I ELTSWRI TI NGTASK2 UNI T1–5Mi nut es DONT’ SI NWRI TI NG Noabbr ev i at i ons. Noshor tf or ms. Nousagessuchas“ et c/ andsoon” Noi di omat i cexpr essi onsorpr ov er bs. Noheadi ngsorsubheadi ngs. Nounder l i ni ngofpoi nt s. WRI TI NGSKI LLS TRADI TI ONAL MODERN WRONGSTYLE -- - . . . - --.. - I nt hemoder nmet hod, abl ankl i nei skeptbet weent hepar agr aphst osepar at et hem. GENERALQUESTI ONS a)I st her eanydi f f er encebet weenacademi candgener al wr i t i ngt ask2? - No, t heyar et hesame. b)I st her eapar t i cul arst r uct ur ef ort ask2? - No, buti tshoul dbeor gani sed. c)Whati smeantbyacademi cst y l e? - Anacademi cst y l emeansf or mal st y l eofwr i t i ngwhi chi susedi n essay sori nexams.I mper sonal st y l esorov ergener al i sat i on shoul dbeav oi ded. REQUI REMENTS Wor dLi mi t : Mi ni mum 250wor ds( Repeat edv ocabul ar ywi l l notbecount ed.Soi ti s adv i sedt ouse270–280wor dst oensur et her equi r ednumberofwor ds. Ti me:40mi nut es. UNI T2–10Mi nut es WRI TI NGPARAMETERS A. TaskResponse a.Addr essesal l par t soft het ask. b.Pr esent sacl earposi t i ont hr oughoutt het ask. c.Pr esent sandsuppor t smai ni deas( suppor t i ngsent encesshoul dnotl ack f ocus) HowcanIr espondt ot het ask? Under l i net hekey wor dsi nt hequest i onandbr ai nst or mf ori deas. Exampl eQuest i on: Somepeopl epr ef eronl i nef oodshoppi ngwhi l eot her spr ef ert oshop f orf oodt het r adi t i onal waybyv i si t i ngt hesuper mar ket .Di scussbot hv i ewsandst at e y ouropi ni on. Keywor ds: pr ef er , onl i nef oodshoppi ng, t r adi t i onal f oodshoppi ng. Br ai nSt or mi ng: Whyt r adi t i onal –aposi t i v eexper i ence Whyonl i ne–anef f i ci entsy st em ( Her et hequest i oni snotj ustaboutshoppi ng, butf oodshoppi ng) B. Coher enceandCohesi on a.I nf or mat i onandi deasar el ogi cal l yf ocusedandt her ei sacl ear pr ogr essi on. b.Pr esent sacl eart opi cwi t hi neachpar agr aph. Acommonst r uct ur ef orev er yessay I nt r oduct i on Bodypar agr aph1: -( y our1star gument+r eason+exampl e) BodyPar agr aph2: -( y our2ndar gument+r eason+exampl e) Concl usi on Exampl e Themosti mpor t antaspectofaj obi st hemoneyaper sonear ns.Doy ouagr eewi t ht hi s st at ement ? EssaySt r uct ur e I nt r oduct i on: 1.Par aphr aset hequest i on. 2.Thesi s 3.Out l i nesent ence BodyPar agr aph1 1.Topi csent ence 2.Reason/ r easons 3.Exampl e 4.Concl udet hepar agr aph BodyPar agr aph2 1.Topi csent ence 2.Reason/ r easons 3.Exampl e 4.Concl udet hepar agr aph Concl usi on Br ai nSt or mi ng 1.Heal t hywor ki ngat mospher e. 2.Encour agementf r om empl oy er Sampl eEssay I ti sanaccept ednor mt hatsal ar yhasasi gni f i cantr ol ei nachi ev i ngj obsat i sf act i on. ( Par aphr asi ngt hequest i on)Thoughasect i onoft hewor ki ngcl assat t r i but esmor e si gni f i cancet of i scal st at usoft hei rpr of essi on, t hi sessaywoul dl ar gel yagr eewi t h t hef actt hatt her ear eot herel ement ssuchasaheal t hywor ki ngat mospher eand appr eci at i onf r om managementar eal soequal t oahi gherpay menti nat t ai ni ng pr of essi onal happi ness.( Thesi swi t hout l i nesent ence) Tobegi nwi t h, oneoft hepr edomi nantaspect sofj obsat i sf act i onal ongwi t hahi gher r emuner at i oni st heheal t hywor ki ngenv i r onmentpr ov i dedt oanempl oy ee.( Topi c sent ence)I fahi ghl ypai dwor keri sdemandedt owor kf orl ongerhour s, i twoul d aut omat i cal l ydet er i or at ehi sphy si cal andment al heal t handwoul dt hr eat enhi s f ur t herexi st encei nt hepr of essi onal sect or .( Reason)Fori nst ance, anempl oy eei n t heI Tsect or , dev el opsaki ndofdet achmentf r om execut i nghi spr of essi onal r esponsi bi l i t i es, i fhewer et owor kf orapr ol ongedt i me. ( exampl e)Ther ef or e, a pr oj ect edsal ar yscal edoesnotensur et hati ti smor eessent i al t oj obf ul f i l mentt han aheal t hywor ki ngenv i r onment .( Concl udi ngt hepar agr aph) C. Lexi cal Resour ce a.Usessuf f i ci entr angeofv ocabul ar yt oal l owsomef l exi bi l i t y andpr eci si on.( Theexami nermaygi v edef i ni t i onofawor di n t hequest i onandexpect si t sonewor dsubst i t ut i oni nt he i nt r oduct i oni t sel f .Forexampl e: Thequest i onr ef er st o ‘ wor ki ngf r om home’ andi t sonewor dr epl acementi s “ t el ecommut i ng” . b.Usesl esscommonl exi cal i t ems.Lear ni ngsy nony ms becomesanadv ant ageher e.Forexampl e: Sy nony msofbad –dest r uct i v e, demol i shi ng, dev ast at i ng, cat ast r ophi cal l y ) D. Gr ammat i cal RangeandAccur acy a.Usesav ar i et yofcompoundandcompl exsent ences. b.Hasgoodcont r ol ofgr ammarandpunct uat i on. ( Ov er al l , t heabi l i t yt opr oduceer r orf r eesent encesi sessent i al ) Gr ammarSect i onst hatneedt obepai dat t ent i ont o: ( Si mpl ePr esent , Si mpl ePast , Si mpl eFut ur e, Pr esentCont i nuous, PastCont i nuous, Pr esentPer f ect , Passi v eVoi ce, Repor t edSpeech, Pr eposi t i ons, Conj unct i ons, Ar t i cl es, Subj ect+Ver bAgr eement , Condi t i onal Sent encesandPunct uat i ons) Youmayv i si t ht t ps: / / t akei el t s. br i t i shcounci l . or g/ si t es/ def aul t / f i l es/ i el t s_ t ask_ 1_ wr i t i ng_ band_ descr i pt or s. pdff ort hepubl i cv er si onof Banddescr i pt or s. BANDDESCRI PTORS TR 9 CC Al l par t soft he quest i onsar ef ul l y agr aphsar e answer edwi t hwel l Par e f f i c i e n t l y o r g a ni sed suppor t edi deas andsent encesar e andr el ev ant f ul l yi nt er–r el at ed. exampl es. LR GRA Usesawi der ange ofaccur at eand Usesawi der angeof f l exi bl ecompound v ocabul ar y . andcompl ex st r uct ur es. 8 7 6 Suf f i ci ent l y addr essesal l par t s oft hequest i on wi t hr el ev anti deas andexampl es. I nf or mat i oni s l ogi cal l ysequences wi t hsuf f i ci entand appr opr i at e par agr aphi ng. Usesawi der angeof v ocabul ar ypr eci sel y Usesawi der ange wi t hr ar eer r or si n ofst r uct ur esmost spel l i ngorwor d ofwhi char eer r or f or mat i on. f r ee. Addr essesal l par t soft het ask, t hought he suppor t i ngi deas mayl ackf ocus. Logi cal l yor gani ses i nf or mat i on. Pr esent sacent r e t opi cwi t hi neach par agr aph.Ther e maybeanov eruse orunderuseof l i nki ngwor ds. Usessuf f i ci entand l esscommon v ocabul ar y , t houghi t mayuse i nappr opr i at ewor ds. Thoughi tanswer s al l par t soft he quest i on, af ew par t smaybeov er emphasi sed. Rel ev anti deasar e i ncl udedbutmay beuncl ear . Hasgoodcont r ol of gr ammarand punct uat i onbut makesaf ewer r or s. Usesadequat er ange Usesdi f f er ent ofv ocabul ar y . sent encest r uct ur es I deasar edev el oped wi t hsomeer r or si n coher ent l y , butt he Usesl esscommon gr ammarand or gani sat i oni sei t her v ocabul ar ybutwi t h punct uat i on.But f aul t yormechani cal . i naccur aci es. t hoseer r or sdonot af f ect Par agr aphsar enot Howev er , communi cat i on. l ogi cal l yor gani sed. communi cat i oni s nothar med. UNI T3–40Mi nut es ANALYTI CALESSAYS: Theset y pesofessay sdonotaskf orany opi ni on. Quest i onTy pes: Whatar et hepr obl emsandsol ut i ons? Whatar et headv ant agesanddi sadv ant ages? Whatar et hemer i t sanddemer i t s? Whatar et hecausesandsol ut i ons? Whatar et hecausesandef f ect s? Whatar et heef f ect sandsol ut i ons? ESSAYSTRUCTURE I nt r oduct i on BodyPar agr aph1: ( pr obl ems) BodyPar agr aph2: ( Sol ut i ons) Concl usi on OR I nt r oduct i on BodyPar agr aph1: ( onepr obl em andi t ssol ut i ons) BodyPar agr aph2: ( 2ndpr obl em andi t ssol ut i on) Concl usi on Sampl eQuest i on Ther at eofpol l ut i oni si ncr easi ngdaybydayev er y wher ei nt hewor l d.Whatar e t her easonsf ori tandsuggestsomepossi bl esol ut i ons? ( Maybet wor easonsandt wosol ut i ons) Anal y t i calEssay s( sampl eanswer ) Gl obal war mi ngi soneoft hebi ggestt hr eat shumansf acei nt he21stcent ur yandsea l ev el sar econt i nui ngt or i seatal ar mi ngr at es.Whatpr obl emsar eassoci at edwi t ht hi s andwhatar esomepossi bl esol ut i ons? Keywor ds:Gl obal war mi ng, humans, seal ev el r i se Br ai nSt or mi ng Pr obl ems Washi ngawayofr esi dences Dest r uct i onofagr i cul t ur e Sol ut i ons Bui l df l oodbar r i er s Pl antmor esust ai nabl ecr ops EssaySt r uct ur e: I nt r oduct i on: Par aphr aset hequest i on Out l i nesent ence BodyPar a1 Pr obl em +sol ut i on BodyPar a2 Pr obl em +sol ut i on Concl usi on TheCompl et eEssay Ev er ycount r yi nt hi s21atcent ur yencount er sdev ast at i ngconsequenceswi t hr egar dst o env i r onment al hazar ds.Thecr eepi ngupofoceanl ev el sduet ot heexcessi v eheat i ngof ear t h’ ssur f aceev ennowquest i onst heexi st enceofhumanr aceonear t h.Thi sessay poi nt soutt hef l oodi ngofhomesanddest r uct i onoff ar ml andsast hebi ggestpr obl ems ofseal ev el r i seandt henpr oposesconst r uct i ngef f ect i v ef l oodbar r i er sandswi t chi ng ov ert ot hef ar mi ngofmor esust ai nabl ecr opsast hebestmeasur est omi t i gat et he dest r uct i v eef f ect soff l oodi ng. Thepr edomi nantpr obl em causedbyt heseal ev el r i sei st hewashi ngawayofhuman r esi dences.Manypeopl ear eset t l edneart ot hecoast al ar easandwhent hewat erl ev el comesup, t heywi l l bei nundat ed, causi ngt hem t ol oset hei rpr oper t yandbecome homel esst er r i bl y .I twascl eardur i ng2018t or r ent i ngf l oodsi nKer al a, i nwhi chmi l l i ons ofpeopl ewer er epl aced.Apossi bl er emedyt om t hi ssi t uat i oni st obui l df l oodbar r i er s suchasseawal l sordamst or est r i ctt hewat err eachi ngr esi dent i al ar ea.Hol l and, a count r yt hati sv er ymuchv ul ner abl et owat er ycat ast r ophesuccessf ul l yi mpl ement ed v ar i ousf l ooddef encest r at egi est opr ot ecti t sci t i zensf r om dr owni ng. Anot hersi gni f i cantpr obl em causedbyt het i dal upsur gei si t sdemol i shi ngef f ecton agr i cul t ur eandcul t i v at edl ands.Thecr awl i ngofwat erl ev el si nt oagr i cul t ur al f i el ds aut omat i cal l ywoul dr esul ti nst ar v at i on.Whent heTsunami st r uckheav i l yi n2004, most oft hepopul at i onwast er r i bl yexposedt owi def ami neandmanyl ostt hei rl i v eduet o st ar v at i on.Oneoft hef easi bl eway st oencount ersuchal ossoff ar mi ngi st oshi f tt he agr i cul t ur al pr act i cest omor esust ai nabl ecr ops.Pl ant i ngofsomehar dwoodpr oduct s suchascoconutt r eesormangogr ov esneart hecoast al ar eascanbeanappl i cabl e exampl e. Toconcl ude, t hought her i si ngt i desduet ot hei ncr easedgl obal t emper at ur edemol i sh t hehumandwel l i ngsandagr i cul t ur e, bui l di ngf l oodpr ev ent i ont echni quesandswi t chi ng ov ert ot hepl ant i ngofmor esust ai nabl ecr opscankeept heef f ect soff l oodi ngt oa si gni f i cantl ev el . UNI T4–40Mi nut es ARGUMENTATI VEESSAYS( Onesi ded) : Theset y pesofquest i onsr equi r eouropi ni onandi tshoul dbeexpr essedi nt he i nt r oduct i oni t sel f . Quest i onTy pes: Doy ouagr eeordi sagr ee? Towhatext entdoy ouagr eeordi sagr ee? Howf ardoy ouagr eeordi sagr ee? I si taposi t i v eornegat i v edev el opment ? Whati sy ouropi ni on? ESSAYSTRUCTURE I nt r oduct i on BodyPar agr aph1: ( y our1star gument+r eason+exampl e) BodyPar agr aph2: ( Your2ndar gument+r eason+exampl e) BodyPar agr aph3: ( Opposi t ear gument+r easonv / sy our ar gument ) count er Concl usi on Not e:3rdpar agr aphi snotmandat or y Sampl eQuest i on I ncr easi ngcarusagei nmanyl ar gegl obal ci t i eshascausedanumberof pr obl ems.Someci t i eshav esuggest edbanni ngpr i v at ev ehi cl esf r om t heci t y cent r e.Towhatext entdoy ouagr eewi t ht hi smet hod?Gi v er easonsf ory our answerandi ncl udeanyr el ev antexampl esf r om y ourownknowl edgeor ex per i ence. Ar gument at i v eEssay s( onesi ded) I nt hemoder nwor l d, t hei mage( phot ogr aphorf i l m)i sbecomi ngamor epower f ul wayof communi cat i ngt hatt hewr i t t enwor d.Towhatext entdoy ouagr eeordi sagr ee? Br ai nst or mi ng Vi sualmedi a Fasci nat i ng Conv eni ent Pr i ntmedi a Gi v esdet ai l s TheCompl et eEssay Audi ov i sual medi a, ev ersi ncei t si nt r oduct i on, hasasser t edasupr emacyov erpr i nt ed sour cesofent er t ai nmentandi nf or mat i on.Thi sessaygr eat l yagr eeswi t ht hi sar gument ast el ev i si on, comput erorev enanyt y pesofpi ct or i al pr esent at i onsar epr opor t i onal l y mor ef asci nat i ngandhi ghl yconv eni entt hant henewspaper s, magazi nesorbooks. Tobegi nwi t h, audi ov i sual meansdef i ni t el yt r i ggert heopht hal mol ogi candOt ol ogi cal sensesmor ev i v i dl yandpr edomi nant l yt hant hoseofpr i nt edmat er i al s.Becauset heyar e hi ghl yappeal i ngt ot hecogni t i v er egi onsofone’ si nt el l ect ual segment s.Themar t y r dom ofPazhassi Raj a, oneoft hef r eedom f i ght er sofI ndi a, f orexampl e, waswel l appr ehendedbyst udent swheni twascanv assedi nt oaf i l m, t hought hesamehadbeen t aughtf r om t heacademi ct ext booksoft hei rhi st or ycl assesi nhi ghschool .Thus, i ti s ev i dentt hatwheni nf or mat i onandent er t ai nmentar ev i sual i sed, t heycompl et el yt ur nout t obet hemostsat i sf y i ngandi nt er est i ngmeansofat t ai ni ngknowl edgeandensur i ng l ei sur et i meenj oy ment . Ar guabl y , anot herpr i nci pl er easonbehi ndt hepr edomi nanceofv i sual f or msabov e wr i t t enmat er i al sofacademi candent er t ai ni ngaccumul at i oni st hei rconv eni enceast he pr i nt edmat er i al sar edi f f i cul tt obecar r i ed.Ani ndi v i dual canhav eaccesst oany i nf or mat i onorent er t ai nmentathi sconv eni encef r om v i sual medi asuchasani mageor smar tphoner egar dl essoft i meandv enue.Acommut erneedsnotnecessar i l y appr eci at egl anci ngatanewspaperwhi l et r av el l i ngt houghhemayal l ocat easi gni f i cant pr opor t i onofhi scommut i ngt i mesur f i ngt hei nt er net .Thoughasect i onoft he i nt el l ect ual smaypr ef erpr i ntmedi aov ert hepi ct or i al r epr esent at i onsf ort hedet ai l sofa par t i cul arnewsi t em, t hef astpacedl i f eoft hemoder nt i mescompar at i v el ychooses onl i nei nf or mat i onov era250pagesof‘ Ency cl opaedi a’ .Thus, t heameni t yofv i sual i nf or mat i onandent er t ai nmentmakesl i f emor ef r ui t f ul i nsav i ngt i meandl uggage. Toconcl ude, i ti smyf i r m conv i ct i ont hatpr i ntmedi adoesnothav et hecompet encyt o uphol danequal posi t i onwi t hv i sual medi aast hel at t eri smor eat t r act i v eandconv eni ent . Ibel i ev ei nanappr oachi nger awher et heol dergener at i onwoul dcher i sht hei rmemor i es ofr eadi ngapr i nt edbookornewspaperwhi l eaddr essi ngagr oupofy oungerschol ar s. UNI T5–40Mi nut es ARGUMENTATI VEESSAYS( 2si ded) : Ther ear e2 quest i onsi nt hi scat egor y . 1)Di scussbot hv i ewsandgi v ey ouropi ni on I nt hi sessayweneedt odi scussaboutbot hsi desofanar gumentand f i nal l yneedt ogi v eouropi ni onpr obabl yi napar agr aphormostsui t abl yi n t heconcl usi on. Sampl eQuest i on Somepeopl epr ef eronl i nef oodshoppi ngwhi l eot her spr ef ert oshopf orf oodt he t r adi t i onal waybyv i si t i ngt hesuper mar ket .Di scussbot hv i ewsandst at ey ouropi ni on. ESSAYSTRUCTURE I nt r oduct i on BodyPar agr aph1: Di scussonesi de( onl i nef ood) BodyPar agr aph2: Di scusst heot hersi de( t r adi t i onal f oodshoppi ng) BodyPar agr aph3: ( Opi ni onpar agr aph) Concl usi on OR I nt r oduct i on BodyPar agr aph1 BodyPar agr aph2 Concl usi on 2)Dot headv ant agesout wei ght hedi sadv ant ages? I nt hi st y peofquest i on, wedi scussbot ht headv ant agesanddi sadv ant ages t or eachatani nf er encei ft headv ant agesout wei ght hedi sadv ant agesor not . Sampl eQuest i on Hi ghst akesEngl i shl anguaget est ssuchast heI ELTS, ar ei ncr easi ngl ybei ng del i v er edi nt hecomput er .Dot headv ant agesofcomput erbasedt est i ngout wei gh t hedi sadv ant ages? ESSAYSTRUCTURE I nt r oduct i on BodyPar agr aph1: 1stadv ant age/di sadv ant age BodyPar agr aph2: 2ndadv ant age/di sadv ant age BodyPar agr aph3: Onedi sadv ant ageoradv ant agev / scount erpoi nt Concl usi on Not e:I ti snotessent i alt obr eakt hear gumenti nt he3rdbodypar agr aph OR I nt r oduct i on BodyPar agr aph1: 1stadv ant age+ex pl anat i on/ exampl e+ 2ndadv ant age +r easonoreg. BodyPar agr aph2: Onedi sadv ant age+expl anat i onv / scount erar gument ( opt i onal ) Concl usi on Ar gument at i v eEssay s( t wosi ded) 1.Di scussbot hv i ewsandgi v ey ouropi ni on Somepar ent sbel i ev et hatl ear ni nghi st or yatschool i sr edundantandshoul dnotbe t aught , whi l eot her sbel i ev et hati tshoul dr emai naf oundat i onal subj ectwhet herornoti t i susedl at eri nl i f e.Di scussbot hv i ewsandgi v ey ouropi ni on. TheCompl et eEssay Acqui r i ngknowl edgeaboutt hepastev ent si nt hepr i mar yorsecondar yl ev el sof academi cl ear ni nghasbeenoneoft hemostdi scussedt opi csofj uxt aposi t i onf ort he pastf ewdecades.Ev ent houghasect i onofguar di anst hi nkt eachi nghi st or yi nschool s i sabsol ut el yf ut i l e, ot her sconsi deri tt obeani nexpl i cabl enecessi t yoft hej uv eni l e per i odandt hi sessaywoul ddi scussbot ht hear gument si nt hef ol l owi ngpar agr aphs. Thepedagoguesofhi st or yadv ocat et hatl ear ni ngaboutt hehi st or i cal ev ent sul t i mat el y f ost er st heconsummat espi r i tofpat r i ot i sm.Lear ni ngaboutt hel i f eofancest or s, and i dent i f y i ngonewi t ht hesacr i f i ceofmar t y r sf orone’ scount r y , absol ut el yi nj ectt hev al ue ofr espectt owar dsone’ st r adi t i onandcul t ur al her i t ageandt her esponsi bi l i t yof t r ansmi t t i ngt hesamev al uest ot henextgener at i onbutwi t hasi gni f i cantcont r i but i ont o t hem.I ncor por at i ngt hepr i nci pl esof“ Myexper i ment swi t ht r ut h” , Theaut obi ogr aphyof Mahat maGandhi hasi nspi r edanenor mousnumberofI ndi anst ouphol dt hedoct r i nesof nonv i ol enceandt r ut hi nal l spher esoft hei rl i f e.Ther ef or e, knowi ngaboutt hehi st or i cal per i odunder l i nest hef actt hati tgui dest hem t ocul mi nat edf or msofpat r i ot i c i ncar nat i ons. Howev er , ar gument shav ebeeni nexi st enceagai nstt heschool oft eachi nghi st or yt o schol ar si nt hepr i mar yandsecondar yl ev el sofeducat i on.Theyasser tt hatl ear ni ng hi st or yatt hepr et er t i ar yper i odi si nv al i dasi tdoesnotf aci l i t at esi gni f i cant l yt ot he car eerpr ospect sofanaspi r ant .Adi v er senumberofpr of essi onsr equi r eeducat i onal seeker sf r om sci enceorcommer cest r eamsi nabundancet of ul f i l t hepr of essi onal r equi r ement s.AnI T( I nf or mat i onTechnol ogy )pr of essi onal r eal i sesl essessent i al i t yt o hi st or yl essonsofhi shi ghschool , wi t hr egar dst ot heexecut i onofhi spr of essi onal r equi r ement s.Howev er , i tcannotbenegl ect edt hatenr i chi ngonewi t ht heknowl edgeof hi st or i cal ev ent scanbeoff undament al assi st ancei nf i el dssuchasar chaeol ogyand ant hr opol ogy . I nconcl usi on, t hi sessaydi scussedt hewaypar ent sar edi v i dedamongt hemsel v esson t hei mpor t anceofl ear ni nghi st or yi npr i mar yeducat i onal sy st em.Ascr ut i ni sed ev al uat i onoft hedi scussi onl eadsmet ot heconv i ct i ont hatt eachi nghi st or yr emai nst o beabasi csubj ecti nschool sasi tpav eswayf ort heupl i f t mentofani ndi v i dual ’ sl ov e t owar dshi snat i on’ scul t ur al l egacyandt r adi t i onal r i chness, andasi tcanbeausef ul t ool i nf ocussi ngoncer t ai nf i el dsofpr of essi onssuchasar chaeol ogi cal expedi t i ons. UNI T6–40Mi nut es I NTRODUCTI ON AnI ELTSwr i t i ngTask2I nt r oduct i onwi l l hav e3mai nst at ement si ni t : a.Par aphr asedquest i on b.Thesi s c.Out l i neSent ence Par aphr asi ngt heQuest i on Par aphr asi ngt hequest i onmeansr est at i ngt hequest i oni nadi f f er entwayusi nga di f f er entsent encepat t er nandr epl aci ngt hequest i onwor dswi t ht hei rsy nony ms. Sampl eQuest i on Somepeopl epr ef eronl i nef oodshoppi ngwhi l eot her spr ef ert oshopf orf oodt he t r adi t i onal waybyv i si t i ngt hesuper mar ket .Di scussbot hv i ewsandst at ey ouropi ni on. Nowt hepar aphr asedsent ence, Ev ent houghasect i onofsoci et ychoosesonl i negr ocer yshoppi ng, amaj orpr opor t i onof peopl eenj oypur chasi ngt hei rr equi r edf oodi t emsdi r ect l yf r om t heshops. Pr act i ceTest s 1.Gl obal war mi ngi soneoft hebi ggestt hr eat shumansf acei nt he21stcent ur yand seal ev el sar econt i nui ngt or i seatal ar mi ngr at es.Whatpr obl emsar eassoci at ed wi t ht hi sandwhatar esomepossi bl esol ut i ons? 2.I nt hemoder nwor l d, t hei mage( phot ogr aph/ f i l m)i sbecomi ngamor epower f ul wayofcommuni cat i ngt hant hewr i t t enwor d.Towhatext entdoy ouagr eeor di sagr ee? 3.Somepar ent sbel i ev et hatl ear ni nghi st or yatschool i sr edundantandshoul dnot bet aught , whi l eot her sbel i ev et hati tshoul dr emai naf oundat i onal cour se whet herornoti ti susedl at eri nl i f e.Di scussbot hv i ewsandgi v ey ouropi ni on. 4.Onl i needucat i oni sbecomi ngi ncr easi ngl ypopul ar .Manyuni v er si t yst udent sar e choosi ngt ost udyonl i nei nst eadoff acet of ace.Dot headv ant agesofdi st ance educat i onout wei ght hedi sadv ant ages? THESI S Thesi si st hesent encet hatexpr esseswhatt hewr i t eri sgoi ngt odoi nt hef ol l owi ng par agr aphs.I nar gument at i v eessay , at hesi spor t r ay st heopi ni onoft hewr i t er . a.Sampl et hesi sst at ement sf oranal y t i calessay s Howev er , t het opi cr equi r esaf ur t herdi scussi ont oi nf er , . . . . . .( Whet her spor t smenorei t herpr of essi onal sneedt ogethi gherr emuner at i on) OR Thi sessaywi l l di scusst he_ _ _ _ _ _ _and_ _ _ _ _ _of_ _ _ _ _ _ i ndet ai l . OR Her e, t hei nt ent i onoft hewr i t eri st odi scusst he_ _ _ _ and_ _ _ _ of_ _ _ _ ont he f ol l owi ngcount s. b.Thesi sst at ement sf orar gument at i v eEssay s( onesi ded) Thi sessaywi l l di scussbot ht hear gument sbef or er eachi ngal ogi cal concl usi on. OR Thi sessaywoul danal y set hedebat e, andwi l l gi v eaf i nal v er di ctont het opi c. Pr act i ceTest s 1.I nt hemoder nwor l d, t hei mage( phot ogr aph/ f i l m)i sbecomi ngamor epower f ul wayofcommuni cat i ngt hant hewr i t t enwor d.Towhatext entdoy ouagr eeor di sagr ee? 2.Somepar ent sbel i ev et hatl ear ni nghi st or yatschool i sr edundantandshoul dnot bet aught , whi l eot her sbel i ev et hati tshoul dr emai naf oundat i onal cour se whet herornoti ti susedl at eri nl i f e.Di scussbot hv i ewsandgi v ey ouropi ni on. 3.Onl i needucat i oni sbecomi ngi ncr easi ngl ypopul ar .Manyuni v er si t yst udent sar e choosi ngt ost udyonl i nei nst eadoff acet of ace.Dot headv ant agesofdi st ance educat i onout wei ght hedi sadv ant ages? Out l i neSent ences Whent hecont ent sofbodypar agr aphsar ecapsul ei nt oasi ngl esent ence, i ti scal l ed out l i nesent ence.Anout l i nesent enceenabl esanexami nert oexpectwhati sgoi ngt obe di scussedt hr oughoutt heessay . Sampl eQuest i on I ncr easi ngcarusagei nmanyl ar gegl obal ci t i eshascausedanumberofpr obl ems.Some ci t i eshav esuggest edbanni ngpr i v at ev ehi cl esf r om t heci t ycent r e.Towhatext entdo y ouagr eewi t ht hi smet hod? Br ai nst or mi ng Agr ee Reducespol l ut i on I mpr ov est r af f i c Di sagr ee Causesi nconv eni encedur i ngemer genci es Nowi fIagr ee, myout l i nesent encewoul dbel i ke: “ Fi r st l y , i twi l l di scusst hatbanni ngpr i v at eaut omobi l escanbeav i abl eopt i onasi t r educest heamountofpol l ut i onandsecondl y , i twi l l di scusst hatsuchamet hodwoul d al soi mpr ov et r af f i c. ” Pr act i ceTest s 1.Gl obal war mi ngi soneoft hebi ggestt hr eat shumansf acei nt he21stcent ur yand seal ev el sar econt i nui ngt or i seatal ar mi ngr at es.Whatpr obl emsar eassoci at ed wi t ht hi sandwhatar esomepossi bl esol ut i ons? 2.I nt hemoder nwor l d, t hei mage( phot ogr aph/ f i l m)i sbecomi ngamor epower f ul wayofcommuni cat i ngt hant hewr i t t enwor d.Towhatext entdoy ouagr eeor di sagr ee? 3.Somepar ent sbel i ev et hatl ear ni nghi st or yatschool i sr edundantandshoul dnot bet aught , whi l eot her sbel i ev et hati tshoul dr emai naf oundat i onal cour se whet herornoti ti susedl at eri nl i f e.Di scussbot hv i ewsandgi v ey ouropi ni on. 4.Onl i needucat i oni sbecomi ngi ncr easi ngl ypopul ar .Manyuni v er si t yst udent sar e choosi ngt ost udyonl i nei nst eadoff acet of ace.Dot headv ant agesofdi st ance educat i onout wei ght hedi sadv ant ages? UNI T7–35Mi nut es Howt odev el opabodypar agr aph Abodypar agr aphi sst r uct ur edas: 1.Topi cSent ence 2.Reason/r easons 3.Exampl e 4.Concl udet hepar agr aph I ndet ai l : Wr i t eat opi csent ence( y our1star gument ) Sampl e:Doy ouagr eeordi sagr eewi t hbanni ngv ehi cl esf r om t heci t ycent r e? ( NowIagr eewi t ht hepr oposal andmyf i r str easoni st hati tr educespol l ut i on. ) Topi cSent ence Tobegi nwi t h, f or bi ddi ngt heuseofpr i v at emot orv ehi cl esi nt heur banar easgr eat l y r educest heamountofat mospher i cpol l ut ant st hathav ef er oci ousl ymal i gnedt he uni v er se. Pr act i ceTest s 1.Gl obal war mi ngi soneoft hebi ggestt hr eat shumansf acei nt he21stcent ur yand seal ev el sar econt i nui ngt or i seatal ar mi ngr at es.Whatpr obl emsar eassoci at ed wi t ht hi sandwhatar esomepossi bl esol ut i ons? 2.I nt hemoder nwor l d, t hei mage( phot ogr aph/ f i l m)i sbecomi ngamor epower f ul wayofcommuni cat i ngt hant hewr i t t enwor d.Towhatext entdoy ouagr eeor di sagr ee? 3.Somepar ent sbel i ev et hatl ear ni nghi st or yatschool i sr edundantandshoul dnot bet aught , whi l eot her sbel i ev et hati tshoul dr emai naf oundat i onal cour se whet herornoti ti susedl at eri nl i f e.Di scussbot hv i ewsandgi v ey ouropi ni on. 4.Onl i needucat i oni sbecomi ngi ncr easi ngl ypopul ar .Manyuni v er si t yst udent sar e choosi ngt ost udyonl i nei nst eadoff acet of ace.Dot headv ant agesofdi st ance educat i onout wei ght hedi sadv ant ages? Reason/Reasons ( Aski ngt hequest i ons‘ why ’ or‘ how’ t ot het opi csent encegi v esust heexpl anat i on) “ Duet ot heexcav at eduseoff ossi l f uel s, t hemot orv ehi cl esemi tl ar geamountofcar bon monoxi dei nt ot heat mospher e.Di sposi ngofsuchhazar dousgaseshasev enl edt ot he depl et i onofozonel ay erwhi chhasi nt ur ndi scol our edt henat ur ewi t hi t sscor chi ngheat . ” Pr act i ceTest s 1.Gl obal war mi ngi soneoft hebi ggestt hr eat shumansf acei nt he21stcent ur yand seal ev el sar econt i nui ngt or i seatal ar mi ngr at es.Whatpr obl emsar eassoci at ed wi t ht hi sandwhatar esomepossi bl esol ut i ons? 2.I nt hemoder nwor l d, t hei mage( phot ogr aph/ f i l m)i sbecomi ngamor epower f ul wayofcommuni cat i ngt hant hewr i t t enwor d.Towhatext entdoy ouagr eeor di sagr ee? 3.Somepar ent sbel i ev et hatl ear ni nghi st or yatschool i sr edundantandshoul dnot bet aught , whi l eot her sbel i ev et hati tshoul dr emai naf oundat i onal cour se whet herornoti ti susedl at eri nl i f e.Di scussbot hv i ewsandgi v ey ouropi ni on. 4.Onl i needucat i oni sbecomi ngi ncr easi ngl ypopul ar .Manyuni v er si t yst udent sar e choosi ngt ost udyonl i nei nst eadoff acet of ace.Dot headv ant agesofdi st ance educat i onout wei ght hedi sadv ant ages? Gi v eanexampl e ( Weneedt ogi v ear el ev antexampl ef r om ourownknowl edgeorexper i encet o subst ant i at eourt opi csent ence) “ Fori nst ance, whent hev ehi cl eswer ebannedal l ov ert hewor l ddur i ngt hel ockdown per i odofCov i d19, t hepol l ut i onr at eal l ov ert hegl obedecl i nedv er ysi gni f i cant l yt ol ess t han0. 3%accor di ngt or epor tf r om WHO( Wor l dHeal t hAssoci at i on) . ” Pr act i ceTest s 1.Gl obal war mi ngi soneoft hebi ggestt hr eat shumansf acei nt he21stcent ur yand seal ev el sar econt i nui ngt or i seatal ar mi ngr at es.Whatpr obl emsar eassoci at ed wi t ht hi sandwhatar esomepossi bl esol ut i ons? 2.I nt hemoder nwor l d, t hei mage( phot ogr aph/ f i l m)i sbecomi ngamor epower f ul wayofcommuni cat i ngt hant hewr i t t enwor d.Towhatext entdoy ouagr eeor di sagr ee? 3.Somepar ent sbel i ev et hatl ear ni nghi st or yatschool i sr edundantandshoul dnot bet aught , whi l eot her sbel i ev et hati tshoul dr emai naf oundat i onal cour se whet herornoti ti susedl at eri nl i f e.Di scussbot hv i ewsandgi v ey ouropi ni on. 4.Onl i needucat i oni sbecomi ngi ncr easi ngl ypopul ar .Manyuni v er si t yst udent sar e choosi ngt ost udyonl i nei nst eadoff acet of ace.Dot headv ant agesofdi st ance educat i onout wei ght hedi sadv ant ages? Concl udet hepar agr aph ( Summar i zet hecont entoft hepar agr aphi nt oonef i nal sent ence) “ Ther ef or e, bar r i ngpr i v at emot orv ehi cl esf r om t heci t yzoneswoul dhi ghl yser v et he pur poseofr ef r ai ni ngt hepol l ut ant sf r om t heai rt hatwebr eat hei n. ” Pr act i ceTest s 1.I nt hemoder nwor l d, t hei mage( phot ogr aph/ f i l m)i sbecomi ngamor epower f ul wayofcommuni cat i ngt hant hewr i t t enwor d.Towhatext entdoy ouagr eeor di sagr ee? 2.Somepar ent sbel i ev et hatl ear ni nghi st or yatschool i sr edundantandshoul dnot bet aught , whi l eot her sbel i ev et hati tshoul dr emai naf oundat i onal cour se whet herornoti ti susedl at eri nl i f e.Di scussbot hv i ewsandgi v ey ouropi ni on. 3.Onl i needucat i oni sbecomi ngi ncr easi ngl ypopul ar .Manyuni v er si t yst udent sar e choosi ngt ost udyonl i nei nst eadoff acet of ace.Dot headv ant agesofdi st ance educat i onout wei ght hedi sadv ant ages? Nowt hef ul lpar agr aphl ooksl i ke: “ Tobegi nwi t h, f or bi ddi ngt heuseofpr i v at emot orv ehi cl esi nt heur banar easgr eat l y r educest heamountofat mospher i cpol l ut ant st hathav ef er oci ousl ymal i gnedt he uni v er se.Duet ot heexcav at eduseoff ossi l f uel s, t hemot orv ehi cl esemi tl ar geamount ofcar bonmonoxi dei nt ot heat mospher e.Di sposi ngofsuchhazar dousgaseshasev en l edt ot hedepl et i onofozonel ay erwhi chhasi nt ur ndi scol our edt henat ur ewi t hi t s scr at chi ngheat .Fori nst ance, whent hev ehi cl eswer ebannedal l ov ert hewor l ddur i ng t hel ockdownper i odofCov i d19, t hepol l ut i onr at eal l ov ert hegl obedecl i nedv er y si gni f i cant l yt ol esst han0. 3%accor di ngt or epor tf r om WHO( Wor l dHeal t hAssoci at i on) . Ther ef or e, bar r i ngpr i v at emot orv ehi cl esf r om t heci t yzoneswoul dhi ghl yser v et he pur poseofr ef r ai ni ngt hepol l ut ant sf r om t heai rt hatwebr eat hei n. UNI T8-15Mi nut es Concl usi on Aconcl usi onsummar i zest hei deasexpr essedi nt heessayandgi v esopi ni onor suggest i onorev enapr edi ct i on. Sampl eQuest i on Somepeopl ebel i ev et hatt eachi ngchi l dr enathomei sbestf orachi l d’ sdev el opment whi l eot her st hi nki ti si mpor t antf orchi l dr ent ogot oschool .Di scusst headv ant agesand di sadv ant agesofbot hmet hodsandgi v ey ouropi ni on. Br ai nst or mi ng SchoolLear ni ng Exper tt r ai ner s Bet t err esour ces HomeLear ni ng Fami l ybond I ndi v i dual at t ent i on “ Toconcl ude, t hi sessaydi scussedt hedi f f er encebet weenl ear ni ngf r om homeand school f orchi l dr en.I nmyopi ni on, chi l dr enl ear nbet t erf r om school sast hesepl acesar e occupi edwi t hexper t i seandr esour ceswhi chcannotbemat chedathomei nspi t eoft he f act st hati tpr ov i desi ndi v i dual at t ent i onandf aci l i t at esf ami l ybond. ” Pr act i ceTest s 1.Gl obal war mi ngi soneoft hebi ggestt hr eat shumansf acei nt he21stcent ur yand seal ev el sar econt i nui ngt or i seatal ar mi ngr at es.Whatpr obl emsar eassoci at ed wi t ht hi sandwhatar esomepossi bl esol ut i ons? 2.I nt hemoder nwor l d, t hei mage( phot ogr aph/ f i l m)i sbecomi ngamor epower f ul wayofcommuni cat i ngt hant hewr i t t enwor d.Towhatext entdoy ouagr eeor di sagr ee? 3.Somepar ent sbel i ev et hatl ear ni nghi st or yatschool i sr edundantandshoul dnot bet aught , whi l eot her sbel i ev et hati tshoul dr emai naf oundat i onal cour se whet herornoti ti susedl at eri nl i f e.Di scussbot hv i ewsandgi v ey ouropi ni on. 4.Onl i needucat i oni sbecomi ngi ncr easi ngl ypopul ar .Manyuni v er si t yst udent sar e choosi ngt ost udyonl i nei nst eadoff acet of ace.Dot headv ant agesofdi st ance educat i onout wei ght hedi sadv ant ages? UNI T9-20mi nut es 2.Dot headv ant agesout wei ght hedi sadv ant ages? EssaySt r uct ur e: I nt r oduct i on: Par aphr aset hequest i on Thesi s Out l i nesent ence BodyPar a1 1stadv ant age Expl anat i on( exampl e) 2ndadv ant age Expl anat i on( exampl e) Concl udet hepar agr aph BodyPar a2 1stdi sadv ant age Expl anat i on Count erar gument Expl anat i on( exampl e) Concl udet hepar agr aph Concl usi on Par aphr asi ngt hequest i onwi t hopi ni on Makesuggest i on/ r eason/ pr ophecy Quest i on Onl i needucat i oni sbecomi ngi ncr easi ngl ypopul ar .Manyuni v er si t yst udent sar e choosi ngt ost udyonl i nei nst eadoff acet of ace.Dot headv ant agesofdi st ance educat i onout wei ght hedi sadv ant ages? Br ai nSt or mi ng Onl i needucat i on Conv eni ence Accessi bi l i t y Cl assr oom educat i on Lackofsuper v i si on TheCompl et eEssay I nacommuni t yoft echnophi l es, asi gni f i cantnumberofeducat i onal seeker snowpr ef er el ear ni ngt ocl assr oom st udi esf ort hei rt er t i ar yl ev el ofeducat i on.Thi sessayi san anal y sat i onofbot ht headv ant agesanddi sadv ant agesofonl i needucat i ont opr ov et hat i t sadv ant agesofconv eni enceandeasyaccessi bi l i t yt oanydesi r edcour sesf r om any uni v er si t i essuper sedei t smer el ydeni abl edi sadv ant ageofl i mi t i ngt hescopeofl eani ng undert hedi r ectgui danceofamast er . Thepr i nci pl eadv ant ageofel ear ni ngi si t sconv eni ence.I tper mi t sanaspi r antt oacqui r e anydegr eeordi pl omaathi sconv eni ence.Af ul l t i meempl oy edcandi dat eoraschol ar wi t hf ami l ycommi t ment scanexcav at ehi schancesofat t ai ni ngadegr eeathi sf l ex i bl e t i mi ngs.Secondl y , di st anceeducat i onal sopr ov i dest heoppor t uni t yf orst udent st ohav e accesst oapar t i cul arcour sef r om anyuni v er si t i es.Theunav ai l abi l i t yofadegr eecour se i nAI( Ar t i f i ci al I nt el l i gence)i nI ndi anuni v er si t i esi saconcr et eev i dencet opr ov ehow di st anceeducat i onpr ov i desassi st ancet oaschol art ohav eadegr eei nt hesamest r eam f r om af or ei gnuni v er si t y .Al l t heseadv ant agespr ov ehowef f i ci entonl i needucat i oni s. I r oni cal l y , di st ancel ear ni ngal soi mposesani mpedi mentt ot hebenef i t sofl ear ni ng di r ect l yf r om at r ai ner .Ast udenti nt hegr aduat el ev el f undament al l yr equi r esan appr opr i at esuper v i si onunderhi sment orf orat t ai ni nganel ev at edst andar dof educat i onal qual i f i cat i on.Howev er , i tcannotbedeni edt hatt heav ai l abi l i t yofnumer ous r esour cesonl i neal ongwi t hdi st ancel ear ni ngcanbei nv ar i abl ycompet enti npr ov i di ng successf ul educat i on.‘ By j u’ sApp” , anonl i neappl i cat i onhasassi st edmanyacandi dat e t oper f or m wel l i ndi f f er entsubj ect st hati ncl udecompl ext heor i esandar i t hmet i cal cal cul at i ons.Mor eov er , nat ur al cal ami t i eswhi chof t eni nt er r uptwi t ht heequi l i br i um of cl assr oom l ect ur i nghav el essi mpl i cat i onondi gi t al l ear ni ng. Toconcl ude, t houghcl assr oom l ect ur i ngi sst i l l achoi ce, mor est udent soptcomput er basedl ear ni ngi nmoder nt i mesasi ti sconv eni entandeasi l yaccessi bl e.When compar edt ot headv ant agesofonl i necoachi ng, speci f i cal l yi nt het er t i ar yl ev el , t he di sadv ant agesar esi mpl yi gnor abl east het r adi t i onal f acet of aceway sofl ear ni ngi s goi ngt obemor eorl essobsol et ei nt hef ut ur e. I . Par aphr asi ngt hequest i on Pr act i ceTest s 1.Gl obal war mi ngi soneoft hebi ggestt hr eat shumansf acei nt he21stcent ur yand seal ev el sar econt i nui ngt or i seatal ar mi ngr at es.Whatpr obl emsar eassoci at ed wi t ht hi sandwhatar esomepossi bl esol ut i ons? 2.I nt hemoder nwor l d, t hei mage( phot ogr aph/ f i l m)i sbecomi ngamor epower f ul wayofcommuni cat i ngt hant hewr i t t enwor d.Towhatext entdoy ouagr eeor di sagr ee? 3.Somepar ent sbel i ev et hatl ear ni nghi st or yatschool i sr edundantandshoul dnot bet aught , whi l eot her sbel i ev et hati tshoul dr emai naf oundat i onal cour se whet herornoti ti susedl at eri nl i f e.Di scussbot hv i ewsandgi v ey ouropi ni on. 4.Onl i needucat i oni sbecomi ngi ncr easi ngl ypopul ar .Manyuni v er si t yst udent sar e choosi ngt ost udyonl i nei nst eadoff acet of ace.Dot headv ant agesofdi st ance educat i onout wei ght hedi sadv ant ages? I I . Wr i t i ngt het hesi s Pr act i ceTest s 1.I nt hemoder nwor l d, t hei mage( phot ogr aph/ f i l m)i sbecomi ngamor epower f ul wayofcommuni cat i ngt hant hewr i t t enwor d.Towhatext entdoy ouagr eeor di sagr ee? 2.Somepar ent sbel i ev et hatl ear ni nghi st or yatschool i sr edundantandshoul dnot bet aught , whi l eot her sbel i ev et hati tshoul dr emai naf oundat i onal cour se whet herornoti ti susedl at eri nl i f e.Di scussbot hv i ewsandgi v ey ouropi ni on. 3.Onl i needucat i oni sbecomi ngi ncr easi ngl ypopul ar .Manyuni v er si t yst udent sar e choosi ngt ost udyonl i nei nst eadoff acet of ace.Dot headv ant agesofdi st ance educat i onout wei ght hedi sadv ant ages? I I I . Wr i t i ngt heout l i nesent ence Pr act i ceTest s 1.Gl obal war mi ngi soneoft hebi ggestt hr eat shumansf acei nt he21stcent ur yand seal ev el sar econt i nui ngt or i seatal ar mi ngr at es.Whatpr obl emsar eassoci at ed wi t ht hi sandwhatar esomepossi bl esol ut i ons? 2.I nt hemoder nwor l d, t hei mage( phot ogr aph/ f i l m)i sbecomi ngamor epower f ul wayofcommuni cat i ngt hant hewr i t t enwor d.Towhatext entdoy ouagr eeor di sagr ee? 3.Somepar ent sbel i ev et hatl ear ni nghi st or yatschool i sr edundantandshoul dnot bet aught , whi l eot her sbel i ev et hati tshoul dr emai naf oundat i onal cour se whet herornoti ti susedl at eri nl i f e.Di scussbot hv i ewsandgi v ey ouropi ni on. 4.Onl i needucat i oni sbecomi ngi ncr easi ngl ypopul ar .Manyuni v er si t yst udent sar e choosi ngt ost udyonl i nei nst eadoff acet of ace.Dot headv ant agesofdi st ance educat i onout wei ght hedi sadv ant ages? I V. Wr i t i ngt het opi csent ence Pr act i ceTest s 1.Gl obal war mi ngi soneoft hebi ggestt hr eat shumansf acei nt he21stcent ur yand seal ev el sar econt i nui ngt or i seatal ar mi ngr at es.Whatpr obl emsar eassoci at ed wi t ht hi sandwhatar esomepossi bl esol ut i ons? 2.I nt hemoder nwor l d, t hei mage( phot ogr aph/ f i l m)i sbecomi ngamor epower f ul wayofcommuni cat i ngt hant hewr i t t enwor d.Towhatext entdoy ouagr eeor di sagr ee? 3.Somepar ent sbel i ev et hatl ear ni nghi st or yatschool i sr edundantandshoul dnot bet aught , whi l eot her sbel i ev et hati tshoul dr emai naf oundat i onal cour se whet herornoti ti susedl at eri nl i f e.Di scussbot hv i ewsandgi v ey ouropi ni on. 4.Onl i needucat i oni sbecomi ngi ncr easi ngl ypopul ar .Manyuni v er si t yst udent sar e choosi ngt ost udyonl i nei nst eadoff acet of ace.Dot headv ant agesofdi st ance educat i onout wei ght hedi sadv ant ages? V. Wr i t i ngt heexpl anat i on Pr act i ceTest s 1.Gl obal war mi ngi soneoft hebi ggestt hr eat shumansf acei nt he21stcent ur yand seal ev el sar econt i nui ngt or i seatal ar mi ngr at es.Whatpr obl emsar eassoci at ed wi t ht hi sandwhatar esomepossi bl esol ut i ons? 2.I nt hemoder nwor l d, t hei mage( phot ogr aph/ f i l m)i sbecomi ngamor epower f ul wayofcommuni cat i ngt hant hewr i t t enwor d.Towhatext entdoy ouagr eeor di sagr ee? 3.Somepar ent sbel i ev et hatl ear ni nghi st or yatschool i sr edundantandshoul dnot bet aught , whi l eot her sbel i ev et hati tshoul dr emai naf oundat i onal cour se whet herornoti ti susedl at eri nl i f e.Di scussbot hv i ewsandgi v ey ouropi ni on. 4.Onl i needucat i oni sbecomi ngi ncr easi ngl ypopul ar .Manyuni v er si t yst udent sar e choosi ngt ost udyonl i nei nst eadoff acet of ace.Dot headv ant agesofdi st ance educat i onout wei ght hedi sadv ant ages VI . Wr i t i ngt heexampl e Pr act i ceTest s 1.Gl obal war mi ngi soneoft hebi ggestt hr eat shumansf acei nt he21stcent ur yand seal ev el sar econt i nui ngt or i seatal ar mi ngr at es.Whatpr obl emsar eassoci at ed wi t ht hi sandwhatar esomepossi bl esol ut i ons? 2.I nt hemoder nwor l d, t hei mage( phot ogr aph/ f i l m)i sbecomi ngamor epower f ul wayofcommuni cat i ngt hant hewr i t t enwor d.Towhatext entdoy ouagr eeor di sagr ee? 3.Somepar ent sbel i ev et hatl ear ni nghi st or yatschool i sr edundantandshoul dnot bet aught , whi l eot her sbel i ev et hati tshoul dr emai naf oundat i onal cour se whet herornoti ti susedl at eri nl i f e.Di scussbot hv i ewsandgi v ey ouropi ni on. 4.Onl i needucat i oni sbecomi ngi ncr easi ngl ypopul ar .Manyuni v er si t yst udent sar e choosi ngt ost udyonl i nei nst eadoff acet of ace.Dot headv ant agesofdi st ance educat i onout wei ght hedi sadv ant ages? UNI T10-20mi nut es SOMECOMMONMI STAKES 1.WRONG: Peopl ear et hi nki ng. CORRECT: Peopl et hi nk. ( Thev er b‘ t hi nk’ i snotusedi nt hecont i nuoust ense) 2.WRONG: Oneoft her i chestcount r ypr ef eri t . CORRECT: Oneoft her i chestcount r i espr ef eri t . ( ‘ Oneof ’ i sf ol l owedbyapl ur al nounandasi ngul arv er b) 3.WRONG:Nobodydoesnotappr eci at ei t . CORRECT: Nobodyappr eci at esi t . ( ‘ Nobody ’ i sanegat i v ewor d, andt her ef or eusi ngt henegat i v ef or m ofv er bwoul d maket hesent enceposi t i v ei nmeani ng) 4.WRONG: Manycount r i esi nt hewor l dar emor er i chert hanot her s. CORRECT: Manycount r i esi nt hewor l dar er i chert hanot her s. ( ‘ Ri cher ’ i sal r eadyacompar at i v edegr ee, soaddi ng‘ mor e’ bef or ei t , i sr edundant ) 5.WRONG: Manyst udent st odayt r yt ogoi nabr oad. CORRECT: Manyst udent st odayt r yt ogoabr oad. ( Wedonotuseapr eposi t i onbef or et hewor d‘ abr oad’ ) 6.WRONG: Ev er ycount r i eshav ear i cht r adi t i on. CORRECT: Ev er ycount r yhasar i cht r adi t i on. ( Thepr onoun‘ Ev er y ’ i ssi ngul ar , andt her ef or ei ti sf ol l owedbyasi ngul arnounanda si ngul arv er b. ) 7.WRONG: I ndi ai senj oy i ngagoodst at usf ormanyy ear s. CORRECT: I ndi ahasenj oy edagoodst at usf ormanyy ear s. ( When‘ si nce’ and‘ f or ’ ar eusedast i mephr ases, t heyar eusedonl yi nper f ectt ense) 8.WRONG: Ihav est udi edEngl i shsi ncet woy ear s. CORRECT: Ihav est udi edEngl i shsi nce2010. ( ‘ Si nce’ r ef er st oapar t i cul arpoi ntoft i me, whi l e‘ f or ’ i ndi cat eda‘ per i odoft i me’ ) 9.WRONG: Manyst udent sar egoodi nmat hemat i cs. CORRECT: Manyst udent sar egoodatmat hemat i cs. ( Whent headj ect i v e‘ good’ i susedt oshowt hepr of i ci encyi nsomet hi ng, i ti s f ol l owedbyt hepr eposi t i on‘ at ’ ) 10. WRONG: Gy m openedi nt heci t ycent r e. CORRECT: Agy m wasopenedi nt heci t ycent r e. ( I nt hi ssent ence, ‘ gy m’ di dnotopensomet hi ng, buti twasopenedbysomebody .So aposi t i v ev oi cei spr ef er r ed. )