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MMK101 Marketing Plan Assessment Brief

MMK101 – Marketing Fundamentals
T1, 2023
Assessment 2 Brief
Please note. Work or parts of work that you have submitted in the past for assessment cannot be
resubmitted for assessment in another unit without your Unit Chair's written permission. This includes
work submitted for assessment in any unit at Deakin or at another academic institution. If you wish to
reuse or extend parts of previously submitted work, then you should discuss this with the Unit Chair before
the submission date. Depending on the nature of the task, the Unit Chair may permit or decline the
Deakin's Bachelor of Commerce and MBA are internationall y EPAS
Deakin Business School is accredited b y AACSB.
Due Dates, word limit, weighting 3 Graduate and Unit Learning Outcomes: Assignment 1
and 2 3 Assignment Background: Purpose and Objectives 3 Assignment 2 Specifics –
Marketing Mix Plan
Background (Assignment 1) Summary
5. Marketing Mix Strategies
Guidelines for developing marketing mix strategies:
5.1. Product Strategy (10 marks, approximately 225 words) 6
5.2. Pricing Strategy (10 marks, approximately 200 words)
5.3. Distribution and Logistics (placement) Strategy (15 marks,
approximately 225 words)
5.4. Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Strategy (25 marks, 550
5.5. Marketing Metrics (10 marks, approximately 100 words)
6. Conclusion and Implications
Standard of communication in plan
Important Information – Essential Reading
7 a. Assignment template
b. Report presentation
c. Word documents only 7
d. Word Count Penalty and an overview of aspects not included in the word
7 e. Extension Requests and Late submission penalty 7
f. Electronic submission only
g. Post submission e-mail confirmation
h. Turnitin software and Turnitin Student Tool
i. Backup-copy 9
j. Resubmission of past assessment:
k. Building evidence of your experiences, skills and knowledge (Portfolio)
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Due Dates, word limit, weighting
8:00pm AEST Thursday 11 May, 2023.
You have until 11:59 pm to submit your assignment without a late
penalty. From Midnight, the late penalty will be enforced.
Up to 1,500 words (this is the maximum word count)
Students who submit their work by the original due date should
normally be provided with feedback within 15 working days
Graduate and Unit Learning Outcomes: Assignment 1 and 2
Unit Learning Outcome (ULO)
Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO)
ULO 1: Evaluate marketing concepts
and critique their application within
realworld scenarios.
GLO 1: Discipline-specific knowledge
and capabilities
GLO 4: Critical thinking
GLO 8: Global citizenship
Assignment 1
Assignment 2
ULO 2: Evaluate market information to
develop segmentation, targeting and
positioning strategies within culturally
diverse environments.
GLO 1: Discipline-specific knowledge
and capabilities
GLO 4: Critical thinking
GLO 8: Global citizenship
Assignment 1
Assignment 2
ULO 3: Demonstrate critical judgement
to evaluate marketing strategies in
different environments and contexts.
GLO 1: Discipline-specific knowledge
and capabilities
GLO 4: Critical thinking
GLO 8: Global citizenship
Assignment 2
ULO4: Demonstrate the ability to
GLO3: Digital Literacy
source, interpret and share information
in a digital world.
Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Assignment Background: Purpose and Objectives
This assignment follows on from assignment 1. Based on the target market and positioning strategy you
have identified and recommended in Assignment 1, your task is to propose a detailed sustainable
marketing mix program (4Ps - product, price, placement and promotion) that will assist Boring
Management in making a better-informed decision as to whether to enter the Australian marketplace
(based on your
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recommendation from assignment 1). Please note. You are able to change the direction of the assignment
based on the feedback from assignment 1 e.g., change target market, differentiation strategy(s).
Assignment 2 Objectives
Use the Boring Barista Oat Milk develop the following marketing mix strategies, with justification (primary
and secondary research):
1. Develop the Boring product to better meet the needs and expectations of your target market with
the ultimate aim being to develop a more sustainable* product/brand.
2. Develop a pricing strategy to drive initial trial of the Boring Barista Oat Milk product.
3. Develop a multichannel distribution network which is sustainable* and also addresses the growth
of direct and online marketing.
4. Develop strategies that will increase your chosen target market’s interaction with the brand in
order to create greater brand awareness and brand recognition for the Boring brand and its
sustainability* agenda/platform in the Australian market.
*at least two of the marketing mix strategies must contain specific UN sustainable development goals.
You must justify why the specific SDGs were chosen.
The textbook (8th edition) provides an overview of the role of a marketing plan and provides a sample (see
appendix 2) case study. This is for insights only as this assessment task addresses specific Deakin graduate
and unit learning outcomes and unit content.
Armstrong G, Denize S, Volkov M, Adam S, Kotler P, Ang S H, Love A, Doherty S and van Esch P (2021)
Principles of Marketing, 8th Edition, Pearson Australia, Melbourne, pp. 502-511. Library e-book: pp.
1409-1437; Pearson E-book: pp. 503-511.
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The focus of the marketing plan MUST be on Boring Barista Oat milk.
Assignment 2 Specifics – Marketing Mix Plan
Due Date: Week 9, 8:00pm AEST Thursday 11 May, 2023. Admissions are accepted up to 11:59pm
without late penalty.
Word Limit: Up to 1500 words (penalties apply if you exceed the word limit) Weighting:
Within the Faculty of Business and Law Student Toolkit there is a comprehensive overview of Sustainable
Development Goals:
Homepage - Faculty of Business and Law - Student Toolkits (deakin.edu.au)
If you complete the SDG quiz you will receive the Deakin SDG Awareness certificate which you can add to
your skill portfolio.
Using the template provided, prepare a report for the management board of Boring. In your report, include
the sections below. Note the word count included in the brackets are a suggestion only. Definitions and
direct quotations are not required in assignment 2. Images and relevant tables and graphs are mandatory
throughout the discussion.
Background (Assignment 1) Summary (not included in word count)
In the boxes provided in the assignment 2 template, summarise (key points only) your target
market/consumer profile, differentiation strategy(s) and positioning statement developed in Assessment 1.
If you do not include this information in the boxes, as required, the content will form part of your
assessment word count. You are able to change the target market, differentiation strategy(s) and
positioning statement based on the Assignment 1 feedback.
5. Marketing Mix Strategies
Guidelines for developing marketing mix strategies:
 state the strategy and provide supporting evidence (justification) for its choice using e.g., primary
research (based on a survey to be completed by students of MMK101); and secondary research
including industry reports, statistics, and relevant marketing theories and concepts;
Deakin's Bachelor of Commerce and MBA are internationall y EPAS
Deakin Business School is accredited b y AACSB.
clearly state how the strategy(s) will be implemented;
recommend suitable marketing metrics that will measure the effectiveness of your marketing
strategies for each of the 4Ps (product, price, placement and promotion); and
at least two of the marketing mix strategies must contain a UN sustainable development goal. You
must justify why the specific SDGs were chosen.
Ensure you meet the marketing plan objectives outlined on page 4.
5.1. Product Strategy (10 marks, approximately 225 words)
Using the chosen product from Boring product range (as identified in assignment 1) develop a product
strategy that meets the needs and expectations of your proposed target market and aligns with your
differentiation strategy (developed in assignment 1). You must provide supporting evidence throughout the
discussion and ensure your strategy(s) result in a more sustainable product/brand.
5.2. Pricing Strategy (10 marks, approximately 200 words)
Recommend a pricing strategy that drives initial trial of the Boring Barista Oat milk. You must provide
justification for your choice of pricing strategy.
5.3. Distribution and Logistics (placement) Strategy (15 marks, approximately 225 words)
Recommend a multi-channel distribution and logistics strategy that aligns with your target market’s need(s)
and reflects sustainability and growth of direct and online marketing. You must provide a diagram to reflect
the multi-channel distribution network you have developed. Note. do not copy and paste the textbook
5.4. Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Strategy (25 marks, 550 words)
Recommend at least three (3) promotion tools from the marketing communication mix that aligns with
your target market’s media habits and meets the company’s objectives of creating brand awareness,
promoting brand engagement/interaction and advocating sustainability.
5.5. Marketing Metrics (10 marks, approximately 100 words)
Recommend marketing metric(s) (marketing analytics) that measures the effectiveness of all your
marketing mix strategies.
6. Conclusion and Implications (10 marks, approximately 200 words)
Summarise the key findings from both assignment 1 and 2. What is your recommendation to Boring Should they enter the Australian market? Why?
** 10 marks (2 x 5 marks) are awarded for the integration of the UN sustainable development goal strategy
with justification**
Standard of communication in plan (10 marks - 2 marks for presentation and language; and 8 marks for
research and supporting evidence from secondary data sources (4 marks) and primary research findings (4
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Business report format using concise, clear and professional business language
Appropriate use of digital resources – skills that you will have developed from completion of the
compulsory Essential Digital Literacy task and during the studying of MMK101
Use of credible and relevant secondary sources (e.g., journal articles, industry reports)
Inclusion of primary research findings
You must justify your choice of strategies using primary research findings and secondary sources
e.g., books, magazines, journal articles, webpages etc. Websites allowing individual contributions
should not be used e.g., Wikipedia, marketing.com
Images and relevant tables and graphs are mandatory throughout the discussion.
All sources/references taken from a secondary source should be acknowledged using the APA7
style of referencing
Important Information – Essential Reading
Assignment template: Please follow the word template for assignment 2 which is provided for you
on Cloud Deakin in the assessment tile or content page. The template structure provides you with
experience in presenting professional business reports.
Report presentation: With regard to the text used in your assignment, please use a standard font
(such as Times New Roman or Arial Narrow), at 12-point, with 1.5 minimum spacing between lines, to
enhance the legibility for markers. All images and tables should be included in the body of the report.
Word documents only: The assignment must be in a Microsoft Word Document for marking
purposes. PDFs will not be accepted. Microsoft Word is available to students free of charge; please see:
Word Count Penalty and an overview of aspects not included in the word count: The following
penalties apply to assignment in excess of the 1500-word limit:
If your report exceeds the word limit by 10% or less, 5% of the available marks will be
If your report exceeds the word limit by 11-20%, 10% of the available marks will be deducted.
If your report exceeds the word limit by 21-30%, 15% of the available marks will be deducted,
This process will continue for each additional 10% that the word count is exceeded.
Work that is submitted more than seven days after the due date will not be marked. You will
receive 0% for the task.
The Unit Chair may refuse to accept a late submission where it is unreasonable or
impracticable to assess the task after the due date.
N.B. For this business report in MMK101, the following are not included in your word count:
• Title page
• Executive summary (NB. Not required in this report)
• Table of contents
• Figures, tables (including the segmentation able), charts (and related captions) unless used as part
of the discussion
• Reference list
• Please Note: All in-text citations and headings are included in the word count.
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e. Extension Requests and Late submission penalty
Students can apply for an extension request due to extenuating circumstances using the extension
tool in Cloud Deakin. Please ensure you provide evidence supporting your extenuating
Late Submission Penalty: If the assessment is submitted late without an approved extension from the Unit
Chair or representative, a penalty of 5% of the available marks will be deducted each day for up to seven
days. If the assessment is submitted more than seven days after the due date it will not be marked and
will be awarded zero (0%). Please note, the late penalty is calculated from the due date and time.
Electronic submission only: All assignments must be submitted electronically via Cloud Deakin.
Make sure that you check the assignment document is the correct version before submission. The
assignment uploaded to your dropbox folder is the one that will be graded. You can submit as many times
as you like until the due date. The latest submission will be the version marked. Please use the following
file name format for the assignment:
MMK101 Surname id number Ass1
Post submission e-mail confirmation: When you submit your assignment, you will receive an email
to your Deakin email address confirming that your assignment has been submitted. If you do not receive
an email confirmation, this suggests the assignment has been submitted incorrectly or you have not
pushed the submit button. You should check that you can see your assignment in the Submissions view of
the Assignment dropbox folder after upload, and check for, and keep, the email receipt for the submission.
Turnitin software and Turnitin Student Tool: Written assignments can be assessed for similarity
issues with the references you have used prior to submission using the check your work Turnitin link.
Turnitin checks that you have not unwittingly used the work of others’ (i.e., academic and trade authors,
etc.) without due recognition. There are penalties for plagiarism at this university that are described in the
following Student Rights and Responsibilities This link also provides more information about academic
misconduct, special consideration, extensions, and assessment feedback. To check your draft prior to
submission for similarity, please go to the Unit’s Cloud Deakin site under the student help widget:
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Backup-copy: You must keep a backup copy of every assignment you submit, until the marked
assignment has been returned to you. In the unlikely event that one of your assignments is misplaced, you
will need to submit your backup copy. Any work you submit may be checked by electronic or other means
for the purposes of detecting collusion and/or plagiarism.
When writing your assignment please ensure you keep a back-up copy of your assignment external to
your computer/laptop to avoid inability to submit your assignment due to technical issues.
Resubmission of past assessment: Work or parts of work that you have submitted in the past for
any assessment task, irrespective of the unit, cannot be re-submitted for assessment in this unit, MMK101
Marketing Fundamentals without permission from the Unit Chair.
Building evidence of your experiences, skills and knowledge (Portfolio) - Building a portfolio that
evidences your skills, knowledge and experience will provide you with a valuable tool to help you prepare
for interviews and to showcase to potential employers. There are a number of tools that you can use to
build a portfolio. You are provided with cloud space through OneDrive, or through the Portfolio tool in the
Cloud Unit Site, but you can use any storage repository system that you like. Remember that a Portfolio is
YOUR tool. You should be able to store your assessment work, reflections, achievements and artefacts in
YOUR Portfolio. Once you have completed this assessment piece, add it to your personal Portfolio to use
and showcase your learning later, when applying for jobs, or further studies. Curate your work by adding
meaningful tags to your artefacts.
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