Subscribe to DeepL Pro to translate larger documents. Visit for more information. (�) Biomechanical study on the success factors of the snatch in top female weightlifters in Japan 9 (1) Biomechanical Study on Success Factors of Snatch in Top Female Weightlifters in Japan H. Nagao1 , Y. Kubo1 , T. Huang2 , Y. Morishita1 1National Sports Science Center,2 Sports Okinawa Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the success factors of the snatch in topclass female weightlifters in Japan using biomechanical methods. The results of the analysis showed that the barbell was not raised. The results showed no significant difference in barbell height between the success and failure attempts. On the other hand, the amount of forward displacement, backward displacement, and maximum forward velocity of the barbell were significantly smaller in the success trials than in the failure trials. Success also resulted in significantly less forward displacement of the body's center of gravity after the barbell reached its maximum height than failure. These results suggest that in the case of a potentially raised snatch, the height of the raised barbell is not a factor in the success of the snatch, but the amount of backward and forward displacement of the barbell and the way the body moves under the raised barbell are factors in success. Keywords: weight lifter, motion analysis, barbell trajectory to at least keep the record. The fewer the number of 1. background failed attempts, the more opportunities there are to attempt higher weights in subsequent attempts, and the The weightlifting competition consists of three greater the likelihood of a good record. Therefore, a good snatches and three clean and jerks, and the total of performance in weightlifting requires a maximum lifting the maximum lifting weights of each is used to weight determine the ranking. The weight of each attempt is determined by the athlete's self-assessment according to the record and rank he or she is aiming for, but according to the rules, no attempt may be made with a weight lighter than the weight of the previous attempt. For this reason, many competitors use the strategy of starting with a relatively light weight for the first attempt and gradually increasing the weight in order We believe that improving the success rate is important as well as improving the In general, the snatch has a lower lifting weight than the clean and jerk. It is also said that the snatch requires higher technique1) . The technique of the snatch has been described in many studies as consisting of six events and five phases of the movement (1st pull, transition, 2nd pull, turnover and catch phases) (Figure The first pull phase is similar to deadlift training, in which the barbell is raised to knee height at a relatively low movements4) speed mainly by lower limb .) The transition phase is characterized by a recoil motion by flexion and extension of the knee joint, known as double knee bend5) . At this time, the barbell is displaced to the lifter's rear side and approaches the lifter's body. 10 Biomechanisms 25 start position 1st knee max. ext. 1st pull 1st knee max. flex. transition 2nd knee max. ext. 2nd pull max. barbell height turnover catch position catch Figure 1 Definition of Snatch Phases and Events The 2nd pull phase is the phase in which the greatest force is exerted2,3) 9) Gourgoulis et al. analyzed only successful and . The sagittal trajectory of unsuccessful attempts of the same weight of snatch the barbell in the snatch is known to be S-shaped in in six Greek national team lifters, in which the barbell most cases6,7) . In the subsequent turnover phase, the was dropped forward in the case of failure. barbell is again displaced backward and reaches its Comparison maximum height. At this point, the lifter begins to extremity joint motion revealed that the direction of of barbell trajectory and move the barbell downward. During the catch phase, the composite acceleration vector of the barbell in the barbell is falling and the lifter must complete the the 1st pull phase was closer to vertical in the movement down to get into the catch position. One of successful attempts than in the unsuccessful the conditions for a successful snatch in competition is to attempts, indicating the importance of pulling the stand up and remain stationary with the barbell held barbell straight up in the 1st pull phase. On the above the head after the catch position. Therefore, if the other hand, other variables related to barbell and barbell is not brought to rest once in the catch position lower extremity joint motion did not differ between (vertical velocity of the barbell ≈ 0 m/s), it is not the successful and unsuccessful trials. However, possible to stand up and complete the snatch the small sample size of this previous study points successfully. In addition, a larger maximum raising height out the low generalizability of the results6) lower . The 9) of the barbell would be advantageous because it study by Gourgoulis et al. analyzed only the lower would increase the time for the barbell to travel down extremity joint movements up to the 2nd pull and allow the barbell to come to rest. Based on the phase, above, the two main tasks to be accomplished for a movements to catch the barbell during the turnover successful snatch are to raise the barbell high enough and catch phases. The comparison of the body and to keep the barbell stationary in the catch position center of gravity behavior in addition to the (i.e., catch the barbell). trajectory of the barbell and lower limb joint 8) Stone et al. compared the barbell trajectories of and movements did not during examine the the snatch physical between successful and unsuccessful snatch attempts, but successful and unsuccessful trials will provide were unable to show statistically clear differences new insights into the body movements required to because they were comparing successful and catch the barbell, especially after the turnover unsuccessful attempts at different weights. In phase. addition, snatch failures can occur when the barbell The purpose of this study was to determine the is dropped forward or backward, and it is expected success factors of the snatch in top-class female that the trajectory of the barbell would differ weightlifters depending on the method of failure, but in this methods. The hypotheses of this study were that the success previous study, the trajectory of the barbell was not factors of the snatch were 1) barbell height and 2) anterior- different depending on the method of failure. posterior displacement of the barbell and body. In in Japan using biomechanical Biomechanical Study on Success Factorsofof the Snatch in Top Female Weightlifters in Japan 11 order to(�) compare the success and failure snatch at the same weight for the same athlete, the term "success" of the snatch in this study was defined as 12 Biomechanisms 25 The term "successful snatch" shall mean "a successful snatch with a weight less than or equal to the athlete's maximum lifting weight. method 2. 2.1 subject of analysis This study focused on the women's snatch at the 2016 All Japan Weightlifting Championships. There were 64 female participants (including those who abstained), and 172 snatch attempts, of which 119 (69.2%) were successful and 53 (30.8%) were unsuccessful. Twenty-six (49.1%) of the failed attempts involved the barbell falling forward. Failure to drop the barbell backward accounted for 24 (45.3%) of the failed attempts, and 6 (11.3%) of the failed attempts were due to other reasons such as press-out (an illegal movement in which the elbow joint is not fully extended when the barbell is held above the head) or aborting the exercise in mid-performance. On the other hand, 66 (66.7%) of the 99 failed snatch attempts by male athletes involved a forward fall of the barbell, and 27 (27.3%) involved a backward fall of the barbell. In addition, the Failures due to other reasons accounted for 6 trials (6.1%). The top-class female athletes in Japan were more likely than the male athletes to fail in Given the large percentage of backward-falling barbell failures and the fact that there have been no previous reports analyzing the causes of backwardfalling barbell failures in Snatch failures, it would be beneficial to gain knowledge on how to reduce the number of backward-falling barbell failures. Therefore, in this study, we decided to examine the success factors of the snatch by comparing the failure to drop the barbell backward to the success in the case of failure. The 11 athletes who had both successful and unsuccessful attempts at the same weight, and who dropped the barbell backward in the case of failure, were analyzed in terms of age, weight, and Table 1 shows the weight of the athletes in the 48 kg, 53 kg, 58 kg, 63 kg, and 69 kg weight classes. The weight classes analyzed were: 2 athletes in the 48 kg class, 3 in the 53 kg class, 3 in the 58 kg class, 1 in the 63 kg class, and 2 in the 69 kg class. Study on Success Factors of Snatch Female Weightlifters in Japan 13 Table 1:(�) Age,Biomechanical weight, and lifting weight of snatches of athletes in in Top axis during the 3-day measurement the analysis period. The obtained coordinate values were smoothed using a Mean S.D. Max. Min. Butterworth type fourth-order low-pass digital filter Age [yr.]. 20.82 1.89 24 18 with a cutoff frequency of 6 Hz and no phase shift Body mass [kg]. 56.13 6.44 66.80 47.66 Snatch [kg]. 71.82 8.82 85.0 61.0 based on previous studies10,11) . The left and right midpoints of the limb and barbell position coordinates were calculated, and the snatch movement was regarded 2.2 data collection Two digital video cameras (SONY, HDR-CX700V) were used to record the snatch movements. The frame rate was 60 fps and the exposure time was 1/250 sec. The two cameras were positioned at approximately 45°to the left and right of each other,atadistance of approximately 20 m, with 0 directly in front of the platform on which the test was performed. For calibration to the real-space coordinate system, the cameras were positioned within 1.0 m from the center of the platform (front-back), 1.5 m (left-right), and 2.0 m (height). The control points of 72 points were recorded at the end of the competition. Permission was obtained from the Japan Weightlifting Association to record the video footage of the competition and to use it for research purposes. The study was approved by the Ethics Review Committee of the National Center for Sports Sciences. 2.3 data processing From the obtained video data, the 3D DLT (direct linear transformation) method was used to obtain the 3D real-space position coordinates of the body end points, the anatomical osteophyte points (parietal, right and left auricular, sternum superior margin, right and left acromion, right and left elbow joint, right and left wrist joint, right and left third distal metacarpal, right and left greater trochanter, right and left knee joint, left and right ankle joint, left and right foot joint, right and left third distal metatarsal, left and right foot tip), and the two end points of the barbell. (distal ends of the left and right metatarsals, left and right toes) and the threedimensional real-space position coordinates of both end points of the barbell were obtained. The standard error of calibration was 3 to 4 mm for each as a two-dimensional movement in the sagittal plane. 14 Biomechanisms 25 Table 2 Definitions of kinematic and kinetic variables for barbell symbol unit definition Vertical direction variable Hip angle Knee angle Ankle angle Figure 2 Joint angle forward→ definition Dy1 [m] Start position to maximum height Dy2 [m] Start position to the catch position Dy3 [m] Maximum height to the catch position pVy+_1st [m/s] Maximum vertical linear velocity in the 1st pull phase pVy+_2nd [m/s] Maximum vertical linear velocity in the 2nd pull phase pVy- [m/s] Minimum vertical linear velocity in the catch phase DxL Dx2 pFy_1st [N] Maximum vertical linear force in the 1st pull phase pFy_2nd [N] Maximum vertical linear force in the 2nd pull phase pPy_1st [W] Maximum vertical linear power in the 1st pull phase pPy_2nd [W] Maximum vertical linear power in the 2nd pull phase Dy3 D Dx3 E Dy2 Dy1 C B Dx1 A Y E:catch position D: max. barbell height C:2nd knee max. ext. B:1st knee max. flex. a O O: start position n Forward → u Figure 3nSchematic of barbell trajectory for snatch and variables k related to n displacement o w n The results of the analysis were analyzed as follows. 2.4 analysis Height of peak vertical force position normalized by maximum height Horizontal direction variable pFy% height [%] Dx1 [m] Start position to most backward position before the turnover phase Dx2 [m] Start position to the catch position Dx3 [m] Most backward position in the 2nd pull phase to the most forward position DxL [m] Most forward position in the 2nd pull phase to the catch position pVx+ [m/s] Maximum horizontal linear velocity in the forward direction pVx- [m/s] Maximum horizontal linear velocity in the backward direction Inertia coefficients were used. The angles of the hip pFx+ [N] joint, knee joint, ankle joint, trunk, and upper limb were Maximum horizontal linear force in the forward direction pFx- [N] Maximum horizontal linear force in the backward direction In order to examine the body motion during the snatch , the coordinates of thecenter of mass (COM) of the athlete's body were obtained. calculated (Figure 2). The trunk angle was defined as the angle between the midpoints of the shoulders and the midpoints of the greater trochanters and the horizontal line, and was 0° when the body was bent forward and level with the ground, and The upper limb angle was 90°.The upper limb angle was calculated by dividing the line segment of the torso by the midpoints of the shoulders and then dividing the upper limb by the midpoint of the shoulders. The angle between the wrist and the midpoint of both Six events and five phases in the snatch based on wrists was defined as the angle formed by the line knee joint angle and barbell displacement segments of the wrist and the midpoint of both wrists. Defined based on previous studies1-3) (Figure 1). The Biomechanical Study as on Success Female Weightlifters in Japan as 15 the point at which the starting(�) position was defined a barbellFactors heightofofSnatch at in Top The catch position was defined least 0.225 m (barbell radius) and a barbell vertical vertical velocity was closest to 0 m/s after the barbell velocity of at least 0.1 m/s reached its maximum height. Based on the definitions shown in Figure 3 and Table 2, the kinematic and kinetic variables of the barbell were calculated for the successful and unsuccessful trials. In addition, the barbell kinematic and kinetic variables were calculated for the success and failure trials. 16 Biomechanisms 25 Table 3 Definition of kinematic variables in COM symbol unit COM_DxB definition Vertical direction variable COM_Dy3 [m] Maximum height to the catch position COM_pVy+ [m/s] Maximum upword velocity COM_pVy- [m/s] Maximum downword velocity Horizontal direction variable COM_% TDx+ [%] c Relative height of COM to the height of the barbell that normalized by maximum height at start of moving drop COM_Dy3 [%] Relative height of COM to the height of the barbell that normalized by maximum height at start of moving forward COM_Dx2 [m] Start position to the catch position COM_DxB [m] COM_DxF [m] Start position to most backward position in the turnover phase Most backward position in turn- over phase to the catch position B A D E COM_Dy1 COM_% TDy- E: catch position D: max. barbell height C: O 2nd knee max. ext. COM_Dx2 B:1st knee max. flex. Y COM_DxF A: 1st knee max. ext. O: start position Forward → Figure 4 Schematic of COM trajectory during snatch and variables an unknown related to displacement A paired t-test was used to examine differences. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to test the normality of each variable. The significance level was set at a risk rate of less than 5%. The effect size was used as an indicator of the magnitude of the difference in means. COM_pVx+ [m/s] COM_pVx- [m/s] Maximum forward linear veloci- ty after most backward position Cohenʼs d was calculated. The evaluation criteria for the Maximum backward linear velocity after most backward position and 0 . 8-: The vertical and longitudinal components of the force acting on the barbell were calculated from the acceleration and mass of the barbell and the acceleration of gravity, based on the method of Ikeda 3) et al. . The power acting on the barbell was calculated for each axis component as the product of the force acting on the barbell and the velocity. Based on the definitions shown in Table 3 and Figure 4, the kinematic variables of COM were calculated for each of the successful and unsuccessful trials. To examine the amount of backward displacement of the body, the negative displacement of the X-axis component of the toe between the start and catch positions (backward displacement) was calculated. For the joint angle variables, the maximum angular velocity of the ankle, knee, and hip joint extension after the start of the 2nd pull phase was calculated. effect size were 0.0-0.2: trivial,0.2-0.5: small,0.5-0.8: medium, 3. large13) . result 2.5 Statistical Analysis of the mean value of each variable between successful and unsuccessful trials. (�) Biomechanical Study on Success Factors of Snatch in Top Female Weightlifters in Japan 17 F i g u r e 5 shows the barbell trajectories of the snatches in the successful and unsuccessful attempts, with the one with the highest lifted weight for each weight class as a representative example. The results for all 11 athletes are shown below. 3.1 Barbell Variables Table 4 shows the results of comparing the barbell kinematic and kinetic variables between the successful and unsuccessful snatch attempts. the amount of forward displacement of the barbell (Dx3) after the start of the 2nd pull phase was significantly smaller in the successful attempt than in the unsuccessful attempt (success: 0.05±) 0.02 m, failure: 0.07±0.02 m, p<0.01, d>0.20). The X-axis component of displacement between the most forward position of the barbell and the catch position during the 2nd pull phase (DxL) was significantly smaller for successful trials than for unsuccessful trials (success: 0.13±0.03 m, failure: 0.15±0.04 m, p<0.01, d>0.50). The maximum forward velocity of the barbell (pVx 18 Biomechanisms 25 weight category 48 kg weight category 48 kg weight category 53 kg weight category 53 kg 1.2 successful 1.0 unsuccessful 0.8 catch position max. 0.6 barbell height 2nd 0.4 knee max. flex. 1st knee max. ext. 1st knee max. ext. start position vertical displacement [ m ]. 0.2 Forward → 0.0 -0.2 0.0 0.2 -0.2 0.0 0.2 -0.2 0.0 0.2 -0.2 0.0 0.2 -0.2 0.0 0.2 horizontal displacement [ m ]. weight category 58 kg weight category 58 kg weight category 58 kg weight category 63 kg weight category 69 kg weight category 69 kg -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.2 horizontal displacement [ m ]. Figure 5 Comparison of barbell trajectories for successful and unsuccessful snatch attempts (representative example) (+) was significantly smaller for the successful trials than for the unsuccessful ones (success: 0.49 ± 0.11 m/s, failure: 0.54 ± 0.13 m/s, p<0.01, d>0.20). The maximum backward force (pFx-) exerted on the barbell was significantly greater on successful trials than on unsuccessful trials (success: -463± 83 N, failure: -482± 83 N, p<0.05, d>0.2 0 ) The results of the analysis were similar for the other variables related to the barbell. There were no significant differences between the successful and unsuccessful attempts for the other barbell variables. 3.2 COM and toe parameters Table 5 shows the results of the comparison of the kinematic variables of COM between the successful and unsuccessful snatch trials. The value of COM_% TDx+, which indicates the starting point of COM's forward displacement relative to the barbell's raising height, was significantly greater in the successful attempt than in the unsuccessful attempt (success: 94.02± (�) Biomechanical Study on Success Factors of Snatch in Top Female Weightlifters in Japan 19 3.25%, Failure: 92.34±3.02%, p<0.05,d>0.50). The X- axis component of the displacement between the start and catch positions of the COM (COM_Dx2) was significantly larger for the successful trials than for the unsuccessful ones (success: 0.05±0.04 m, failure: 0.00±0.06 m, p<0.01, d>0.50). The X-axis component of the displacement of the COM from the rearmost position to the catch position during the turnover phase (COM_DxF) was significantly smaller for the successful trials than for the unsuccessful ones (0.07±0.02 m for success, 0.10±0.03 m for failure, p<0.001, d>0.80). pVx+) was significantly different between the success and failure trials, with the success trials showing significantly smaller values than the failure trials (success: 0.34±0.06 m/s, failure: 0.44±0.08 m/s, p<0.001, d>0.80). The other variables related to COM included the time between successful and unsuccessful attempts 20 Biomechanisms 25 Table 4 Comparison of variables related to barbell between successful and unsuccessful attempts Table 5 Comparison of variables related to COM between success and f a i l u r e t r i a l s n=11 unit successful unsuccessful Dy1 [m] 1.21±0.06 1.21±0.06 n=11 unit Dy2 [m] 1.05±0.05 1.04±0.05 COM_Dy1 Dy3 [m] 0.17±0.02 0.17±0.03 COM_Dy3 pVy+_1st [m/s] 1.28±0.11 1.27±0.11 COM_pVy+ † pVy+_2nd [m/s] 1.93±0.13 1.91±0.12 COM_pVy- † [m/s] -1.92±0.14 -1.90±0.15 [m/s] -1.92±0.14 -1.90±0.15 COM_% TDy- unsuccessful 79.49±1.24 79.50±1.18 [m] 0.45±0.03 0.43±0.03 [m] 0.33±0.02 0.33±0.02 [m/s] 1.19±0.07 1.17±0.07 pVy- [m/s] -0.87±0.10 -0.87±0.11 pFy_1st [N] 956±120 946±100 COM_Dx2 **††† [m] 0 . 05±0.04 0 . 00±0.06 pFy_2nd [N] 1092±129 1082±130 COM_DxB † [m] 0.12±0.03 0.10±0.03 [m] 0 . 12±0.03 0 . 10±0.03 pPy_1st [W] 1216±192 1198±164 pPy_2nd [W] 1843±250 1826±264 pFy% height [%] 62.3±3.2 62.9±2.3 Dx1 † [m]. 0.05±0.02 0.06±0.02 Dx2 † [m]. 0.13±0.05 0.14±0.06 Dx3 **† [m]. 0.05±0.02 0.07±0.02 COM_% TDx+ † successful [%] COM_DxF *****†††† [m] 0 . 07±0.02 0 . 10±0.03 COM_pVx+ ∗∗††† [m/s] 0.34±0.06 0 . 44±0.08 COM_pVx05 *: p<0. [m/s] -0.89±0.08 -0.88±0.09 †: d>0.20 mean±S. D. 01 001 **: p<0. ****: p<0. DxL **†† [m]. *††† [%] 94.02±3.25 92.34±3.02 ††: d>0.50 †††: d>0.80 0.13±0.03 0.15±0.04 m/s]. 0.49±0.11 0.54±0.13 pVx- [m/s] -0.46±0.08 -0.46±0.09 The analysis was conducted on 11 women's pFx+ [N] 598±105 612±88 snatches at the Women's World Championships in *† [N]. -463±83 -482±82 Tokyo, Japan, who had successful and unsuccessful pVx+ pFx- **† [ attempts at the same weight and who dropped the barbell backward in the unsuccessful attempts. Analysis vs. 05 †: d>0.20 *: p<0. mean±S. D. 01 success factors of the snatch in top-class female ††: d>0.50 **: p<0. The purpose of this study was to determine the weightlifters in Japan. 2016 All Japan Championships Large No significant difference was found in the The amount of backward toe displacement was 0.10±0.06 m for the successful trials and 0.08±0.05 m for the unsuccessful trials, with no significant differences between the successful and unsuccessful trials. 3.3 Joint Variables The maximum angular velocity of extension of the lower extremity joints after the start of the 2nd pull phase was compared between the successful and unsuccessful snatch trials. joint(success:346.4±49.0°/s, failure: 347.2±49.1°/s). 4. consideration (�) Biomechanical Study on Success Factors of Snatch in Top Female Weightlifters in Japan 21 The results of the analysis of the barbell trajectories and body movements of the elephant athletes showed that, among the hypothesized factors of success in the snatch in this study, 1) there was no statistical difference in the relevant variables (variables related to the Y-axis direction of the barbell) between the success and failure trials with regard to the barbell raising height, but 2) the displacement of the barbell and body in the front-back direction However, for 2) barbell and body displacement in the anteroposterior direction, the related variables ( Statistical differences were found between the successful and unsuccessful trials for the variables related to the Y-axis direction in the COM for the barbell and lifter. 4.1 About the Raising Height of the Barbell Dy1 was statistically equivalent between successful and unsuccessful attempts (Table 4). This suggests that the barbell was raised high enough in the failure trials. The variables related to velocity, force, and power of the Y-axis component of the barbell, which may affect Dy1, were not significantly different between the successful and unsuccessful attempts (Table 4 ). Previous studies that analyzed only successful snatches indicated that the vertical velocity and power of the barbell in the 2nd pull phase were important for a successful snatch14) . However, in the present study, which compared successful and unsuccessful snatches, the variables related to these variables were not significantly different between successful and unsuccessful attempts. 22 Biomechanisms 25 The results suggest that the barbell height is not a trials. In previous studies, it has been shown that reducing factor that directly affects the success or failure of the the amount of back-and-forth displacement of the barbell in Snatch. These results suggest that barbell height is the snatch is efficient because it reduces the mechanical not a factor in the success of the snatch. This result work, and that the amount of back-and-forth does not support one of the hypotheses of this study, displacement of the barbell after the start of the 2nd pull that the barbell height is a factor in the success of the phase in the snatch. Previous studies have pointed out the need to sneeze under the barbell with a time allowance during the turnover phase to the catch Kangwei et al. 16) calculated the phase7,8,15) . barbell height required for a successful snatch in top-class Asian male weightlifters based on their attempts during competition. The values varied by weight class, but the results were similar in competition. Although the values varied by weight class, it was shown that a snatch with a weight close to the maximum lifting weight handled in competitions required the barbell to be raised to a height of about 70-77% of the height of the athlete. However, that study showed the barbell height in successful snatch attempts only, and did not compare it to the barbell height in unsuccessful attempts. Therefore, the barbell height for the snatch in the previous study may not be the same as the barbell height required to perform the snatch successfully. Although the height of the athletes analyzed in this study is unknown, Dy1 was statistically equivalent between successful and unsuccessful attempts within the same athlete, suggesting that the barbell height in the snatch reached the minimum height required for success, even in unsuccessful attempts, among top-class female lifters in Japan. 4.2 Displacement of the barbell and body in the front-back direction Dx3 and pVx+ were significantly smaller in the successful trials than in the unsuccessful trials. DxL and pFx- were also significantly smaller in the success trials than in the failure trials (Table 4). This indicates that the amount of displacement of the barbell from the beginning of the 2nd pull phase in the successful trials was smaller than in the unsuccessful (�) Biomechanical Study on Success Factors of Snatch in Top Female Weightlifters in Japan 23 cases, the barbell was observed It has been stated that it is the preferred technique to "hit" and in other . Although the present study did cases, it was observed to "rub up" against the not examine whether the mechanical efficiency of barbell. The backward displacement of the barbell different amounts of barbell displacement affected indicated by DxL is observed from the turnover the success or failure of the snatch, it is likely that phase (Figure 5). The forward displacement of the the amount of barbell displacement affected the COM is also observed from the turnover phase positional relationship between the lifter and (Figure 4). The turnover phase in the snatch is often barbell in the catch position and influenced the referred to as the backswing phase. of raising the barbell17) success or failure of the snatch. Stone et al. compared the trajectory of the 8) snatch 8) compared the trajectory of the barbell between the success and failure trials, but no statistical differences were revealed. This may be because they did not categorize the way the Snatch failed, although the sample size was large. However, based on the trend of the trajectory of the barbell in the successful trials, we proposed the hypothesis that the amount of backand-forth displacement of the barbell affects the success or failure of the snatch. The results of this study support this hypothesis. The amount of forward and backward displacement of the barbell is determined by the product of the forward and backward forces acting on the barbell. In the athlete-level snatch, it is noted that during the 2nd pull phase, when the greatest force is exerted, the barbell contacts the base of the hip joint as the lower extremity joints are extended, and the barbell gains a large forward force4) . Maximum angular velocity of hip joint extension and maximum forward force exerted on the barbell ( The (pFx+) was equivalent between the successful and unsuccessful trials, but it is presumed that the way the barbell made contact with the body affected the forward force product of the barbell and the amount of forward displacement. In weightlifting instruction in Japan, there is a teaching language in which the barbell is placed against the pubic bone during the 2nd pull phase in order to pull the barbell backward3) . 3) When observing the snatches analyzed, it was observed that the barbell actually made contact near the base of the hip joint in all of the trials. However, in some 24 Biomechanisms 25 with taping. Therefore, during the turnover in the catch position from the absolute coordinate phase, the lifter's body is in the air, and there is a system Dx2 and Dy2 were equivalent between the period of time when no significant external force successful and unsuccessful trials, suggesting that the other than gravity acts on the body-barbell system. position of the barbell in the catch position was the In order to backstep, the lifter applies a force same between the successful and unsuccessful trials. toward the front of the ground, which causes a However, between the turnover phase and the catch backward force to act on the system. Since the phase, the barbell was pulled backward significantly, force product of the backward ground reaction and the front part of the body was moved forward as a force until just before the release determines the result. 8,18) backward momentum of the system during the dwell period, it can be inferred that the difference in the amount of backward displacement of the barbell between the success and failure trials is due to the way the force is applied to the ground just before the release by the backstep, i.e., during the 2nd pull phase. In this study, the variables related to the Y-axis component of COM and the amount of backward displacement (COM_ DxB) were equivalent between the success and failure trials, but COM_DxF and COM_pVx+ were significantly smaller for the success trials than for the failure trials. In addition, COM_% TDx + was significantly greater in the success trials than in the failure trials (Table 5). These results indicate that the vertical movement of the body under the barbell to catch the barbell was equivalent between the successful and unsuccessful trials, but the time point for the unsuccessful trial was earlier than that for the successful trial. (The body initiated the forward movement when the barbell was in the low position, and the body moved forward significantly faster. In addition, DxL and pFx- were greater in the failed attempts than in the successful attempts. During the dwell period of the turnover phase, the front-back acceleration of the barbell and COM showed a bimodal pattern, with the barbell and COM accelerating backward and forward, respectively (Figure 6). This suggests that during the turnover phase, in order to exert a force to displace the barbell backward, the body was subjected to a reactionary forward displacement force. Dx2 and Dy2 were similar between the successful and unsuccessful attempts, suggesting that the barbell (�) Biomechanical Study on Success Factors of Snatch in Top Female Weightlifters in Japan 25 The increased forward displacement of the barbell in the catch position increased the distance between the barbell and the body in the sagittal plane, which may have caused the barbell to fall backward. These results suggest that the amount of forward displacement of the barbell from the 2nd pull phase to the turnover phase and the amount of backward displacement of the barbell and forward displacement of the body from the turnover phase to the catch phase are factors that affect the success or failure of the snatch. 4.3 Challenges and Limitations Because this study compared success and failure of snatches with the same weight in the same athlete, the results of this study are not considered to provide insight into the success of snatches that exceed the athlete's maximum lifting weight. In addition, the results presented in this study were only analyzed when the barbell was dropped backward. In addition to backward-falling barbell failures, forward-falling barbell failures are also common in the snatch. If excessive emphasis is placed on movements to keep the barbell from falling backward in the snatch, the amount of backward displacement of the barbell or the amount of forward displacement of the body may be insufficient, leading to a failure in which the barbell falls forward. Therefore, it is expected that a similar analysis of the failure to drop the barbell forward will provide more insight into the factors that contribute to the success of the snatch. 5. summary The purpose of this study was to use biomechanical methods to determine the success factors of the snatch in top-class female weightlifters in Japan. The snatches of 11 athletes who dropped the barbell backward in failure were included in the analysis. Kinematic and kinematic variables of the barbell in the sagittal plane, kinematic variables of the COM, and lower limb joint motion were analyzed between success and failure attempts. 26 Biomechanisms 25 Displacement [ mm ]. a 15 c d e Toe_Y 10 5 0 10 Barbell_X 0 [ m/s ]2 Acceleration b -10 COM_X 0 [ m/s ]2 Acceleration 10 -10 0.0 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 1.2 Time [ s ]. 1.0 Figure 6 Typical examples of toe height, barbell and COM acceleration of the anterior-posterior component of a failed attempt. a, b, c, d and e indicate the 1st pull, transition, 2nd pull, turnover and catch phases, respectively. The △ in the stick picture indicates the toe position at the start of raising the barbell. The results of the comparison of the snatches with with the cooperation of the Japan Weightlifting weights below the athlete's maximum lifting weight Association and those involved in the operation of the suggested the following factors for the success of the competitions. snatches with weights below the athlete's maximum lifting weight. (l) Variables related to vertical displacement of the barbell, maximum velocity, force and power are not success factors for the snatch. (2) The amount of backward displacement of the barbell from the 2nd pull phase to the catch phase and the behavior of the body's forward displacement from the turnover phase to the catch phase are two of the success factors of the snatch. thanks The recording of lifting movements at the competition venue for this study was made possible (�) Biomechanical Study on Success Factors of Snatch in Top Female Weightlifters in Japan 27 The implementation of the project has been successful. 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(�) Biomechanical Study on Success Factors of Snatch in Top Female Weightlifters in Japan 29 Biomechanical Comparison of Successful and Unsuccessful Snatches in Japanese Top-class Female Weightlifters Hideyuki NAGAO1 , Yasuyuki KUBO1 , Zhong HUANG2 , Yoshitaka MORISHITA 11 Japan Institute of Sport Sciences,2 Sports Okinawa Abstract The purpose of this study was to clarify the success factors of snatches in elite Japanese female weightlifters from the viewpoint of biomechanics. The data in this study included successful and unsuccessful (due to a backward barbell drop) snatch lifts achieved using the same weights by the same lifter. The data in this study included successful and unsuccessful (due to a backward barbell drop) snatch lifts achieved using the same weights by the same lifter. The results revealed significant differences in the barbell backward and forward displacement and forward peak velocity, which were significantly The results revealed significant differences in the barbell backward and forward displacement and forward peak velocity, which were significantly smaller in a successful snatch lift than in an unsuccessful lift (p<0. 01). The COM forward displacement and forward peak velocity in a successful snatch lift were significantly smaller than in an unsuccessful lift (p<0. 01). Furthermore, there was no significant difference in the maximum barbell height between successful and unsuccessful lifts. Based on these findings, we concluded that maximum barbell height is not a success factor for snatches in elite female Japanese weightlifters. Decreased barbell forward and backward displacement in the second pull phase to catch each phase and decreased COM forward displacement during drop under the barbell increase the probability of success without a backward displacement. Decreased barbell forward and backward displacement in the second pull phase to catch each phase and decreased COM forward displacement during drop under the barbell increase the probability of success without a backward barbell drop in the snatch motion. Key Words:Weightlifter, Motion analysis, Barbell trajectory