lOMoARcPSD|9120052 21st Century - FIDP - fidp Computer Systems Servicing (Talisay City College) Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Downloaded by Juan Miguel Dela Merced (juanmiguel.delamerced@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|9120052 FLEXIBLE INSTRUCTION DELIVERY PLAN (FIDP) Grade: 11 Semester: Quarter 1 Core Subject Title: 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World No of Hours/ Semester: 80 hours Core Subject Description: Engage students in appreciation and critical study of 21 st Century Literature from the Philippines and the world encompassing their various dimensions, genres, elements, structures, contexts, traditions, and literary innovations. Culminating Performance Standard: The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st century Philippine and world literature through a written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in terms of form and theme, with a description of its context derived from research. What to Teach? Most Essential Topics Content Why Teach? Learning Competencies Performance Standards Content Standards Complete 1st Quarter 21st The Century learner Literatur will be e from able to the understan Regions d and appreciat e the elements and context of 21st century Philippin e literature Mapping the features of Philippine Literature: A. Geographic, Linguistic, and Ethnic dimensions of Philippine literary history from precolonial to the contemporary. How to Assess? The learner will be able to demonstrate understandi ng and appreciatio n of 21st Century Philippine literature from the regions through: 1.a written KUD Classi ficatio n 1.Identify the K geographic, linguistic, and ethnic dimensions of Philippine literary history from pre-colonial to contemporary Most Essential (MELCs) Highest Thinking Skill to Assess KUD Classificat ion Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts and doing an adaptation of U these require from the learner the ability to: A.The geographic, linguistic, and ethnic dimensions of Philippine literary history from precolonial to contemporary Flexible Assessment Activities (FAA) RBT Level Applying Evaluating Performance Check(s) How to Teach? Highest Enabling Strategy to Use in Developing the Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Enabling General Strategy 1.Completing the Timeline Connecting 2. Close Analysis Reasoning and Proof 3. Constructed Response Downloaded by Juan Miguel Dela Merced (juanmiguel.delamerced@gmail.com) Flexible Learning Strategies (FLS) 1. Bubble Map 2. Lecture/Concept Mapping 3. Plead 4. Close Analysis and Venn Diagram 5. Collaborative Work lOMoARcPSD|9120052 from the regions. 2.Identify representative texts and the K authors from close analysis and each region (e.g engage critical interpretatio in oral history research with n of a literary text focus on key in terms of personalities from the form and theme, with students’ region/provin a description ce/town ) of its context 3. Value the derived contributions Text and Authors from U of local research; from Each writers to the and Regions development of regional 2.an literary adaptation traditions of a text into other 4. Appreciate creative forms using the multimedia. contributions U of the canonical Filipino writers to the development of national literature. Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts and doing an adaptation of these require from the learner to: b. Representative texts and authors from each regions (e.g engage in oral history research with the focus on key personalities from the students’ region/province/town ) Communication 1. Writing Analysis by Completing the Diagram U Analyzing Downloaded by Juan Miguel Dela Merced (juanmiguel.delamerced@gmail.com) 1. Polling 2. Lecture-Discussion 3. Independent Reading 4. Summarizing text Through Plot Diagram 5. Picture Collage 6. Poem Writing lOMoARcPSD|9120052 Study and appreciati on of literary texts from the different regions written in different genres covering: Major genres Major genres (poetry, fiction, drama; creative nonfiction, as well as hyperpoetry, blogs, mobile phone, Texttula, chick lit, speculative fiction, flash fiction, etc.) 5.Differentiat e/compare U and contrast the various 21st century literary genres and the ones from the earlier genres/period s citing their elements, structures and traditions. Literary Elements, Devices, and Critical Approaches 6.Infer U literary meaning from literal language based on usage 7.analyze the figures of U speech and other literary techniques and devices in the text. 8.Explain the biological, linguistic, and socio-cultural contexts and discuss how they enhance U the text’s Analyzing Communication Compare and contrast U the various 21st century literary genres and the ones from the earlier genres/periods citing their elements, structures and traditions. U 1. Writing a close analysis of a film (with guide questions) Connecting Discuss how different contexts enhance the text’s meaning and enrich the readers’ understanding. 1. Close Analysis of a Literary Text Communication Analyzing U 2. Presentation of Text Analysis through an ebrochure Applying Downloaded by Juan Miguel Dela Merced (juanmiguel.delamerced@gmail.com) Connection 1. 2. 3. 4. Hugot Lines Video Presentation Lecture-Discussion Comparative Matrix 5. Writing Literary Pieces with Teacher’s Feedback from Improvement 6. Close Analysis 7. Film Viewing 1. Lecture-Discussion 2. Schema Activation through Picture Analysis 3. Independent Reading 4. Close Analysis with Guide Questions 5. Creative Nonfiction Writing 6. Brochure 7. Peer Review 8. Quiz for Understanding Check lOMoARcPSD|9120052 meaning and the reader’s understanding U 9.Situate the text in the context of the region and the nation 10. Explain the relationship of the context with the text’s meaning produce a creative U representation of a literary by applying multimedia skills. Literary Adaptation on Using Appropriate Multimedia Tools 11.1 choose an appropriate multimedia format in D interpreting a literary text Produce a creative representation of a literary text by applying multimedia and ICT skills Creating 1. Film clip Presentation 2. Lecture-Discussion 3. Close Analysis 4. Comparative Analysis 5. Small Group Discussion 6. Reflection Paper 1. Literary Adaptation (e.g comic strip, animation, cinematic trailer, film posters, etc.) 2. Comparative Analysis 11.2 apply ICT skills in crafting an U adaptation of a literary text. 11.3 Do selfand/or peer assessment of U Do self- and/or peer assessment of the Evaluating 1. Reflection Paper Downloaded by Juan Miguel Dela Merced (juanmiguel.delamerced@gmail.com) Reasoning and Proof lOMoARcPSD|9120052 the creative adaptation of a literary text, based on rationalized criteria, prior to presentation creative adaptation of literary text, based on rationalized criteria, prior to presentation Downloaded by Juan Miguel Dela Merced (juanmiguel.delamerced@gmail.com) 1. Guided Literary Adaptation Critique/Review 2. Worksheets for Comprehension Check