UNIVERSIDAD DE MANILA CM. Palma St. Cor. Arroceros St. Mehan Gardens, Manila COLLEGE OF CRIMINOLOGY 1 SEMESTER SCHOOL YEAR 2020-2021 st COURSE CODE: CRM 014 COURSE CREDIT: 4 Units COURSE TITLE: QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course covers the scientific methods of identification and examination of questionable documents, hand writing examination, detection of forgery, falsification and counterfeiting of documents which stress the procedures of restoring and deciphering erasures and obliterations; examination of documents by means of visible light, ultra violet, infra – red and chemical processing, recognition and selection of standards; and examination of questionable typewriting, computerized documents and other terms of modern printing (UDM BS CRIM 2011 CURRICULUM) Philosophy The UDM – College of Criminology is committed to nurture and prepares the less privilege but deserving youths of Manila for a career in Criminology, Criminal Justice and Public Safety who are motivated to excel in all fields of endeavor, resilient to all challenges of life, open and sensitive to the community’s needs, imbued with solid moral values, supremacy of truth and service to humanity as the way of life and oriented to make a difference Vision A significant educational institution actively and continually involved in turning out graduates who will lead Manila in particular, and the nation in general in addressing the problems of crime prevention and control and meeting the demands for global competitiveness Mission Provide the community with professionally competent, service oriented and morally upright graduates who can deliver efficient and effective services in the field of Criminology, Criminal Justice and Public Safety Syllabus in QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS CRM 014 Prepared by: Mark Anthony R Rigor Page 1 Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To explain the basic principles and concepts of questioned document examination To appreciate the significance of questioned document examination in addressing the problems, issues, arguments or disputes raised against document To identify various applications of questioned document examination in criminal investigation, crime detection and administration of justice To perform handwriting examination, signature verification and other miscellaneous aspects on documents To recognize competent standards for comparison in establishing significance for identity or non – identity of the matter under inquiry Specific objectives At the end of the semester, the students are expected… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. To define document as evidence in a court proceeding To recognize the role and limitations of forensic document examiner in resolving authenticity issues on documents To specify, recognize, compare and evaluate class and individual writing characteristics based on validated processes and techniques To perform proper collection of requested standards from a given subject To perform handwriting examination To conduct signature verification To conduct examination on miscellaneous cases on documents such as obliterations, erasures, indentations and other form of alterations To familiarize and use terminologies in the practice of forensic questioned document examination Schedule Day: ______________ Time: _______________ Room: _____________ Section: _______________ Requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. Attendance (10%) Practical/Project (30%) Quiz and recitation (20%) Major exams (Mid – term/Final) (40%) Syllabus in QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS CRM 014 Prepared by: Mark Anthony R Rigor Page 2 Computation of Grades 1. Mid – term grade (40%) a. b. 2. Class Standing (60%) Major Examination (40%) Final – term grade (60%) a. b. Class Standing (60%) Major Examination (40%) References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. CASTILLO, RODOLFO JR; UDM Criminology Refresher Course Reviewer in Questioned Documents TABAYOYONG, SEGUNDO; Fundamentals of Questioned Document Examination in Signature Verification and Forgery Detection OSBORN, ALBERT; Questioned Documents DALILIS, HOMER et al; Forensic Questioned Documents AYON, DIONISIA et al; Notes on Questioned Documents MONTOJO, FELIPE; Handwriting Identification Lessons for Criminology Students BELANIO, JESUS; Notes on Bankers Institute of the Philippines Inc Seminars on Signature Analysis and Forgery Detection Rules of Court RA 6506 Syllabus in QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS CRM 014 Prepared by: Mark Anthony R Rigor Page 3 Course Outline Questioned Documents Time Allotment/No. of Hours Week 1 and 2(8hrs) Week 3 and 4 (8hrs) Topic Outline 1. Nature of Questioned Documents *Locard Exchange Principle and forensic document examination *Questioned document *The Document Examiner, Handwriting expert and Grapho-analyst *Personalities in the development of document examination as profession(ALBERT OSBORN, WILSON HARRISON and ORDWAY HILTON) *Evolution of Documents (Paper, ink, writing process) 1. Concepts and Principles of Questioned Documents *Various Aspects of Questioned Document Examination *Legal Aspects of Documents *Classes of Questioned Documents (Holograph Document) *Classes of Disputed Signature Syllabus in QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS CRM 014 Prepared by: Mark Anthony R Rigor Learning Objectives (The students must be able to…) 1. Apply Locard’s Exchange Principle in the concept of forensic document examination 2. Identify the role of forensic document examination in crime detection and administration of justice 3. Recognize the expertise of document examiner, handwriting expert and grapho – analyst 4. Specify the significant contributions of forensic document examination proponents 5. Trace the evolution of documents and the role it plays to man’s life 1. Specify various issues in which forensic document examination can be applied 2. Recognize holograph document 3. Distinguish simple, simulated and traced forgery 4. Demonstrate proper handling and care of questioned document 5. Specify various instruments Methodology Teaching Aid Evaluation *Inter active Online discussion *Lecture * Syllabus *Power Point Presentation *Recitation *Inter active Online discussion *Lecture * Syllabus *Power Point Presentation * Quiz Reference (Refer to references) cited (Refer to cited references) Page 4 Week 5 to 7 (12hrs) Week 8 to 11 (16hrs) (Simple Forgery, Simulated Forgery, Traced Forgery) *Care, Handling and Preservation of Documents *Photography and questioned documents *Instrument and apparatus utilized in Questioned Document Examination 1. Handwriting Examination *Writing and Handwriting definitions *Kinds of handwriting *Physiological basis of handwriting *Steps in the development of handwriting *Factors and Manner of Modifications of handwriting *Examination of handwriting (Recognition, Comparison and Interpretation) 2. Standards *Definition *Kinds of standards *Considerations among requested and collected standards *Sources of standards *Proof of authenticity 1. Writing Characteristics (definition and groups) 2. Rules in the individuality and Syllabus in QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS CRM 014 Prepared by: Mark Anthony R Rigor and specific applications in the conduct of questioned document examination 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. Recognize different kinds of handwriting Discuss the physiological basis of handwriting identification Specify the process of handwriting examination Explain the acquisition and variations of handwriting characteristics Recognize appropriate and sufficient standards *Inter active Online discussion *Lecture * Syllabus *Power Point Presentation *Recitation Recognize various individual and class characteristics of handwriting Demonstrate capability to examine writing *Inter active Online discussion *Lecture * Syllabus *Power Point Presentation * MIDTERM EXAMINATION * Recitation *Practical - Collection of standards and Handwriting (Refer to cited references) (Refer to cited references) Page 5 Week 11 to 13 (12hrs) identification of handwriting *Forms (elements of form and letter design) *System and its national/radical influence *Muscular habits and coordination *Straight lines *Curves *Angles *Retracing *Connections *Size *Slant *Spacing *Proportion *Movement (Finger, Hand, Forearm, whole arm; Elements of writing movement) *Line Quality *Tremors (causes, appearance and kinds) *Skills *Rhythm *Speed *Shading *Pen Pressure *Pen lift *Terminal and initial strokes *Alignment *Arrangement *Rubric or Embellishment 1. Examination of Signature *Definition of signature, Syllabus in QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS CRM 014 Prepared by: Mark Anthony R Rigor 3. 1. examination /identification characteristics to point out identity and nonidentity among known and unknown writing specimen Perform handwriting examination and identification Cite and recognize characteristics of genuine signature *Inter active Online discussion * Syllabus *Power Point Presentation * Practical – Signature Verification (Refer to cited references) Page 6 Model signature and Evidential signature *Classes of signature *Styles of signature *Characteristics of genuine signature *Forgery of signature *Proof of genuineness Week 14to 16 (12 hrs) Week 16to 17 (8hrs) 1. Miscellaneous Aspects of Questioned Document Examination *Methods of Alteration (erasure, addition, substitution, interlianation and obliterations) *Techniques in the examination of Questioned Documents (Microscopic, transmitted light, oblique light, photographic and ultra – violet) *Procedure in the examination of handwriting *Precautions to be observed by a questioned document examiner in the examinations of documents 1. Examination of Typewriting *Development of typewriting *Rules in typewriting identification *Term familiarization Syllabus in QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS CRM 014 Prepared by: Mark Anthony R Rigor 2. Recognize style and habits in execution of signature *Lecture 1. Determine specific application of various techniques in the miscellaneous aspects of questioned documents examination Recognize different forms of alterations and methods of commission *Inter active Online discussion *Lecture * Syllabus *Power Point Presentation *Practical – Oblique light examination, restoration of obliterated writings, decipherment of indented wrtings. (Refer to cited references) Demonstrate capability to perform typewriting examination Recognize proper procedure for obtaining typewriting standards *Inter active Online discussion *Lecture * Syllabus *Power Point Presentation *Recitation *Practical – Typewriting identification (Refer to cited references) 2. 1. 2. Page 7 *Typeface defects *Typewriting standards Week 18 (4hrs) 1. Understanding Professional Questioned Document Examination Practices *sec 23 of RA 6506 *sec 49 Rule 130 of the Rules of Court in the Philippines *Prohibitions in questioned document examination *Court testimony of questioned document expert in the witness stand 3. 1. 2. Recognize and cite identifying characteristics of typewritten specimen Cite legal provisions as basis of forensic questioned document examination practices Discuss the role of questioned document examiner as an expert in judicial proceedings *Inter active Online discussion *Lecture * Syllabus *Power Point Presentation * Recitation *Final Examination (Refer to cited references) Prepared by: Mark Anthony R Rigor Noted by: Rizalino D Flores III Associate Dean Syllabus in QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS CRM 014 Prepared by: Mark Anthony R Rigor Dr. Yolanda S Lira Dean Page 8