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Maintenance Handover Form

Handing over and confirming completion
of maintenance activities
Name: Connor Perkins
Date: 25/03/2018
1. Describe the health and safety requirements of the area in which the handover is to
take place, and the responsibility they place on them.
Answer: The health and safety requirements of the area are that when handover is taking
place it must be free from all hazards and risks as they have the potential to cause harm.
Any work done or equipment must be following the correct regulations, so it is operating
safely such as BS7671 if it is an electrical instillation. It is a high amount of responsibility as if
the area is not safe during and after the handover period and this causes injury,
consequently the responsibility is placed on you when handing over to ensure the work has
been completed and the area can function safely when handed back into production.
2. Describe the isolation and lock-off procedure or permit-to-work procedure that
applies to the equipment being maintained.
Answer: The isolation and lock off procedure is to ensure that people do not come into
contact with moving equipment, live electrical circuits or stored energy from electricity,
pneumatics, hydraulics or gravity. The procedure is to physically isolate the source of energy,
and applying some form of personal lock to ensure that equipment is not able to be reenergised. When electrical isolators are switched to the off position, holes line up which can
be locked with a personal padlock. This ensures that unless the padlock is removed the
equipment cannot be switched back on and re-energised. Other forms of energy can be
locked off by applying valve and tap isolators. You should also apply a tag to your lock so
everybody in the area knows who has isolated the equipment and what work is being
completed. A 'permit to work' is a formal, written, safe system of work to control potentially
hazardous activities, detailing the work to be done and the precautions to be taken such as
the points of isolation. Permits should be issued, checked and signed off as being completed
by someone competent to do so, and who is not involved in undertaking the work.
3. Describe the specific health and safety precautions to be applied during the handover
procedure, and their effects on others.
Answer: The health and safety procedures to be applied to the handover procedure are to
ensure that the work is completed free form all risks and hazards, any equipment that is
used follow the Provision and Use of Work Equipment regulations, the correct isolation
procedure is in place and any stored energy in the equipment was released in order to
prevent any hazards, and that all permits to work have been completed for any tasks that
were required which have been signed off by an authorised and competent person, also the
work needs to follow all regulations for what type of work has been completed such as wiring
regulations or COSHH regulations. It affects everybody in the area because if the health and
safety precautions aren’t met in the handover procedure this can create hazards in the
workplace which have potential to cause injury to yourself and others.
4. Explain the importance of wearing protective clothing and other appropriate safety
equipment whilst operating/using the equipment during the handover operations and
where it may be obtained.
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Handing over and confirming completion
of maintenance activities
Answer: it is important to wear protective clothing and safety equipment whilst operating
during the handover period bas it is the last form of defence against any risks that may be
involved because there may be a fault or failure within the equipment directly during or after
handover as it is going to be restarted so you are always more prone to risks that can cause
injury at this point therefore the protective clothing is in place as a control measure to protect
against these.
5. Describe the checking process to be followed before handing over the equipment
(such as are the safety and quality systems operable, does the equipment function to
Answer: You should check the equipment is ready to operate by carrying out the specific
checks , firstly checking if the maintenance or instillation activity has been completed and the
equipment functions correctly to the standards required, the safety systems are functioning
correctly so the machine is safe to use, any waste materials and warning barriers have been
removed, any add on systems are connected and operating and lastly that any other
involved in using the equipment are aware that the equipment is about to be used.
6. Explain the importance of applying the appropriate occupational behaviours in the
workplace and the implications for both the apprentice and the business if these are
not adhered to.
Answer: It is important to apply the appropriate behaviours in the workplace as it is the base
for building a good working relationship with others in your team. You will be more respected
by others in the workplace if you apply good behaviours and follow the code of conduct and
in turn you can form a good relationship with them, good workplace behaviours also provide
a good impressions to others and any visitors to the site too which improves the reputation of
the business and may improve their relationship with customers if potential customers or
business was able to see the good working by employees. If the appropriate behaviours are
not applied this can lead to consequences such as disciplinary procedures and can lead to a
loss of job.
7. Describe the appropriate handover procedure, depending on the maintenance
activity carried out (repair, modification, preventative maintenance, scheduled
Answer: The appropriate handover procedure for these different activities always start with
after completion of work you must check if your work fully matches with the standards and
what is required, for a repair the fault should be eliminated, for a modification it is fully
functioning and the addition works to operate the existing equipment as what has been
required and for servicing and preventative maintenance that it has been carried out and the
machine is operating correct to standard along with a service sheet if required. You must
then fill in a handover sheet that needs to be given back to operations in order for the plant
to be given back to them, here you must detail the exact work that is done and speak to
them in order to alert of and additions or modifications to the equipment that may effect it in
any way, and also to decide whether any additional measures need to be put into place such
as cleaning in place after the work has been done. You must also alert your supervisor and
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Handing over and confirming completion
of maintenance activities
area manager such as a line leads to alert them on what has been done to the equipment so
the message can be conveyed to others in the area, you should then get both of these
people to check to ensure the work has been completed to the correct standard that is
required and if they are satisfied to then operate the equipment by removing any isolations
and running to monitor, if it runs correctly and follows the standard required remove any of
the barriers in place and hand the equipment over to operations to use after the work has
been completed but if not use fault finding techniques to find what is wrong with the machine
when it has operated during handover and plan in the correct maintenance work that needs
to be done in order to fix the fault, again isolating the machine if required.
8. Describe the procedure for involving the appropriate people when operating/using the
Answer: To involve the appropriate people when operating/using the equipment you must
decide and find out who will be operating this equipment after handover has been
completed, who was the person who requested the works to be done on the equipment and
the manager of the area or piece of equipment in order for them to be able to monitor or be
involved with the handover to ensure that it is operating to the correct standards that are
required and that the work has been completed in the best and safest way possible, you
should also find out if any other people will be involved or in the same area as this piece of
equipment in order to inform them of the work that has been completed.
9. Describe the need to highlight, where appropriate, any new, current or changed
operating features of the maintained or installed equipment.
Answer: It is important to highlight any changes that have been made to the equipment so
everybody who is operating this equipment is aware of this and if so the correct training
needs to be delivered to ensure that they know how the additions or changes have effected
how it operates and how it differs from the way it has in the past, this also needs to be done
to engineers because it gives them the knowledge if they have to perform a task on the
equipment in the future they know where the changes are within the machine.
10. Explain the importance of informing the appropriate person of any future
maintenance requirements.
Answer: It is important to inform the appropriate person of any future maintenance so they
are to make this aware to others so the future maintenance work can be planned in to be
completed in the future and ensure that this is done on time to prevent machine breakdown,
this can also be done so it is put in the machines maintenance records so in the future the
maintenance work can be looked at so engineers know what activities need to be done.
11. Describe the need to confirm that the other person understands how to use/operate
the equipment before handing the equipment over to them.
Answer: You must make sure the person who the equipment is getting handed over to is
knowledgeable and familiar with the equipment to ensure that they firstly use it safely and
know how to operate to prevent injury and also so they know how in which the equipment
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Handing over and confirming completion
of maintenance activities
should operate to they can decide if the work has been completed to a good standard and
how this can be checked to make sure of this.
12. Describe the need to ensure that the person they are handing over the equipment to
accepts that it is in a satisfactory condition.
Answer: It is important to ensure that the person accepts that it is in satisfactory condition
because if it is not it can cause problems as if it is not in good condition this means that
further work would need to be required to ensure that this piece of equipment can operate
correct to standard, therefore if you make sure you know whether the person who is getting
the handover is happy with the condition you can complete the handover but if not then you
can find out why it is not and how this can be fixed.
13. Describe the organisational documentation procedures to be used with regard to the
Answer: In regards to the handover, the documentation that may be used in this process can
be the equipment manuals to show the correct operation and how the equipment should be
used hen operating during the handover, any permits that have been used for the works that
have been completed such as hot works or confined space that are signed off by an
authorised and competent person who has a knowledge of the works being done, any
isolation sheets or tags that were used in the isolation of the equipment, and new or updated
drawings that have been completed for the work done to the equipment and also an
engineering handover sheet that has been completed to be given over to production for
them to be able to use the equipment.
14. Explain how to create and maintain effective working relationships with appropriate
people (such as encouraging, helping, politeness, open discussions both ways).
Answer: To create and maintain effective relationships you need to apply the right
behaviours such as encouraging and politeness to be positive along with helping shows that
you are supportive in your colleagues therefore they will always enjoy working with you and
will want to return the attitude and support if you are giving them it, open discussions that are
both ways will create good relationships as they are showing that you respect the opinions of
others and that you’re willing to listen therefore they will treat you with the same respect.
15. Describe the problems that can occur during handover, and how they can be
overcome (such as product/equipment failure, quality issues, safety or
Answer: The problems that can occur are product/equipment failure and this can be done by
identifying where in which the problem lies using fault finding techniques and then also
organising any breakdown work to be put into place and have engineers in place that can be
able to fix this problem. Quality issues can be found within machines after they have just
been restarted so the problem needs to be identified in which where it lies and what specific
components or parts of the equipment need to be fixed in order to fix this issue and plan in
any works, any safety or communication problems must be fixed immediately to ensure that
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Handing over and confirming completion
of maintenance activities
the area is safe and everybody around d the area knows when the system is planned to be
running by issuing a site wide communication or also identifying what improvements need to
be made to the safety/ communication in the area.
16. Describe the extent of their own authority and to whom they should report if they
have problems that they cannot resolve.
Answer: The employee should act on its own authority and follow all working procedures that
have been set out and complete every task to the best of their ability and matching the
correct standards required in the safest way possible. They should be competent in
completing the task and reliable to ensure that it is a good standard with also the correct
amount of knowledge and skill in the required area of work to complete the work and ensure
it is following the methods and standards. If problems were to arise in which they cannot
resolve they could firstly ask a colleague in their team who has similar knowledge and
maybe more experience to see if they have an idea or suggestion in order to solve the
problem and if a resolution could not be found then tis problem should be escalated further
by reporting them to your line or shift manager.
.................................................................Candidate Date .........................
The candidate has satisfied the requirements of the assessment and answer are correct
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