ISLAMIC NOTES If you want to became a Muslim, You want to believe in All the seven Iman (Believes). Believe in the Oneness of Allah. Believe in all prophets(Navi): There are approximately 1 lakh 24 thousand Prophets. First Prophet was Hazrat Adam Allah- I – Islam. Last Prophet was Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Some Important Title(Laqub):Hazrat Adam Allah- I – Islam Hazrat Ibrahim Allah- I – Islam Hazrat Musa Allah- I – Islam Hazrat Ismael Allah- I – Islam Hazrat Isa Allah- I – Islam Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam SAFIULLAH KHALILULLAH KALIMULLAH ZABILHULLAH RUHULLAH HABIBULLAH Believe in 4 Divine Books:Taorat—Revealed on Hazrat Musa Allah- I – Islam. Injeel—Revealed on Hazrat Isa Allah- I – Islam. Zoboor—Revealed on Hazrat Daud Allah- I – Islam. Quran—Revealed on Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Believe in all Angles(FARISHTEY): Angles are made up of NOOR(Light). Hazrat Jibrael Allah- I – Islam—Known as the Head of Angles. Known as Sayed-ul-Malaika. Known as (Ruh-ul-Ameen).His duty was to transfer the messages of Allah to the Prophets. Hazrat Mikaeel Allah- I – Islam—He has the responsibility to provide provision of (RAIN). Hazrat Israel Allah- I – Islam—Known as (Malak-ul-Maut).He has the responsibility to take away the Soul. Hazrat Isafeel Allah- I – Islam—He has the responsibility to blew the Trumpet (SUR) on the Dooms(KAYAMAT) Day. Believe in Fate(Taqdeer,Destiny). Believe in the Doom’s Day. Believe in the AKHIRAT(LIFE AFTER DEATH). FIVE PILLERS OF ISLAM: Tauheed—Unity of Allah(GOD). Namaaz—Known as SALAH. Namaaz has 4 Types:1. SUNNAT 2. FARZ 3. NAFAL 4. WAJIB Namaaz has been read 5 times in a day. The Morning Namaaz is known as FAJR in which 2 SUNNAT and 2 FARZ are read. The Noon Namaaz is known as JOHAR in which 4 SUNNAT, 4 FARZ, 2 SUNNAT and 2NAFAL are read. The evening Namaaz is known as ASAR in which 4 SUNNAT and 4 FARZ are read. The Namaaz read Before Sunset is known as MUGRIB in which 3 FARZ, 3 SUNNAT and 2 NAFAL are read. The Namaaz read before 12 a.m. is known as ISHA in which 4 SUNNAT, 4 FARZ, 2 SUNNAT, 2 NAFAL, 3 WAJIB and 2 NAFAL are read. 1 Zakaat—2 % of your income is Donated to poor People. 2 Roza—known as SAUM. The elaboration of Roza is to restrain from all kinds of bad and sinful activities, eating, and drinking. Hajj—The greater Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca, which takes place in the last month of the year and which all Muslims are expected to make at least once during their lifetime if they can afford to do so. MONTHS OF ISLAM:MOHARRAM SAFAR RABI—UL—AWWAL RABI—UL—SANI JAMADI AWWAL JAMADI—US—SANI RAJAB SHABAN RAMZAN SHAWWAL ZIL—QADA ZIL—HAJJ There are only 29 to 30 days in a months of Islam 11 to 12 days decreases every year. Islamic Calendar depends on LUNAR MOON CYCLE. Designed by HAZRAT USMAN in 638A.D. HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SALLALLAHU ALAIHI WASALLAM(S.A.W): Hazrat Muhammad(S.A.W) was Born on 12 Rabi—ul—awwal in 570A.D in MECCA. The day was Monday and the time was of Morning. His father was ABDULLAH who was died 6 months Before his birth. His Mother was AMINA who was died When Hazrat Muhammad was of 6 years. His Foster Mother’s are SUAIBA and HALIMA SADIA. His Tribe was QURAISH. His Family was HASHMI. His QUNIYAT(nickname) was ABUL QUSIM. Hazrat Muhammad was the last Prophet. He was also known as Khatam—ul—Nabiyin. His Grandfather(DADA) was HAZRAT ABDUL MUTTALIB. His Grandmother(DADI) was FATHIMA—BIN—AMIR. His Grandfather(NANA) was WAJAB—BIN—ABD—I— MANAF. His Grandmother(NANI) was BARRAH. UNCLES OF HAZRAT MUHAMMAD: HAZRAT ABU LAHAB was the enemy of Islam and Hazrat Muhammad. HAZRAT ABU TALIB was the helper of Hazrat Muhammad and help him Throughout his Life. HAZRAT ABU HAMZA was known as the Leader of Martyrs(SHAHIDS). He was also known as (Sayyid—ul--Shahida). HAZRAT ABU ABBAS Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Married 11 Wives from which 10 are either divorced or widow only one wife is pure(HAZRAT AAYESHA). Wives of Hazrat Muhammad was Known as: Ajwaz—I—Mutahrat(HOLY WIVES). Umm—ul—Mominin(MOTHER OF BELIEVERS). Hazrat Khadija Razi—Allah—Tala—Anhu(R.A) was the First wife of Hazrat Muhammad. At the time of Marriage She was 40 years old when Hazrat Muhammad was 25 years old. Hazrat Khadija and Hazrat Mariya Qibtiya are the only Two Wives of Hazrat Muhammad Who give Birth to Babies. SONS OF HAZRAT MUHAMMAD: Hazrat Qasim. Abdullah. Hazrat Ibrahim (Birth By Mariya Qibtiya). DAUTHERS OF HAZRAT MUHAMMAD: Hazrat Zainab (R.A) Married To Hazrat Anas Ibn—I— Rabi. Hazrat Ruquiya (R.A) Married To Hazrat Usmaan. Hazrat Umme Kulsum (R.A). Hazrat Fathima (R.A) Married to Hazrat Ali. Hazrat Fathima was the Purest Woman Known as BATOOL. Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Become Prophet in 610 A.D in the age of 40 Years and His Prophethood Period is of 23 years. Ghar—I—Hira was the Cave Present in the An—Noor Mountain of Mecca where He Gain the Prophethood. Islam was declared publicly on MOUNT SAFA which is Present in Mecca. Hazrat Khadija was the First woman who accepts Islam. Hazrat Abu Bakr was the First man who accepts Islam. Hazrat Ali was the First child who accepts Islam. Hazrat Zaid—bin—Harish was the First man slave who accepts Islam. Hazrat Umme Aimen was the First woman slave who accepts Islam. First Person Martyr(SHAHID) was Hazrat Sumaiya(R.A). Her husband(Hazrat Yasir) was Died in the Battle of Uhad and her son(Ammar—bin—Yasir) was died in the Battle of Siffin. 619A.D was known as Aaam—ul—Hazn(Year of Sorrow) because Prophet Muhammad’s first Wife Hazrat Khadija and His uncle Hazrat Abu Talib was died. SOME IMPORTANT TERMS: Sahaba—The people who accepts Islam and see Prophet Muhammad in their life are called Sahaba. Muhajir—The people who migrated from Mecca to Madina with Prophet Muhammad are called Muhajirs. Ansar—The people who helped Muhajirs and sahabas in migration are called Ansar. Tabaeen—The people who see sahaba in their life are called Tabaeen. Tab—I—Tabaeen—The people who see tabaeen in their life are called Tab—I—Tabaeen. Gazwa are the battles in which Prophet Muhammad take Participate. Siraya are the battles in which Sahabas take Participate. QURAN(The Book Of Allah): Revealed on Hazrat Mohammad(S.A.W). Revealed in Makka and Madina. In Quran, There are 33PARA(Chapters),114SURAH(Topic),540 RUQUH(paragraph),6666 AAYT(Sentences) and 14 SAJDA. 7-MANJIL(Destination). First Surah was Aal Alaq. First Complete Surah was FATIHA known as The Mother of Quran. First Aayt was Iqra Bisme. 88 Surah revealed in Makka known as MAKKI SURAH. 28 Surah revealed in Madina known as MADNI SURAH. Last revealed Surah was Surah-Maiyda. Last Surah according to the Sequence was Sarah-Naas. 1 Surah-Ikhlas known as of the Quran. When this Surah read 3 3 times you will get the Punya of the Whole Quran. Surah-Yaseen was the Heart of Quran. Surah-Rahmeen was the Ornament of Quran.