How to Build a Habit of Working Out No BS Follow Along: I’d like to show you a guide I wish I had years ago. It’s the secret to mastering pretty much anything you want… Women. Business. Physique. What do they all have in common? Well they’re all good habits. So I wrote this with you in mind. Let’s jump in, yeah? Here’s an overview of how to build the habit of working out. 1. Stack your workout on top of a habit that you already have: Wake up, use the bathroom, go to the gym 2. Build excitement before your workout by visualising yourself with your dream aesthetic body, enjoying life 3. Start with short, easy workouts and workout every day to prioritise consistency above intensity (you have your entire life to build up the intensity, you need to be consistent first) 4. Make a habit tracker where you tick off habits like your daily workout to give yourself a feeling of instant gratification There is only one way to reach your aesthetic body and that is to make working out into a habit as soon as possible. Once your workouts become a habit, you’ll be making gains automatically. Below is the science of building a new habit from the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. We are going to go through it in a No BS Follow Along way. There are 4 steps to forming a habit: Step 1: Make it Obvious We want working out to be automatic, at the same time every single day. The easiest way to do this is to ‘habit stack’ by working out immediately after a habit that you already have. For example, you could build the habit of working out by following this morning routine: Wake up, use toilet, go to gym. In this example we are stacking the habit of going to the gym on top of our current habit of going to the toilet in the morning. In fact, it was this exact routine (wake up, toilet, workout) that I used to get consistent in my training for 6+ years. You don’t have to workout in the morning if you don’t want to or if you can’t due to responsibilities like work or school but in general putting a habit in the morning makes it a priority. If your aesthetic body transformation is your priority, do it first thing in the morning. If you aren’t working out in the morning, find an already-formed habit that you can workout after (for example during your lunch break in work as you get up from your chair, or after dinner). 2: Make it Attractive Strengthen your workout habit by making it more exciting. Build up the anticipation of working out by visualising yourself with your dream body, enjoying life. Do this visualisation just before you are about to go to the gym (after waking up/in the toilet following the example from step 1 above). I personally feel so excited to see my morning physique in the mirror, always taking a minute to flex in the bathroom every morning. This got me in a good mood and led to me being excited to hit my workout that morning. 3: Make it Easy The number of times you have done a habit is more important than how much time or intensity you have put in. We want quantity above quality to form habits. The recommended workout routines (found below under Workout Routines title) prioritise getting into the gym (or wherever you plan to workout) every single day to do a short workout. In the beginning, we only care about forming a workout habit, not hitting intense workouts. You have your entire life to increase the intensity of your workouts. At the beginning stages, we need to make the workouts short and easy so that you feel more than up for them every single day. 4: Make it Satisfying As a beginner, you see the rewards of working out (increased muscle and strength) literally weeks or months after your workout session. That’s too much of a delay and you’ll struggle to continue going to the gym, sweating, feeling fatigued, feeling your muscles ache but not seeing any real results for weeks. Feeling satisfied after every workout is a must to increase motivation and continue working out in the future but waiting until you get the satisfaction from the increased muscle and strength will take too long. You’ll be like the beginner who quits because they went to the gym for a few weeks but didn’t see a difference in their body. Without taking steroids, there is no way to drastically speed up your muscle and strength gains, that means you need something else that gives you a feeling of instant gratification immediately after your workout. Something as simple as a habit tracker where you tick a daily box for your workouts will help you feel satisfied with this habit. The Strong app (free app that is used in the Workout Routines page above) presents a celebration page after you complete a workout, throwing some confetti on screen whilst showing you your workout stats. This will give you a small feeling of satisfaction after hitting your workout. Do not just read the 4 steps above and change nothing. These 4 steps are your secret to building a lifelong habit of working out (how awesome is that?). Really take the time to go through the 4 steps, journal and see what you can improve. Your future self will be very grateful if you build a consistent habit of working out now. Now you’re ready to begin your training with the focus of building a habit of working out as soon as possible. Summary/Bullet Points: - The steps to build the habit of working out are as follows: 1. Stack your workout on top of an existing habit to make it automatic and consistent. 2. Visualize your dream body and the enjoyment of life before each workout to create excitement. 3. Start with short and easy workouts, prioritizing consistency over intensity. 4. Use a habit tracker to tick off your daily workouts for instant gratification and satisfaction. - The four steps to forming a habit are: make it obvious, make it attractive, make it easy, and make it satisfying: 1. Making the workout habit obvious involves habit stacking, such as working out immediately after an existing habit like using the toilet in the morning. 2. Making it attractive includes visualizing your dream body before going to the gym. 3. Making it easy focuses on the frequency and consistency of workouts rather than their intensity. 4. Making it satisfying involves using a habit tracker or an app like Strong that provides instant gratification after each workout. Building the habit of working out is crucial for achieving aesthetic body transformation and long-term gains and strength.