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Social Media: History, Uses, and Impact

Social Media
Are you familiar with tiktok, facebook, instagram, or twitter?
Well they are known as social media. Year 1997 social media cite
called six degree founded in the same year by Andrew Weinreich.
Social media becomes the most used applications nowadays. Social
media is interesting isn't it?
Social media means interactions among people in which they
create, share, and exchange information and idea bill blue. The most
used social media is facebook with more than two billion people using
it every month. This means that roughly 36.9% of the world's
population are Facebook users. Probably the first recognizable social
media site, in the format we know today, was Six Degrees a platform
created in 1997 that enabled users to upload a profile and make
friends with other users.Billions of people around the world use social
media to share information and make connections. On a personal
level, social media allows you to communicate with friends and family,
learn new things, develop your interests, and be entertained. Do you
wonder why social media was created? Social media originated as a
way to interact with friends and family but was later adopted by
businesses that wanted to take advantage of a popular new
communication method to reach out to customers. The father of
social media Andrew Weinreich said "My vision five years ago was to
revolutionize social networking. Now, it's to revolutionize building
member and constituent bases for political campaigns, not-for-profit
organizations and other member-based businesses". Social media is
not only to create new friends and create bonds with others but it can
used for business purpose and politics. With 1.02 billion user as of
2022 China become the most social users worldwide, while Japan has
the lowest social media usage. The Philippines have been called the
social media capital of the world, because most of the social media
users have an extraordinarily high usage time of about four hours per
day. Back in 2015, the Philippines was dubbed as the social media
capital of the world, with netizens from the country spending 4 hours
and 15 minutes a day on social media platforms, particularly on
Billions of people is interested in social media wether you are
young or adult you can use social media if you want to. As a means of
social management, the rules of etiquette encompass most aspects of
human social interaction; thus, a rule of etiquette reflects an
underlying ethical code, and can reflect a person's fashion and social
status. Social media has its rule such as don't feed the trolls, don't
post or repost anything illegal, don't repost scams. Thinks twice
before you click and post.