ST. ALEXIUS COLLEGE INTEGRATED SCHOOL DEPARTMENT First Semester School Year 2020-2021 Flexible Instructional Delivery Plan for Empowerment Technologies Grade 11 IDENTITY AND CORE PURPOSE St. Alexius College is a duly recognized and accredited institution founded by Dr. Arturo P. Pingoy and Dr. Amparo Y. Pingoy in 1971 to provide education and training for regional socio-economic development. Inspired by the founders’ belief that “education is the key to social mobility”, and enlivened by the virtues of St. Alexius, the institution integrates theory, praxis, research and community service to form principled, competent and productive citizens who make a difference in society. VISION – MISSION STATEMENT St. Alexius College is an educational prime mover in the region, particularly in Allied Health and Basic Education, forming ethical, competent and developmentoriented graduates for a meaningful life in a globalizing society. CORE VALUES o o o o o Humility Integrity Service Simplicity Excellence Page 1 of 15 GENERAL OBJECTIVES OF THE INTEGRATED SCHOOL DEPARTMENT The Integrated School Department of St. Alexius College aims to provide high quality, learner centered, holistic and inclusive basic education where: o Students are actively engaged and motivated to learn. o Teachers are reflective designers and competent facilitators of instruction. o Administrators and staff ensure a safe, healthy and nurturing school environment. o Parents work in partnership with the school in developing mindful, well-rounded individuals. o Community and other stakeholders provide opportunities for culture-based, relevant and meaningful learning. ACADEMIC UNIT OBJECTIVES o To develop a positive character, healthy habits, academic competence, and a deep love for culture and learning. COURSE / SUBJECT DESCRIPTION No. of Hours/Semester: ____80_______ Prerequisites (if needed): ______N/A______ Page 2 of 15 Culminating Performance Standard Performance Task Rubric Page 3 of 15 First Quarter Performance Standard: What to teach? Why teach? How to Assess? How to teach? Learning Competencies Month/ Wk # August Week 1 Conten t 1.The Current state of ICT technol ogies (ie. Web2.0 and Web 3.0, Conver gent Techno logies, Social, Mobile, and Assisti ve Media) Content Standards (CS) Most Essential Topics Performanc e Standards (PS) The learners demonstrate an understanding of: ICT in the context of global communication for specific professional trackstrack. 1.1 The Current state of ICT technologie s (ie. Web2.0 and Web 3.0, Convergent Technologie s, Social, Mobile, and Assistive Media) The learner shall be able to: Independen tly compose an insightful reflection paper on the nature of ICT in the context of their lives, society, and professiona l tracks (Arts, Tech Voc, Sports, Academic) 1.2 Online System, Functions, and Platforms. Performa Most nce Essential Checks KUD Classification/RBT Level - enclosed in parenthesis 1.Create a 1.Compar foundation e and of contrast understan the Mind Map ding of the nuances Output world of of varied ICT. online 2.Underst platforms, anding sites, and and content to demonstra best tingdemon achieve strate the specific proper class etiquette objectives in using or address ICT. situational 3.Demons challenges trate . A- Anal appropriat e skills in using apply several online computer safety, applicatio security, ns. ethics, Complete Page 4 of 15 Value Integration Self Reliance, Confidence, Critical Thinking, Awareness, Mastery and Adaptability Enabling General Strategies Proof and Reasoning; Mind Mapping Flexible Learning Strategies Mini lecture; individual reading; short talk Materials/Eq uipment 1.1 Laptop 1.2 Monitor 1.3 Lapel Mic 1.4 Laptop Pointer 1.5 Video Clip 1.6 Internet Connection 4.Improve s knowledg e on how ICT affects in everyday lives & the state of our nation by sharing a video presentati on regarding the future of ICT. and etiquette standards and practice in the use of ICTs as it would relate to their specific profession al tracks 5.Learn different trends in ICT. August Week 2 The learners demonstrate an understanding of: the use of advanced tools and techniques found in common productivity and software applications in developing ICT content for specific professional tracks. Applied productivity tools with advanced application: These advanced tools and techniques currently include, but are not limited to: 1.1 Microsoft Office Tools The learners shall be able to: independen tly apply advanced productivity tools to create or develop ICT content for use in specific professiona l tracks These may be in the uses common productivit y tools effectively by maximizin g advanced application technique creates an original or derivative ICT content to effectively communic ate Page 5 of 15 Exercises Output Critical Thinking, Excellence, Mastery and Practicality. Representation ; Hands On Exercises mini talk and video presentation; quick questions Individual reflection Speaker; headset; laptop;textboo k;worksheets; wifi August Week 3 manipulating text, graphics, and images to create ICT content intended for an online environment 1. Applied productivity tools with advanced application: These advanced tools and techniques form of, but not limited to: 1. Calculating spreadshee tspread sheet Of athletic statistics (Sports) 2. Layout of catalogue of creative works (Arts) 3. Materials/ ingredients projections for batches of baked goods (Tech- Voc) 4. Letterhead/ business card design (Business/ Academic) independen tly apply the techniques of image manipulatio n and graphic design or present data or informatio n related to specific profession al tracks evaluate existing websites and online resources based on the principles of layout, Page 6 of 15 Excellence, Self Reliance, Awareness Critical thinking Communication Collaboration Creativity Group reporting with powerpoint made by the students currently include, but are not limited to: Data Analysis with Excel Pivot Tables Invoice Layouts Generating Formulas in Excel Excel Navigation and Formatting The Ribbon and its functions to create original or derivative ICT content from existing images, text and graphic elements for use in specific professiona l tracks. These may be in the form of, but not limited to: 1. Team/ athlete/ league recruitment posters (Sports) 2. Logo or crest for a community, school organizatio n or barkada (Arts) graphic, and visual message design use image manipulati on technique s on existing images to change or enhance their current state to communic ate a message for a specific purpose create an original or derivative ICT content to effectively communic ate a visual message in an online environme nt related to specific profession Page 7 of 15 August Week 4 Understand the principles and techniques of design using online creation tools, platforms, and applications to develop ICT content for specific professional tracks Advance and complex formulas and computation s independen tly apply the principles and techniques of design using online creation tools, platforms, and application s to create original or derivative ICT content for use in specific professiona l tracks These may be in the form of, but not limited to: 1. Survey instruments using Google forms (Business/ Academic) 2. Athletic match-ups and al tracks evaluate existing online creation tools, platforms and application s in developin g ICT content for specific profession al tracks apply web design principles and elements using online creation tools, platforms, and application s to communic ate a message for a specific purpose in specific profession al tracks create an Page 8 of 15 Awareness, Mastery, Critical Thinking Critical thinking Communication Collaboration Creativity Lecture;Short Video talk time league standings using Mindmeiste r (Sports) Septe mber Week 1 the key learnings from the previous weeks, which they will synthesize into an integrated ICT content through collaboration with classmate and teacher as both peer and partner Principles of Visual Message Design Using Infographics . collaborativ ely develop an online portal or website to showcase and share existing and previously developed content These may be in the form of, but not limited to: 1. Online newsletter original or derivative ICT content using online creation tools, platforms, and application s to effectively communic ate messages related to specific profession al track evaluate the quality, value, and appropriat eness of peer’s existing or previously developed ICT content in relation to the theme or intended audience/ viewer of an ICT project share and Page 9 of 15 Competency, Reflective Thinking, Teamwork, Leadership, Optimism Representation Mini lecture; individual reading; short talk; Collaborative Acitivty 2. Blog 3. Issuu online “magazine” Septe mber Week 2 The learners demonstrate an understanding of: how rich media content and interactivity effectsaffects and changes the user experience in the delivery and consumption of ICT content Imaging and design for the Online Environmen t covering the topics of: 1.Combinin g text, graphics, and images. Uploading, sharing, and image hosting platforms. The learners: independen tly assess one’s experience along a range of online rich content on the basis of the usability of the interface showcase existing or previously developed material in the form of a collaborati vely designed newsletter or blog site intended for a specific audience or viewer explore the principles of interactivit y and rich content in the context of Web 2.0 and the participati on of the user in the online experienc e share anecdotes of how he/she has used ICTs to be Page 10 of 15 Awareness, Mastery, Critical thinking, Adaptability. Case Study; Reflection; Oral Discussion Septe mber Week 3 ICT as a tool, medium, and force in bringing about action and mobilize change in a population, society, or culture. collaborativ ely participate actively in the creation and developme nt of an ICT Project for Social Change relating to an issue in specific professiona l tracks Topics may cover, but are not limited to: 1. Promotion of wellness in the home (Sports) 2. Cultural heritage promotion part of a social movement , change, or cause to illustrate aspects of digital citizenship identify a local or regional cause or issue for Social Change related to specific profession al tracks that can be addressed or tackled using an ICT Project for Social Change identify a local or regional cause or issue for Social Change related to specific profession al tracks Page 11 of 15 Sense of Responsibility, Adaptability, Teamwork and Leadership. Hands On Activity; Oral Discussion Septe mber Week 4 how to work with peers and external publics/ partners for the development of an ICT project that advocates or mobilizes for a specific Social Change or cause Imaging and design for the Online Environmen t covering the topics of: 1.Combinin g text, graphics, and images. Uploading, sharing, and image hosting platforms. through new designs “Pinoy pride” (Arts) 3. Savings and financial literacy drives and advocacies (Business/ Academic) independen tly evaluate the performanc e of an advocacy via an ICT Project for Social Change through available monitoring tools and evaluating techniques such as user interviews, feedback forms, and Analytics data that can be addressed or tackled using an ICT Project for Social Change demonstra te how online ICT Projects for Social Change are uploaded, managed, and promoted for maximum audience impact generate a technical report interpretin g data analytics, e.g. Google, Facebook, or similar Page 12 of 15 Perseverance, Critical thinking, Flexibility, Expertise Mini Talk; Case Study; Hands On Activity Octobe r Week 1 how to manage an online ICT Project for Social Change Octobe r Week 2 how to maintain and sustain the operation of an ICT Project for Imaging and Design for the On-Line Environmen t (Basic Principles of Graphic and Lay-out) independen tly reflect on the ICT learning process and how his/her world view has evolved over the past semester Outputs during this week may be in the form of, but not limited to: 1. Video blog 2. Presentatio n or image gallery 3. Website 4. Illustrated document 5. Podcast or webcast traffic data on the general aspects of search visibility, reach, and virality generate a report on the performan ce of their ICT Project for Social Change on the basis of data gathered from available monitoring tools and evaluating technique s develop a working prototype of an ICT Project for Social Page 13 of 15 Excellence, Decision Making. Discussion; Online Demonstratio n; Video Blogging Octobe r Week 3 Social Change how to reflect on the nature of ICT and the manner by which the learning process has changed his/her world view Collaborativ e developmen t of ICT content covering the topics of: 1. Team structure and dynamics for ICT content 2. Online collaborativ e tools and processes 3. Project managemen t for ICT content 4. Curating existing content for use on the web Online collaborativ e tools that may be used currently include, but are not limited to: 1. Google Docs/ MS Office 365 Change create a reflexive piece or output using an ICT tool, platform, or application of choice on the learning experienc e undergone during the semester References: Page 14 of 15 Creative Thinking, Expertise, Mastery. Video Presentation; Hands On Activity A. Books 1. B. Electronic Journals 1. C. Websites 1. D. Grading System Prepared by Lester R. Ladera, MIT Subject Teacher Checked by Catherine T. Deocades, LPT Academic Coordinator Verified by Shiela F. Sabulao, LPT, PhDEd Principal Approved by John Thoma C. Franco, RN, MAN Executive Vice President Page 15 of 15