2020 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Systems (ICACCS) Design and Development of EMG Based Prosthetic Arm Ashik Ali Abdhul Dept. of Biomedical Engineering KAHE, Coimbatore ashikkihsa7@gmail.com Deepika Subramani Dept. of Biomedical Engineering KAHE, Coimbatore deepika.220799@gmail.com Sadhana Subramaniam Dept. of Biomedical Engineering KAHE, Coimbatore sadhanas875@gmail.com Abstract—The Prosthetic arm is a device for people who are suffering from paralyzed human parts. In this project we use the signals from the muscles which are called electromyography. The main challenge in the prosthesis is the lack of a portable and powerful embedded system. We present a design and development of EMG based prostheses for upper arm prosthetics that can overcome many limitations over myoelectric movements. Neuromuscular signals are also used to estimate force and torque to actuate the prosthetic device. In sense to obtain required output the sensing system and control system work accordingly. Our prototype will serve as a platform for several new features and an elegant way for a natural and intuitive prosthesis. Keywords—EMG (electromyography), prosthetic arm, prototype. I. INTRODUCTION EMG is a biological signal which is produced by muscle tension. It is non-stationary and highly complex. There are two kinds of EMG: (1) surface EMG, (2) needle EMG. In surface EMG the signals from the body’s intact musculature are used to control the externally powered prosthesis. The surface electrodes are made up of silver chloride pre-gelled electrodes. There are two types of extremities namely upper and lower. To perform the day to day life activities like dressing, eating, writing and grabbing, we provide a solution by an artificial arm. The action potential ranges from -80mv to +30mv. The depolarization and repolarization processes of the muscle fiber produce the exact EMG signals required for the function of the prosthesis. In modern days, many commercial prosthetic devices are available. In muscle physiology, the excitability of muscle fibers using prosthesis is an advanced method for an amputee. EMG signals from the muscle movements are complex to analyze, hence they are amplified and rectified by the processing before it is fed into controller. Figure1 displays a typical model of the prosthetic arm connected with the controller and prosthesis. Janarthanan Ganesan Dept. of Biomedical Engineering KAHE, Coimbatore janarthananjana980@gmail.com K.G.Dharani Associate Professor, Dept. of ECE KAHE, Coimbatore dharani_vlsi@yahoo.co.in Figure 1: Model of prosthetic arm II. METHODOLOGY A. Design and construction The entire network consists of three main parts: (1) Portable EMG sensor, (2) Arduino controlled system which controls prosthetic hand, (3) Prosthetic arm. The Typical control procedure transmits three-channel EMG data to the controller system through an Arduino communication protocol. The Arduino will perform the algorithm and generate output every two seconds. B. The function of a prosthetic arm In this system, we use signals from the muscles for user-centered needs. Myoelectric signals have been used in various biological applications. These signals are used to control the prosthetic arm. Myo-signals are a weak signal which is subjected to amplification by the amplifier circuits. The amplified signals are then filtered to eliminate the motion artifacts. It increases the accurateness of the signal and reduces the environment and device noise [1]. The degree of closeness was achieved by the elimination of artifacts. Fig.2 displays the EMG control mechanism and its sequences. Figure 2: EMG control mechanism and its sequences 978-1-7281-5197-7/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 502 Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO DE JANEIRO. Downloaded on June 25,2023 at 19:17:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 2020 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Systems (ICACCS) C. Working principle of EMG sensor 2) Instrumentation amplifier: In this system, the instrumentation acts as a differential amplifier and removes electromagnetic noise which the body has picked up. In the case of EMG amplification, the signal is mostly noise. So, this specification plays a major role to acquire an accurate signal. The instrumentation amplifier strengthens the weak signal that is obtained from the body of the patient. 3) Active low pass filter: The low pass filter stops the lowfrequency signals and allows the high-frequency signals to pass through. [6].The attenuation of frequencies above their cut-off points removes high-frequency noise interference. The cut-off frequency of a low pass filter is about 482 Hz. This system uses 1st order active low pass filter. Figure 3: Working of EMG electrodes EMG muscle sensors are used in clinical and biomedical applications. These signals are used as a control signal for prosthetic devices like prosthetic hands, arms, and lower limbs. The subject is said to be at a stationary state to eliminate artifacts produced by the electrodes. Four different movements can be executed by the subject. The individual finger movements consist of flexions and extensions, rotation and abduction can be achieved [10][11]. Each finger is capable of moving up to 25 degrees. The hand is capable of rotation up to 180 degrees. The circuit consists of three, coloured surface electrodes namely red, green and yellow. Red acts as the reference electrode, yellow acts as the active electrode, and green acts as the ground electrode. The prosthetic arm is controlled by the generated EMG signal. III. BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 4: Block diagram of the system A. Components of the system 1) Surface electrodes: Surface electrodes are the type of electrodes that are used to obtain the potential from the skin surface. These electrodes sense various signals from the heart, brain, and muscles and produce ECG, EEG, and EMG. The ECG signals are sensed by the large surface electrodes, whereas EEG and EMG signal by the smaller electrodes [7]. Here small pre-gelled surface electrodes are used. 978-1-7281-5197-7/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 4) Arduino: The Arduino integrated development environment is a cross platform for windows written in C and C++ in which C is the most commonly used program. The type of Arduino employed here is Arduino Uno, It is quite small and functional. A software library code is attached to the arduino file to maintain input and output signals. [5].When the codes have executed the inputs and outputs interact with the sensors. 5) Servo Motor: A servo motor is coupled to the sensor for position feedback. The rotatory actuator is used in this application for a high degree of accuracy. The variation between the reference angle and the required angle is measured for the high accuracy rate [3]. Therefore servo motors are often chosen as the best actuator for this application. IV APPLICATIONS Prosthetic devices play a major role in rehabilitation. It increases mobility and the ability to manage household activities. The main purpose of prostheses is to restore the normal function of the missing body part. It is achieved by the software interfaced with the hardware designs. The various levels of amputation used in the upper extremity prostheses include shoulder disarticulation, transradial and transhumeral prosthesis. This main application of this project is better convenience for the amputee due to the lightweight prosthetic arm. The electrical tension produced by the voluntarily contracted muscles controls the movements of a prosthesis such as an elbow flexion/extension and wrist pronation. This application increases the chance for us to develop an EMG based prosthetic arm. V RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Objective and motivation The main objective is to develop a cost-efficient prosthetic arm that can be used by almost all the people of our country. To discover a prosthesis by using the EMG signals generated in the own body of amputees we design a 503 Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO DE JANEIRO. Downloaded on June 25,2023 at 19:17:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 2020 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Systems (ICACCS) prosthetic arm that is easy to handle and doesn’t cause any discomfort to the patients. Most of the people in our country don’t opt for prosthesis arm because of its high cost. Now it is possible to provide a prosthetic arm that can be affordable for common people [4]. We obtained 5 degrees of freedom with 2 fingers. The two finger motion is very easy for grasping the object. The prosthetic system, we developed will be very cheap and can be affordable for people living in developing countries like India. B. Advantages of the system x It can be easily fitted on humans. x Signals can be taken easily from the human body x It did not have any effect on the human part. x Use to get a control over the device. C. Problems in the existing system The problems faced in the existing system include poor balance, instability, or a fear of failing, general fatigue and reduced mobility, irritation and skin diseases, socket issues or discomfort. These problems can be rectified to 90% with the help of our project. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] D. Obtained Output [8] [9] [10] [11] Figure 5: Output of the system [12] VI CONCLUSION This work successfully depicted the potential of the EMG signals and provides insight to the improvement of the prostheses. We conclude that this strategy would be a gradual improvement over traditional myoelectric control prostheses. Therefore, the goal is to create a low-cost prosthetic arm by using electromyography data collected from the patient’s forearm itself. This paper provides a novel design and actuation system for a prosthetic arm. The execution of the action is similar to the human hand movements. Our future work is based on a conventional based prosthetic arm with added specifications. It would get the amputee a feeling of his/her body functioning without any consequences. 978-1-7281-5197-7/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE [13] [14] Ahamed, Md Asif, Md Asraf-Ul Ahad, Md Hanif Ali Sohag, and Mohiuddin Ahmad. 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