Uploaded by Isaac McDonald


Anjean: Hello - I’ll be right with you. I just need to catch up on your chat so I can help!
Isaac McDonald: Hello
Anjean: Hello Isaac! Good day! How may I help you?
Isaac McDonald: Hi there, I am contacting today about one of my orders wondering if could help me out
Anjean: Thank you for contacting us. I can well imagine that you are wondering what the status of your order is and that you are looking forward to the delivery of your package! I'd be happy to take a look with you.
Anjean: May I know your order number, and phone number on the order please?
Isaac McDonald: No worries
Isaac McDonald: C01243605883 order number
Isaac McDonald: 07365945949 phone number
Anjean: Thank you for the details and thank you for being a Nike member!
Isaac McDonald: No worries
Anjean: For verification, may I confirm the total exact amount of the order or the Order Date(with year) please?
Isaac McDonald: yeah 2 secs
Anjean: Ok
Isaac McDonald: order amount was £323.41
Isaac McDonald: Purchased Online – 3 Jul 2023
Anjean: I Finally found your order and verified here! Thank you so much! Is this for 4 items?
Isaac McDonald: Yeah
Anjean: Please tell me more about what happened to your order?
Isaac McDonald: okay