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Academic Writing Assignment: Capital Punishment Analysis

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Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow it.
"Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already
devoid of stars" is a quote by the famous leader, Martin Luther King Jr., which underscores the
need to resort to less violent ways of reacting to or solving problems. Determining what
constitutes the best form of punishment for high crimes is a subject that has enjoyed cogent
debates since time immemorial. There appears to be no end in sight for such debates as, in
recent times, there have been public discussions about whether capital punishment or life
imprisonment is the more effective way to punish those who commit grievous crimes such as
murder, treason and rape. Different individuals and groups have taken varying stances and
given various reasons for their options. However, what appears to hold sway in contemporary
times is the view that life imprisonment, rather than capital punishment, is the most effective
way to punish people for perpetrating such crimes. As Martin Luther King Jr. (quoted in the
opening sentence) asserts, using violence to correct violence is futile by all standards and sends
out a conflicting notion about violence to people.
Paramount among the arguments advanced in support of life imprisonment as a better
alternative to death sentence is the utilitarian view that there is more use for life than death —
a standpoint that respects the sanctity of life and its prospects for betterment. As declared by
Laini Taylor, “As long as you are alive, there is always a chance that things will get better.” It
does not matter how grave a crime is, the perpetrator must be given a chance to live and learn
from his or her mistakes. While in prison, hardened criminals go through rehabilitation
processes that gradually change their ways of thinking and their actions in general. A research
report by Bush (2016), a co-developer of a prison treatment programme for Red Onion State
Prison, a US prison that held very notorious criminals, reveals that introducing an effective
treatment programme changed many of these criminals' lifestyle for the better and some later
became responsible and productive citizens, leading to a 68 percent reduction in the number of
inmates and 91 percent decrease in inmate grievances at Red Onion. Some researchers have
argued that keeping these criminals alive puts a strain on public purse but, in actual fact, while
in prison, these convicts also serve as a useful and ready source of labour to the state. Besides
this, the modern methods of killing them have been proved to be equally costly. Taking their
lives merely because they committed heinous crimes, which may even include taking the life
of others, is no more than an act of retribution, and as Mahatma Gandhi rightly puts it, "An eye
for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind." There is, therefore, enough reason to
conclude that life imprisonment is a more effective way to punish people who commit grievous
crimes because it is more beneficial.
1. Describe how information has been organised in the introductory paragraph of the essay
above. Be sure to comment on the opening of the paragraph and clearly state, in your
own words as far as possible, the writer’s main argument.
2. a. Analyse and describe the structure of the second paragraph (beginning Paramount
among the arguments advanced in support of life imprisonment as a better alternative
to death sentence is the utilitarian view …).
b. In addition to this, identify the strategies that have been employed to develop the
controlling idea in the paragraph.
c. Describe how the discussion in the paragraph has been closed.