Uploaded by Jessil Faburada

Advanced Zoology Final Exam - June 2023

(June 10, 2023)
Name : __________________________________________ Rating: ____________
Instruction: The questions provided should be answered comprehensively. Supporting
related studies/sources (citations) is needed to be used to back up discussion.
1. How does evolutionary origin of animals contribute to the diversity of animals?
2. Explain the concept of animal behavior and investigate the concept of animal cognition
which are supported by higher cognitive abilities in certain species. Identify one animal
exhibiting complex cognitive skills. What would be its implication for our understanding
of animal intelligence.
3. Discuss one type of animal defense and its importance to their social interactions and
4. Provide one examples of species with different reproductive strategies and discuss the
evolutionary advantages and trade-offs associated with it.
5. Investigate the influence of the rearing environment on the behavior and social
interactions of animals. Discuss how factors such as socialization, environmental
enrichment, and early experiences shape the behavioral development and welfare of
reared animals.