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EE219 Electronic Circuits Exercise - University of Tripoli

University of Tripoli
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Exercise (3)
EE219 Basic Electronic Circuits
Fall 2022
1. For the diode-connected transistor shown:
(i) Find an expression for the small-signal equivalent resistance between terminals
A and B.
(ii) Find the value of this resistance if 𝐼𝐸 = 3.5 π‘šπ΄.
2. For the amplifier circuit shown, the Si BJT is characterized by 𝛽 = 150.
(i) Find the value of 𝑅𝐢 so that 𝑉𝐢𝐸𝑄 = 2 𝑉.
(ii) Sketch and label the small-signal equivalent circuit, and find the voltage gain (π‘£π‘œ ⁄𝑣𝑠 ), the current
gain (π‘–π‘œ ⁄𝑖𝑠 ), and the input resistance (𝑅𝑖𝑛 ).
(iii) If 𝑅𝐢 = 3.3 𝐾Ω, find π‘£π‘œ ⁄𝑣𝑠 .
3. For the circuit shown, if a silicon transistor is used with 𝛽 = 120 and 𝑉𝐡𝐸(𝑂𝑁) = 0.7 𝑉:
(i) Calculate 𝐼𝐡 , 𝐼𝐢 and 𝑉𝐢𝐸 , if 𝑅𝐹1 =
100 𝐾Ω, and 𝑅𝐹2 = 50 𝐾Ω.
(ii) Specify a value for 𝑅𝐹1 and 𝑅𝐹2 so that
𝑉𝐢𝐸 = 6 𝑉 and let 𝑅𝐹1 = 3𝑅𝐹2 .
(iii) Draw the ac equivalent circuit and then
calculate 𝐴𝑣𝑠 = π‘£π‘œ ⁄𝑣𝑠 , 𝐴𝑖𝑠 = π‘–π‘œ ⁄𝑖𝑠 , 𝑅𝑖𝑛 , and
π‘…π‘œ (use the values of part i).
(iv) Find the output signal π‘£π‘œ (𝑑) if the input
signal is 𝑣𝑠 (𝑑) = 5 sin(100πœ‹π‘‘) π‘šπ‘‰.
4. Repeat part (iii) in Q.3 if 𝐢𝐹 is removed. Assume 𝑉𝐴 = 100 𝑉.
5. Consider the amplifier circuit shown below where the BJT is characterized by 𝛽 = 175, 𝑉𝐡𝐸(𝑂𝑁) = 0.7 𝑉,
and assume that 𝑉𝐴 = 100 𝑉.
(i) Find the DC operating point.
(ii) Draw the small-signal equivalent circuit.
(iii) Find π‘£π‘œ ⁄𝑣𝑠 , 𝑅𝑖𝑛 and π‘…π‘œ if the switch
(SW) is connected to position 1.
(iv) Find π‘£π‘œ ⁄𝑣𝑠 , 𝑅𝑖𝑛 and π‘…π‘œ if the switch
(SW) is connected to position 2.
(v) From parts (iii) and (iv), what are the
advantages and disadvantages of connecting
the switch (SW) to position 1 compared to
connecting it to position 2 ?
6. Consider the following amplifier circuit where the BJT is characterized by 𝛽 = 150, 𝑉𝐴 = ∞, and
𝑉𝐡𝐸(𝑂𝑁) = 0.7 𝑉, and Zener diode is modelled by 𝑉𝑍 = 4.7 𝑉, 𝐼𝑍𝐾 = 0.5 π‘šπ΄ and π‘Ÿπ‘ ≅ 0.
(i) What do you think the main reason of using Zener
(ii) What would happen if the resistor 𝑅1 is removed?
(iii) What are the purposes of 𝐢1 and 𝐢𝐡 ?
(iv) Find the operating point.
(v) Determine 𝑅𝑖𝑛 , π‘…π‘œπ‘’π‘‘ , π‘£π‘œ ⁄𝑣𝑠 , and π‘–π‘œ ⁄𝑖𝑠 .
(vi) What is the main disadvantage (weakness) of this
voltage amplifier design?
7. Consider the following amplifier circuit, where the BJT is characterized by 𝛽 = 100, 𝑉𝐴 = ∞
and 𝑉𝐡𝐸 (π‘Žπ‘π‘‘π‘–π‘£π‘’) = 0.7 𝑉.
(i) Determine the DC currents, 𝐼𝐢 , 𝐼𝐸 and 𝐼𝐡 , and the
collector-to-emitter voltage 𝑉𝐢𝐸 .
(ii) Draw and label the small-signal equivalent
circuit for this amplifier and determine the voltage
gain (𝐴𝑣 = π‘£π‘œ ⁄𝑣𝑠 ), the current gain (𝐴𝑖 = π‘–π‘œ ⁄𝑖𝑠 ), the
input resistance 𝑅𝑖𝑛 and the output resistance π‘…π‘œπ‘’π‘‘ .
8. Consider the following amplifier circuit where the BJT is characterized by 𝛽 = 100, 𝑉𝐴 = 50 𝑉, and
𝑉𝐡𝐸(𝑂𝑁) = 0.7 𝑉.
(i) Find the Q-point.
(ii) Calculate π‘£π‘œ1 ⁄𝑣𝑠 and π‘…π‘œ1 .
(iii) Calculate π‘£π‘œ2 ⁄𝑣𝑠 and π‘…π‘œ2 .
(iv) Compare and comment on your results of
parts (ii) and (iii).
9. For the circuit shown, assume 𝛽 = 100, 𝑉𝐡𝐸(𝑂𝑁) = 0.7 𝑉 and 𝑉𝐴 = 100 𝑉.
(i) Find the value of 𝑅1 and 𝑅2 to get the
maximum undistorted output voltage.
Assume that 10(𝑅1 //𝑅2 ) = (1 + 𝛽)𝑅𝐸 .
(ii) Draw the DC and ac load lines.
(iii) Calculate π‘£π‘œ ⁄𝑣𝑠 , 𝑅𝑖𝑛 and π‘…π‘œ .
10. (i) For the circuit shown, derive an expression for the input resistance and the voltage gain as a
function of the h-parameters and the resistors.
(ii) Determine the input resistance and the voltage gain if β„Žπ‘–π‘’ = 2 𝐾Ω,
β„Žπ‘“π‘’ = 200, β„Žπ‘œπ‘’ = 25 µπ΄⁄𝑉, β„Žπ‘Ÿπ‘’ = 2.5 × 10−4 , and 𝑅𝐢 = 𝑅𝐸 = 𝑅𝑆 =
1 𝐾Ω.
Assume that 𝑽𝑻 = πŸπŸ” π’Žπ‘½.
Good luck...