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Business Strategy Practice Questions

Allset Motors, a manufacturer of self-driving delivery trucks, is working on developing its nextgeneration vehicles. It has decided on a strategy of focusing on a narrow buyer segment and
outcompeting its rivals by offering buyers customized vehicles at a lower cost than its rivals.
What basic strategic approach has Allset Motors decided upon?
Focused low-cost
Broad differentiation
Amy's Drive-Thru, a fast food facility near a college campus, offers healthy, sustainably grown
vegetarian and vegan fast-food at higher prices than its competitors in the market and has a
drive-through and indoor-seated, casual-dining operation. What strategy is Amy's Drive-Thru
using to gain a competitive advantage?
A best-cost provider strategy
A low-cost provider strategy
A focused low-cost provider strategy
A focused differentiation strategy
Domino's Pizza has a well-known slogan: "We'll deliver in 30 minutes or less, or it's free!" By
using this slogan, what has the pizza maker achieved?
Given a sense of exclusivity to its customers
Increased its ability to charge a price premium for its product (because buyers see
its differentiating features as worth something extra)
Coordinated with suppliers to better address customer needs
Built a unique customer value proposition
An industrial air-conditioner manufacturing giant decides to outsource its operations to a new
geographical location with cheaper labor amidst ongoing labor strikes in a few of its existing
locations (due to proposed job cuts and relocation of the plant offshore). This draws criticism
in its home market and affects its current market position and productivity. Which of the
following would be an appropriate reactive (emergent) strategy while moving forward?
Hiring and training new talent to begin operations in the emerging market
Acquiring a local computer chip marketing and distribution specialist firm in the
new location
Canceling the idea of outsourcing and retaining the existing workforce to run
Canceling the job cuts till the market situation and entry operations
Which one of the following does not represent market circumstances that make a focused
low-cost or focused differentiation strategy attractive?
[a] When it is costly or difficult for multi-segment competitors to meet the
specialized needs of the target market niche and at the same time satisfy the
expectations of their mainstream customers
[b] When the industry has many different segments and market niches, thereby
allowing a focuser to pick an attractive niche suited to its resource strengths
and capabilities
[c] When industry leaders have chosen not to compete in the niche
[d] When buyers are not strongly brand loyal and a large number of other
rivals are attempting to specialize in the same target segment
Which of the following is not a frequently used strategic approach to setting a company apart
from rivals and achieving a sustainable competitive advantage?
[a] aiming for a cost-based competitive advantage
[b] outcompeting rivals on the basis of such differentiating features as higher quality, wider
product selection, added performance, better service, or more attractive styling
[c] simply trying to mimic the successful strategies of rivals
[d] focusing on a narrow market niche and winning a competitive edge by doing a better
job than rivals of satisfying the needs and tastes of buyers comprising the niche
In value chain analysis, the activities of an organization are divided into two major categories
of value activities: primary and support. Which of the following is a primary activity?
[a] Purchasing key inputs
[b] Recruiting and training employees
[c] Repairing the product for the consumer
[d] Monitoring the cost of producing the product through a cost accounting system
The competitive moves and business approaches a company's management is using to grow
the business, compete successfully, attract and please customers, conduct operations, respond
to changing economic and market conditions, and achieve organizational objectives is referred
to as its
[a] strategy.
[b] mission statement.
[c] strategic intent.
[d] business model.
The four key attributes of strategic management include the idea that strategy must
[a] be directed towards overall organizational goals and objectives
[b] be focused only on long term objectives
[c] be focused on only one specific area of an organization
[d] focus only on competitor strength
Which of the following best describes the market opportunities that tend to be most relevant
to a particular company?
[a] those that provide avenues for taking market share away from close rivals and
enhance a company's image as a leader in product innovation and product
[b] those that offer the company a chance to raise entry barriers
[c] those that help promote greater diversification of revenues and profits
[d] those that match up well with the firm's financial resources and
competitive capabilities, offer the best growth and profitability, and
present the most potential for competitive advantage
A company's value chain identifies
[a] the steps it goes through to convert its net income into value for shareholders.
[b] the primary activities that create value for customers and related support
[c] the series of steps it takes to get a product from a raw materials stage to a
finished product.
[d] the activities it performs in transforming its competencies into distinctive
The difference between a distinctive competence and a core competence is that
[a] a distinctive competence refers to a company's best-executed functional
strategy and a core competence refers to a company's best-executed business
[b] a distinctive competence refers to a company's most strategically important
resource whereas a core competence refers to the basis of a company's
competitive advantage over rivals.
[c] a distinctive competence is a competitively relevant internal activity that a
firm performs especially well relative to other internal activities, whereas a
core competence is a competitively important activity performed by key
strategic allies.
[d] a distinctive competence represents internal activity that is performed
with a very high level of proficiency whereas a core competence is a
proficiently performed internal activity that is central to a company's
strategy and competitiveness
A company’s
strategy consists of
actions to develop a more appealing business model than rivals.
plans involving alignment of organizational activities and strategic objectives.
offensive and defensive moves to generate revenues and increase profit margins
competitive moves and approaches that managers have developed to grow
the business, attract and please customers, conduct operations, and achieve
targeted objectives
Which one of the following is NOT a reason industry members are often motivated to enter
into collaborative partnerships with key suppliers?
[a] to reduce the costs of switching suppliers
[b] to speed the availability of next-generation components
[c] to enhance the quality of parts and components being supplied and reduce defect
[d] to squeeze out important cost savings for both themselves and their suppliers
Whether buyer bargaining power poses a strong or weak source of competitive pressure on
industry members depends in part on
[a] how many buyers are engaged in collaborative partnerships with sellers.
[b] whether entry barriers are high or low.
[c] whether the overall quality of the items being furnished by industry members is
rising or falling
[d] whether buyer demand is strong or declining.
Why should long-run objectives take precedence over short-run objectives?
[a] The focus is placed on improving performance in the near term
[b] Long-run objectives are necessary for achieving long-term performance
and stand as a barrier to undue focus on short-term results.
[c] Long-run objectives will satisfy shareholder expectations for progress
[d] Long-run objectives will force the company to deliver performance
improvement in the current period
Which one of the following does not intensify the competitive pressures associated with the
threat of entry?
[a] Incumbent firms are unable or unwilling to launch competitive initiatives to
strongly contest the entry of newcomers.
[b] Industry members are struggling to earn good profits.
[c] Entry barriers are relatively low.
[d] Existing industry members are looking to expand their market reach by entering
product segments or geographic areas where they currently do not have a
Strategy formulation and implementation is a challenging ongoing process. To be effective, it
should NOT involve
[a] the CEO and the board of directors
[b] the board of directors, CEO and CFO
[c] rivals
[d] line and staff managers
The value of SWOT analysis in evaluating a company's resources and competitiveness is that
[a] it assists strategy-makers in crafting a strategy that is well-matched to the
company's resources and capabilities, its market opportunities, and the
external threats to its future well-being.
[b] it helps strategy-makers benchmark the company's resource strengths against
industry key success factors.
[c] it enables a company to assess its overall competitive position relative to its key
[d] it allows a company to compare its market share, measures of profitability, and
sales with its key competitors.
A company that lacks a stand-alone resource that is competitively powerful may attempt to
develop a competitive advantage through
[a] improved employee training programs, new marketing promotions, or
technological enhancements to production processes.
[b] the development of a new business strategy that draws upon existing resource
[c] extensive strategic planning and resource identification sessions involving
at all levels of the organization.
bundled resources that enable superior performance of crossfunctional capabilities that can be leveraged to support its business model
and strategy.
Vision statements are used to create a better understanding of the overall purpose and
direction of the organization. Vision statements
[a]are very specific.
[b]provide specific objectives.
[c]Set organizational structure
evoke powerful and compelling mental images
Human capital includes
[a] the relationship between people
[b] an improved product
[c] the output from assembly line employees
[d] capabilities, knowledge and skills of an individual
Effectively communicating the strategic vision down the line to lower-level managers and
employees has the value of
[a] not only explaining "where we are going and why" but, more importantly,
also inspiring and energizing company personnel to unite to get the
company moving in the intended direction.
[b] helping company personnel understand why "making a profit" is so important.
[c] making it easier for top executives to set strategic objectives.
[d] helping lower-level managers and employees better understand the company's
business model.
Two software engineers working together on a computer code share their _____ knowledge in
order to create new knowledge.
[a] explicit
[b] theoretical
[c] tacit
[d] intangible
Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of an effectively worded strategic vision
[a] directional (is forward-looking, describes the strategic course that management
has charted and the kinds of product-market-customer-technology changes that
will help the company prepare for the future)
[b] easy to communicate (is explainable in 10 to 15 minutes, can be reduced to a
memorable slogan)
[c] graphic (paints a picture of the kind of company management is trying to create
and the market position or positions the company is striving to stake out)
[d] consensus-driven (commits the company to a "mainstream" directional
path that most all stakeholders will enthusiastically support)
In the knowledge economy, if a large portion of company value is in intellectual and human
assets, the difference between the market value and book value of the company should
__________ a company with mostly physical and financial assets
[a] be equal to
[b] not be correlated with
[c] be smaller than
[d] be larger than
A variety of firm resources include interpersonal relations among managers in the firm, its
culture, and its reputation with its suppliers and customers. Such competitive advantage are
based upon
[a] path dependency
[b] social complexity
[c] physical uniqueness.
[d] tangible resources
Which of the following would be most difficult to assess?
[a] The liquidity position of a firm
[b] Market share growth
[c] The legitimacy and reputation of a firm
[d] The efficiency with which a firm utilizes its assets.
In social network analysis, groups can become too insular and fail to share what they have
learned with people outside the group. This is a result of
[e] closure
[f] intellect
[g] bridging relationship
[h] diverse knowledge
Although general administration is often viewed only as overhead expense, it can become a
source of competitive advantage. Examples include all of the following except:
[a] Negotiating and maintaining ongoing relations with regulatory bodies
[b] Effective information systems contributing significantly to a firm's overall cost
leadership strategy
[c] Marketing expertise increasing a firm's revenues and enabling it to enter
new markets
[d] Top management providing a key role in collaborating with important
A strategic group consists of those firms in an industry that
[a] are subject to the same driving forces.
[b] place about the same emphasis on each distribution channel.
[c] use the same key success factors to differentiate their products.
[d] employ similar competitive approaches and occupy similar positions in
the market.
In identifying an industry's key success factors, strategists should
[a] try to single out all factors that play a major role in shaping whether buyer
demand grows rapidly or slowly.
[b] consider on what basis customers choose between competing brands, what
resources and competitive capabilities firms need to be competitively
successful, and what shortcomings are almost certain to put a company at
a significant competitive disadvantage.
[c] consider whether the number of strategic groups is increasing or decreasing
and whether the five competitive forces are powerful or relatively weak.
[d] consider what it will take to overtake the company with the industry's overall
best strategy.
The competitive power of a company resource depends on
[a] whether it helps differentiate a company's product offering from the product
offerings of rival firms.
[b] whether the resource is really competitively valuable, if it is rare and
something competitors lack, how hard it is to copy or imitate, and how
easily it can be trumped by the substitute resource strengths and
competitive capabilities of rivals .
[c] whether customers are aware of the resource and view it positively enough to
boost the company's brand name reputation.
[d] whether the resource is something rivals are unable to perform, if it is an
important differentiating product or service feature, how strongly it contributes
to the company's brand image, and if it is the foundation of a cost-based
The difference between a resource and a capability is that
[a] a resource refers to a company's best-executed functional strategy, and a
refers to a company's best-executed business strategy.
[b] a resource refers to a company's most strategically important asset, whereas a
capability refers to the basis of a company's competitive advantage
over rivals.
[c] a resource is a competitively relevant internal activity that a firm performs
especially well relative to other internal activities, whereas a capability is a
competitively important activity performed by key strategic allies.
a resource represents a competitive asset that is owned or
controlled by the
company, whereas a capability is a competently
performed internal activity that is developed through the deployment of
the company's resources.
Bank and airlines are examples of two industries that track competitor offers
continually. This is called the process of gathering
[a] Consumer responses
[b] Competitive intelligence
[c] Past decisions
[d] Mainline information
Identifying the strategic issues, a company faces and compiling a "worry list" of
problems and roadblocks is an important component of company situation analysis
[a] without a precise fix on what problems/issues a company confronts, managers
cannot know what the industry's key success factors are.
[b] the "worry list" sets the management agenda for taking actions to
improve the company's performance and business outlook.
[c] without a precise fix on what problems/roadblocks a company confronts,
managers are less clear about what value chain activities to benchmark.
[d] the "worry list" helps company managers clarify their thinking about how best
to modify the company's value chain.
Identifying the primary and secondary activities that comprise a company's value
[a] indicates whether a company's resource strengths will ultimately translate into
greater value for shareholders.
[b] reveals whether a company's resource strengths are well-matched to the
industry's key success factors.
[c] is the first step in understanding a company's cost structure (since each
activity in the value chain gives rise to costs).
[d] is called benchmarking
Which of the following would be considered part of the general (macro) environment
of a firm
[a] decreased entry barriers
[b] higher unemployment rates
[c] increased bargaining power of the firm’s suppliers
[d] increased competitive intensity
Technology can be used to leverage _______ and _________ within organizations as
well as with customers and suppliers beyond their boundaries.
[a] human capital; intellectual capital
[b] human capital; knowledge
[c] knowledge; social capital
[d] communication; social capital
The bargaining leverage of suppliers is greater when
[a] only a small number of suppliers exist and when it is difficult for industry
members to switch to attractive substitutes.
[b] industry members incur low costs in switching their purchases from one
supplier to another
[c] industry members purchase in large quantities and thus are important customers
of the suppliers
[d] it makes good economic sense for industry members to vertically integrate
The competitive threat that outsiders will enter a market is weaker when
[a] financially strong industry members send strong signals that they will
launch strategic initiatives to combat the entry of newcomers.
[b] the pool of entry candidates is large, and some have resources that would make
them formidable market contenders
[c] the industry’s market growth is rapid.
[d] newcomers can be expected to earn attractive profits.
A competitive advantage based on inimitability can be sustained for at least some time, if it has
the following characterisctics:
[a] psychographic uniqueness, path dependency, causal ambiguity, causal
ambiguity and sustainability
[b] physical uniqueness, path dependency, causal ambiguity and social
[c] rarity, path dependency, causal ambiguity and social substitutability
[d] geographic uniqueness, cause dependency, social ambiguity and social
The most powerful of the five competitive forces is usually the
[a] competitive pressures that stem from the ready availability of attractively priced
substitute products.
[b] competitive pressures associated with rivalry among competing sellers in
the industry for buyer patronage.
[c] benefits that emerge from close collaboration with suppliers and the competitive
pressures that such collaboration creates
[d] competitive pressures associated with the potential entry of new competitors.
A company needs financial objectives
[a] to overtake key competitors on such important measures as net profit margins
and return on investment
[b] because without adequate profitability and financial strength, the
company's ultimate survival is jeopardized.
[c] to indicate to employees that financial objectives always take precedence over
strategic objectives.
[d] to convince shareholders that top management is acting in their interests.
In order to be considered strategic resources that contribute competitive advantage, they
must have several characteristics. Which of the following is NOT one of these?
[a] rare
[b] valuable
[c] inexpensive to imitate
[d] costly to substitute
Which of the following statements about strategic groups is false?
[a] Two assumptions are made: (1) no two firms are totally different, (2) no two
firms are exactly the same
[b] Strategic groupings are of little help to a firm in assessing mobility barriers
that protect a group from attacks by other groups
[c] Strategic groups help chart the future directions of firms' strategies
[d] Strategic groups are helpful in thinking through the implications of each
industry trend for the group as a whole
Many Microsoft employees have left to start other companies. In general, when such
employees leave, they take with them
[a] Social capital
[b] Human capital
[c] Intellectual capital
[d] All of the above
When a company has become proficient in modifying, upgrading, or deepening the
company's resources and capabilities in response to its changing environment and
market opportunities, it is called
[a] a dynamic capability.
[b] a core competence.
[c] a distinct competence.
[d] a strategic assessment.
Environmental forecasting does not involve plausible projections about the ____
environmental change
[a] direction
[b] scope
[c] speed
[d] lack of intensity
For a particular company resource to have meaningful competitive power and perhaps
qualify as a basis for competitive advantage, it should
[a] be competitively important, hard for competitors to copy or imitate, rare
and something rivals lack, and not be easily trumped by the substitute
resources/capabilities of rivals.
[b] be something that a company does internally rather than in collaborative
arrangements with outsiders.
[c] be patentable.
[d] be rooted in the company's organizational capital, information capital, or human
Human capital and social capital are vital for superior performance. If a firm has
strong human capital, the firm may exploit this by building social capital. This can be
accomplished by
[a] requiring workers to work independently of each other
[b] decreasing the interaction of departments within the firm
[c] structuring the firm with rigid departmental and employees divisions
encouraging the sharing of ideas between employees in the firm
1. Which one of the following is not part of conducting a SWOT analysis?
[a] identifying a company's resource strengths and competitive capabilities
[b] benchmarking the company's resource strengths and competitive
capabilities against industry key success factors
[c] identifying a company's market opportunities
[d] drawing conclusions about the company's overall business situation
2. A balance scorecard provides top managers with a ______ view of the business.
[a] detailed and complex
[b] simple and routine
[c] fast but comprehensive
[d] long-term financial
3. ___________ are typically embedded in unique routines and practices that have
evolved and accumulated over time such as effective work teams
[a] Tangible resources
[b] Intangible resources
[c] Reputational resources
[d] Organizational capabilities
4. Why must successful managers recognize opportunities and threats in their company
external environment
[a] If they miscalculate the market, opportunity will be lost
[b] If they misread the market, they are likely to become rich
[c] If they identify all of the environmental threats, they are guaranteed to acquire
large market share
[d] If they identify all the environmental opportunities, they are guaranteed to
acquire large market share
5. All the following are examples of socially complex organizational phenomena
[e] a firm’s culture
[f] complex physical technology
[g] interpersonal relations among a firm’s managers
[h] leadership and trust
6. The network of relationships that individuals have throughout the organization is
known as
[a] human capital
[b] social capital
[c] intellectual capital
[d] tacit knowledge
7. Which of the following is NOT one of the basic reasons that a company's strategy
evolves over time?
[a] an ongoing need to abandon those strategy features that are no longer working
[b] the proactive efforts of company managers to improve the company's financial
performance and secure a competitive advantage
[c] the need on the part of company managers to make no adjustments to the
company's business model
[d] the need to respond to the actions and competitive moves of rival firms
8. Just how strong the competitive pressures are from substitute products depends on
[a] whether the available substitutes are strongly or weakly differentiated and
whether buyers make purchases frequently or infrequently.
[b] whether attractively priced substitutes are readily available and the ease
with which buyers can switch to substitutes
[c] whether the available substitutes are products or services
[d] whether the producers of substitutes have ample budgets for new product R&D.
9. A competitive environment in which there is strong rivalry among sellers, low entry
barriers, strong competition from substitute products, and considerable bargaining
leverage on the part of both suppliers and customers
[a] is competitively unattractive from the standpoint of earning good profits
[b] offers little ability to build a sustainable competitive advantage
[c] is highly conducive to achieving strong product differentiation and high brand
[d] offers moderate to good prospects for achieving low costs and building a
sustainable competitive advantage.
10. The strategy-making, strategy-executing process
[a] is usually delegated to members of a company's board of directors so as not to
infringe on the time of busy executives.
[b] includes establishing a company's mission, developing a business model aimed
at making the company an industry leader, and crafting a strategy to implement
and execute the business model.
[c] embraces the tasks of developing a strategic vision, setting objectives,
crafting a strategy, implementing and executing the strategy, and then
monitoring developments and initiating corrective adjustments in light of
experience, changing conditions, and new opportunities.
[d] is principally concerned with sizing up an organization's internal and external
situation, so as to be prepared for the challenge of developing a sound business
11. In a single-business company, the strategy-making hierarchy consists of
[a] business strategy, divisional strategies, and departmental strategies.
[b] business strategy and operating strategy
[c] business strategy, functional strategies, and operating strategies.
[d] managerial strategy, business strategy and divisional strategy.