.com/calc/3910/duke-activity-statusindex-dasi
Overall Health
Activities of daily living Test:
Pdf with instructions and scoring: https://www.journal-ofhepatology.eu/cms/10.1016/j.jhep.2018.06.017/attachment/76db28d7-0902-4ced-90f3dea9cebf555f/mmc2.pdf
Global Physical Activity Questionnaire
Pdf with questions and Analysis guide: https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/defaultsource/ncds/ncd-surveillance/gpaq-analysis-guide.pdf?sfvrsn=1e83d571_2
Scoring METs: Total physical activity MET-minutes/week ( = the sum of the total MET
minutes of activity computed for each setting) Equation: Total Physical Activity METminutes/week = [(P2 * P3 * 8) + (P5 * P6 * 4) + (P8 * P9 * 4) + (P11 * P12 * 8) + (P14 *
P15* 4)]
Quality of Life Scale (QOLS)
PDF with questions: http://www.contentedits.com/img.asp?id=13179
Scoring: The QOLS scores are summed so that a higher score indicates higher quality
of life. Average total score for healthy populations is about 90. For rheumatic disease
groups, the average score ranges are 83 for rheumatoid arthritis, 84 for systemic lupus
erythematosus, 87 for osteoarthritis, and 92 for young adults with juvenile rheumatoid
arthritis. Average total scores for other conditions range from 61 for Israeli patients with
posttraumatic stress disorder, to 70 for fibromyalgia, to 82 for psoriasis, urinary
incontinence and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. All of these means come from
descriptive studies or experimental pretest data. And like many QOL instruments, the
means tend to be quite negatively skewed with most patients reporting some degree of
satisfaction with most domains of their lives.
Physical Fitness Questionnaire
PDF with questions:
International Physical Activity Questionnaire
PDF with questions:
Scoring: https://www.physiopedia.com/images/c/c7/Quidelines_for_interpreting_the_IPAQ.pdf
Modifiable Activity Questionnaire
PDF with questions and scoring: http://www.parcph.org/Docs/MAQ.pdf
Recent Physical Activity Questionnaire
PDF with questions https://www.mrc-epid.cam.ac.uk/wpcontent/uploads/2014/08/RPAQ.pdf
Rapid Assessment of Physical Activity
PDF with questions and scoring
Cognitive Assessment Questionnaire
Link with instructions and scale (0-100):
General Practitioner Assessment of Cognition
Link with instructions and scale: https://www.alz.org/getmedia/9687d51e-641a-43a1a96b-b29eb00e72bb/cognitive-assessment-toolkit
Link with instructions and scale: https://www.alz.org/getmedia/9687d51e-641a-43a1a96b-b29eb00e72bb/cognitive-assessment-toolkit
Short Form Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly
Link with instructions: https://nceph.anu.edu.au/files/English_short.pdf
Scoring: The result is a score that ranges from 1 to 5. A score of 3 means that the
subject is rated on average as 'no change'. A score of 4 means an average of 'a bit
worse'. A score of 5 an average of 'much worse'.
If the long IQCODE is used for screening for dementia, a cutting point of 3.27/3.30
balances sensitivity and specificity. For the short IQCODE, a cutting point of 3.31/3.38
achieves a balance of sensitivity and specificity.
Long Form Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly
Link with instructions: https://nceph.anu.edu.au/files/English_long.pdf
Scoring: The result is a score that ranges from 1 to 5. A score of 3 means that the
subject is rated on average as 'no change'. A score of 4 means an average of 'a bit
worse'. A score of 5 an average of 'much worse'.
If the long IQCODE is used for screening for dementia, a cutting point of 3.27/3.30
balances sensitivity and specificity. For the short IQCODE, a cutting point of 3.31/3.38
achieves a balance of sensitivity and specificity.
Mini Mental State Examination
Link with instructions: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/health/practitioner-pro/bcguidelines/cogimp-smmse.pdf
Montreal Cognitive Assessment
Link with instructions: https://www.smchealth.org/sites/main/files/file-attachments/mocainstructions-english_2010.pdf
Test sheet: https://www.parkinsons.va.gov/resources/MOCA-Test-English.pdf
Digit Span Test
Link with Instructions: https://www.cambridgecognition.com/cantab/cognitivetests/memory/digit-span-dgs/
Free cognitive function and brain speed test (website, so no pdf)
Link: https://www.mybraintest.org/brain-speed-tests/
Instructions/Info: This brain speed test measures cognitive processing speed and
attention, with a focus on working memory capacity. Remember the sequence of objects
that appear in the grid below, and then duplicate this sequence. Most people are able to
remember 5 to 8 blocks in a row. Users can change the “Span” of objects displayed
To make this test more challenging, switch from Forward to Reverse order, and
change the test speed from Slow to Fast. Click on the “New Test” button to begin.
Free Short Term Memory Test (website, so no pdf)
Link: https://www.memorylosstest.com/free-short-term-memory-tests-online/
Attitudes to Aging Questionnaire
Link with instructions and scoring:
Fantastic Lifestyle Checklist
Link with instructions and scoring: https://cpb-cac1.wpmucdn.com/myriverside.sd43.bc.ca/dist/6/45/files/2014/01/Fantastic-Lifestyle-ChecklistFillable-1smptgc.pdf
Nutrition Assessment Questionnaire
Link to questions (no score guide): https://www.ucvh.org/wpcontent/uploads/sites/2/2023/03/nutrition_assessment.pdf
CHAMPS Activities questionnaire
Link to questions:
Eating Habits Questionnaire
Link to questions:
International Trauma Questionnaire:
Link to questions and scoring: https://www.phoenixheroes.co.uk/_webedit/uploadedfiles/All%20Files/ITQ%20Overview%20and%20Scoring%20Final%209%20September%
Resilience Questionnaire
Link to questions and scoring:
Maslow Hierarchy of Needs Questionnaire
Link to questions and scoring: http://questmeraki.com/wpcontent/uploads/2018/01/Questionnaire-Maslows-Hierarchy-of-Needs.pdf
Patient Health Questionnaire
Link to questions and scoring: