Uploaded by Anshu Sinha

Action Plan

Action Plan (Removal of Duplicate contacts)
Step-1. Remove additional contacts showing to other apple devices which are currently
synchronised with iCloud.
Reason: We have merged the Gmail contacts to iCloud. Now iCloud has all contacts which was in
Gmail contacts along with previous iCloud contacts. If it is not stopped, other apple devices will show
additional nearly 5850 contacts of Gmail which is not required.
There is two ways to stop this:
Option-(A) - Stopping synchronisation
Option-(B) -Removing Gmail contacts. However, we will keep the backup in this option and can
be restore whenever required.
We recommend the first one and keep the Gmail contacts on Gmail.
Currently other device is showing iCloud contacts + Gmail Contacts (nearly 5850 which will show as
duplicate other than we have sent the list of duplicates yesterday with note)
Step-2. Backing of iCloud contacts before start of any activity.
Reason: This will help us in future in case of missing contacts (if any), however we are sure that, no
contacts will be missed out. We have already taken the backup of Gmail contacts and iCloud contact
before merging.
Step-3. Matching the duplicate contacts with each other to ensure that both(/all) are same with the
help of programming logic.
Step-4. Removal of duplicate contacts manually (manually means – System will ask the confirmation
before deleting each contact.)
Step-5. Backup of iCloud contacts when the activity is completed.
Each backup will have date and time stamp.
Activity completion time: 4-5 days once started.
All the devices are required to stop the Gmail contacts for 20-25 min if we go with Option(A) in Step1. No devices are required if we go with Option(B) in Step-1.
iCloud logging is required. Leena madam can log in any Laptop and provide to us.
Waiting for your instruction to start the activity.